Pennsylvania 6-5000


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1976 Plurale
1979 Del mio meglio N. 5

Testo Della Canzone

Pennsylvania 6-5000 di Mina

di: (SigmanJerry Gray)

* Adriano Celentano1973 Nostal rock

Numbers I’ve got by the dozen
everyone’s uncle and cousin.
But I can’t live without buzzin’,
Pennsylvania six, five thousand.
I’ve got a sweety I know there,
someone who sets me a-glow there,
Gives me the sweetest “hello there”,
Pennsylvania six, five thousand.
We don’t say “how are you”
and very seldom ask “what’s new?”
Instead we start and end each call
with “baby confidentially I love you”
Maybe it sounds a bit funny
when I’m away from my honey.
Here’s what I do with my money
Pennsylvania six, five thousand!

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