È contenuto nei seguenti album:
Testo Della Canzone
Sight for sore eyes di Aerosmith
Goin’ downtown, goin’ down, goin’ down
‘neath the city, eatin’ ground round underground is pretty gritty I turned the screw she held the light that’s when I knew she was a sight for sore eyes she was a sight for sore eyes playin’ no fair, sleepin’ under stairs downtown’s a pity, takin’ fair square under where it’s pretty gritty I turned the screw she held the knife oh holy Jesus, she’s a sight for sore eyes sight for sore eyes (she’s a nitty gritty) turnin’ in style, walk a mile for your titty naked foul while under there under where it’s pretty gritty hey, don’t you know people she’s a love lust hussy she left, oh, she rust me dear old girl she was a sight for sore eyes but she was sittin’ pretty a sight for sore eyes she was a nitty gritty sight for sore eyes peeled back and parted even at the start it was delight or demise I feel like a leopard king sight for sore eyes she was a sight for sore eyes
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E9 Goin' downtown, goin' down, goin' down 'Neath the city, eatin' ground round Underground is pretty gritty C7 B7 I turned the screw she held the light C7 D7 D#7 That's when I knew she was a E9 Sight for sore eyes She was a sight for sore eyes E9 Playin' no fair, sleepin' under stairs Downtown's a pitty, takin' fair square B7 Under where it's pretty gritty C7 B7 I turned the screw, she held the knife C7 D7 D#7 E9 Oh, holy Jesus, she's a sight for sore eyes Sight for sore eyes She's a nitty gritty E9 Turnin' in style, walk a mile for your titty Naked foul while under there E Where it's pretty gritty Hey, don't you know people She's a love lust hussy She left, oh she rust me Dear old girl E9 She was a sight for sore eyes But she was sittin' pretty A sight for sore eyes She was a nitty gritty Sight for sore eyes Peeled back and parted E9 Even at the start it was delight or demise I feel like a leopard king Sight for sore eyes D#7 E9 She was a sight for sore eyes |