Something-Craig David


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Something-Craig David di Craig David

Umm taking Umm taking over
Umm taking Umm taking over
Umm taking Umm taking over
Umm taking Umm taking over
Something’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling (taking over)
Somthing’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling (taking over)
Something’s taking over
Something’s taking over
Something’s taking over
Something’s taking over
Something’s taking over
Something’s taking over
(Taking over)
Something’s taking over
(Taking over)
Umm oh yeah Umm taking
Umm oh yeah Umm taking over
Umm taking Umm taking over
Umm taking Umm taking over
Something’s taking over
Something’s taking over
Something’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling
Something’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling
Taking Umm taking over
Taking Umm taking over
Taking yeah
who can stop this feeling
Taking yeah
who can stop this feeling
Something’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling
Something’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling
Something’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling
Something’s taking over but hell its real
That can stop this feeling

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