È contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1972 Talking book
- 1982 Stevie Wonder’s original musiquarium
- 1995 Natural wonder
- 1996 Song review: a greatest hits collection
- 2000 Talking book
- 2002 The definitive collection
- 2007 Rare broadcasts
Testo Della Canzone
Superstition di Stevie Wonder
Very superstitious, writings on the wall,
Very superstitious, ladders ‘bout to fall Thirteen month old baby, breaks the looking glass Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past. When you believe in things that you don’t understand, Very superstitious, wash your face and hands When you believe in things that you don’t understand Very superstitious, I got nothing more to say When you believe in things that you don’t understand
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