The laughing apple


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1967 New masters

Testo Della Canzone

The laughing apple di Cat Stevens

Slowly let me tell you a story of a tree
an apple tree,

Once in a summertime garden lived a little apple tree
and the man who owned it wanted it to be picked
so he sent forth to hire me

Well, I’ve travelled the mountains, and I’ve travelled the sea
but a never in my travelling days
have I ever seen a little apple smile at me!

Laugh, oh laugh a little apple
Autumn is waitin’, you’d better be careful,
For it will bring you down
if it ever sees you wearing a frown

so laugh, laugh a little apple

Well all the apples were hidin’
Frightened that they might be plucked
and everytime that somebody passed
all except that one little apple ducked

Well, I’ve travelled the mountains, and i’ve travelled the sea
but a never in my travelling days
have I ever seen a little apple smile at me!

Laugh, oh laugh a little apple
Autumn is waitin’, you’d better be careful,
For it will bring you down
if it ever sees you wearing a frown

so laugh, laugh a little apple

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