The man that got away


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1967 Dedicato a mio padre
1969 Mina for You

Testo Della Canzone

The man that got away di Mina

di: (George GershwinHarold Arlen)

Cher1973 Bittersweet: the love songs collection

The night is bitter,
the stars have lost their glitter.
The winds grow colder
and suddenly you’re older,
and all because
of the man that got away.
No more his eager call,
the writing’s on the wall
the dreams you dreamed have all
gone astray.
The man that won you
has run off and undone you.
That great beginning
has seen the final inning.
Don’t know what happened,
it’s all a crazy game!
No more that old time thrill
for you’ve been through the mill,
and never a new love
will be the same.

Don’t know what happened,
it’s all a crazy game!
No more that old time thrill
for you’ve been through the mill,
and never a new love
will be the same.

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