The way it was


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1976 Children of the world

Testo Della Canzone

The way it was di Bee Gees

I don’t know how,
but nights get lonely now,
they keep appearing in my eyes,
such a warm and tender glow,
for just one moment
I remember all.

The love we had was never all that bad,
there were smiles and there were tears,
on that special starry night,
with your arms around me,
held on tight.

Wasn’t that the way it was,
two strangers reaching for
a worthless cause?
Wasn’t that the love we shared
or just the restless years
when no-one cared?

I don’t know why
it’s hard to say goodbye
or even justify the end.
You meant so very much to me,
then to let you go,
start my life again.

The love we had was never all that bad,
there were smiles and there were tears,
till that special summer day
when I reached out for you,
you just walked away.

Wasn’t that the way it was,
two strangers reaching for
a worthless cause?
Wasn’t that the love we shared
or just the restless years
when no-one cared?Ah

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