Think of me as your soldier


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1972 Where I’m coming from

Testo Della Canzone

Think of me as your soldier di Stevie Wonder

Think of me as your soldier
The man whose life is for you
And the sweet love
That’s greater than time has known

Think of me as your soldier
Through worlds of hate I’m for you
Tho’ the darkness hits me ever hard
I’ll stand long

And we’ll be lovers seeing love by heaven’s light
Lovers dreaming dreams each blessed by night
I will find the promised paradise
With you there I’ll spend my life

In our hearts there are no others
We are bound as two lovers
To give the great eternal love

And we’ll be lovers seeing love by heaven’s light
Lovers dreaming dreams each blessed by night
I will find the promised paradise
With you there I’ll spend my life
I’ll spend my life

Think of me, girl, as your soldier
Through worlds of pain I’m for you
To give an endless love
To give an endless love
To give an endless love
To you….

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