

È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1989 Sleeping with the past

Testo Della Canzone

Whispers di Elton John

Look at me twice with wildcat eyes
Promise me everything except a blue night
Shudder like ice in cut crystal glass
Melt in embraces of crazy eyed past
And whisper, whisper, whispering whispers

Tantamount to a lie with lingering breath
Walking fingers run, hungry scratches left
Dull chimes ringing like an empty voice
A distant smile framed, her lips are soft and moist
With whispers, whispers, whispering whispers

And whisper in a rhythm your lies
Keep comfort for others
Hurt me with the night
Whisper like cold winds close to the bone
Save heaven for lovers, leave me alone
With your whispers, whispers, whispering whispers
With whispers, whispers, whispering whispers

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