A thousand shades of harmony

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Testo Della Canzone

A thousand shades of harmony di Gen Verde

Oh where will my path lead me
for I long to find a world
where all will live together
like the notes of this song
that fly as free
as the wind o’er the sea
but when blended together
they form an only song

Oh when we played together
our flute and harp were one
silver spirals gleaming
on a turning wheel
But when the song is over
our paths go different ways
and the notes of our melody
are lost on the wind

It’s a time I must be leaving
let me leave my harp
Heaven knows where
this road will lead me
but I must travel on
Yes, I’ll travel on till I find
the place where we
were all meant to be,
where time will never more destroy
the ancient beauty of our harmony

Yes I’m sure that somewhere I’ll find
that world where we’ll all be one
where no depths can ever divide us
all we have we’ll share
Like living notes our lives will blend
to form together an only song,
the song of a world where we’ll all be
a thousand shades of a new harmony

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