Adore – Chris Tomlin Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Adore – Chris Tomlin

You stepped down from heaven
Humbly you came
God of all creation
Here with us
In a starlit manger
Light of the world
Here to save

Come let us adore
Oh come let us adore him
The Lord, worship Christ, the Lord
Let all that is within us

Wise men bring their treasures
Shepherds bow low
Angel voices sing of peace on earth
What have I to offer
To heaven's King
I'll bring my life, my love, my all

Come let us adore
Oh come let us adore him
The Lord, worship Christ, the Lord
Let all that is within us

Angels sing, praises ring to the newborn King
Peace on earth, here with us, joy awakening
At your feet we fall

Come let us adore
Oh come let us adore him
The Lord, worship Christ, the Lord
Let all that is within us
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