È contenuto nei seguenti album:
Testo Della Canzone
All over again di Estelle
[Estelle: Speaking]
So I’m in love and I keep telling this guy and it’s like he thinks I’m jokin every single time I tell him it’s like “Alright, OK. I love you to yea OK” and sometimes you know when you don’t know what to do and your heart is just exploding and you look at them and it’s just like So I sing it like: Wake me up in the morning with a kiss and make me some breakfast And in the evening a candlelight dinner Or when I feel restless Give me a soft massage and my neck starts to tingle Even when we didn’t have anything you still made me feel like your queen Now crystal and their glass is clean Sleeping on on the floor, You know what I mean And I love you because you hold me down When the world thinks I’m brave you see my frown I love to be loved like this and I love and I love your kiss So thankful Yeah this is all I was trying to say to you: You make me fall in love again [Royston:] [Both:] [Estelle:] [Both:]
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