America – Walk In The Woods Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Walk In The Woods – America

Would it matter to you
If we just took a walk
To see where this path leads to
Maybe stop in awhile
Lay down, see you smile
Looking up at those clouds in view

It doesn't matter that the sky isn't blue
A walk in the woods will do
Sometimes it's better just being alone
Being alone with you

With the snow in your hair
A crystal halo you wear
While the chill winter air streams through
Amid the birch and the oak
Smell the fireplace smoke
And the warmth we will go home to

It doesn't matter that the sky isn't blue
A walk in the woods will do
Sometimes it's better just being alone
Being alone with you

Oh whoa ...

It doesn't matter that the sky isn't blue
A walk in the woods will do
Sometimes it's better just being alone
Being alone with you
Being alone with you

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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