Anything – Danzig Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Anything – Danzig

[Lyrics: Glenn Danzig]

anything you want
the world has to offer
I can give you
if you just reach out to me
take my hand
everything a kiss cannot bring
I will give you
if you just say you will

and it's freedom
in my arms
and it's freedom
in my arms
in my arms
in my arms
in my arms

anything you want
this world has to offer
I can give you
all this world
and its glories
and its sins
I will give it all
to you
take my hand
if you just say
you will

anything you want
it's in my arms
anything you need
it's in my arms
anything you want
it's in my arms
anything you need
it's in my
loving arms
in my arms
in my arms
in my arms

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Danzig in costante aggiornamento

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