
Amen – Davide Petrella Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Davide Petrella

{Strofa 1}
Intrecceremo insieme
I nostri pensieri
Come fili d'erba
Non vuoi sapere che succede
Se le mie paure diventano le tue
Per essere in due
Ad alzare la testa
La gente non ci crede ma
In questo mondo conta solo perdersi
E mescolarci fino ad essere simili
Sentire fino a dove arrivano i brividi
Se non ci sono limiti

Come vorrei la tua pelle sulla pelle
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
Come sai tu sei la riva, io sono il fiume
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
E le distanze si incendiano
E con un soffio si annullano

{Strofa 2}
Intrecceremo insieme
I nostri cuori
Come fossimo alberi
Non vuoi vedere che succede
A respirare dalla stessa bocca mia
Anche quando sei via
E dimmi a cosa stai pensando
Se in questo mondo conta solo perdersi
E mescolarci fino ad essere simili
Sentire fino a dove arrivano i brividi
Se non ci sono limiti

Come vorrei la tua pelle sulla pelle
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
Come sai tu sei la riva, io sono il fiume
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
E le distanze si incendiano
E con un soffio si annullano

Come vorrei la tua pelle sulla pelle
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
Come sai tu sei la riva, io sono il fiume
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
Come vorrei la tua pelle sulla pelle
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
Come sai tu sei la riva, io sono il fiume
In questa vita infame amen
E così sia, così sia per sempre
Amen, amen, amen

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Davide Petrella in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Deitrick Haddon Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Deitrick Haddon

Romans 8:18 says "For I reckon that the
sufferings of this present time are not worthy to
be compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us." I ask myself how did He do it,
make such a sacrifice, and the one's that He
loved wanted Him crucified, and He knew that
His friends would betray Him, and He knew that
His blood would be shed, He could have put
someone else in His place but instead He said
"Amen" I surrender, Amen my will is yours,
"Amen" I lift my hands and say "Amen", so I
looked at my test and trials they can't compare
to his pain, and if he can go through it, surley I
can do the same. Oh Lord, I bless you for all
of the bad, and I bless you for all of the good,
and the place where I stand You have already
stood, "Amen" nevertheless "Amen", I don't
understand but "Amen", Lord I surrender,
"Amen" my soul say "Amen," this is not about
me Lord, but all about your will, "Amen"

'Amen', yeah yeah
Lord I trust you with all of my soul, my soul say
" Amen" Lord I surrender to your will, and I
surrender to your way, there is nothing else to
say but 'Amen"
You can mold me, You can make me, You can
break me.
And when trouble comes say "Amen" and when
trouble goes say "Amen"
Lord I trust you, with all of my heart and soul.


Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Deitrick Haddon in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Dinos Punchlinovic Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Dinos Punchlinovic

Notre Père qui est aux Cieux, que ton nom soit sanctifié, que ton règne vienne
Que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au Ciel
Donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain d'ce jour
Pardonne nos offenses comme nous pardonnons aussi à ceux qui nous ont offensé
Nous soumets pas à la tentation mais délivre-nous du mal
Car c'est à toi qu'appartiennent le règne, la puissance et la gloire
Pour des siècles et des siècles
Pour des siècles et des siècles

Alors j'me lance, merci pour la chance
Pour la vie, l'Alchimiste, Apparences, Imany
Au final, j'ai du mal mais c'est grâce à toi que j'suis là
Même si j'n'ai toujours pas mis l'argent du beurre dans mes épinards
Veulent me passer la pommade, fissa
J'suis pas un fils à papa
Trop tard, j'suis dos au mur comme Mona Lisa
Mais j'reste un mec simple
J'ai dit à maman que j'suis patient, elle m'a répondu qu'elle préférerait que j'sois médecin
Seigneur, quelle est la valeur d'une vie sans argent ?
Quelle est la valeur du bonheur au Cac 40 ?
Ces gens stupides me regardent, pensant qu'j'ai du biff'
Tu parles, j'roule pas sur l'or, j'suis pas Philippe Lucas
J'ferme les yeux, l'rêve c'est mieux
Quand j'étais p'tit, j'voulais être riche
Puis j'ai compris qu'j'ai grandi quand j'ai su qu'j'préférais être heureux
Même si j'peux être ignoble
Parfois la haine a ses raisons que la raison ignore

Alors j'veux qu'ma vie s'apaise, que ma rime soit tienne
Que mes larmes puissent sécher avant que la pluie n's'arrête
Que ma vie s'apaise, que ma rime soit tienne
Que mes larmes puissent sécher avant que la pluie n's'arrête
Et pouvoir dire Amen, Amen (vrai), Amen, Amen
Et pouvoir dire Amen, Amen (vrai), Amen, Amen
J'veux pouvoir dire Amen

Merci pour la force que tu m'donnes
En espérant toucher leurs vies ainsi qu'leur cœurs avec cet album
Si j'rentre en AirPlay, ça sera la guerre comme Opel contre Ericsson, Thomson / Khalifa Airways
Si la mort était belle, si la vie était moche
Dans l'fond, j'n'aime pas les "si" car j'n'aime pas les bémols
Puis, si j'crois qu'tout est écrit, même les rêves
J'accepte de croire que t'as pu écrire la vie d'un SDF
Merde, à quoi ça rime ?
Tu sais, en 2015, Jésus n'pourrait pas marcher sur l'eau sans faire d'aquaplanning
L'amour s'barre à l'anglaise
J'aurais aimé t'aimer le temps d'une chanson mais je n'sais pas danser la javanaise
Mon son ramène mon amertume sur Pluton
Les Hommes s'cachent pour pleurer, moi j'attends qu'la pluie tombe
Ces gens m'attendent, à croire que l'rap est mort dans un crash d'avion
Et qu'Imany sera la boîte noire

Alors j'veux qu'ma vie s'apaise, que ma rime soit tienne
Que mes larmes puissent sécher avant que la pluie n's'arrête
Que ma vie s'apaise, que ma rime soit tienne
Que mes larmes puissent sécher avant que la pluie n's'arrête
Et pouvoir dire Amen, Amen (vrai), Amen, Amen
Et pouvoir dire Amen, Amen (vrai), Amen, Amen
J'veux pouvoir dire Amen

Pas Imany mais presque
Merci d'avoir écouté c'tableau de peinture jusqu'à la fin
C'morceau sera pas sur l'album mais j'espère qu'il comblera votre attente
Merci d'croire en moi, croyez en vous aussi
On croit tous en quelque chose, qu'ce soit Dieu ou peu importe
Y'a toujours un moment où on est content d'dire Amen
Imany, Imany

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Dinos Punchlinovic in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Dollax Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Dollax

Voglio che diate un'occhiata alla persona che sta accanto a voi
Perché in un futuro non molto lontano
Fermi a un semaforo rosso sulla vostra pidocchiosa e scassata Pinto
La suddetta persona vi si potrebbe affiancare sull'ultimo modello della Porsche
Oh per Dio

{Strofa 1: Dollax}
Resto a Busto Arsizio, mica volo in aria
500 gang siamo come i Maya
La tua tipa sì mi sembra un poco maia'
Puoi succhiarci il cazzo, frate cambia strada
Siamo sempre fatti da lune a vedì
Siamo sempre in giro, in tasca 10 g più 10 g
Sto con Ale Don Don che cucino un beat
Fatti i cazzi tuoi che chiamo Pablo e liberiamo i feat
Do retta solo a Ricky, ad Ale oppure a Baida
Porto il freddo sì come quando stai in baita
Fai un Ave Maria poi dopo guarda in aria
Che abbiamo i cecchini pronti a fare fire

{Ritornello: Vacca}
Ale, amen
Dale, alien
Prego pure prima di mangiare
Vada come vada, cuggi amen
Oro al collo, cuggi mica rame
Quando l'acqua bolle, butta spezie e ramen
1500 è la mia percentuale
Fumo soltanto illegale
Ale, amen
Dale, alien
Prego pure prima di mangiare
Vada come vada, cuggi amen
Oro al collo, cuggi mica rame
Quando l'acqua bolle, butta spezie e ramen
1500 è la mia percentuale
Fumo soltanto illegale

{Strofa 2: Vacca}
Esco a Busto Arstizio ma la strada è chiusa
Bevo 10 canne, fumo 20 Ichnusa
Fumo e non accuso, nessuno ti accusa
Se non vali un cazzo trovi un'altra scusa
Nati in {?} come Rumenigge
Mezze lune in fila già dal lune fino al venerdì
Faccio sughi, faccio su, mi faccio un altro spliff
Punta di tabacco, almeno un g di weed, c'est la vie
Fumo assieme a Pink con i Pink Empire
Air Force bianche cuggi, ne prendo due paia
Passo dopo passo scalo l'Himalaya
Tu ti dai troppe arie, cuggi aria

{Ritornello: Vacca}
Ale, amen
Dale, alien
Prego pure prima di mangiare
Vada come vada, cuggi amen
Oro al collo, cuggi mica rame
Quando l'acqua bolle, butta spezie e ramen
1500 è la mia percentuale
Fumo soltanto illegale
Ale, amen
Dale, alien
Prego pure prima di mangiare
Vada come vada, cuggi amen
Oro al collo, cuggi mica rame
Quando l'acqua bolle, butta spezie e ramen
1500 è la mia percentuale
Fumo soltanto illegale

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Dollax in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Eman Testo della canzone

Eman, pseudonimo di Emanuele Aceto, pubblica il suo album di debutto intitolato Amen (che è anche l'acronimo del suo pseudonimo) il 19 febbraio 2016, al quale segue in estate una serie di concerti sul territorio nazionale. Ad agosto 2016 prende parte al Festival dell'Aurora insieme a Morgan.

Il 19 aprile 2019 esce il suo secondo disco intitolato Eman.A maggio dello stesso anno partecipa al concerto del primo maggio in onda su Rai 3. In estate intraprende un tour a livello nazionale. A dicembre è ospite nella trasmissione radiofonica Rai Radio2 Social Club.

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Eman

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Eman in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Giag700 Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Giag700

SharkChaos on the Beat!

Puoi riscaldare il mio beat usando il ventilatore
Io invece ti sparo con un colpo di mitraglietta
Quello scemo non sa fare rime, sembra che balbetta
Baionetta, Bum, Bang ti sparo rime addosso
Non ti dichiaro in arresto ma in arrosto!
Giag700 capoposto!
Tutte quelle merde che mi circondano devono sparire
Quel che dicono mi fanno ammuffire
Ti devono dare il premio Nobel, si, della stupidità!
Tu sei scemo ma Giag700 ha un'abilità!

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Giag700 in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Il Tre Testo della canzone

"Amen" è un brano dell'album Invisibili (2023) di Il Tre. Su Wikitesti puoi trovare il testo originale della canzone . Il 15 settembre uscirà "Invisibili", il nuovo album di Il Tre, seguito al suo acclamato esordio "ALI – Per chi non ha un posto in questo mondo", che ha raggiunto la vetta delle classifiche di vendita e ottenuto la certificazione Platino.

Il Tre, nome d'arte di Guido Senia, è un talentuoso artista romano classe '97, che ha conquistato un meritato posto tra le stelle emergenti dell'hip-hop italiano. Ha scalato le classifiche guadagnandosi ben 4 Dischi di Platino e 2 di Oro. Con questo nuovo album, Il Tre ha condensato tutte le sue esperienze e riflessioni degli ultimi due anni e mezzo, un periodo in cui ha scritto, viaggiato e esplorato il suo mondo interiore, confermando la sua passione per le parole e dimostrando ancora una volta le sue straordinarie abilità tecniche.

Questa la tracklist:

A volte
Big Show
Cracovia pt.4
Coolin break
Techno freestyle
Il coraggio della paura
Lettera a mio padre

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Il Tre

A volte vorrei che regnasse l'anarchia
E fare spese pazze dentro un'armeria
Per ammazzare qualche figlio di puttana
Che mette bocca sulla vita mia
Oh-uoh, oh-uoh, no, no
Tocca a me (Tocca a me)
Sì, lo so (Sì, lo so)
Sangue sul mio contratto col diavolo
(Senti come cazzo fa)

Sono l'unico vero Tony Manero
Non mi credi ma sei stupido serio, supero il cielo
Avevo detto che avrei fatto macello
Nel mio vangelo porto solo due comandamenti, rimanere vero ed essere sincero
Settemila giri sopra una Mercedes
Quando rappo è tipo a capogiro, so che lo sapete
Tu non puoi girare nel mio giro, il rap è il mio quartiere
Sono proprio come un tir a gir e si gonfia la rete
Sono Peter Pan, non imparo mai
Sì, vi prendo il culo, scialla, che sarà mai
Devi solo rimanere a galla ma tra gli squali
È come dire "la faccio franca" in mezzo agli spari
Vorrei vedere la tua faccia dopo 'sta traccia
La storia del bravo ragazzo, sì, è una cazzata
Perché ho preso la tua ragazza, la vostra piazza
Non faccio mafia ma se m'incazzo divento Myers Michael

Fuori piove
Respiro piano
Meglio che vado
Ho una lama nella mia mano
Rimani calmo
Dio perdona tutti i miei peccati e quello che ho pensato
Dopo fammi santo perché giuro avrei voluto farlo
In fondo sono un essere umano, essere incapace
Non vedo la luce e se mi fai la guerra ti so perdonare
Dal vangelo secondo Guido andate in pace, amen

Uoh-oh, ho rimesso la chiesa al centro del villaggio
Adesso il mio nome è santo e lo gridano, uoh-oh
Ho due angeli armati sulla mia pancia e ti sparano se non porti rispetto, uoh-oh
Sono il padre del nuovo
Il figlio del gioco e il mio spirito è santo, uoh-oh
Sono sceso all'inferno dove combatto i miei demoni per l'eternità

La leggenda parla di un ragazzo troppo buono con il cuore di cristallo
Glielo strappano dal petto, cade a terra in mille pezzi tra le lacrime
Lui non parla, torna a casa con i graffi sul torace, però è stanco
Giura avrà la sua vendetta solo quando prenderà le loro anime
La mia lapide sa di lacrime
Una freccia nella mano come Paride
Non mi capite, non mi capirete
Come mille formule matematiche
Siete capi ma senza le cattedre
Se non hai talento devi solo andartene
Non è cosi facile fare l'artista
Siete pagliacci, offendete l'arte
Voglio farti un buco in petto e non aspetto
Te lo faccio proprio al centro, sono esperto
Ti voglio levare il cuore, cosa intendo?
Che voglio cambiare i soldi con il tempo
Tu non hai capito un cazzo e fa lo stesso
Viviti la vita a pieno e fallo spesso
Vedo che non sai rappare, no talento
E ti comporti da popstar, bello sveglio, fesso

Mi benedico senza peccato
Le mani sulla croce anche se sono ateo
Ti prego, liberami dal male che sono stanco
Mi sollevo da terra ed in faccia divento bianco
Volevo solo vivere bene senza rimpianto
Ma forse è proprio questa la parte che non mi piace
Nel nome del padre, del figlio e Spirito Santo
La messa è finita, scambiatevi un segno di pace

Uoh-oh, ho rimesso la chiesa al centro del villaggio
Adesso il mio nome è santo e lo gridano, uoh-oh
Ho due angeli armati sulla mia pancia e ti sparano se non porti rispetto, uoh-oh
Sono il padre del nuovo
Il figlio del gioco e il mio spirito è santo, uoh-oh
Sono sceso all'inferno dove combatto i miei demoni per l'eternità

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Il Tre in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Logic Testo con traduzione in italiano


Questo proprio qui per chiunque viaggi con me
Ascoltami ridere, guardami piangere, ho passato del tempo con me
Nel gioco, non solo a bordo campo con me
Sono un peccatore, lo ammetto, ma ho Dio con me

Sono stato all'inferno e ritorno due volte solo per sentire l'ustione
Se il tuo culo non cade, non imparerai mai
Voglio solo essere il migliore che posso essere
Voglio solo essere me, anche se sembra

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Logic

This right here for anyone who ride with me
Heard me laugh, watch me cry, did time with me
In the game, not just on the sideline with me
I'm a sinner, I'll admit it, but I got God with me

Been to Hell and back twice just to feel the burn
If your ass don't fall down then you'll never learn
I just wanna be the best that I can be
I just wanna be me, even if it sound naive
I thought acceptance from others it would set me free
But it didn't, no
Oh, no, it never did
No matter what I say, no matter what I give
Sometimes people make me question if I wanna live
We call that a dark day, such a dark day
But I know tomorrow gon' come, it gon' come my way
And I know in my heart it's going to be a better day, it's gon' be a better day
That's why I came here to say

Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)

We make plans and God laughs
Feel like the older I get the quicker time pass
Some people live in the past, others live in a flask
Even your picture perfect life, it could be gone in a flash
Texting on your way to work and now your brains on the dash
We all powerless
'Specially people think power last
I ain't cowardice but sometimes I wish I live behind a mask
'Cause facing this world it's such a rigorous task
It feel like the world wanna put me in the casket
Wish I was stronger, wish I could just get past it
If you feelin' how I'm feelin' when the song play, blast it
If you feelin' how I'm feelin' when hear this is let me get an...

Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)
Amen (Amen)

This right here for anyone who ride with me
Heard me laugh, watch me cry did time with me
In the game, not just on the sideline with me
I'm a sinner, I'll admit it, but I got God with me

Came up on Section 8 and I made it, yo, mom, look
Writin' these raps in a Louis Vuitton rhyme book
I never thought I'd make it out the hood and now I'm shook
I finally made it out my hood, everybody look
I'm across the street waving where the grass is greener
Hating on how far I come, I don't give a damn Gina
This a celebration with no invitation
This the last one then I'm done permanent vacation
Only place I felt I belonged was Babel station
Cooking crack, cooking crack for my generation
Now it's time to conclude the incredible true story, a transformation

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Logic in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Lucio Dalla


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1992 Amen
2006 12000 lune

Testo Della Canzone

Amen – Lucio Dalla di Lucio Dalla


No io non so perché
Ma c’è una brutta bestia dentro di me
Che mi butta giù, ogni giorno vado sempre più giù
Io lo so cos’è quel pezzo di cervello che
che ancora lì, lì con me
Nella testa e non si muove più
Non io non voglio, voglio darlo via
Voglio in cambio una TV
La metto in fondo al letto di casa mia
Così poi non ci penso più

Non io non so perché
Ma c’è un’altra brutta bestia dentro di me
Che mi strozza se…se mi vieni ancora in mente te
Io lo so cos’è quel pezzo del mio cuore che
È ancora lì…lì con me
E ogni tanto batte senza un perché
No, io non voglio, voglio darlo via
Voglio in cambio un’altra TV
La metto a fianco a me nel letto di casa mia
Gli dico “baby mi vuoi bene anche tu”
Così io sento che c’è rimasto poco dentro di me
Una palla e via, l’altra ho perso la scommessa
E non so più dov’è

Ma adesso non parlare, non parlare
Devi solo stare zitto, devi stare ad ascoltare
E quindi non pensare, non pensare
Dove sei Ruby….Ruby
Ma adesso non parlare, non parlare
Devi solo stare zitto, devi stare ad ascoltare
E quindi non pensare, non pensare
Dove sei Ruby….Ruby

Sono diventato una TV
Adesso son perfetto non mi muovo più
Mi accendo e poi mi spengo non reagisco più
Hey ti stai spegnendo anche tu

Io lo so cos’è
E stan cercando di fregare anche te
Non fidarti mai
Siam seduti sopra un cesso prima o poi cadrai
Io lo so cos’è
E stan cercando di fregare anche te
Non fidarti mai
Siam seduti sopra un cesso prima o poi cadrai…

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.

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D#m G#m D#m F# B F# B F# B D#m7 B

           F#       B

            D#m                     B

             F#  B

         D#m7                   B

             F#  B

        D#m               B

              D#m      B

       D#m7              B

 B6                          D#m

     B6                D#m7

    G#m                             D#m7

       G#m                F#6

           D#m      B

             D#m                     B

                  F# B

        D#m7                 B

         D#m   B





 B6                          D#m

 B6                         D#m



     G#m                           F#6











     F#          D#m B

D#m D#m9 B9 G# D#m F# B D#m B F# B D#m B






     F#          D#m

  B                         D#m7

 B6              D#m7

 C#m9                         D#m7

     C#m9                     F#6

         D#m   B





















            F#  D#m


              D#m F# D#m B D#m B D#m B



Amen – Marlene Kuntz Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Marlene Kuntz

In sella a un vuoto fatale
Negli occhi un'ombra ferale
Il guitto dell'anima va
In giro per la città
E di sventura esemplare
Il suo ronzino spettrale
È immagine tragica
In scena patetica
Un soffio di spirito, per carità!
Un soffio... gli basterà...
Amen. Amen. Amen
Per strade ostili e ben dure
Scansando sguardi e andature
Parlando con fisime
In tono d'acredine
Fuggendo false paure
E nascondendosi pure
Il guitto dell'anima va
Braccato dalla città
Un soffio di spirito, per carità!
Un soffio... gli basterà...
Amen. Amen. Amen
Ma quando cala la sera
E abbuia la città intera
Rubente s'illumina
D'immensa ebetudine
E di destino segnato
Il suo ronzino sfigato
È immagine comica
In scena drammatica
E affronta assurde paure
In nebulose avventure
Il guitto dell'anima
Che sbronzo si spegnerà
Un goccio di spirito, per carità!
Un goccio... gli basterà...
Amen. Amen. Amen

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Marlene Kuntz in costante aggiornamento

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Amen – Mecna Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Mecna

Ho visto la mia parte intollerante parlare di quanto
Abbia rivisto le speranze darsi a gambe in un lampo
Chi porta il conto di tutti questi attimi spesi?
La testa è in mille paesi diversi standomi accanto
Lo capirai che questo è quanto e le donne fanno
Bene al 50% e del restante non parlo, non posso dirlo
Alla fine ho la mia ex che mi ascolta
E il suo ragazzo alla porta che ha già capito
Rischi che devo correre e a correre si suda
Disagio come al 20 di Agosto senza bermuda
Mi immagino sul 20 di Agosto con lei seduta
In un mare di parole che costano una fottuta
Ma qui chi deve non paga e se parlo di strada annuiscono felici sperando che me ne vada. E l'amore lo cercherò in un'altra serata, per oggi ho fatto il possibile e non è andata. Amen!

[Ritornello: Mecna]
Tu sei la parte che manca di me
Ma se mancano le speranze dillo prima
Così eviterò di perdere mezz'ora e diventare amici
Dopo poco non funzionerà

Non chiedo più se, magari due passi
Una birra nel pomeriggio, dovrei stare a casa, passi?
Che poi levando il dovrei sto sempre a casa ma solo
E poi mi sfogo sul primo che tasti
Non sei la prima a dire "siamo diversi"?
Capisco ma senti solo un coglione condivide i tuoi interessi
Cioè è colpa mia che non mi diverto se non ci si sfonda di canne come i giovani depressi
Leggi sulla mia mano e c'è scritto troppi complessi
Corrado, dovresti farti meno paranoie, goditi le gioie evitando quelle strettoie tipiche di donne che cercano i compromessi
Stessi discorsi fessi spesi tra le lenzuola
In finale tu sei una suora e io non ho fatto progressi
Mi chiedi "aspetta, ma tu che cosa vuoi da me?"
Tesoro siamo uno sopra l'altro, cazzo di domanda è?!

[Ritornello: Mecna]

Non sono l'uomo in giacca e cravatta che dice "Nino!"
Non sono quello duro e che arriva sempre per primo
Non sono quello "uccido chi ti tocca!" e sbrocca col vino
Però se siamo sul divano faccelo un pensierino
Problemi di rapporti e le prove sono fallite
Le donne che voglio farmi sono tutte le mie amiche
Mentre parlano dei loro problemi di cellulite
Io le immagino ansimanti su di me, capite?
Ma come ne esco? Più faccio il gentile e più non riesco
A seguire un discorso senza vederle svestite
Mi hanno chiesto com'è una defiance a letto
Normale se solo a letto non fanno le pervertite!

[Ritornello: Mecna]

Ok, questa va a tutte quelle simpaticissime ragazze che fanno finta e ti fanno intuire, e sei scemo tu che lo intuisci, che loro sono predisposte a fare tutto quello che vuoi e hanno avuto mille esperienze, quasi più di te e tu quasi ti spaventi però poi arrivati sul letto, nudi, uno sopra l'altro e loro non fanno niente. E questo è un problema!

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Mecna in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen – Noemi

Amen – Noemi canzone pubblicata per la prima volta nell’anno 2016

Testo della canzone: Amen – Noemi

In fondo al testo trovate il video della canzone

Amen – Noemi Testo:

Mi sono messa l’anima in spalla
perché troppo stanca per camminare
ho visto troppi squali venire a galla
troppi sogni andare a put*ane
ho preso in mano il mio cuore
perché ha perso troppo sangue
a cercare invano le prove
di quello che chiamate amore

Ho messo l’anima in pace
perché è stata in guerra per troppo tempo
e dopo tutto questo tempo
è diventata di cemento
ho preso a calci il mio cuore
perché aveva smesso di battere
di fare l’amore
ma ora basta
adesso dico
in terra come in cielo
anche se non credo
siamo il mondo intero

Ho riempito di fango i miei occhi
per non vedere più vinti sul mio cammino
dal dolore o dalla rabbia
per ingiustizia del destino
ed ho ascoltato la mia pena
perché la vita mi ha colpito troppe volte alla schiena
ho messo il vestito migliore
per la fortuna che ho di essere vivo
anche se non mi aspetto che il mondo
mi ringrazi per questo motivo
e chiedo scusa all’amore
se non l’ho riconosciuto
chiedo scusa al Signore.

in terra come in cielo
ora che ci credo
siamo il mondo intero


Siamo tutti figli della stessa terra e siamo in guerra

Siamo figli della stessa guerra, in cielo come in terra.


[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]



Amen – Noia Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Noia

La N, O, la I, la A
Comunque per quanti soldi tu possa avere
Ricordati che un giorno dovrai morire anche tu

{Strofa 1}
Esco fuori da me
Volo via dallo sciame
Del materialismo che vorrebbe me suo materiale
Lascio 'sti polmoni sporchi di catrame
Portami quel cane, casa, macchina, un paio di dame
Faccio il pieno, tocco il polso
Gradazione sotto zero
Prego, un metro quadro nel cielo
Vita terrena al contrario di tenera
Baciami, abbracciami, brucia veloce tu cenera
Vipere, serpenti sorridenti negli angoli
Divoli truccati da angeli in body painting
La massa ignorante fa un po' di patting
Di giochi fetish, con i potenti
Sistema incastrato tetris
Sveglio Q.I. di questi teen
Belli addormentati dalla TV
Raddrizzo setti nasali spaccati dalla coca di fighi benpì
Dell'era pre mosci
La realtà è che le cazzate vi accarezzano con le mani camoscio
Non ho interesse a diventare il tale che
Fa selfie col caviale nel locale di
Spogliarelliste, instagram banale, butta male
Uomo friabile, quale capo?
Sei uno schiavo che sta alla base della piramide

Forse sono un poco di buono
Veleno più odio, bicchieri offerti dal demonio
No grazie non fa più per me
No grazie non fate per me

{Strofa 2}
L'orologio varitoso cerca appoggio silenzioso
Contro un diavolo tifoso
Di un mondo vanitoso
E se credo a modo mio
E se vero l'odio c'è
Vorrei premere reset all'anima e fare un riavvio
E tocca avere fede qua
Il muro del pianto in Israele
Il muro del pianto è quello del bancomat
Che quando metti la carta preghi
Il dio denaro che compia il miracolo quando prelevi
Un uomo non è ricco dentro
In base a quanti soldi ha dentro la busta paga
Il numero di gessi che ha dentro casa
Avere poco cash fa paura
Vorremo navigar nell'oro ma siamo scalzi sul bagnasciuga
L'anima fatturabile
Rende il successo palpabile
Capisci che anche se fai il papa, ancora non pisci oro potabile
Veleno venale dentro vene si
Riproduce il gene in genere da sotte venere dalla genesi
In questo mondo di numeri è peggio per gli ultimi se sono ultimi
Tutti i crismi, cristallo e crystal e gargarismi con l'acqua di Bulgari
Asciuga la bava, prendi due slave
Chiudetevi con tutti i soldi del mondo dentro una bara

Forse sono un poco di buono
Veleno più odio, bicchieri offerti dal demonio
No grazie non fa più per me
No grazie non fate per me
No, no, no, no grazie non fa più per me
No, no, no, no no grazie non fate per me

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Noia in costante aggiornamento

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Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen – Posi Argento Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Posi Argento


La notte che mi si prospetta lascia incerta una scommessa
Tra la feccia e man chi bleffa, dormo bene con me stessa pensa
Vivevo dentro un Lunapark e poi la scelta
Fare con calma la gavetta, non scaldo una luce riflessa
Sarò onesta la massa è fessa
Impresta il tempo che gli resta
Come esca al fine di un’altra promessa, pecca
Ottusa, illusa, annusa e lecca senza fretta
Lingua che si secca, la usa per le fusa ma balbetta
Non devo un grazie ho spalle larghe
Mi son fatta da parte quando altre hanno sfregiato l’arte
Inala nuovi suoni impara a starne fuori
Un mare di illusioni che pugnala i cuori come Annamaria Franzoni
Toni fin troppo aspri, t’incastri nei tuoi soldi e sono cazzi
Non vai lontano coi tuoi walkie talkie
Sono astemia e la vendemmia della gente poco seria non mi premia
Che qualcun altro se la beva
Cazzo ti frega del mio mondo perché mi giri intorno?
In fondo se propongo rap è ‘ché l’ho dentro nel midollo, stronzo
Ti mostro il resoconto di un percorso con l’inchiostro
E se mi espongo al tuo riscontro a te non ti conosco, quindi
Mettiti dentro a questi panni
Lavoro per pagarmi ciò che mangi
Non ho più i tuoi 18 anni bambi
Stai all’occhio artista corrotto, fotto il tuo prodotto
E se volevi guai li avrai come nel ‘98


L’accendo ed inalo a fondo
Accuso lo svarione più grosso del mondo
Guardando stralci di film pesi 70, stile “Milano Odia”
Il Dogo ringhia alla tua click di pagliacci salmodia
Troppo bordello ste canne non le passate
Mi tocca allungar le braccia alla Dhalsim in Street Fighter
Cambio una tipa al giorno come un paio di jeans
Loro sanno che lo stile pesa come my man Vinz
Sputo stile ti tiro tipo al poligono
Gué è poligamo come un sultano a Pergamo
Ti stringo al cappio sono il capo su queste battute
Fan le simpatiche non rido alle loro battute
Le porto a casa gli piace essere battute
Le crew le han provate tutte le abbiamo sempre battute
Ho rime armate come le banche
Tu senti solo il suono del silenzio come Garfunkel

{Rit. – Posi}

Sante le tue domande
A noi non farle che in parte
Siamo blasfemi per quest’arte
Quante le critiche a meno che
Ammetti a me di essere un re
Io grido al rap Amen


La mia stirpe è cattiva
E se mi stai davanti sono cazzi e tanti
Come per una pornodiva
Sono pensieri pesanti come i Co’Sang
Roba che asciuga la saliva anche a chi non fuma sativa fra
Si sa che il rap del Dogo stende
Argomenti commerciali ma nel senso che li ascolta chi vende
Io brindo, bevendo mi incattivisco ma è istinto
Ho il tasso alcolico diabolico e fanculo Ginko
Ho sette vizi capitali sul conto sin dagli inizi
Ma non vinco se persino Milingo fa i cunnilingus
Odio chi muove labbra e bla bla
Gli chiudo la mascella suonandola come un tabla se abla
Ai miei occhi siete come un pederasta
E miei occhi sono rasta, io penso a darvi fuoco e basta
Se fate i gangsta di notte con le bocche
Noi giochiamo a fare facce rotte con le nocche fra

{Don Joe}

Riconosci il Don con le casse e poi gli snare drum
Sto coi seri diamo calci al tuo bon ton
E fuori dalle piazze con il Dogo nel tuo hi-fi
Nei cd come Zero vendo stili che non hai
Fai le stime fiacco, io non mangio nel tuo piatto
Ma piuttosto stacco assegni pacco per arrivare a fine mese
La gente mi chiede come faccio
Io mi guadagno il pane fra
Ho la sveglia alle 8 meno un quarto che cazzo
Poi chiuso in uno studio do le hit ai miei fan
Fanno brutto sotto i palchi senti “Bella Don”
MI-Residenza sopra i quattro quarti fuoco ai bong
La potenza è 44 come Mehdi
Non puoi controllarci fuori dal circuito chiuso
Vengo alla tua festa con un fuso sulla faccia e via
Dalle troie e dalla polizia
E adesso suona la sirena e quindi devo andare via fra


Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Posi Argento in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen – The Damned Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – The Damned

This is my house please come on in
It's time to cleanse yourself of sin
Get thee down upon your knees
'Cos non-belief is a disease, Amen

Come all ye faithful, heed the bells
This trip could save you all from hell
Burning crosses through the night
Come and join the holly fight, Amen

So you hear your shepherd calling
My wraith won't be denied
Don't stand there looking sheepish
Come and join the flock inside

Who says these people are insane
It's only brainwash, quite humane
A thousand channels take your pick
Another mystic lunatic, Amen

Think you can challenge me come on
I've seen 'em all off one by one
Old Galileo's long forgot
Though he was right and we were not, Amen

Deliver you from evil
That never was the plan
To those who fall for this one
Deserve the lousy hand

This twisted truth, this slight of hand
Has kept the devil in command
Beyond those gates up in the sky
Sign up now for apple pie, Amen

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per The Damned in costante aggiornamento

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Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen – Tom Grennan Testo con traduzione in italiano


In momenti come questo ci si sente un po' soli
Sì, il mio letto è troppo grande e non c'è nessuno che mi tenga
Sì, dovrei pregare, dovrei pregare?
E aspettare che tu mi salvi?
Se sono uno sciocco, sono solo quello che mi hai fatto

Così mi ubriaco con tutti i miei amici
Nient'altro cambia, niente può
Non ho soldi in queste mani
A nessun altro importa dei tuoi piani

Non vado in chiesa ma
Tutti fanno male ma
Vivere nella sporcizia ma
Perché niente funziona mai come

Voto per il cambiamento anche se mi hanno avvertito
Sì, tanto da dire ma nessuno me lo chiede mai
E tutte queste belle ragazze, belle ragazze, guardano tutte oltre me
Sì, se è la mia vita, come mai sono sul sedile posteriore?

Così mi ubriaco con tutti i miei amici
Nient'altro cambia, niente può
Non ho soldi in queste mani
A nessun altro importa dei tuoi piani

Non vado in chiesa ma
Tutti fanno male ma
Vivere nella sporcizia ma
Perché niente funziona mai come

Diciamo che la vita è stata dura, ho pagato troppo
Ho paura di non pregare abbastanza
Ho rotolato la pietra, sono nato di nuovo
Ero bianco come la neve, nessuno è innocente

Non vado in chiesa ma
Non vado in chiesa ma
Tutti fanno male ma
Vivere nella sporcizia ma
Perché niente funziona mai come

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Tom Grennan

It's times like this, it gets a little lonely
Yeah, my bed's too big with no one there to hold me
Yeah, should I pray, should I pray
And wait for you to save me?
If I'm a fool, I'm only what you made me

So I get drunk with all my friends
Nothing else changes, nothing can
I ain't got no money inside these hands
No one else cares about your plans

I don't go to church but
Everybody hurts but
Living in the dirt but
Cause nothing ever works like

I vote for change еven though they warned mе
Yeah, so much to say but no one ever asks me
And all these pretty girls, pretty girls, they all look past me
Yeah, if it's my life, how comes I'm in the backseat?

So I get drunk with all my friends
Nothing else changes, nothing can
I ain't got no money inside these hands
No one else cares about your plans

I don't go to church but
Everybody hurts but
Living in the dirt but
Cause nothing ever works like

Say life was rough, I paid too much
I'm afraid that I don't pray enough
I rolled the stone, I was born again
I was white as snow, no one's innocent

I don't go to church but
I don't go to church but
Everybody hurts but
Living in the dirt but
Cause nothing ever works like

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Tom Grennan in costante aggiornamento

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Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen – Vincent Bueno Testo con traduzione in italiano


Amen, immagino
Hai detto che è ora che noi mettiamo
Il nostro amore per riposare
Vestito di nero, hai lasciato il mio quartiere

No, non avrei mai pensato che avresti seppellito me e te
No, non avrei mai pensato che saremmo morti

Ma amen, amen
Dimmi, è questo quello che volevi?
Questo è quello che volevi?
Amen, amen
Dimmi, è questo quello che volevi?
Questo è quello che volevi?

Scommetto ch

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen – Vincent Bueno

Amen, I guess
You said that it’s time for us to put
Our love to rest
Dressed in black, you left my neighborhood

No, I never thought you’d bury me and you
No, I never thought we’d die

But amen, amen
Tell me, is this what you wanted?
Is this what you wanted?
Amen, amen
Tell me, is this what you wanted?
Is this what you wanted?

I bet it’s just another funeral to you
But for me it’s the end
A marching band are playing gone too soon

No, I never thought you’d bury me and you
No, I never thought wе’d die

But amen, amen
Tеll me, is this what you wanted?
Is this what you wanted?
Amen, amen
Tell me, is this what you wanted?
Is this what you wanted?

‘Cause it all feels like you didn’t even try
Oh try, oh try, try to save us
All this time wasted on a lie

But amen, amen
Tell me, is this what you wanted?
Tell me, is this what you wanted?
Amen, amen, yeah
Are you getting what you wanted?
Are you getting what you wanted?

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Vincent Bueno in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen – Zucchero


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2007 All the best
2008 Live in Italy

Testo Della Canzone

Amen – Zucchero di Zucchero

Noi non adremo in paradiso
Keep on dancing in the sky
Abbiamo il cuore un po’ blasfemo
X baciare il cielo ma…
Com’è difficile
Prendersi poco sul serio
Ci sarà pure un’anima buona x me
Anche x me
Solo x me
Amen, passerà
E se non passa, passa di qua
Amen, ero in vena
E poi mi è andata giù la catena, yeah
Ci sono anche angeli negri
Keep on dancing in the sky
E donne coi maroni quadri
Per volare in cielo ma…
Com’è difficile
Prendersi poco sul serio
Ci sarà pure un’anima buona x te
Anche x me
Solo x me
Amen, passerà
E se non passa, passa di qua
Amen, ero in vena
E poi mi è andata giù la catena, yeah
Il mondo strilla che sembra che ha perso la palla
Com’è difficile ridere dei nostri guai
Scandali al sole
Potessi avere
Niente da dire
Io lo direi
Amen, passerà
E se non passa, passa di qua
Amen, ero in vena
E poi mi è andata giù la catena, yeah
Amen, così sia
Se sei un angelo portami via
Amen, disco va’
Amen, disco va’
Amen, disco va’

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.

[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]


Cm C            Cm7         C

Cm7 C          Cm7

C Cm7 C             Cm7             C

Cm7 C        Cm7

C Cm7 D#



F A#








D#9                     D#


C         Cm7          C

Cm7 C          Cm7

C Cm7 C           Cm7       C

Cm7 C       Cm7

C Cm7 D#



F A#








D#9                     D#


Cm7 Cm Cm D#




F A#










D#9                     D#



D#9                 D#



D# A#











Amen Amen – Beware Of Darkness Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen Amen – Beware Of Darkness

Sometimes I stand on the pier at night
And I wonder how everything is gonna be alright
It’s so dark, you can’t tell the sky from the water
That if I fell, I do believe I’d never ever hit bottom

If you believe in me, I can do anything,

Sometimes I forget that I’m alive
Until I feel your hand, pulse in mine
Your raspberry lips
They breathe color color into me

Like reds, and blues, and purple, yellow too, and violet, and silver, and turquoise too

If you believe in me, I can do anything

Elly, Elly, Don’t You Go Now

Sometimes when I wake up
And watch you put on make up
I forget that one day you’re gonna die

Cos to me you are forever and everything…

Elly you disappeared,
Come Back Into My Life

If you believe in me, I can do anything

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Beware Of Darkness in costante aggiornamento

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Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen For My Friends – Crystal Bowersox Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen For My Friends – Crystal Bowersox

I don't deserve your kindness
Don't know why you came for me
Taking it all and 'this is building up inside of me
'Cause tragedy comes in waves and tides
Climb upon this boat and ride
Saying a prayer tonight for the good in my life

And I said amen for my friends
Amen for my friends, say amen

I've been down, I've been out in the wind
I've been on my knees begging for some kind of peace
People come, people go
Though things fall short, if I'll need you, you'll be there, I know

Say amen for my friends,
Amen for my friends, say amen

I don't know where I'll be now
Somewhere in the lost and found
Simple kindness, we have some
'Cause know I found it fully grown
Past the seas, upon the wind
Rising tides again

I know you're out there somewhere
Even though we're far apart
Yes, I can feel you with me
I carry you inside my heart
Like a moment in my light
You're never really gone
And everything I do
You're the melody when I sing this song

I said amen for my friends
Amen for my friends, I say amen
I say amen, amen for my friends
I said amen, amen

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Crystal Bowersox in costante aggiornamento

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Amen For My Friends – Crystal Bowersox Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen For My Friends – Crystal Bowersox

I don't deserve your kindness
Don't know why you came for me
Taking it all and 'this is building up inside of me
'Cause tragedy comes in waves and tides
Climb upon this boat and ride
Saying a prayer tonight for the good in my life

And I said amen for my friends
Amen for my friends, say amen

I've been down, I've been out in the wind
I've been on my knees begging for some kind of peace
People come, people go
Though things fall short, if I'll need you, you'll be there, I know

Say amen for my friends,
Amen for my friends, say amen

I don't know where I'll be now
Somewhere in the lost and found
Simple kindness, we have some
'Cause know I found it fully grown
Past the seas, upon the wind
Rising tides again

I know you're out there somewhere
Even though we're far apart
Yes, I can feel you with me
I carry you inside my heart
Like a moment in my light
You're never really gone
And everything I do
You're the melody when I sing this song

I said amen for my friends
Amen for my friends, I say amen
I say amen, amen for my friends
I said amen, amen

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Crystal Bowersox in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen Freestyle – Chakra Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen Freestyle – Chakra

Il diavolo chiama, è sulla linea tre
Vuole flirtare, ha scelto me
Non so se accettare, fra ho troppe pare, dovrei riaggancare?
Vuole farmi da guida solo per mettermi in cima
Si ma, nessuno sente le mie grida?
Dammi un sogno in cui vivere prima che questa realtà mi uccida

{Strofa 1}
Da zero a cento fra in mezzo secondo
Il battito è sempre più lento
Sto vivendo a stento (no)
Sto solo esistendo (oh yeah)
Se ti va bene è morte naturale, se no vegetale dentro a un ospedale
Scusa se ti ho spoilerato il finale, ma il tuo paradiso è il mio nulla totale
Legami una bomba in testa, accendi la miccia sta roba è blessed fra
Dai che il flow corre, muoviti
Siamo là novità, frate c'est la vie
È meglio se stai dalla nostra, credimi
Pensi di poterci battere, credici (ahah)
Si dai credici!

{Ponte 1}
La mia fanbase è ready
Questa roba è heavy
Vuoi superarmi? Facciamo i seri
La tua roba è solo per scemi

{Strofa 2}
Cambia sport fidati, datti un po' alla russian roulette
Questa roba fra non fa per te
E siamo già a tre vittime
Questo beat ormai è una scena del crimine
L'infermiera entra nella stanza, dice che ho un problema in testa
Me non le do retta, voglio la mia fetta
Voglio usare la mia testa mica seguire questa ricetta
Scanso le tue orme perchè puzzano di merda
In fondo sappiamo chi spacca senza (yeah)
Del puzzle questo è solo un pezzo
Voglio che capiate il concetto
Fa parte di un grande progetto

{Ponte 2}
A volte ti inganna la vista
Non so chi sia il tuo dentista
Ma dovrebbe sciacquarti la bocca
Puoi chiamarmi come cazzo vuoi
Ma "venduto" non è nella lista
Ho cosi tanti brutti pensieri fra nel repertorio
Che se mi entri in testa, esci col necrologio

{Strofa 3}
Alle tue cazzate sono autoimmune
Sei scontato ormai da anni fai roba comune
Lei mi twerka solo se in costume
Va che fiume questa hooker, scappo usando fune
Vuole fare l'amore fra col mio yogurt Müller
Voglio salmone in salsa fumè
Della mia vita, fra, che ne sai te
Vai sciallo per la tua strada fra che io penso a me
Parlo solo di quello che ho visto
Ma stai certo che non metto filtro
Si riconosce quando c'è il mio timbro
I veri fan riconoscono il vero dal finto
In camera mia da solo registro
Da solo comincio e da solo finisco
Ma passano gli anni e ancora non capisco
Cosa risolvi se ti regali a Cristo
E non raccontare cazzate fra evita
È tutto una pessima recita
La vita sembra figa come Nina Senicar
Ma toglile plastica, trucco e retrica
Resta solo una strega viscida perfida come Medea

Non mi sto lamentando, sono solo onesto
Non mi inginocchio, te lo prometto
Voglio guadagnarmi il rispetto
Segui la scia, tu la chiami musica io terapia
E non mi ferma, motiva soltanto questa malattia

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chakra in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen Gloria

Cerca Canti Per Titolo: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Z W Y

Testo Della Canzone

Amen Gloria di Liturgica e Sacra

Amen gloria osanna.
Onore a Te nei secoli,
onore a Te.
Amen nei secoli.

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


Amen Hallelujah – Cassper Nyovest Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen Hallelujah – Cassper Nyovest


Mama I done it, ah
I done made it out the hood yo
It's a celebration, yeah we on vacation
Nna le wena Tsholofelo Thuto
Come and get it umududu
And he just spilled water all over the deal
But the man keep saying that it's over
Hey tyma slown down on the drinks
You getting as loud as the kids
Big sis' got a college degree
I'm so freackin' proud of you kid
Yeah, I know it's a little hard
Still looking for the job you really want
Plus your little bro is a superstar
And people compare you to me
But you gotta push baby (you gotta push baby)
You gotta push (you gotta push)
And not even look baby
You run from the boys (you want a boy)
You run from the boys (don't let em' lie to you)
You run from the boys (no time for the boys)
You run from the boys (don't 'em lie, you want a boy)
(Ha, hallelujah)

'Cause I feel like dancing (I feeling like dancing bruh)
'Cause life is a blessing (life is a blessing)
You went through a lot of shit
But you survived your depression
Yeah, yeah
Today I'm really feeling amped up
Glory all to Jesus when the
Blessing flowing through the fans bro
And now you gotta get the hands up
(Ha, hallelujah)

Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen

Tsholofelo (you are my sunshine)
Namasala (you are my rainbow)
What would I do? (what would I do without you?)
What would I do? (what would I do without you?)
What would I do? (what would I do without you?)
What would I do without you?)
Thuto (you are my sunshine)
Le tyma (you are my rainbow)
What would I do? (what would I do without you?)
What would I do? (what would I do without you?)
What would I do? (what would I do without you?)
What would I do without you?

It's hard, sometimes its gets hard
But I know I'll be good with my squad
That's my squad
That's my squad
That's my squad
That's my squad

'Cause I feel like dancing (I feeling like dancing bruh)
'Cause life is a blessing (life is a blessing)
I went through a lot of shit
To fight my depression
Yeah, yeah
Today I'm really feeling amped up
Glory all to Jesus when the
Blessing flowing through the fan bro
And now you gotta get the hands up
(Ha, hallelujah)
Amen, amen

Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen
Amen, amen

Ke tshwere thobane (Ke tshwere thobane, ke tshwere thobane)
Ke tshwere thobane (Ke tshwere thobane, ke tshwere thobane)
Ke lwa ntwa ya moya (Ke tshwere thobane, ke tshwere thobane)
Ke lwa ntwa ya moya (Ke tshwere thobane, ke tshwere thobane)
Ke tshwere thobane (ke tshwere thobane)
Ke tshwere thobane (ke tshwere thobane)
Ke tshwere thobane (ke tshwere thobane)
Ke tshwere thobane (ke tshwere thobane)
Ke lwa ntwa ya moya (Ke tshwere thobane, ke tshwere thobane)
Ke lwa ntwa ya moya (Ke tshwere thobane, ke tshwere thobane)

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Cassper Nyovest in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen Jahvè

Cerca Canti Per Titolo: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Z W Y

Testo Della Canzone

Amen Jahvè di Liturgica e Sacra

Amen Jahvè di tutto cuor,
per la tua parola.
Amen, Amen, Signor, credo.

1. Su ali d’aquila ci hai sollevato,
abbiam goduto il tuo poter.
Jahvè, tu sei il nostro Signor,
la tua parola è verità.

2. Non hai tenuto segreti
nell’oscurità della terra.
La tua parola splende come il sole
ad ogni uomo è verità.

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.

[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]


(Barrè 4° tasto)
La-     Fa          Sol
Amen Jahvè di tutto cuor,
      La-    Re- Mi
per la tua parola.
La-    Fa      Sol    La-
Amen, Amen, Signor, credo.

   Re-                    La-
1. Su ali d'aquila ci hai sollevato,
Re-                  La-
   abbiam goduto il tuo poter.
   Fa               Do          
   Jahvè, tu sei il nostro Signor,
   Re              Mi  4/7
   la tua parola è verità.

2. Non hai tenuto segreti
   nell'oscurità della terra.
   La tua parola splende come il sole
   ad ogni uomo è verità.


Amen Kind Of Love – Daryle Singletary Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen Kind Of Love – Daryle Singletary

Don't guess I've ever loved another
Never once before did I really see the light
'Cause they were barely friends and merely lovers
And it's taken what you've given me to feel like I do tonight

I am moved by the spirit
I'm here to testify
I found an amen kind of love
The kind that makes you fall down on your knees
And reach for the sky above
The kind that your soul just can't never get enough
I found an amen, an amen, an amen kind of love

You've given love a brand new meaning
Bound by a higher power than I've ever known before
Safe in your faithful arms I am leaning
Once I was lost but now I'm found forevermore

And I am moved by the spirit
I'm here to testify
I found an amen kind of love
The kind that makes you fall down on your knees
And reach for the sky above
The kind that your soul just can't never get enough
I found an amen, an amen, an amen kind of love

We are moved by the spirit
We are here to testify
We've found an amen kind of love
The kind that makes you fall down on your knees
And reach for the sky above
The kind that your soul just can't never get enough
We've found an amen, an amen, an amen kind of love

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Daryle Singletary in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen Moi – Bilal Hassani Testo con traduzione in italiano


Guardami quando ti parlo
Guardami dall'alto in basso

Come una pianta carnivora, gli uomini mangiano i loro cuori
Sono finiti i sorrisi che finiscono sempre in lacrime
Ho ripreso il controllo della mia vita per giorni migliori
Per giorni migliori

Portami, portami
Amen me, ho cose da dirti
Portami, portami
Amen me, hai così tanto da dire

Gli ideali trascendono il tempo
Come in un videogioco
Io, io suono, lassù
Sarò il tuo guanto se ti attaccherai alla mia pelle

Portami, portami
Amen me, ho cose da dirti
Portami, portami
Amen me, hai così tanto da dire

Portami, portami
Portami, portami
Portami, portami
Portami, portami

Guardati allo specchio
Osserva te stesso
Guarda te stesso come una vittoria

La verità è che anche quando piangi
È acqua santa che scorre su un fiore
Guardami a faccia in su
È il sole che ti parla, bellezza mia

Portami, portami
Amen me, ho cose da dirti (Woah, ho cose da dirti)
Amen me, amen me (Amen me)
Amen me, hai così tanto da dire (Oh)

Portami, portami
Amen me, amen me (ho cose da dirti)
Portami, portami
Portami, portami

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen Moi – Bilal Hassani

Regarde-moi quand je te parle
Regarde-moi de haut en bas

Comme une plante carnivore, moi, les hommes, je leur mange le cœur
C'est fini les sourires qui toujours se terminent en pleurs
J'ai repris le contrôle de ma vie pour des jours meilleurs
Pour des jours meilleurs

Amеn moi, amen moi
Amen moi, j'ai des chosеs à te dire
Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, t'as tant de choses à dire

Les idéaux traversent le temps
Comme dans un jeu vidéo
Moi je joue, tout là-haut
Je serai ton gant si tu me colles à la peau

Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, j'ai des choses à te dire
Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, t'as tant de choses à dire

Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, amen moi

Regarde-toi dans le miroir
Observe-toi comme une victoire

La vérité, c'est que même quand tu pleures
C'est de l'eau sacrée qui coule sur une fleur
Regarde-moi, le visage en hauteur
C'est le soleil qui te parle, ma beauté

Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, j'ai des choses à te dire (Woah, j'ai des choses à te dire)
Amen moi, amen moi (Amen moi)
Amen moi, t'as tant de choses à dire (Oh)

Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, amen moi (J'ai des choses à te dire)
Amen moi, amen moi
Amen moi, amen moi

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Bilal Hassani in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen Old Friend – The Doobie Brothers Testo con traduzione in italiano


Quando avevo bisogno di te
ti ho allontanato
Oh, la mia mente turbata
Aveva perso la sua fede
Ma ero troppo lontano
E così da solo
Sì, avevo davvero bisogno di essere salvato

Non ero altro che solo
Mi sento uno sciocco
ho voltato le spalle
su uno come te
Il tempo è andato
Giusto o sbagliato
Non so cosa stavo inseguendo

Così paura di
Quello che non riesco a vedere
Ho chiuso un occhio
Nell'ora del bisogno

La vita è troppo breve per sprecare di nuovo questo amore
Lungo questa strada che non finisce mai
Non guardare indietro, facciamo ammenda
Amen, amen ai vecchi amici

tutte quelle volte
Pensavo che ci sarebbe stato qualcuno
Un eroe per me
E un salvatore per alcuni
Chi mi coprirebbe le spalle?
E proprio così
Eri lì, provato, vero e forte

Giorni e notti
non potrei mai cambiare
Farò entrare la tua luce
Prima che sia troppo tardi

La vita è troppo breve per sprecare di nuovo questo amore
Lungo questa strada che non finisce mai
Non guardare indietro, facciamo ammenda
Amen, amen

Se ti mostrassi chi pensavo di essere
Alti e bassi
E nel mezzo
Vedresti l'unico
stavo scappando da
Ero davvero io

La vita è troppo breve per sprecare di nuovo questo amore
Lungo questa strada che non finisce mai
Non guardare indietro, facciamo ammenda
Amen, amen ai vecchi amici
Whoa, ai vecchi amici
Amen, amen, ai vecchi amici

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amen Old Friend – The Doobie Brothers

When I needed you
I pushed you away
Oh, my troubled mind
Had lost its faith
But I was too far gone
And so alone
Yeah, I really needed saving

I was nothing but lonely
Feeling like a fool
I turned my back
On someone like you
Time has gone
Right or wrong
Don't know what I was chasing

So afraid of
What I can't see
Turned a blind eye
In your hour of need

Life's too short to waste this love again
Down this road that never ends
Don't look back, let's make amends
Amen, amen to old friends

All those times
Thought there'd be someone
A hero to me
And a savior to some
Who would have my back
And just like that
There you were, tried, true, and strong

Days and nights
I could never change
I'm gonna let your light in
Before it's too late

Life's too short to waste this love again
Down this road that never ends
Don't look back, let's make amends
Amen, amen

If I showed you who I thought I was
Highs and lows
And in-betweens
You would see the only one
I'd been running from
Was really me

Life's too short to waste this love again
Down this road that never ends
Don't look back, let's make amends
Amen, amen to old friends
Whoa, to old friends
Amen, amen, to old friends

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per The Doobie Brothers in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amen-raise – Discografia è la più grande enciclopedia musicale italiana, sul nostro sito oltre i testi delle canzoni potete trovare: traduzioni delle canzoni, accordi per chitarra, spartiti musicali e molto altro.

Su ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte


Lista aggiornata il 29/12/2020

Routine - Amen/Raise Testo della canzone


Su ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte

Pubblica i tuoi Testi.
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amenaza De Lluvia – Alejandro Fernandez Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amenaza De Lluvia – Alejandro Fernandez

Una vez más amaneció nublado
Mi corazón esta desorientado
Y es que a pesar de la primavera
Hay nubes negras por donde quiera.

La soledad me tiene acorralado
Como un guardián me sigue a todos lados
Y es que las flechas de tu recuerdo
Siguen clavándose aquí en mi pecho.

Desde aquel día de tu partida
Me esta venciendo la cobardía

Hay amenaza de lluvia aquí en mi corazón
Por todas las inclemencias que dejo tu amor
Hay amenaza de fuertes vientos
De tempestades y sufrimientos

Hay amenaza de lluvia aquí en mi corazón
Por este cielo tan triste que dejo tu adiós
Hay amenaza de que mi vida
Se muera por el dolor, como se muere el día.

La realidad me sigue desafiando
Nunca creí que me dolieras tanto
Y es que a pesar de que te hayas ido
Sigo inventando que estas conmigo
Desde aquel día de tu partida
Me esta venciendo la cobardía.

Hay amenaza de lluvia aquí en mi corazón
Por todas las inclemencias que dejo tu amor
Hay amenaza de fuertes vientos
De tempestades y sufrimientos

Hay amenaza de lluvia aquí en mi corazón
Por este cielo tan triste que dejo tu adiós
Hay amenaza de que mi vida
Se muera por el dolor, como se muere el día.

Hay amenaza de lluvia aquí en mi corazón
Por todas las inclemencias que dejo tu amor
Hay amenaza de fuertes vientos
De tempestades y sufrimientos

Hay amenaza de lluvia aquí en mi corazón
Por este cielo tan triste que dejo tu adiós
Hay amenaza de que mi vida
Se muera por el dolor, como se muere el día.

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Alejandro Fernandez in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amenazzy – Discografia è la più grande enciclopedia musicale italiana, sul nostro sito oltre i testi delle canzoni potete trovare: traduzioni delle canzoni, accordi per chitarra, spartiti musicali e molto altro.

Su ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte


Lista aggiornata il 29/12/2020

No Tenemos Nada Amenazzy e Myke Towers - Testo e Traduzione in Italiano


Su ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte

Pubblica i tuoi Testi.
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amenazzy-noriel-arcangel-de-la-ghetto – Discografia è la più grande enciclopedia musicale italiana, sul nostro sito oltre i testi delle canzoni potete trovare: traduzioni delle canzoni, accordi per chitarra, spartiti musicali e molto altro.

Su ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte


Lista aggiornata il 29/12/2020

Dios Bendiga (Remix) Amenazzy, Noriel, Arcangel &; De La Ghetto e Feat - Testo della canzone


Su ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte

Pubblica i tuoi Testi.
Contattaci: [email protected]


Amendment – Ani Difranco Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amendment – Ani Difranco

Wouldn't it be nice if
We had an amendment
To give civil rights to
To once and for all just
Really lay it down from
The point of view of women

I know what you're thinking
That's just redundant
Chicks got it good now
They can almost be president
But is worker against worker
Time and time again
Cause the rich use certain issues as a tool
When I say we need the E.R.A ain't cause I'm a fool
It's cause without it nobody can get away
With anything cruel

And you don't need to go far like
Just over to Canada
To feel the heightened sense of
Live and let live
What is it about Americans
Like so many pit-bulls
Trained to attack them
To never give

We gotta put down abortion
Put it down in the books for good
As central to the civil rights
Of women
Make diversity legal
Make it finally understood
Through the civil rights of women

And if you don't like abortion
Don't have an abortion
And teach your children
How they can avoid them
But don't treat all women
Like they are your children
Compassion has many faces
Many names
And if men can kill and be decorated
Instead of blamed
Then a woman called upon to mother
Can choose to refrain

And contrary to eons
Of old time religion
Your body is your only
True dominion
Nature is not here to serve you
Or at any cause to preserve you
That's just some preacher man's
Old time opinion

Life is sacred
Life is also profane
A woman's life
It must be hers to name
Let out an amendment
Put this brutal game to rest
Trust, women will still take you
To their breast
Trust, women will always
Do their best
Trust, our differences make us stronger
Not less

In this amendment shall be
Family structure shall be free
We'll have the right to civil union
With equal rights and
Equal protection
Intolerance finally

And then there's the kids rights
They'll naturally be on board
The funnel through which
Women's lives are poured
Our family is so big
And we're all so very small
Let a web of relationship
Be laid over it all

Over the strutter of power piled up to the sky
Over the illusion of autonomy on which it relies
Over any absolute that nature does not supply

And the birthing woman shall regain her place
In a circle of women, in a sacred space
Turn off the machines, put away the knifes
This amendment shall deliver from bondage midwives

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Ani Difranco in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]




È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Amerai di Giuni Russo

Io capisco che vivo
Da un mattino che nasce
Da una rosa che sboccia
Da un ragazzo che sorride
Io capisco che vivo
Dal momento che hai detto
Che ami me
Amerai con me
Sorridendo a chiunque ti sorrida
Crederai con me
Che il mondo sta girando intorno a te
Sono sicura che
Che la felicità
E’ già, è già dentro di noi
Amerai con me
Questo amore che è tutto per me
Io capisco che vivo
Da una stretta di mano
Da una buona parola
Da uno sguardo di un amico
Io capisco che vivo
Dal momento che hai detto
Che ami me
Amerai con me
Sorridendo a chiunque ti sorrida
Crederai con me
Che il mondo sta girando intorno a te
Sono sicura che
Che la felicità
E’ già, è già dentro di noi
Amerai con me
Questo amore che è tutto per me

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


Amerai solo me


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Amerai solo me di Carmen Villani

(Alberto TestaGian Franco ReverberiGiorgio Guglieri)

Amerai solo me
non c’è niente da fare
anche se lo vorrai
amerai solo me

ci siamo visti appena
mi hai detto due parole
ed ho capito subito
che aspettavi me

amerai solo me
non c’è niente da fare
anche se lo vorrai
amerai solo me

non posso e non voglio
lasciarti andare via
adesso che ho trovato
un amore così

amerai solo me
non c’è niente da fare
anche se lo vorrai
amerai solo me
e non c’è più niente da fare
anche se lo vorrai
amerai solo me

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.

[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]




F7                   A#

     F G

C A#            F

C  A#              F

C A#                Am

Dm A# C7            F

Dm A#       G7     C

A#          F

F7                   A#

      F G               C

A#            F

C A#                    F

C A#                  Am   Dm A#

C7                 F

Dm A#    G7      C

A#            F

F7                   A#

      F G                 C

A#             F

F7    A#

      F G                  C7

A#             F A# F A# F
AMERAI SOLO ME           



Ameri (Gli amori)


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 Peerla

Testo Della Canzone

Ameri (Gli amori) di Elio e le storie tese

Accesa, spenta fra i radiogiornali, l’auricolare perso in tre canali. Son loro che ci aiutano a non sentirci soli, ma un uomo li comanda, e lo chiamiamo Ameri.

Grazie, Ameri. Vai Ameri, con il coraggio e la paura di sentirti bene. Ameri in forma, ameri in sintonia. Ciotti ti sgrida (parli sempre tu), e gli altri a dirgli: “Cosa vuoi che sia?.

Grazie, Ameri. Vai, Ameri; descrivi in sintesi che cosa avviene a centrocampo. Sivori al limite dell’area, buon disimpegno e Cuccureddu va, ma ecco Albertosi che lo caccia via. Immagina una rete di pescatori, una rimessa d’auto e tanti bei rigori che gli arbitri decretano per falli non di gomma, e infatti li rilevano:ve n’e’ una vasta gamma.

Vai, Ameri. Grazie, Ameri; ci fosse ancora Bortoluzzi in onda come ieri ci abbracceremmo, e canteremmo in cor la canzoncina “Buonasera dottor che tramandocci quella brava cantante e madre esemplare Claudia Mori. E Ghezzi Dori, che un di’ cantava il kasaciof destando dissapori. La gente intorno grida: “Evviva Wess! “Due corpi e un’anima fu il suo success, ma dopo lo hanno ostacolato perche’ era un negro,,. Non che sia poco bravo Provenzali, ma per quest’oggi, Ameri, parla tu.

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


Ameri – Elio e le Storie Tese Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ameri – Elio e le Storie Tese

Accesa, spenta fra i radiogiornali
L'auricolare perso in tre canali
Son loro che ci aiutano
A non sentirci soli
Ma un uomo li comanda
E lo chiamiamo Ameri

Grazie, Ameri. Vai Ameri
Con il coraggio e la paura
Di sentirti bene
Ameri in forma, Ameri in sintonia
Ciotti ti sgrida (parli sempre tu)
E gli altri a dirgli:
"Cosa vuoi che sia?"

Grazie, Ameri. Vai, Ameri!
Descrivi in sintesi
Che cosa avviene a centrocampo
Sivori al limite dell'area
Buon disimpegno e Cuccureddu va
Ma ecco Albertosi
Che lo caccia via

Immagina una rete di pescatori
Una rimessa d'auto
E tanti bei rigori
Che gli arbitri decretano
Per falli non di gomma
E infatti li rilevano:
Ve n'è una vasta gamma

Vai, Ameri
Grazie, Ameri;
Ci fosse ancora Bortoluzzi
In onda come ieri
Ci abbracceremmo e canteremmo in cor
La canzoncina "Buonasera dottor"
Che tramandocci quella brava cantante
E madre esemplare

Claudia Mori. E Ghezzi Dori
Che un dì cantava il casaciòc
Destando dissapori
La gente intorno grida: "Evviva Wess!
"Due corpi e un'anima" fu il suo success
Ma dopo lo hanno ostacolato
Perché era un negro."

Non che sia poco bravo Provenzali
Ma per quest'oggi, Ameri, parla tu

Piacere, piacere, piacere Rai Uno
Sono Cutugno, a volte m'ingrugno
Ma le canzoni continuo a cantar!

Mi sentite? O sentite poco?
Sturatevi le orecchie, mio bel gruppo
Elio e le Storie Tese!
Sentite, lo conoscere Francis
Voi che organizzate
Dei toga toga party party?
Non lo conoscete?
Ma tra di voi c'è sentimento
O c'è sentore di incaprettamento?
C'è un qualche cosa
Me lo dite voi?
Mi sentite sempre poc...
So che voi vi fumate l'impossibile
Ma... lo usate il tabacco
Quando fumate?
Lo usate? Francis, lo usano?
Sentite? Music!

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Elio e le Storie Tese in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


america è la più grande enciclopedia musicale italiana, sul nostro sito oltre i testi delle canzoni potete trovare: traduzioni delle canzoni, accordi per chitarra, spartiti musicali e molto altro.

america TUTTI I TESTI 

Lista aggiornata il 14-12-2020

America – (It’s Like You) Never Left At All Testo della canzone
America – 1960 Testo della canzone
America – 5th Avenue Testo della canzone
America – A Horse With No Name Testo della canzone
America – A Road Song Testo della canzone
America – All Around Testo della canzone
America – All I Think About Is You Testo della canzone
America – All My Life Testo della canzone
America – All Night Testo della canzone
America – Always Love Testo della canzone
America – Amber Cascades Testo della canzone
America – America Testo della canzone
America – And Forever Testo della canzone
America – Another Try Testo della canzone
America – Are You There Testo della canzone
America – Baby It’s Up To You Testo della canzone
America – Bell Tree Testo della canzone
America – California Dreamin’ Testo della canzone
America – California Revisited (Everyone I Meet Is From California) Testo della canzone
America – Call Of The Wild Testo della canzone
America – Can’t Fall Asleep To A Lullaby Testo della canzone
America – Can’t You See Testo della canzone
America – Caroline, No Testo della canzone
America – Cast The Spirit Testo della canzone
America – Catch That Train Testo della canzone
America – Chasing The Rainbow Testo della canzone
America – Children Testo della canzone
America – Cinderella Testo della canzone
America – Clarice Testo della canzone
America – Close To The Wind Testo della canzone
America – Coastline Testo della canzone
America – Company Testo della canzone
America – Cornwall Blank Testo della canzone
America – Crying In My Sleep Testo della canzone
America – Daisy Jane Testo della canzone
America – Desperate Love Testo della canzone
America – Don’t Cross The River Testo della canzone
America – Don’t Cry Baby Testo della canzone
America – Don’t Let It Get You Down Testo della canzone
America – Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Testo della canzone
America – Down To The Water Testo della canzone
America – Even The Score Testo della canzone
America – Everyone I Meet Is From California Testo della canzone
America – Fallin’ Off The World Testo della canzone
America – Foolin’ Testo della canzone
America – From A Moving Train Testo della canzone
America – Garden Of Peace Testo della canzone
America – Glad To See You Testo della canzone
America – God Of The Sun Testo della canzone
America – Golden Testo della canzone
America – Goodbye Testo della canzone
America – Green Monkey Testo della canzone
America – Greenhouse Testo della canzone
America – Half A Man Testo della canzone
America – Hangover Testo della canzone
America – Hat Trick Testo della canzone
America – Head And Heart Testo della canzone
America – Hell’s On Fire Testo della canzone
America – Here Testo della canzone
America – Hidden Talent Testo della canzone
America – High In The City Testo della canzone
America – Hollywood Testo della canzone
America – Honey Testo della canzone
America – Hope Testo della canzone
America – Hot Town Testo della canzone
America – Hurricane Testo della canzone
America – I Do Believe In You Testo della canzone
America – I Don’t Believe In Miracles Testo della canzone
America – I Need You Testo della canzone
America – In The Country Testo della canzone
America – In The Sea Testo della canzone
America – Indian Summer Testo della canzone
America – Inspector Mills Testo della canzone
America – It’s Life Testo della canzone
America – Jet Boy Blue Testo della canzone
America – Jody Testo della canzone
America – Lady With A Bluebird Testo della canzone
America – Letter Testo della canzone
America – Lonely People Testo della canzone
America – Look At Me Now Testo della canzone
America – Love And Leaving Testo della canzone
America – Love On The Vine Testo della canzone
America – Love’s Worn Out Again Testo della canzone
America – Lovely Night Testo della canzone
America – Mad Dog Testo della canzone
America – Man’s Road Testo della canzone
America – Midnight Testo della canzone
America – Might Be Your Love Testo della canzone
America – Mirror To Mirror Testo della canzone
America – Molten Love Testo della canzone
America – Moment To Moment Testo della canzone
America – Monster Testo della canzone
America – Moon Song Testo della canzone
America – Muskrat Love Testo della canzone
America – My Back Pages Testo della canzone
America – My Dear Testo della canzone
America – My Kinda Woman Testo della canzone
America – Never Be Lonely Testo della canzone
America – Never Found The Time Testo della canzone
America – No Fortune Testo della canzone
America – Nothing’s So Far Away (As Yesterday) Testo della canzone
America – Now She’s Gone Testo della canzone
America – Old Man Took Testo della canzone
America – Old Virginia Testo della canzone
America – Oloololo Testo della canzone
America – On Target Testo della canzone
America – On The Way Home Testo della canzone
America – One Chance Testo della canzone
America – One In A Million Testo della canzone
America – One Morning Testo della canzone
America – Only Game In Town Testo della canzone
America – Only In Your Heart Testo della canzone
America – Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow Testo della canzone
America – Pages Testo della canzone
America – People In The Valley Testo della canzone
America – Pigeon Song Testo della canzone
America – Political Poachers Testo della canzone
America – Ports-Of-Call Testo della canzone
America – Rainbow Song Testo della canzone
America – Rainy Day Testo della canzone
America – Ride On Testo della canzone
America – Right Back To Me Testo della canzone
America – Right Before Your Eyes Testo della canzone
America – Sailing To Philadelphia Testo della canzone
America – Sandman Testo della canzone
America – Sarah Testo della canzone
America – Saturn Nights Testo della canzone
America – Seasons Testo della canzone
America – See How The Love Goes Testo della canzone
America – Sergeant Darkness Testo della canzone
America – She’s A Liar Testo della canzone
America – She’s A Runaway Testo della canzone
America – She’s Beside You Testo della canzone
America – She’s Gonna Let You Down Testo della canzone
America – Sister Golden Hair Testo della canzone
America – Sleeper Train Testo della canzone
America – Slow Down Testo della canzone
America – Someday We’ll Know Testo della canzone
America – Someday Woman Testo della canzone
America – Something In The Way She Moves Testo della canzone
America – Sometimes Lovers Testo della canzone
America – Special Girl Testo della canzone
America – Stereo Testo della canzone
America – Submarine Ladies Testo della canzone
America – Survival Testo della canzone
America – Tall Treasures Testo della canzone
America – That’s All I’ve Got To Say Testo della canzone
America – The Border Testo della canzone
America – The Farm Testo della canzone
America – The Last Unicorn Testo della canzone
America – The Story Of A Teenager Testo della canzone
America – These Brown Eyes Testo della canzone
America – This Time Testo della canzone
America – Three Roses Testo della canzone
America – Til I Hear It From You Testo della canzone
America – Till The Sun Comes Up Again Testo della canzone
America – Time Of The Season Testo della canzone
America – Tin Man Testo della canzone
America – To Each His Own Testo della canzone
America – Today’s The Day Testo della canzone
America – Tomorrow Testo della canzone
America – Tonight Is For Dreamers Testo della canzone
America – Town And Country Testo della canzone
America – Unconditional Love Testo della canzone
America – Valentine Testo della canzone
America – Ventura Highway Testo della canzone
America – Walk In The Woods Testo della canzone
America – Watership Down Testo della canzone
America – We Got All Night Testo della canzone
America – Wednesday Morning Testo della canzone
America – What Does It Matter Testo della canzone
America – Wheels Are Turning Testo della canzone
America – Whispering Testo della canzone
America – Who Loves You Testo della canzone
America – Whole Wide World Testo della canzone
America – Wind Wave Testo della canzone
America – Winter Holidays Testo della canzone
America – Woman Tonight Testo della canzone
America – Woodstock Testo della canzone
America – Work To Do Testo della canzone
America – World Alone Testo della canzone
America – World Of Light Testo della canzone
America – You Can Do Magic Testo della canzone
America – You Could’ve Been The One Testo della canzone
America – You Girl Testo della canzone
America – You Testo della canzone
America – Young Moon Testo della canzone
America – Your Move Testo della canzone


America – Aisey Testo della canzone

L'Otto è un singolo di Chiara Osso del 2021. Su Wikitesti puoi trovare il testo integrale della canzone L’Otto – una dedica a Roma di Chiara Osso, promettente artista tra i finalisti del Contesto Indie. Uno spaccato della città, dal punto di vista giovanile, il racconto di una serata trascorsa attraversando le strade a piedi, a notte fonda

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Aisey

Pazza e frenetica come la pioggia che cade
Come le onde del mare che crescono per sparire
Sei come l'America affascini già a prima vista
Fortunato chi ti conquista tra quelli che segui su Insta

Vorrei essere io ad averti accanto
E non quell'altro che vuole solo usarti e basta
Tutta una farsa
Prima o poi ne sarai stanca

Giriamo un po' tra i palazzi a New York
Saliamo su per poi toccare il cielo
Con te una scommessa come al Casinò
Non la perderò baby sei il mio desiderio

Lasciami un segno scalfiscimi l'anima
Ma senza ferirmi dammi quella carica
Di vivere al meglio,sfuggire alla realta
Quante volte ho detto che se ci sei è un po' tutto diverso

Con te che porti allegria ah
Amore e follia
A-amore e follia
A-a-amore e follia

Siamo l'eccezzioni ai sistemi del mondo
Alla monotonia ah
Siamo amore e follia
A-a-amore e follia

Quanto vorrei che tu contassi su di me
Non lo dici mai lo sai che in fondo un modo c'è

Io sogno un concerto a Chicago
La folla che rula il mio nome
Come se fosse allo stadio
Questa è la vita che voglio
Girare il mondo
Non cerco la droga
La musica è l'unica cosa
La dipendenza che ho bisogno
Dall'alba al tramonto

Tu sei qui in prima fila
Dammi la mano sali sul palco
Te che mi dici "sei matto"
E io lo sono un po'

Da quando ti ho vista in quel MC a New York
Cosa ci facevi sola?
Sei troppo bella te lo dico ora

E non lo so se prima o poi ti avrò
Dimmi perchè non mi prendi sul serio
Con te una scommessa come al Casinò
Non la perderò baby sei il mio desiderio

Con te che porti allegria ah
Amore e follia
A-amore e follia
A-a-amore e follia

Siamo l'eccezzioni ai sistemi del mondo
Alla monotonia ah
Siamo amore e follia
A-a-amore e follia

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Aisey in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America – Claudio Sacco Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Claudio Sacco

Mi capita ormai stranamente spesso
Sono ad una festa ma non mi diverto
Due continenti con il mare in mezzo
Da quando non sei qui con me

Ti capita mai?o per te è diverso
Che quando sei sola ti addormenti presto
Sposti il cuscino sul lato destro del letto
Ma senza di me

Sogni mentre sogni
Di scappare verso un altro posto
Ma ti senti solo fuori posto
E senza sogni,mentre sogni
Istanti da me

Avrei voluto scoprire l'America
Lo stupore acceso sul tuo volto
Sulla terra rossa farti una dedica
Poi baciarti di colpo

Avrei voluto scoprire l'America
Il Grand Canion visto dall'alto
E tutto sarebbe più bello se fossi con me
In America

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh(in America)

Sul tavolo c'è ancora quella locandina
Stropicciata ormai carta velina
Consumato le parole col dito
Cercando l'indizio di te

Sei volte al giorno io cambio mood
Ed ogni sera sto un po' più giù
Scivolo sopra un granello di sabbia
Mentre ti cerco dentro al deserto e tu sogni
Mentre sogni distante da me

Avrei voluto stupire l'America
Lo stupore acceso sul tuo volto
Sulla terra rossa farti una dedica
Poi baciarti di colpo

Avrei voluto scoprire l'America
Il Grand Canion visto dall'alto
E tutto sarebbe più bello se fossi con me
In America

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh(in America)

Avrei voluto scoprire l'America
Il Grand Canion visto dall'alto
E tutto sarebbe più bello se fossi con me

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Claudio Sacco in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America – Il Tre e Emis Killa – Testo e Traduzione in Italiano

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Il Tre Emis Killa

No, no, no
Eh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no

Io no, no, no, no, no, no, non parlo, eh
Fra', faccio i fatti e resto calmo, eh
Quando passo, senti: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, ehi
Senti: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, ehi

Sono stato tutto, sono stato niente
Alzo la voce e grido forte: "Forza" per chi non mi sente
Dipendente da un'idea che avevo già da adolescente
Non ti do niente per niente
E fotto questa vita prima che mi fotta lentamente
Sogno i palchi e l'America
Ho sempre pensato che chi sogna lo merita
Non ho mai sеguito una sequenza numerica
Non può nascеre un fiore, fra', sull'erba sintetica
Mi hanno detto di guardare dentro me
Per capire cosa sono e cosa voglio, ma
Ho guardato troppo in fondo e troppo bene, fra'
La mia ombra quando camminiamo, sai, mi evita
Ma ci credo davvero, yeh, yeh, yeh, ehi
So che ci arriveremo, eh
A due passi dal cielo

Io no, no, no, no, no, no, non parlo, eh
Fra', faccio i fatti e resto calmo, eh
Quando passo, senti: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, ehi
Senti: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, ehi

Fra', ne ho visti di talenti perdersi per strada
Di persone giuste dietro ad un'idea sbagliata
La testa ti dice che l'ego non è un reato
Ma la festa finisce quando arriva la retata (Ta-ta-ta)
Dare purché se ne dica se ho perso un amico (Uh)
Non l'ho lasciato indietro, fra', è lui che non mi ha seguito
Se perdi la fame, ad altri viene l'appetito
Finché un infame prende il tuo posto come Carlito (Ah-ah)
Chiedo pardon se non ho imparato il bon ton
Quando passo il mezzo fa woh, la mia tipa Margot
Per cambiare 'sta vita hardcore
Ho fatto i salti mortali, Jean-Claude
E non te ne parlo (No, no)
Ma tu eri bravo a dirlo e io ero bravo a farlo, eh

Io no, no, no, no, no, no, non parlo, eh
Fra', faccio i fatti e resto calmo, eh
Quando passo, senti: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, ehi
Senti: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, ehi

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America – London Grammar Testo con traduzione in italiano


E spero che tu lo trovi, tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno
Spero che tu rimanga giovane, selvaggio e libero
Avrai l'America
E spero che tu sia migliore di tutti i tuoi amici
Spero che ti tengano fino alla fine
Puoi avere l'America

Hmm hmm hmm ...

Ma tutto il nostro tempo a caccia dell'America
Anche se non ha mai avuto una casa per me
Tutto il nostro tempo a caccia di un sogno
Hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm
Un sogn

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – London Grammar

And I hope that you find it, all that you need
I hope that you stay young and wild and free
You'll have America
And I hope that you're better than all of your friends
I hope that they hold you until the end
You can have America

Hmm hmm hmm...

But all of our time chasing America
Though she never had a home for me
All of our time chasing a dream
Hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm
A dream that meant nothing to me

And see where I found you, where they all lay
All of the greats, they are here to stay
Here in America
And I hope that you'rе finding, all that you are
I hope that it sets you up high, oh-oh, oh-oh
In thе heart of America

Hmm hmm hmm...

But all of our time chasing America
But she never had a home for me
Hmm hmm hmm...
All of our time chasing a dream
Hmm hmm hmm...
A dream that meant nothing to me

And all the parties they fade
And yes my looks they'll go away
I'll just be left here in America
But she never had a home for me

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per London Grammar in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America (Glamour And Prestige) – Bernard Fanning Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America (Glamour And Prestige) – Bernard Fanning

We came into this slip road
Picking up a billow in clouded dust
Down on Sunset and Vine
They're counting all their money on an abacus

I dived down to the bottom of the lake
Where the pressure was breaking my bones
I never felt so far from home

You're more than a pocket full
With the glamour and prestige in America
Such a well-worn cliche
Now I'm looking back in out of this passenger

[?] space cake
Climbing in rehab and the rest of us
Parachuting gold mine
A fortune undiscovered to the west of us

Black car on a dirt road
Picking up kids with the stars in her eyes
Good thing I don't need a ride

You're more than a pocket full
With the glamour and prestige in America
Such a well-worn cliche
Now I'm looking back in out of this passenger

So what are you waiting for
All that glamour and prestige
Whatever you're waiting for
Now I'm looking back in out of this passenger

Why'd you leave me this way
All that glamour and prestige
Such a well-worn cliche

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Bernard Fanning in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America (Wake Up Amy) – Bowling For Soup Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America (Wake Up Amy) – Bowling For Soup

America a beautiful girl
A gift to the world from outside of town
A train wreck with unbelievable skin
Hey, where have you been we haven't seen you around

You know you don't have to be so mean
We hear it loud and clear when you say
That you don't give a whoop whoop

America she bullies at school
Her parents were cool
But now she's out on her own
Happiness as long as she's right and she's quick to fight
Yeah she's looking kinda rough

She says just recognize recognize

Cause She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

America she lost all her friends
The fun never ends until you buy your own beer
Rehab so bitter and wired
So used up and tired hey your looking pretty rough

She says just recognize recognize

Cause She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks on
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Waking up the neighbors it goes on and on

Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks on
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Waking up the neighbors it goes on and on and on

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Bowling For Soup in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America (Wake Up Amy) – Bowling For Soup Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America (Wake Up Amy) – Bowling For Soup

America a beautiful girl
A gift to the world from outside of town
A train wreck with unbelievable skin
Hey, where have you been we haven't seen you around

You know you don't have to be so mean
We hear it loud and clear when you say
That you don't give a whoop whoop

America she bullies at school
Her parents were cool
But now she's out on her own
Happiness as long as she's right and she's quick to fight
Yeah she's looking kinda rough

She says just recognize recognize

Cause She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

America she lost all her friends
The fun never ends until you buy your own beer
Rehab so bitter and wired
So used up and tired hey your looking pretty rough

She says just recognize recognize

Cause She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a whoop whoop
She don't give a.

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks on
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Waking up the neighbors it goes on and on

Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks on
Wake up Amy your alarm clocks beeping
Waking up the neighbors it goes on and on and on

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Wake up America don't wanna fight anymore (Wake up America)
Now pick yourself off the floor

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Bowling For Soup in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America – Aura Dione Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Aura Dione


There's a rainbow exploding from my heart
Things that can grow wings, must be smart
I have a dress made of stars and stripes

There's secrecy in my mind
I always look for things I cannot find
I was born to sing between the lights

All the dreams my father had he never got to do
He said go out into the world, I want the best for you
You're my daughter and I only wanna see you shine

If you make it in America you can make it anywhere
If you make it in America you can take it anywhere

There's a rainbow exploding from my heart
Neon signs lighting up the dark
It all begins with an inner spark
You know you got to go

All the dreams my mother had she never got to do
She was a dancer but never got to follow through
She's in me and I'm gonna make her shine

If you make it in America you can make it anywhere
If you make it in America you can take it anywhere

The only way you'll ever know
It's when you can't to just let go
That's how they made it to the moon
Faith and love

If you make it in America you can make it anywhere
If you make it in America you can take it anywhere
If you make it in America you can make it anywhere
If you make it in America you can take it anywhere

If you make it in America you can make it anywhere
If you make it in America you can take it anywhere

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America – Car Seat Headrest Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Car Seat Headrest

You can drive across the whole thing
In four days
If you really wanted
Leaving custom thank you notes
In all the houses you ever haunted

In this whole solar system
We've only met one type of life
It's the living kind of life
And it's not one I recognize

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I said "excuse me" to the ocean
Because I thought I had got in its way
At first I didn't think it heard me
But then I saw it wave

You can spend every living moment thinking
How can I get out alive?
But is it really then, can you really call it
Hey man, just shut up and drive

I thought we'd be on the road all night when that ice storm hit in Texas
And when we pulled into the gas station
It was like a frozen oasis
Oh, sweet mama, does that neon sign shine for me?
Is there a street where my name glows all through the night?

And I've never read (America)
No I've never been (America)
I just never went (America)
I have never seen (America)
And I've never read (America)
No I've never been (America)
I just never went (America)
I have never seen (America)

All my fantasies are faking orgasms
They're only in it for the money I made up for them
I trade in ideas, opinion and artistry
And my face is on every dollar

This is heaven but heaven is here
This is heaven but heaven is hard
Because your lover is listening to music you don't know
And you're tangled up in the headphone wires
You know our problems, they don't end
Just because we get boy/girlfriends

Is this your salvation plan?
Is this your salvation plan?

There's only one type of love
It's the loving kind of love
But when you're mad at me it's the end of times
And I'm mad at you all the other times

Have I ever really been in love?
I guess I've never really been in love
Have I ever really
Not in the way I'm thinking

And I've never read (America)
No I've never been (America)
I just never went (America)
I have never seen (America)

Real life's a mess
But at least you're not paying rent
You've been making it, maybe even breaking even
You oughta be content

It doesn't make sense
You're still sitting on the fence
When the yard is yours
And it was money well spent

And I've never read
No, I've never been
I just never went
I have never seen

Civil rights! basically
Bright lights! living in the city
Second prize in a beauty pageant
200 dollars, this is life, this is your life!
This is heaven
This is the place

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America – Chicago Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Chicago

America, America is free
America is you and me

The dream is fading before our eyes
Take some time to revive it
"We the people" must start right now
Don't expect our leaders to show us how
They don't have a clue what to do
If they knew how to stop the slide
We'd have seen some signs by now
To turn back the tide

We can't keep havin' you make our rules
When you treat us common folk like fools
It's time we stand up for our rights
Put Congress in our political sights
Make them pass laws that help us all
The founding fathers echo will be heard in the hall
By the people, for the people, everyone equal
'Cause this is

America, America is free
Everyone's free
America, America is free
America is you and me

Our declaration tell us we're all free and equal
No religion, no color, just people
No one better, no one worse
Everyone comes first

Time to unite as a nation
Go all in with no hesitation
Let's not shy away from what's right
Let's not shy away from the fight
If we work together at a steady pace
We will make the lane we love a better place
A better...

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America – Chinx Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Chinx

Happy hour, fried on a Friday
Getting to the money in the worst way
All black ski mask, nigga fuck
You ain't want it that bad in the first place
I fell in love with the money
Straight you can't take that shit from me
Twentys and fiftys and hundreds
Money and power, I want it, I want it, only in America
Only in America, only in America, only in America
We came to fuck up the money, we came to fuck up the money
We came to fuck up the money, money and power, I want it, I want it
Only in America

Shawn Kemp nigga, 40 on the chest
On the strip, drop forty on a stretch
Young nigga from the East Side
Dibs on your bitch and my homie got next
Young nigga whip the soda, talking full time watching for the Rovers
On the stove top, tryna whip a bonus
Tryna clock mine early in the morning
I be getting to the bank, with a half a quarter in the tank
Count it then we throw it in the bank
Nigga just flew back into the states
Never gave a fuck of what another nigga think
Nigga we gone still throw the pills in the drink
Love about the deal, I got the wheels on the skate
Pussy niggas still getting killed on the tape
Foot up on the gas, nigga getting to the bank
All black mask nigga, what's up in the safe?
Drop a little bag, they gone figure where you stay
Turn into a problem, we gone get them out the way
We came to fuck up the money, we came to fuck up the money
Twenties and Fifties and Hundreds
Money and power, I want it, I want it, I want it

Happy hour, fried on a Friday
Getting to the money in the worst way
All black ski mask, nigga fuck
You ain't want it that bad in the first place
I fell in love with the money
Straight you can't take that shit from me
Twenties and Fifties and Hundreds
Money and power, I want it, I want it, only in America
Only in America, only in America, only in America
We came to fuck up the money, we came to fuck up the money
We came to fuck up the money, money and power, I want it, I want it
Only in America

Young nigga whipping in the kitchen
Put it on the table, we gone cook it up for dinner
See a nigga shining, bitch you fucking with a winner
Bitch cop [?] to emasculate with us
Real niggas shoot every day
All gold chains, [?] the pay
Politicking paper, tryna make it in the office
Fucking with them laws, you gone end up in a coffin
Anything else when it comes to this paper, you know
Green light your spot for the ticket, please enjoy the show
All of my niggas gone come up
Fuck up the blunt, make it double
I fell in love with the coco, fuck with the dope that's a nono
I ain't gone lie, niggas paying double for the fishscale pie
Early morning whipping so the powder wouldn't fry
Bring it to her bubble and another poured 5
Jumping out the jungle, we just tryna stay alive
Never been a killer but don't try me nigga
Ain't nobody scared to catch a body nigga
Got a couple niggas riding with me, now they'll rob you
You might fuck around a be the nigga that we body

Happy hour, fried on a Friday
Getting to the money in the worst way
All black ski mask, nigga fuck
You ain't want it that bad in the first place
I fell in love with the money
Straight you can't take that shit from me
Twenties and Fifties and Hundreds
Money and power, I want it, I want it, only in America
Only in America, only in America, only in America
We came to fuck up the money, we came to fuck up the money
We came to fuck up the money, money and power, I want it, I want it
Only in America

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America – Chris Tomlin Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Chris Tomlin

Let your glory fly
If my people will humbly pray
Turn from sin and their wicked ways
I will hear them and heal their land
And show my glory and power again
Lift your eyes up
Look to the sky
The Lord is coming, coming to America
Can you feel the fire
Can you see the wind
Blowing through
Coming to America again
Go and tell them the blind will see
The lame will walk and the slave is free
Shout the news that the lost are saved
In the name of Jesus the dead are raised

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America – Colt Ford Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Colt Ford

I wrote this song about America
If you don't like it, the hell witcha
Cause I'm a rider

I'm a rider, I'm a rider
As I stand on my home down the highway
I'm a rider, I'm a rider
It's the 'merican pride that's inside me

Time to saddle up we ridin' out
I ain't never scared I ain't hidin' out
Time for America to show some pride
Let the whole world see how we ride
To hell to anyone that don't like our flag
I suggest you get gone 'cause Colt and Bone
We 'bout to start us a revolution (yes sir)
We gettin' back to the constitution (yes sir)
All men are equal in the eyes of the Lord
You won't find nobody as real as Colt Ford (nobody)
I'm tellin' y'all exactly how I feel
That's enough America, let's make a deal
When we come to your town, better show some pride
And you won't have to see what I tote on my side

I'm a rider, I'm a rider
As I stand on my home down the highway
I'm a rider, I'm a rider
It's the 'merican pride that's inside me

America / This here is red, white and blue
So what the hell do y'all want to do
America / Put your flag up and tell your friends
We 'bout to take America back again
America / Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Let's get back to in God we trust
America / Home of the free, land of the brave
Thank God for all the people who gave their live
Fight fight

I'm a rider, I'm a rider
As I stand on my home down the highway
I'm a rider, I'm a rider
It's the 'merican pride that's inside me

I want y'all to understand, Colt Ford, American man
God fearin', hell raiser, new rebel, trailblazer
Church goin', shit kicker, truck ridin', guitar picker
Everybody stand up, come on throw your hands up
This is for red, white, and blue, so tell me what y'all wanna do
This is for red, white, and blue, so tell me what y'all wanna do

America / This here is red, white and blue
So what the hell do y'all want to do
America / Put your flag up and tell your friends
We 'bout to take America back again
America / Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Let's get back to in God we trust
America / Home of the free, land of the brave
Thank God for all the people who gave their live
Fight fight

America baby, the red, white, and blue
Land of the free and home of the brave
It's two rebels right here, Colt Ford, Bone Crusher
Y'all can either get with us or get ran the fuck over
God Bless America

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America – Dan Bull Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Dan Bull

America, America
Here's to your health
America, America

Now tell me
Why's the country that's the most wealthy also amongst the most unhealthy?
There's probably a lot of theories out there
But mine's got to be the lack of national healthcare -
A category of welfare that happens to be well fair
Whether there's wealth there or whether it's elsewhere
Now you can probably tell where this is going from my accent
Or you're thinking "Why's this British guy rapping?"
I like America, the music, the people
That's why I want to see improvements to each of them
There's problems here too, Britain's got its fair share
I'm sure you know about our questionable dental care
But there's one thing that stands better than the rest
And that's the NHS, yes
Where nobody faces rejection
Just because to treat them would be a dangerous investment
Where what the doctor prescribes is what you're given
Instead of having to wait for your insurer's decision
Where prescriptions are a reasonable price
If you need something lifelong you can even subscribe
Where if you're old or young; unemployed;
Then it's free, and the price tag becomes null and void
Where you can go home without paying one penny;
Where you've still got the option of a private company
It's unbelievable the stuff they've done for me before
Months in hospital and I've not paid a fee at all

America, America
Here's to your health
America, America
Here's wishing you good health

Insurance firms are about saving dimes
Before they'll even think about saving lives
So say goodbye to your treatment if there's even
A minor loophole in your legal agreement
Is your system victim free?
There's fifty million Americans who evidently disagree
Fifty million without health insurance
That could die just because they couldn't afford it
You don't have to pay to have a fire extinguished
And you have the police, not private militias
So why should this difference apply to the systems
Providing for victims requiring assistance?
Nothing should be held higher than citizens
Putting wealth over health? I am sick of it
Insurance firms are commercial businesses -
They're not concerned what your physical fitness is
They're only interested in what the interest is;
Over here we have a different incentive
A lot of you are incensed at this
And I don't intned to be insensitive but listen
There's several myths about the terrible British
Medical system that I better dismiss, quick:
1. You can't choose who your doctor is. Not true -
There's a long list of doctors I've gone to
2. One of the most stupid lies is that
Old people are euthanised when they're due to die
Not true - if there was institutionalised
Granny killing don't you think there'd be a public outcry?
You don't have to use the NHS anyway -
There's still plenty of private firms if you want to pay
But the proof's in the pudding, come to Britain for a bit
I bet you can't find anyone who would get rid of it


America, America

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America – Nick Cannon Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Nick Cannon

I love her, you know her like I know her
So powerful, so beautiful, it's crazy to think
The things that she'll do to you
She'll change your life
She'll give you the freedom to be what you want
She's doing nice, she's the only one

[Nick Cannon:]
I climbed on the bar to see her
Everybody in the world wants to meet her
I drive thousands of miles just to take a picture
So beautiful and magical I dripped and bust since I was a little boy

So I need to find her, she is a special girl
Nothing is like her, I search for her around the world
I wanna make her mine, think of her all the time
She'll never leave me, she'll never leave me

Her name is America, she is my lady
I swear to protect her, oh so amazing
Her name is America, she is my baby
I promised to love her, more than God above us
She is America, and I want her
She is America, and I love her

Oho, America, America, ooh, that girl
Oho, America, America, ooh that girl

[Nick Cannon:]
Fight to people
Battling, they want her, they try to steal her
Pick my armor up and put my spears down
She's my number one, the only one I wanna stay by her side

So I need to find her, she is a special girl
Nothing is like her, I search for her around the world
I wanna make her mine, think of her all the time
She'll never leave me, she'll never leave me

Her name is America, she is my lady
I swear to protect her, oh so amazing
Her name is America, she is my baby
I promised to love her, more than God above us
She is America, and I want her
She is America, and I love her

America baby, hold on baby
Wassup baby, go ahead baby
Maybe we can jump off in the car
Drop the top and look at the 50 stars
Dressed with skin tight, red, white, blue
Her heels like ooh, and I was like ooh
Baby go and lie, maybe later on we can hit my spot, right
She know Trina and her girlfriend Gina
Going back and forth like they was Serena
On Monday I'm seeing Erica, but God bless America

[Nick Cannon:]
Twerk it, twerk it, twerk it, to the dawn's early light, light
Mami in the club, full of stars, we got stripes
Walk it out in the sound, tryna get them civil rights
It's Mister Worldwide and your man Nick Cannon
We salute her all night

Her name is America, she is my lady
I swear to protect her, oh so amazing
Her name is America, she is my baby
I promised to love her, more than God above us
She is America, and I want her
She is America, and I love her

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America – Nick Cannon Testo della canzone

I love her, you know her like I know her
So powerful, so beautiful, it’s crazy to think
The things that she’ll do to you
She’ll change your life
She’ll give you the freedom to be what you want
She’s doing nice, she’s the only one

[Nick Cannon:]
I climbed on the bar to see her
Everybody in the world wants to meet her
I drive thousands of miles just to take a picture
So beautiful and magical I dripped and bust since I was a little boy

So I need to find her, she is a special girl
Nothing is like her, I search for her around the world
I wanna make her mine, think of her all the time
She’ll never leave me, she’ll never leave me

Her name is America, she is my lady
I swear to protect her, oh so amazing
Her name is America, she is my baby
I promised to love her, more than God above us
She is America, and I want her
She is America, and I love her

Oho, America, America, ooh, that girl
Oho, America, America, ooh that girl

[Nick Cannon:]
Fight to people
Battling, they want her, they try to steal her
Pick my armor up and put my spears down
She’s my number one, the only one I wanna stay by her side

So I need to find her, she is a special girl
Nothing is like her, I search for her around the world
I wanna make her mine, think of her all the time
She’ll never leave me, she’ll never leave me

Her name is America, she is my lady
I swear to protect her, oh so amazing
Her name is America, she is my baby
I promised to love her, more than God above us
She is America, and I want her
She is America, and I love her

America baby, hold on baby
Wassup baby, go ahead baby
Maybe we can jump off in the car
Drop the top and look at the 50 stars
Dressed with skin tight, red, white, blue
Her heels like ooh, and I was like ooh
Baby go and lie, maybe later on we can hit my spot, right
She know Trina and her girlfriend Gina
Going back and forth like they was Serena
On Monday I’m seeing Erica, but God bless America

[Nick Cannon:]
Twerk it, twerk it, twerk it, to the dawn’s early light, light
Mami in the club, full of stars, we got stripes
Walk it out in the sound, tryna get them civil rights
It’s Mister Worldwide and your man Nick Cannon
We salute her all night

Her name is America, she is my lady
I swear to protect her, oh so amazing
Her name is America, she is my baby
I promised to love her, more than God above us
She is America, and I want her
She is America, and I love her


America – Richard Ashcroft Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Richard Ashcroft

This is the wild west, yeah

All this sex, pain, tears, joy – the universal language, this is music - are you tuning in?

Are you tuning in?

I’m sharper than a Leica lens, I have real grace, no money to spend

Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend spend, spend

I’ve been around the world I know there’s music, the united gnosis - oh gnosis, hypnosis

Oh in Tokyo, oh in London town - the same pain, same joy, same sound

Oh in London town - the same pain, same joy, same sound

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere

Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

For all the men who ever died trying to keep my soul alive

For all the sisters, all the saints who freed me from my chains

Music, music - now use it

Oh in Tokyo, oh, in London town - the same pain, same joy, same sound

Oh in London town -the same pain, same joy, same sound

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?
America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere

Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

America, America, I’m looking for you everywhere
Are you – the same pain, same joy, same sound?

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America – Tracy Chapman Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Tracy Chapman

You were lost and got lucky
Came upon the shore
Found you were conquering America
You spoke of peace
But waged a war
While you were conquering America

There was land to take
And people to kill
While you were conquering America
You served yourself
Did God's will
While you were conquering America

The ghost of Columbus haunts this world
'Cause you're still conquering America
The meek won't survive
Or inherit the earth
'Cause you're still conquering America


You found bodies to serve
Submit and degrade
While you were conquering America
Made us soldiers and junkies
Prisoners and slaves
While you were conquering America


You hands are at my throat
My back's against the wall
Because you're still conquering America
We're sick and tired hungry and poor
'Cause you're still conquering America

You bomb the very ground
That feeds your own babies
You're still conquering America
Your sons and your daughters
May never sing your praises
While you're conquering America


I see you eyes seek a distant shore
While you're conquering America
Taking rockets to the moon
Trying to find a new world
And you're still conquering America


The ghost of Columbus haunts this world
'Cause you're still conquering America
You're still conquering America
You're still conquering America

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America – (It’s Like You) Never Left At All Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
(It's Like You) Never Left At All – America

Nobody can tell me I didn't try anything
I didn't know what to do to get over you
I tried magic and potions but I could not shake you loose
From my dreams, strange as it seems

It's like you never left at all
I guess I just can't forget you
It's like you never left at all
Somethin' inside me just won't let you go

Took a vacation for a month, maybe more
Made some new friends in places I've never been
But recuperation hasn't even yet begun
I'm still reachin' over for you when the morning comes

It's like you never left at all
I guess I just can't forget you
It's like you never left at all
Somethin' inside me just won't let you go

You're only illusion but you're standin' in my way
And you've got your life, it's a new life
But mine can't seem to change

It's like you never left at all
I guess I just can't forget you
It's like you never left at all
Somethin' inside me just won't let you go
Somethin' inside me just won't let you go
Somethin' inside me just won't let you go

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America – 1960 Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
1960 – America

How 'bout a tear for the year of 1960
I watched the fins of the Cadillac fall
I remember Dad explained about the Berlin Wall

How 'bout a tear for the torment and the trouble
That was brewing in the Asian way
I wore a smile like the faces that surround L.A.

In the city of the lost and found
It's hard to get a break
Hard to stop from getting turned around
And make the same mistakes

My reputation's on the line
The final day of '59
But like the sun, just watch me shine

How 'bout a cheer for the piano virtuoso
I practiced 61 minutes a day
I could never reach the keys
But it was all OK

How 'bout a cheer for the humour in my brother
That could brighten up the darkest nights
It's just another sign of love
Whenever we would fight

It's all the same twenty years ago
As it is right now
Like a tour at the closing show
When I take my bow

My reputation's on the line
At the start of '79
But like the sun, just watch me shine
I've played this part so many times
Since the end of '59
But like the sun, just watch me shine

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America – 5th Avenue Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
5th Avenue – America

Walking down 5th Avenue
I saw him walking there with you
People see and people talk
Word travels fast round my block

Might just save you the price of writing
I could save you an hour or two
Walking down 5th Avenue
Walking down 5th Avenue

Don't know what to ask of you
My mind is gettin' so confused
Even when I really try
Keeps sounding like I'm saying goodbye

Somewhere deep in my heart I'm hurtin'
'Cause I keep on remembering you
Walking down 5th Avenue
Walking down 5th Avenue
Such a long way to go

How many times must I look up and say
What kind of fool am I
But I can't turn my back on the times that we shared
No matter how I try

Walking down 5th Avenue
Can't seem to shake the thought of you
Even in the dark of night
Your memories of shining light

Though I'm tryin' to change direction
I pray what I saw ain't true
Walking down 5th Avenue
Walking down 5th Avenue
Such a long way to go

Do, do, do, do ...

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America – A Horse With No Name Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A Horse With No Name – America

On the first part of the journey
I was looking at all the life
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz
And the sky with no clouds
The heat was hot and the ground was dry
But the air was full of sound

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
La, la, la la la la, la la la, la la...
La, la, la la la la, la la la, la la...

After two days in the desert sun
My skin began to turn red
After three days in the desert fun
I was looking at a river bed
And the story it told of a river that flowed
Made me sad to think it was dead

You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
La, la, la la la la, la la la, la la...

After nine days I let the horse run free
'Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with its life underground
And a perfect disguise all above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love

You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
La, la, la la la la, la la la, la la... [repeats]

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America – A Road Song Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A Road Song – America

We’re still in Wisconsin
As far as I know
Today was Green Bay and
Tomorrow Chicago
Wish I was lying
But there isn’t much to report
My phone is dying
So I got to keep it short

I just wanted to say, hey
I’ve been writing you a road song
It’s a cliché but hey
That doesn’t make it so wrong
And in between the stops at the Cracker Barrel
And funny movies with Will Farrell
I need someway to occupy my time
So I’m writing you a road song
I sure hope you don’t mind

I bought you a light blue
T-shirt last night
From some band I couldn’t stand but
There logo was all right
Some kid threw a bottle on stage
He had an arm like a pro
I know it’s getting late
I guess I should let you go

But did I happen to say hey
I’ve been writing you a road song
Don’t run away cause hey
I promise it won’t be too long
And I know it’s not what you’d call necessary
And I know that I’m no Steve Perry
Even if you roll your eyes and groan
I’m still writing you a road song
That you can call your own

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America – All Around Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
All Around – America

I look to the east when the day
Is done and think of it all
All the thoughts that I've seen of
Satin seams and tide pool dreams
I look to the sun
As the day is dawning
I carry my dreams
From a moment before
I try to recall
But I find myself yawning
I guess they are gone but there's more
So I head out the door

All around, listen and you can
Hear the sound
On cloudy days seems like I
Always feel this way

First break in the day if the time
Is right and nobody minds
I stroll down the lane take a breath
Of air and drift on a dream
I look to the sun
As the day is warming
Consider the things
That have happened before
I feel like I'm one
With the wind on the hillside
I feel like I'm one with the
River that runs by my door

All around, listen and you can
Hear the sound
On cloudy days seems like I
Always feel this way

All around, listen and you can
Hear the sound
On cloudy days seems like I
Always feel this way

I look to the sun
As the day is dawning
I carry my dreams
From a moment before
I feel like I'm one
With the wind on the hillside
I feel like I'm one with the
River that runs by my door

All around, listen and you can
Hear the sound
On cloudy days seems like I
Always feel this way

[repeat and fade]

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America – All I Think About Is You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
All I Think About Is You – America

I rise to see you in the morning
I feel your warmth so true
The light inside of me
Is there for all to see
But all I think about is you

I see your face in every doorway
That I have wandered through
The light inside of me
Is there for all to see
But all I think about is you

Baby even in the hardest times
Lately even in the darkest nights
I know

Baby even in the hardest times
Lately even in the darkest nights
I know

I rise to see you in the morning
I feel your warmth so true
The light inside of me
Is there for all to see
But all I think about is you
But all I think about is you

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America – All My Life Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
All My Life – America

All my life, without a doubt I give you
All my life, now and forever till the
Day I die, you and I will share

All the things this changing world can offer
So I sing, I'd be happy just to
Stay this way, spend each day, with you

There was a time, that I just thought
That I would lose my mind
You came along and then the sun did shine
We started on our way
I do recall that every moment spent
Was wasted time but then I chose to lay it on the line

I put the past away
I put the past away
I put the past away

All my life, I will carry you through
All my life, between each hour of the passing days
I will stay with you

There was a time, that I just thought
That I would lose my mind
You came along and then the sun did shine
We started on our way
I do recall that every moment spent
Was wasted time then I chose to lay it on the line

I want this all my life
I want this all my life
I want this all my life
I want this all my life
I want this all my life
I wanted this all my life

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America – All Night Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
All Night – America

When the day breaks
Something begins
When your heart aches
Do you give in?
I heard that you were lonely
One careful look shows you're lonely

All night you'll fight
With your mind, with your mind

After lights out, don't make a sound
Apple blossoms, come fallin' down
Black and white sun shining brightly
Shelter your eyes, hold on tightly

All night you'll fight
With your mind, with your mind

Love thy neighbor
You will understand
Coffee flavor, yours or any brand
I heard that you were lonely
Nothing is real when you're lonely

All night you'll fight
With your mind, with your mind

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America – Always Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Always Love – America

To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me..
Always love... Hate will get you every time
Always love... Don't wait till the finish line

Slow demands come 'round
Squeeze the air and keep the rest out
It helps to write it down
Even when you then cross it out

Always love... Hate will get you every time
Always love... Even when you are defied

Self-directed lies
I want to know what it'd be like to
Aim so high above
Any card that you get dealt you...

Always love... Hate will get you every time
Always love... Hate will get you

I've been held back by something
Yeah, you said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah, you said to me quietly on the stairs
You said...
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones

To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me
Always love... hate will get you every time
Always love... hate will get you:

I've been held back by something
Yeah, you said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah, you said to me quietly on the stairs
You said . . .
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones

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America – Amber Cascades Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amber Cascades – America

Amber cascades all over today
Then we walk on a crooked catwalk
Only to be delayed
Bubbles of blue burst into two
Eaten up by the incoming tide
Of the new

Then we call to the man who walks on the water
We talk of a plan to stop all the slaughter in view
It's in view

Granite charades are played in the rain
Till we fall through a sand castle window
To avoid the pain
Summer canoe paddles up to you
'Cause it's time for another beer run
Or something that's equally true

Then we call to the man who walks on the water
We talk of a plan to stop all the slaughter in view

Then we call to the man who walks on the water
We talk of a plan to stop all the slaughter in view
It's in view

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America – America Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – America

Let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together
I've got some real estate here in my bag
So we bought a pack of cigarettes, and Mrs. Wagner pies
And we walked off to look for America

Cathy, I said, as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh
Michigan seems like a dream to me now
It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
And I've come to look for America

Laughin' on the bus, playing games with the faces
She said the man in the gaberdine suit was a spy
I said be careful, his bowtie is really a camera

Toss me a cigarette, I think there's one in my raincoat
We smoked the last one an hour ago
So I looked at the scenery, she read her magazine
And the moon rose over an open field

Cathy, I'm lost, I said, though I knew she was sleeping
I'm empty and I'm aching and I don't know why
Countin' the cars on the New Jersey turnpike
They've all come to look for America, all come to look for America

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America – And Forever Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
And Forever – America

I remember sidewalk laughter down New Orleans, LA
A hot wet night at the fight with you
Had to push through the crowds and talk
Very loud it's true

But you were on my mind that day
You were on my mind each day
You were on my mind that day and forever

Had a drink, stop to think we had a few
Afterwards we went down to the dance side of town for the view
You went blushing inside and you pinched me to see
If I knew

But you were on my mind that day
You were on my mind each day
You were on my mind that day and forever, and forever

We were lovers then and forever
There was nothing that we couldn't do
A hot wet night at the fight with you
Times like that weekend remain in my heart crystal clear
Walking along to the song you have helped me to hear

Yes you were on my mind that day
You were on my mind each day
You were on my mind that day and forever, and forever

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America – Another Try Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Another Try – America

Hey, Daddy just lost his pay
What did he do it for
It never made it through our door
He drank the whole week away
And what can a family say
There must be a better way
Now mama don't start to cry
Let's give him another try

Pick up the telephone
Tell him you want him home
To sit and watch the evenings pass
And readin' the Leaves of Grass

I'm caught in a closing door
It's pinning me to the floor
Now mama don't start to cry
Let's give him another try

I'm caught in a closing door
It's pinning me to the floor
Now mama don't start to cry
Let's give him another try

When we're old and gray
And the things we say are the things we really mean
So why cause a scene
When things ain't what they seem
'Cause the end result's the same
Now what can a family say
There must be a better way
Now mama don't start to cry
Let's give him another try

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America – Are You There Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Are You There – America

The day we lost our voice with little choice, I can't explain
An act of agony
And someone told me too that it's true when you call aloud
It's only destiny
Or is it mystery
But then we came around and sang our song and acted proud
And posed for memory

We made a cry to the underground
Are you there
I looked and saw that they were still around
But do you care

I drank a little bit, so underlit to see it now
The show was never seen
And all the time I lost is never lost
It's only thumbing through eternity

We made a cry to the underground
Are you there
I looked and saw that they were still around
But do you care

Who are you going to see
What are you going to be

You made a cry to the underground
Are you there
I looked and saw that they were still around
But do you care

Are you there (Are you there)
Are you there (Are you there)
Are you there (Are you there)
Are you there (Are you there)
Are you there (Are you there)
Are you there (Are you there) ...

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America – Baby It’s Up To You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Baby It's Up To You – America

Time to make a change
Time to rearrange
Sooner or later
It's somethin' you gotta do

Baby it's up to you
What are you gonna do
Lately it's up to you
Who's gonna help you through

Every now and then
Trying to pretend
I don't wanna see you
Sorry but that ain't true

Baby it's up to you
What are you gonna do
Lately it's up to you
Who's gonna see you through

Every now and then
Trying to pretend
I don't wanna see you
Sorry but that ain't true

Baby it's up to you
What are you gonna do
Lately it's up to you
What are you gonna do

Baby it's up to you (Baby it's up to you)
Baby it's up to you (Baby it's up to you)
Baby it's up to you
Who's gonna help you through

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America – Bell Tree Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bell Tree – America

Holdin' back the tears
That they've held for years

How can I tell you?
I don't want to make you cry
Why should I even try?
Why should I even try?

Where'd you go so fast
Fin'lly lost at last

How can I tell you?
I don't want to let you down
Why should I even try?
Why should I even try?

How can I tell you?
I don't want to let you down
Why should I even try?
Why should I even try?

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America – California Dreamin’ Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
California Dreamin' – America

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I went for a walk
On a winter's day
I'd be safe and warm
If I was in l.a.
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

I stopped into a church (stopped into a church)
I passed along the way (passed along the way)
You know, I got down on my knees (got down on my knees)
And I pretend to pray (I pretend to pray)
Oh, the preacher likes the cold (preacher likes the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)
Oh, california dreamin' (california dreamin')
On such a winter's day

All the leaves are brown (the leaves are brown)
And the sky is grey (and the sky is grey)
I went for a walk (I went for a walk)
On a winter's day (on a winter's day)
If I didn't tell her (if I didn't tell her)
I could leave today (I could leave today)

Oh, california dreamin' (california dreamin')
On such a winter's day (california dreamin')
On such a winter's day (california dreamin')
On such a winter's day (california dreamin')
On such a winter's day

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America – California Revisited (Everyone I Meet Is From California) Testo della canzone

Heaven may be an answer
If you’re lookin’ for Eden in the sky
On your waters I see a strange reflection
Rumor has it I’ll see you when I die

Everyone I meet is from California
There’s dancin’ in the streets in California

In California you watch the shadow dancer
Floating gently, gently on the sea
In California you’re such a strange romancer
Come and see me when the world has set you free

Everyone I meet is from California
There’s dancin’ in the streets in California

Everyone I meet is from California
There’s dancin’ in the streets in California


America – California Revisited (Everyone I Meet Is From California) Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
California Revisited (Everyone I Meet Is From California) – America

Heaven may be an answer
If you're lookin' for Eden in the sky
On your waters I see a strange reflection
Rumor has it I'll see you when I die

Everyone I meet is from California
There's dancin' in the streets in California

In California you watch the shadow dancer
Floating gently, gently on the sea
In California you're such a strange romancer
Come and see me when the world has set you free

Everyone I meet is from California
There's dancin' in the streets in California

Everyone I meet is from California
There's dancin' in the streets in California

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America – Call Of The Wild Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Call Of The Wild – America

Come save me
From things I shouldn't do
I need you
Every word is true
No answer
At numbers I have dialed
I hear the call of the wild

Nights are forever
The days linger on
Standing in silence
Time lasts so long
Through all my efforts
I act like a child
Hearin' the call of the wild

Come save me
From things I shouldn't know
I'm wearin'
Someone else's clothes
I needed
Singing like a child
I hear the call of the wild

Casting my mind back
Some things don't seem right
An image of angels
Appears in the night
As I awoke
I could swear that they smiled
Hearin' the call of the wild

Come save me
From things I shouldn't do
I need you
Every word is true
No answer
At numbers I have dialed
I hear the call of the wild
I hear the call of the wild

Now, hear the call of the wild

Come save me
From things I shouldn't do
I need you
Every word is true
No answer
At numbers I have dialed
I hear the call of the wild
I hear the call of the wild
I hear the call of the wild

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America – Can’t Fall Asleep To A Lullaby Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Can't Fall Asleep To A Lullaby – America

It's late at night, I'm all alone
I call you up, hear your voice on the phone
Say that you're mine, tell me it's true
Say that my love, is still right for you

'Cause I can't fall asleep to a lullaby
And I miss you so much I don't wanna cry, you are why
I love you, oo-oo-oo, you don't know

Here I am, part of the crowd
Need you so bad, I'm dreamin' out loud
Say that you're mine, tell me it's true
Say that my love, is still right for you

'Cause I can't fall asleep to a lullaby
And I miss you so much I don't wanna cry, you are why
I love you, oo-oo-oo, you don't know

It's late at night, and I'm all alone
So I call you up, to hear your voice on the phone
Sayin' your mine, sayin' it's true
Please say my love, is still right for you

'Cause I can't fall asleep to a lullaby
And I miss you so much I don't wanna cry, you are why
I love you, oo-oo-oo, you don't know

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America – Can’t You See Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Can't You See – America

Alone, sitting here on my own
There's no place I'd rather be
Or so it seems

Home, miles away from home
And there's no place I'd rather be
Can't you see?

You hold your life in your hands
And no one takes from a man
Who gives the best that he can
To make someone understand

I've flown miles away from home
And there's no place I'd rather be
Can't you see?

You hold your life in your hands
And no one takes from a man
Who gives the best that he can
To make someone understand

Home, miles away from home
And there's no place I'd rather be
Can't you see, can't you see, can't you see?
Can't you see, can't you see, can't you see?
Can't you see, can't you see, can't you see?

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America – Carlos Santana


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2002 Shaman

Testo Della Canzone

America – Carlos Santana di Carlos Santana

This is America
POD and Santana live in La Casa
Live and direct for you and yours
Yo America, America
Was it the way that she looked at me
She had caught my eye
She stole my heart she freed my mind
The way we loved it was magical
Truly wonderful
It was me and you so beautiful
And I know that you feel this too
Will our dreams come true
I believe in you
Show me the way to my better days
What’s the price to pay
If I follow you

America, America
Will you come back to me baby please don’t run away don’t let me go
America, America
Can you get back to me baby don’t run away I need you so

I trust in you still you walk away
You just ran away
I thought our love would never change
The way you move had me hypnotized
Now I realize
I fell again the same old lies
Plans you change the present rearranged
If we don’t know the path the future we can’t attain
So I maintain, dealt my hands so I deal with it
Know what is truth myself
I stay real with it

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America – Caroline, No Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Caroline, No – America

Where did your long hair go
Where is the girl I used to know
How could you lose that happy glow
Oh, Caroline no

Who took that look away
I remember how you used to say
You'd never change, but that's not true
Oh, Caroline you

Break my heart
I want to go and cry
It's so sad to watch a sweet thing die
Oh, Caroline why

Could I ever find in you again
Things that made me love you so much then
Could we ever bring 'em back once they have gone
Oh, Caroline no

Break my heart
I want to go and cry
It's so sad to watch a sweet thing die
Oh, Caroline why

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America – Cast The Spirit Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Cast The Spirit – America

When you feel down and you've nobody to turn to
When you feel you're about to give up
The sun goes down and darkness surrounds you
And it's runnin' dry in your lovin' cup

Cast the spirit, cast it out
If it's in your body, then let it out
Put out the fire, let it cool down
If it's in your tears, then let it drown

Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo
Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo

You can't ignore the feeling inside you
In your mind you're without a friend
The spirit is there, it's in every doorway
You say to yourself, will it ever end

Cast the spirit, cast it out
If it's in your body, then let it out
Put out the fire, let it cool down
If it's in your tears, then let it drown

Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo
Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo

When you feel down and have nobody to turn to
You say to yourself, why can't it be
The sun goes down and darkness surrounds you
You feel you want to be free

Cast the spirit, cast it out
If it's in your body, then let it out
Put out the fire, let it cool down
If it's in your tears, then let it drown

Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo
Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo

Cast the spirit
Cast the spirit
Cast the spirit ...

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America – Catch That Train Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Catch That Train – America

Well, I'm drivin' onward
Through the pourin' rain
There's a ticket waitin'
I gotta catch that train

The yellow racin' dreamboat
On California air
Single engine cowboy
Out in county fair

So, oh baby, hurry here to me
Oh baby, come see me
Oh baby, let the hours flee
Oh baby, come see

The silver clouds in August
Lover's names on trees
Imagine running water
You wadin' in knee deep

So, oh baby, hurry here to me
Oh baby, come see me
Oh baby, let the hours flee
Oh baby, come see

There's a world waitin'
Just for you to unfold
How are you to know
If you don't see, if you don't see

Those yellow racin' dreamboats
On California air
There's a ticket waitin'
I guess I'll catch you there
I guess I'll catch you there

So, oh baby, hurry here to me
Oh baby, come see me
Oh baby, let the hours flee
Oh baby, come see

(If you don't come) Oh baby, hurry here to me
Oh baby, come see me
(If you don't come) Oh baby, let the hours flee
Oh baby, come see

(If you don't come) Oh baby, hurry here to me
Oh baby, come see me
(If you don't come) Oh baby, let the hours flee
Oh baby, come see

(If you don't come)

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America – Chasing The Rainbow Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Chasing The Rainbow – America

Sat here thinking about my heart
All of the places it came apart
There's just one thing that I need to know
Why am I always chasing the rainbow

Get it get it get it get it get it get it get it uh huh
I ran through the meadow looking for a dream
Truth is never like what it seems
I guess there's always so far to go
Why am I always chasing the rainbow
Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Get it get it get it uh huh

Where is the light
Where is the love
Where are the dreams that I once had
Frittered away
Gone in the time it takes to get from there to here

Get it get it get it
Get it get it get it uh huh
Get it get it get it chasing the rainbow
Why am I always chasing the rainbow

I'd draw you a picture cause it just might help
To point out the place where we went so wrong
The only color I'd use is blue
Why am I always chasing the rainbow

Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Get it get it get it uh huh
Get it get it chasing the rainbow

Why am I always chasing the rainbow
Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Why am I always chasing the rainbow
Get it get it chasing the rainbow
Get it get it get it uh huh . . .

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Children Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Children – America

The boy cried out
Gaily on the ground
At the joy
Of something he had found

Aw, come on children, get your heads back together
Aw, come on children, get your heads back together
Aw, come on children, get your heads back together

The days are getting warmer now
The nights are getting shorter now
And you know we can make it 'cause you know we're alive
But we don't have to take it, any way we'll survive

If I were you
I'd throw it far away
But if you were me
You'd tell me I should stay

Aw, come on children, get your heads back together
Aw, come on children, get your heads back together
Aw, come on children, get your heads back together again

Again, again and again and again
Again, and again and again
Again, again, again

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America – Christina Aguilera

America – Christina Aguilera canzone pubblicata per la prima volta nell’anno 2017

Guarda la traduzione di  America – Christina Aguilera

Testo della canzone: America – Christina Aguilera

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America – Christina Aguilera Testo:

[Verse 1]
People come and go through these hotel rooms
Looking for a chance to make dreams come true
In America
There’s a great big future in this promise land
Everyone deserves to hold it in their hand
In America, hmm

You can hear the bell ringing in the school yard
The kids are playing in the summer sun
Racing through the fields while they’re still young

In America
There’s a seed of hope where freedom grows
In America
Where I believe in coming home
America, where we live out
In America

[Verse 2]
There’s no rain coming down on this open road
There’s an old man living with a heart of gold
In America, ooh
Mothers losing sleep tonight
Working hard just to provide
In America
Oh, oh

There’s a warm wind blowing right down the freeway
There’s a song that’s playing that I never heard
But somehow I know every single word

In America
There’s a seed of hope where freedom grows
In America
Where I believe in coming home
America, where we live out
In America
I wanna be right next to you
America, I will be strong

America, hmmm
America, hmmm
America, hmmm
Footprints chasing us in the sand
Young love’s giving another chance

In America
There’s a seed of hope where freedom grows
Where I believe in coming home
America, where we live out
America, I wanna be right next to you
America, I will be strong

Hmmm, in America

Guarda la traduzione di  America – Christina Aguilera


America – Cinderella Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Cinderella – America

I was out last night having a ball
And comin' home, I wasn't thinkin' nothin' at all
And there on the sidewalk what did I see
A little glass slipper starin' back at me
Cinderella (Cinderella)

Well I'm not superstitious but I'm smarter than I seem
And I knew it was love, if you know what I mean
When I saw that slipper it occurred to me
The shoe fit her and she fit me
Cinderella (Cinderella)
Cinderella (Cinderella)

When I find her it will be
A fairy tale for her and me
I will never let her go

Now the other girls hold no fascination for me
I just think of her wherever she may be
I will search my whole life through
'Cause no one else will ever do
Cinderella (Cinderella)
Cinderella (Cinderella)

When I find her it will be
A fairy tale for her and me
I will never let her go
She will give my heart a home
Until that day I'll be alone
With just a slipper and a dream
Cinderella (Cinderella)
Cinderella (Cinderella)
Oo (Cinderella)
Cinderella (Cinderella)

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America – Clarice Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Clarice – America

Clarice lay down your mind, it's there just hard to find
Follow me as we wind our way, away

Behind an open door there lies a million more
Follow me as we wind our way, away

Time is coming soon I'll find you (Time is coming soon I'll find you)
Time is coming soon I'll find you (Time is coming soon I'll find you)
Time is coming soon, time is coming soon

Behind an open door there lies a million more
Follow me as we wind our way, away

Time is coming soon I'll find you (Time is coming soon I'll find you)
Time is coming soon I'll find you (Time is coming soon I'll find you)
Time is coming soon, time is coming soon

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America – Close To The Wind Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Close To The Wind – America

Lately, it hasn't been easy
I've been wanderin' all night
Searchin', tryin' to find an answer
Why I'm in this situation

I've been sailing close to the wind
Trying to keep my head above water
Close to the wind, without you
I've been sailing close to the wind
Everyday it just gets harder
But you're all I need to survive

For so long it felt like
I was walking on the water
I found the hard part
Is waking without you in the morning

I've been sailing close to the wind
The weight of the world's on my shoulders (everyday now)
Close to the wind, without you
I've been sailing close to the wind
The loneliness it's neverending (yes I'm falling)
Open your heart, come aboard

And if we're back together
I know our love will be everlasting
I still believe that there's a chance
For us to have a happy ending
Peace will reign on earth
LIfe for all it's worth, oh yeah

I pray every single morning
That this time we will be much stronger

I've been sailing close to the wind
Help me try to find a shelter (to protect you)
Close to the wind without you
I've been sailing close to the wind
But inside it's safe and warm now (we're together)

Don't be afraid of the storm
I've been sailing close, close to the wind (been sailing in)
(Close to the wind) Don't be afraid of the storm
I've been sailing close, close to the wind (been sailing in)
(Close to the wind) Don't be afraid of the storm ...

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America – Coastline Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Coastline – America

I drive to the coastline
Looking for visual pleasures to catch my eye
The sun turns around hits me on the shoulder
I fly away

Due to the situation this morning
All in the world's OK
I head down Sunset north to Santa Barbara
We sail away

I could live in the walls of a prison
Where the warm summer winds would never blow
Then again, think of what I'd be missing (as to the other side)
And how some do it I'll never know, I'll never know

I must have spent a lifetime as a sailor
Sailin' the ocean blue
But every single waterway leads to you
To you

I could live in the walls of a prison
Where the warm summer winds would never blow
Then again, think of what I'd be missing (as to the other side)
And how some do it I'll never know, I'll never know

I'm headin' out over an ocean of blue
The trailin' wake far behind
Won't turn me down
And it won't turn me around

I could live in the walls of a prison
Where the warm summer winds would never blow
Then again, think of what I'd be missing (as to the other side)
And how some do it I'll never know, I'll never know

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America – Company Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Company – America

Some can see it's poetry
Come as you are in your broken car
The company

Carousel is wishing well
As a wonder night that spoke delight
To the company

Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now
Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now

Broken dream, just a token scheme
Silver man with a telegram
For the company

Scalding blue, come talk to you
Search the cave for the grave
Of the company

Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now
Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now

Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now
Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now

Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now
Can you hear the summer calling you
Can you hear him call you now

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America – Cornwall Blank Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Cornwall Blank – America

I've been down to the water
I've been on top of the world
Somebody should come and see me
Somebody should give me the word

'Cause I don't know how many more
I don't know how many more
I don't know how many more to see

Sometimes the free thoughts clash
Sometimes I see through the grass
Sometime the light begins to dim
Somebody should come and be me
Somebody should come and free me

'Cause I don't know how many more (many more)
I don't know how many more (many more)
I don't know how many more to see

Oh darlin', darlin', I always wanna see you
Oh darlin', darlin', I always wanna see you

I cannot learn much more life
I cannot see much more
Somebody should stop the new sight
Somebody should close the door

'Cause I don't know how many more (many more)
I don't know how many more (many more)
I don't know how many more to see

Wrapped in a blanket, lyin' in the snow
Feelin' like the men felt a long time ago
Goin' to find me a home, goin' to build it with my hands
Can't you see there's food to be grown
Got to dig up, dig up the land

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America – Crying In My Sleep Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Crying In My Sleep – America

I took a walk around the yard
Dug the flowers til it got too hard
I smoked my first pack of cigarettes today
And I watched the children play

And then I went down, down to Lucy's old Cafe
Put a half a case away
I took a sleeping pill and tried to watch TV
But you know baby the leading lady looked too much like you for the likes of me

And I woke up crying in my sleep
I was talking to your pillow
And I reached out to touch your hand
And knocked the phone off the nightstand
And the operator said, "May I help you please?"
No thanks baby there's nothing you can really do for me
I just had a bad dream, that's all that's wrong with me
I just had a bad dream

Went out to loosen up the car
Some how I wound up at the rainbow bar
I had a scotch and soda on the run
But I didn't get too far

And then I ran down, down some friends I used to know
Dragged them out to see the show
I drew myself a bath and I tried to read your book
But you know baby this time it just didn't seem quite worth the time it took

And I woke up crying in my sleep
I was talking to your pillow
And I reached out to touch your hand
And knocked the phone off the nightstand
And the operator said, "May I help you please?"
No thanks baby there's nothing you can really do for me
I just had a bad dream, that's all that's wrong with me
I just had a bad dream, that's all that's wrong with me

Crying in my sleep
Crying in my sleep (I woke up crying)
Crying in my sleep (Crying trying to find her)
Crying in my sleep (I woke up crying)
Crying in my sleep (Crying trying to find her)
Crying in my sleep

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America – Cypress Spring Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Cypress Spring

[Kalan Miller:]
Old glory flyin' in the yard, America
Talkin' shit we 'bout to pull your card, America
Karaoke singin' in the barn, America
Drunk redneck rockstar (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Hot sauce in my collar just a smidge, America
Tannerite blowin' up a fridge, America
Divin' in a creek off a bridge, America
I'm just livin' life on the edge (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Muscadine got off the vine, America
Warden tried to hit me with a fine, America
So I'll be creepin' off in the pines
And if he catch me hell naw it ain't mine
Woo woo wooo

I pledge allegiance, America
To the flag, America
Of the United States of America
And to the republic, America
For which it stands, America
One nation, America
Under God, America
With liberty and justice for all (yeah yeah yeah yeah)

Christmas lights up all year, America
QB spotlightin' deer, America
Creek bank froggin' drinkin' beer, America
Corn hole champs over here (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Gun rack in the back glass, America
On the John boat ropin' bass, America
Catchin' snappin' turtles throw it back, America
Lost my favorite lure now I'm mad (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Nitto's tearin' through the mud, America
White Owl filled with sticky bud, America
Gluein' eyes back on in the shade, America
Workin' two jobs to stay ahead, America
Woo woo woo

I pledge allegiance, America
To the flag, America
Of the United States of America
And to the republic, America
For which it stands, America
One nation, America
Under God, America
With liberty and justice for all (yeah yeah yeah yeah)

[Paul Roche Jr.:]
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Blue gill on the cane pole, America
Don't talk back do what you told, America
Six point rack on the wall, America
Don't waste none we eat it all, America

American boys American raised, America
Support our troops for freedom in a day
In God we trust, ain't never gonna change
Red white and blue ain't never gonna fade, America
Woo woo woo oh oh oh / America, America, America, America

[Kalan Miller:]
I pledge allegiance, America
To the flag, America
Of the United States of America
And to the republic, America
For which it stands, America
One nation, America
Under God, America
For liberty and justice for all (yeah yeah yeah yeah)

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America – Dadamatto Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Dadamatto

Arriveremo dal mare
I piedi bagnati e le camicie lavate
Facce di chi non sa che dire
Le mani di chi ha da fare
E guarderemo fi fronte a noi il futuro in una linea
Apparsa all'improvviso a mezzogiorno
Oscena come una lavanderia
E nonostante questo l'America son cinquant'anni ormai che strozza Cuba
E nonostante tutto l'America son cinquant'anni ormai che strozza Cuba
E noi amici suoi
Arriveremo dal cielo
Con le ali spezzate degli angeli
A benedire il presente
Con lo sguardo rivolto a Occidente
E nonostante questo l'America son cinquant'anni ormai che strozza Cuba
E nonostante tutto l'America son cinquant'anni ormai che strozza Cuba
E noi amici suoi

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Dadamatto in costante aggiornamento

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America – Daisy Jane Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Daisy Jane – America

Flyin' me back to Memphis
Gotta find my Daisy Jane
Well, the summer's gone
And I hope she's feelin' the same

Well, I left her just to roam the city
Thinkin' it would ease the pain
I'm a crazy man
And I'm playin' my crazy game, game

Does she really love me
I think she does
Like the stars above me
I know because
When the sky is bright
Everything's alright

Flyin' me back to Memphis
Honey, keep the oven warm
All the clouds are clearin'
And I think we're over the storm

Well, I've been pickin' it up around me
Daisy, I think I'm sane
And I'm awful glad
And I guess you're really to blame, blame

Do you really love me
I hope you do
Like the stars above me
How I love you
When it's cold at night
Everything's alright

Does she really love me
I think she does
Like the stars above me
I know because
When the sky is bright
Everything's alright

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – David Essex Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – David Essex

Flew out of London for the New York City
Ooh, look out boys a 'cause it looks so pretty
I'm in America, America-ca-ca, ahaha

Saw this nice man he came collect me from Kennedy
I said to DP is it New York City
He said America, America-ca-ca, aha
We're in America, America-ca-ca, ahaha

Well I really didn't wanna go there
But the man said (you gotta go)
Said I really didn't wanna go there
'Till I hit San Francisco

Well I landed in the desert in Phoenix
Drove out to K.U.P.D.
Say I landed in the desert in Phoenix
With the sun shinin' down on me

(Hey now you know you're in)
America, America-ca-ca, ahaha
Watch out!
America, black cadillac car
We're in America, America-ca-ca, ahuha
Black cadillac car America

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per David Essex in costante aggiornamento

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America – Desperate Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Desperate Love – America

Secret calls long after hours
Suspicions rise, why does she whisper
Someone's hiding something
What's going on

She smiles and finds an excuse to go out
Meets him somewhere on the edge of town
For one more night of real love
How can it be wrong

'Cause when they turn out the lights
In their rented room tonight
Two lovers won't be lonely anymore

When it's a desperate love, risk is high
Cheating hearts making alibis
In the shadows someone is waiting
Waiting for their lover to come tonight

A cheater's conscience has no pride
To spend the night with another man's wife
Lie to his best friend and never think twice
He knows where to find what he longs to have
And do anything 'cause he wants her that bad
Love has many faces, faces to hide

'Cause when they turn out the lights
In their rented room tonight
Two lovers won't be lonely anymore

When it's a desperate love, risk is high
Cheating hearts making alibis
In the shadows someone is waiting
Waiting for their lover to come tonight

When it's a desperate love, risk is high
Cheating hearts making alibis
In the shadows someone is waiting
Waiting for their lover to come tonight

When it's a desperate love (desperate love), risk is high
Cheating hearts making alibis
In the shadows someone is waiting
Waiting for their lover to come tonight

When it's a desperate love (desperate love), risk is high
Cheating hearts making alibis
In the shadows someone is waiting
Waiting for their lover to come tonight ...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Deuce Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Deuce

They wanna see blood,
They wanna see hate,
Like a needle in your vein,
A sickness with no name,
In a world that's insane,
Why's America to blame
When you're praying for a change to a God with no face?
They wanna see blood,
They wanna see hate,
Like a fucking AK,
It's going up in flames,
In a world that's insane,
Why's America to blame
When you're praying for a change to a God with no face?

You can't tell me what to say,
'Cause I've got one religion,
And I've got one decision,
It's a big fuck you!

I keep spitting in your face,
Every month and every day,
Every time you hear my name,
My middle fingers up too.

You think I owe you,
But I ain't got no room for these hoes,
Cause they ain't no good,
I ain't living by your rules.

You're getting older,
Full of liquor, you're bloated,
And you wanna be noticed,
But you're dying so slowly.

So when they point the finger,
You flip one back,
And say fuck that.
Fuck that!

So when they point the finger,
We'll flip ours back,
And say fuck that.
Fuck that!

[Chorus 2x]

Eenie meenie minie moe,
Each one of us gonna know,
That your time is coming soon,
Cause there ain't enough room,
In this world for us two.

Yeah, I hate to break the news,
But I'ma break it in this music,
To let the world know who,
Who you've been using,
Who you're abusing,
It's the suits you've being fooling.
But you know that you're useless,

So he's been acting so ruthless,
Deep inside you're just ruined,
Cause I keep on moving here,
To show you the truth bitch!

So when they point the finger,
You flip one back,
And say fuck that.
Fuck that!

So when they point the finger,
We'll flip ours back,
And say fuck that.
Fuck that!


Why can't you die? [2x]
Motherfucker just die [2x]
No more goodbyes [2x]
Just fucking die! [2x]

They wanna see blood,
They wanna see hate,
Like a needle in your vein,
A sickness with no name,
In a world that's insane,
Why's America to blame
When you're praying for a change to a God with no face?

They wanna see blood,
They wanna see hate,
Like a needle in your vein,
A sickness with no name.

So when they point the finger,
You flip one back,
And say fuck that.
Fuck that!

They wanna see blood,
They wanna see hate,
Like a fucking AK,
It's going up in flames.

So when they point the finger,
We'll flip ours back,
And say fuck that.
Fuck that!

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Deuce in costante aggiornamento

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America – Dile Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Dile

Lo sai, che anche stasera
ho lasciato il cuore in macchina chissenefrega
lo sai, che sulla tua schiena
ho trovato l'America, ci ho trovato l'America
ci ritroviamo a fare finta che non sia così complicato
fingere che nonostante tutto sono ancora qui senza fiato
e tu non ci sei, tu non ci sei qui, stanotte
prendimi così, stanotte prendimi così, stanotte prendimi così

lo sai, ne è valsa la pena
di sbagliare strada apposta anche stasera
ma dai, non fare la scema
lasciamo tutto com'era
lasciamo tutto com'era
ci ritroviamo a fare finta che non sia così complicato
fingere che nonostante tutto sono ancora qui, senza fiato
e tu non ci sei, tu non ci sei qui,
stanotte prendimi così, stanotte prendimi cosi, stanotte
troveremo le risposte senza fare a botte
dentro un altro cocktail
smaltiremo poi le sbronze con le teste rotte,
cani nella notte

e tu non ci sei, tu non ci sei qui
stanotte, prendimi così, stanotte prendimi così, stanotte
e tu non ci sei, tu non ci sei qui,
stanotte prendimi così, stanotte prendimi così, stanotte prendimi così

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Dile in costante aggiornamento

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America – Discografia è la più grande enciclopedia musicale italiana, sul nostro sito oltre i testi delle canzoni potete trovare: traduzioni delle canzoni, accordi per chitarra, spartiti musicali e molto altro.

Su ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte


Lista aggiornata il 29/12/2020

America - (It's Like You) Never Left At All Testo della canzone
America - 1960 Testo della canzone
America - 5th Avenue Testo della canzone
America - A Horse With No Name Testo della canzone
America - A Road Song Testo della canzone
America - All Around Testo della canzone
America - All I Think About Is You Testo della canzone
America - All My Life Testo della canzone
America - All Night Testo della canzone
America - Always Love Testo della canzone
America - Amber Cascades Testo della canzone
America - America Testo della canzone
America - And Forever Testo della canzone
America - Another Try Testo della canzone
America - Are You There Testo della canzone
America - Baby It's Up To You Testo della canzone
America - Bell Tree Testo della canzone
America - California Dreamin' Testo della canzone
America - California Revisited (Everyone I Meet Is From California) Testo della canzone
America - Call Of The Wild Testo della canzone
America - Can't Fall Asleep To A Lullaby Testo della canzone
America - Can't You See Testo della canzone
America - Caroline, No Testo della canzone
America - Cast The Spirit Testo della canzone
America - Catch That Train Testo della canzone
America - Chasing The Rainbow Testo della canzone
America - Children Testo della canzone
America - Cinderella Testo della canzone
America - Clarice Testo della canzone
America - Close To The Wind Testo della canzone
America - Coastline Testo della canzone
America - Company Testo della canzone
America - Cornwall Blank Testo della canzone
America - Crying In My Sleep Testo della canzone
America - Daisy Jane Testo della canzone
America - Desperate Love Testo della canzone
America - Don't Cross The River Testo della canzone
America - Don't Cry Baby Testo della canzone
America - Don't Let It Get You Down Testo della canzone
America - Don't Let Me Be Lonely Testo della canzone
America - Down To The Water Testo della canzone
America - Even The Score Testo della canzone
America - Everyone I Meet Is From California Testo della canzone
America - Fallin' Off The World Testo della canzone
America - Foolin' Testo della canzone
America - From A Moving Train Testo della canzone
America - Garden Of Peace Testo della canzone
America - Glad To See You Testo della canzone
America - God Of The Sun Testo della canzone
America - Golden Testo della canzone
America - Goodbye Testo della canzone
America - Green Monkey Testo della canzone
America - Greenhouse Testo della canzone
America - Half A Man Testo della canzone
America - Hangover Testo della canzone
America - Hat Trick Testo della canzone
America - Head And Heart Testo della canzone
America - Hell's On Fire Testo della canzone
America - Here Testo della canzone
America - Hidden Talent Testo della canzone
America - High In The City Testo della canzone
America - Hollywood Testo della canzone
America - Honey Testo della canzone
America - Hope Testo della canzone
America - Hot Town Testo della canzone
America - Hurricane Testo della canzone
America - I Do Believe In You Testo della canzone
America - I Don't Believe In Miracles Testo della canzone
America - I Need You Testo della canzone
America - In The Country Testo della canzone
America - In The Sea Testo della canzone
America - Indian Summer Testo della canzone
America - Inspector Mills Testo della canzone
America - It's Life Testo della canzone
America - Jet Boy Blue Testo della canzone
America - Jody Testo della canzone
America - Lady With A Bluebird Testo della canzone
America - Letter Testo della canzone
America - Lonely People Testo della canzone
America - Look At Me Now Testo della canzone
America - Love And Leaving Testo della canzone
America - Love On The Vine Testo della canzone
America - Love's Worn Out Again Testo della canzone
America - Lovely Night Testo della canzone
America - Mad Dog Testo della canzone
America - Man's Road Testo della canzone
America - Midnight Testo della canzone
America - Might Be Your Love Testo della canzone
America - Mirror To Mirror Testo della canzone
America - Molten Love Testo della canzone
America - Moment To Moment Testo della canzone
America - Monster Testo della canzone
America - Moon Song Testo della canzone
America - Muskrat Love Testo della canzone
America - My Back Pages Testo della canzone
America - My Dear Testo della canzone
America - My Kinda Woman Testo della canzone
America - Never Be Lonely Testo della canzone
America - Never Found The Time Testo della canzone
America - No Fortune Testo della canzone
America - Nothing's So Far Away (As Yesterday) Testo della canzone
America - Now She's Gone Testo della canzone
America - Old Man Took Testo della canzone
America - Old Virginia Testo della canzone
America - Oloololo Testo della canzone
America - On Target Testo della canzone
America - On The Way Home Testo della canzone
America - One Chance Testo della canzone
America - One In A Million Testo della canzone
America - One Morning Testo della canzone
America - Only Game In Town Testo della canzone
America - Only In Your Heart Testo della canzone
America - Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow Testo della canzone
America - Pages Testo della canzone
America - People In The Valley Testo della canzone
America - Pigeon Song Testo della canzone
America - Political Poachers Testo della canzone
America - Ports-Of-Call Testo della canzone
America - Rainbow Song Testo della canzone
America - Rainy Day Testo della canzone
America - Ride On Testo della canzone
America - Right Back To Me Testo della canzone
America - Right Before Your Eyes Testo della canzone
America - Sailing To Philadelphia Testo della canzone
America - Sandman Testo della canzone
America - Sarah Testo della canzone
America - Saturn Nights Testo della canzone
America - Seasons Testo della canzone
America - See How The Love Goes Testo della canzone
America - Sergeant Darkness Testo della canzone
America - She's A Liar Testo della canzone
America - She's A Runaway Testo della canzone
America - She's Beside You Testo della canzone
America - She's Gonna Let You Down Testo della canzone
America - Sister Golden Hair Testo della canzone
America - Sleeper Train Testo della canzone
America - Slow Down Testo della canzone
America - Someday We'll Know Testo della canzone
America - Someday Woman Testo della canzone
America - Something In The Way She Moves Testo della canzone
America - Sometimes Lovers Testo della canzone
America - Special Girl Testo della canzone
America - Stereo Testo della canzone
America - Submarine Ladies Testo della canzone
America - Survival Testo della canzone
America - Tall Treasures Testo della canzone
America - That's All I've Got To Say Testo della canzone
America - The Border Testo della canzone
America - The Farm Testo della canzone
America - The Last Unicorn Testo della canzone
America - The Story Of A Teenager Testo della canzone
America - These Brown Eyes Testo della canzone
America - This Time Testo della canzone
America - Three Roses Testo della canzone
America - Til I Hear It From You Testo della canzone
America - Till The Sun Comes Up Again Testo della canzone
America - Time Of The Season Testo della canzone
America - Tin Man Testo della canzone
America - To Each His Own Testo della canzone
America - Today's The Day Testo della canzone
America - Tomorrow Testo della canzone
America - Tonight Is For Dreamers Testo della canzone
America - Town And Country Testo della canzone
America - Unconditional Love Testo della canzone
America - Valentine Testo della canzone
America - Ventura Highway Testo della canzone
America - Walk In The Woods Testo della canzone
America - Watership Down Testo della canzone
America - We Got All Night Testo della canzone
America - Wednesday Morning Testo della canzone
America - What Does It Matter Testo della canzone
America - Wheels Are Turning Testo della canzone
America - Whispering Testo della canzone
America - Who Loves You Testo della canzone
America - Whole Wide World Testo della canzone
America - Wind Wave Testo della canzone
America - Winter Holidays Testo della canzone
America - Woman Tonight Testo della canzone
America - Woodstock Testo della canzone
America - Work To Do Testo della canzone
America - World Alone Testo della canzone
America - World Of Light Testo della canzone
America - You Can Do Magic Testo della canzone
America - You Could've Been The One Testo della canzone
America - You Girl Testo della canzone
America - You Testo della canzone
America - Young Moon Testo della canzone
America - Your Move Testo della canzone


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America – Don’t Cross The River Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Don't Cross The River – America

There's a little girl out lyin' on her own
She's got a broken heart
She's not the kind to take you down for long
She knows and plays it smart

(Ah-) And if she's comin' she's showed no mark
She's heard no whistle blowin' from the dark
She feels like leavin' and she don't know why
Without no bridges she's trapped, so I sigh

Don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide
Don't try denyin' livin' on the other side
All your life
You were on your own

If you want you can ride my train
And soon forget the reason that you're leaving
You'll lose yourself and then sometime
Maybe even save yourself some grievin'

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide
Don't try denyin' livin' on the other side
Don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide
Don't try denyin' livin' on the other side
Don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide
Don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide
Don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide ...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Don’t Cry Baby Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Don't Cry Baby – America

Starlight falling through your hair
Sometimes I wonder if you know I'm there
Awake in the morning a smile on your face
The same old feeling that I just can't place

And you say don't cry, baby
You know I'll always be the one who cares
Don't cry, baby
Come closer let me wipe away your tears

A man came in with a violin
He played for me like I've never been
Courted before and forevermore
As the bow touched the strings
He made the whole world sing

Don't cry, baby (Baby, don't you cry)
You know there'll always be someone who cares
Don't cry, baby (Baby, don't you cry)
Come closer let me wipe away your tears

I know I've been wrong
You've had to be strong
I guess I belong to you, my baby (Baby, don't you cry)
You know I'll always be the one who cares
Don't cry baby (Baby, don't you cry)
Come closer let me wipe away your tears

The sound of your voice singing songs in the night
Have taken me far away and mystified
The songs of the lovers brought tears to my eyes
The words that you'd spoken made me realize

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Don’t Let It Get You Down Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Don't Let It Get You Down – America

Somebody told me that the time was right
To keep on ridin' and to hang on tight
I heard the cry of a dog in the night
But nobody told me it would be all right

Don't let it get you down
But nobody make a sound
Don't let it get you down

We took a ride down a hill that night
The man was crazy but he wouldn't fight
With bullets in his back and money in a sack
We robbed a bank and we never looked back

Don't let it get you down
But nobody make a sound
Don't let it get you down

We took the bank, kept on runnin', but never too slow
The ride was fun and you know we went to Mexico
But the action that felt all right
Still haunts me in the night

We took the bank, kept on runnin', but never too slow
The ride was fun and you know we went to Mexico
But the action that felt all right
Still haunts me in the night, alright

Don't let it get you down
'Cause nobody made a sound
Don't let it get you down
They'll be lucky if we're ever found

Don't let it get you down (Don't let it get you down)
Don't let it get you down (Don't let it get you down)
Don't let it get you down (Don't let it get you down)
Don't let it get you down (Don't let it get you down) ...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Don't Let Me Be Lonely – America

Here we are again
Two lovers lost in a maze
So many roads we could go down
So many ways we could go wrong

You think we should part
Both go our own separate ways
Oh, girl why can't (oo) we work it out
Can't you hear what my heart says (ah)

Don't let me be lonely
Don't let me be lonely tonight
That wouldn't be right
Now that I (ah) need you more than ever

Here we are tonight
Both starring in the same play
But I'm the one (oo) who plays the fool
I've only one line to say (ah)

Don't let me be lonely
Don't let me be lonely tonight
That wouldn't be right
Now that I (ah) need you more than ever

Girl, what will I be
If you walk away from me
How can I make you stay (ah)

Don't let me be lonely
Don't let me be lonely tonight
That wouldn't be right
Now that I need you more than ever

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Down To The Water Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Down To The Water – America

The waves come in
Crash on the shoreline
Salty water, don't you know
It's yours, yours and mine
So grab your girl
And don't go wastin' time
And let's go down to the water tonight

White capped clouds
Dance in the sunlight
Purple fishes watch
And show you some of their delight
The weather's fine
And everything's all right
So let's go down to the water tonight
Let's go down to the water tonight

Come on down, come on down
Come on down, down to the water
Come on down, come on down
Come on down, down to the water
Down to the water

Island music
Sways with a palm tree
Friends of mine lay back
And talk of times that weren't so free
So let's have fun
And that means you and me
And let's go down to the water tonight
Let's go down to the water tonight.

Down, down, down to the water
Down, down, down to the water
Down, down, down to the water
Down, down, down to the water
Down, down, down to the water
Down, down, down to the water ...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Emma Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Emma

Cercherò mi sono sempre detta cercherò
Mi hanno sempre detta troverai
Per oggi sto con me
Mi basto e nessuno mi vede

E allora accarezzo la mia solitudine
Ed ognuno ha il suo corpo a cui sa cosa chiedere

Fammi sognare lei se morde la bocca e si sente l'America
Fammi volare lui allunga la mano e si tocca l'America
Fammi l'amore forte sempre più forte come fosse l'America
Fammi l'amore forte sempre più forte ed io sono l'America

Cercherai mi hanno sempre detto cercherai
E troverò ora che ti accarezzo
Ma quanto fantasia ci vuole per sentirsi in due

Fammi volare lei le mani sui fianchi come fosse l'America
Fammi sognare lui che scende e che sale e si senta l'America
Fammi l'amore lei che pensa ad un altro e si inventa l'America
Fammi l'amore forte sempre più forte ed io sono l'America

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Emma in costante aggiornamento

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America – Enrico Musiani


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

America – Enrico Musiani di Enrico Musiani

Voglio fare una canzone
ma non trovo le parole
e’ piu’ facile cantare
Only you
Non mi importa se c’e’ un cuore
che fa rima con amore
io ti amo ma ti dico
I love you
Non vorrei esagerare
ma pero’ voglio cambiare
ho deciso che domani partiro’
Vado in America America America
e dall’America
una canzone nuova portero’
Solo adesso che ho provato
cosa sente un emigrato
io non trovo piu’
la voglia di cantar
Anche tu chitarra mia
forse hai tanta nostalgia
di una dolce serenata
in riva al mar
Ora so cosa vuol dire
e non voglio piu’ soffrire
ho deciso che domani tornero’
Lascio l’America America America
addio America
domani la mia terra
domani la mia terra
domani la mia terra bacero’

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.

[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]


Dm F C A Dm G C

              Voglio fare una canzone ma non trovo le parole e' 

                     G7    G
piu' facile cantare Only you Non mi importa se c'e' un cuore che fa 

rima con amore io ti amo ma ti dico I love you Non vorrei esagerare ma 

                                             Dm   F        C
pero' voglio cambiare ho deciso che domani partiro' Vado in America

       G       Am   C F       C     G        G7
       America America e dall'America una canzone 

         C    G C G G C G7 G F C C7 C Am C Am C A# F

nuova portero'                                     

Gm A# F C F Gm A# F C F G7  C

                        Solo   adesso che ho provato cosa 

                                  Am           Dm
sente un emigrato io non trovo piu' la voglia di cantar Anche tu 

                                     G                         C
chitarra mia forse hai tanta nostalgia di una dolce serenatain riva al 

mar Ora so cosa vuol dire e non voglio piu' soffrire ho deciso che domani 

   Dm   F         C      G       Am   C F
tornero' Lascio l'America America America addio 

Am  C G
America domani la mia terra domani la mia terra domani la mia terra 

  C    Am Fm


America – Even The Score Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Even The Score – America

I stayed up all night long
Drinkin' and thinkin' 'bout you
Is there anything left at all
Is there anything that I can do

'Cause I don't know what to say anymore
I don't know how to even the score with you, with you

Starin' hard at that big front door
Is it time now to find my shoes
It ain't the loss of love no more
I'm just tryin' hard to live with you

'Cause I don't know what to say anymore
And I don't know how to even the score with you, with you
With you, with you

'Cause I don't know what to say anymore
And I don't know how to even the score with you, oh, with you

Is love a question, who's weak, who's strong
I can't see it, where's a compromise
It's so confusin' where this thing has gone
It's gotta stop, you've gotta realize

'Cause I don't know what to say anymore
And I don't know how to even the score with you, oh, with you
Yes, with you, oh, with you

'Cause I don't know what to say anymore
And I don't know how to even the score with you, oh, with you
Yes, with you, oh, with you

I don't know what to say anymore
And I don't know how to even the score with you, oh, with you
Yes, with you, oh, with you

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Everyone I Meet Is From California Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Everyone I Meet Is From California – America

Heaven may be an answer
If you're lookin' for Eden in the sky
On your waters I see a strange reflection
Rumor has it I'll see you when I die

Everyone I meet is from California
There's dancin' in the streets in California

In California you watch the shadow dancer
Floating gently, gently on the sea
In California you're such a strange romancer
Come and see me when the world has set you free

Everyone I meet is from California
There's dancin' in the streets in California

Everyone I meet is from California
There's dancin' in the streets in California

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Fallin’ Off The World Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Fallin' Off The World – America

Each time I call you I feel my heart beat
I want to be there walkin' up your street
It doesn't matter how far I travel
Crossin' the ocean, the golden gravel

I'm fallin' off the world
I'm callin' you (do you believe)
I'm fallin' off the world
I'm callin' you

Tomorrow's headline, read all about it
They caught the big one and I don't doubt it
Across the country they're paintin' stories
About our failures, about our glories

I'm fallin' off the world
I'm callin' you (do you believe)
I'm fallin' off the world
I'm callin' you

All of those screams of each other must share in the fight
Nobody knows where their clear spirit goes in the night

Out of the country it seems so easy
To keep believin' our dream of Fiji
Your image lingers, a faded picture
Your past erased by untold elixir

I'm fallin' off the world
I'm callin' you (do you believe)
I'm fallin' off the world
I'm callin' you

All of those screams of each other must share in the fight
Nobody knows where their clear spirit goes in the night

I'm fallin' off the world
I'm callin' you (do you believe)
I'm fallin' off the world

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

Pubblica i tuoi Testi!
Contattaci: [email protected]


America – Fausto Leali


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

America – Fausto Leali di Fausto Leali


Io non canto
piu’ rose e poesie,
tu negli occhi hai
un aereoporto ormai
verde e fantasia
e’ il mio mondo
ma fuori dalla
porta mi aspetta la realta’.
america, america
quando apro gli occhi
io ti vedo qua
america, america
terra promessa dell’umanita’.
non sogno piu’,
non canto
piu’ in questo tempo
che mi porta
via, dimenticare e’ un sentimento,
piantar le rose
sembra una follia.
america, america
anche il suo amore
se perdo anche te amore mio,
se perdo anche te
allora addio.
america, america
quando apro gli occhi
io ti vedo qua
il grattacielo e’ bello ma
un altro aprile
quando ci sara’
mi risveglio e tu,
angelo tu sei
forse un sogno in piu’
han visto gli occhi miei.
amore mio, chitarra mia
non sai cantare
che la verita’,
ma una domanda non fa rumore
percio’ nessuno ti rispondera’
america, america
anche il suo nome
se perdo anche te amore mio,
se perdo anche te
allora addio
america, america
quando apro gli occhi
io ti vedo qua,
america, america
terra promessa dell’umanita’.
america, america
anche il suo amose
perdo anche te
amore mio,
se perdo anche
te allora addio.
america, america
quando apro gli occhi
io ti vedo qua,
america, america…

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.

[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]


D#m A#m

                  C#  F#
Io non canto piu' rose   e poesie,

C# D#m             G#7  D#m7            G#7 D#m
tu negli occhi hai un aereoporto ormai      

   A#m           C#    F#
Verde e fantasia e' il mio mondo 

   C# D#m7           G#7   D#m7              G#7
ma fuori dalla porta mi asp   etta la realta' 

F        A#m
America, Ameri

ca quando apro gli occhi io ti vedo qua

G#               F           A#m9
America, America terra promessa dell'umanita' 

Non sogno piu', non canto piu' in questo tempo

che mi porta via, dimenticare e' un sentimento,

piantar le rose sembra una follia  

A#m                              G#
America, America anche il suo amore

              A#m Fm7
non e' verità       

Se perdo anche te amore mio,

   D#m                     Cm7
se perdo anche te allora addio  

F7   A#m
America, America quando apro gli occhi io ti vedo qua

G#                         F
il grattacielo e' bello ma un altro Aprile

quando ci sara'  

Mi risveglio e tu, angelo tu sei

                  G#                            A#m D#m A#m D#m
forse un sogno in piu' han visto gli occhi miei             

Amore mio, chitarra mia

C#  F#
non sai cantare che la verita', 

C# D#m7                      G#7
ma una domanda non fa rumore percio'

D#m7                   G#7
nessuno ti rispondera'   

F        A#m
America, America

anche il suo nome non e' verità 

Se perdo anche te amore mio, 

F                 A#m9
se perdo anche te allora addio  

merica, America quando apro gli occhi io ti vedo qua,

G#               F
America, America terra promessa dell'umanita'  

A#m                              G#              A#m Fm7
America, America anche il suo amore non e' verità     

Se perdo anche te amore mio, 

D#m                        Cm7
se perdo anche te allora addio 

F7   A#m
america, America

quando apro gli occhi io ti vedo qua, 

G#                 F A#m G# F A#m
America, America              



America – Foolin’ Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Foolin' – America

You let me follow you around
It helped your status in the town
Well I didn't know your name
There's no truth in what you claim
So I think you better stop this foolin' 'round

I think it's called a lesson learned
When one so close suddenly turns
Leaves you standing on your own
Got no place to call your home
So I think you better stop this foolin' 'round

Now it's my time to make amends
Hope my message don't offend
And I hope this doesn't drive you round the bend

Leaves you standing on your own
Got no place to call your home
So I think you better stop this foolin' 'round
Yes, I think you better stop this foolin' 'round

Yes, I think you better stop this foolin' 'round
[Repeat and fade]

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Franco Califano


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1990 Califano

Testo Della Canzone

America – Franco Califano di Franco Califano

(di: Franco Califano)

America… ho sognato l’America…
quella che te la immagini
e la trovi nei cinema.

L’America che vorresti raggiungere
quella che ti sà illudere…
luci che abbagliano

California che mi ruba dalla vita solita
sogno il meglio che mi dà un’ altra realtà
poi l’ America che non perde mai
gioca, vince, si ubriaca e tutto ok!

L’occasione di andarci arriverà
anche fuori dal sogno…
per sapere se sentimenti ne esistono laggiù
se l’America un anima ce l’ha
o se il sogno è finito.

America… ho sognato dei vicoli
come quelli di Napoli… coi suoi pericoli
America… sogno navi che partono
piene zeppe di giovani che non ritornano.

Sono lame di coltello
in mano a chi vuole i tuoi dollari
gente senza scrupoli che non ha pietà
sogno arance meccaniche e non so
se l’America un’ anima ce l’ha
e mi sveglio sudatore non ci sto
a sbagliare anche i sogni
quante vite buttate via laggiù
chi ha scoperto l’America sei tu
l’ hai cresciuta soffrendo sempre di più
e non è la tua terra…

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


America – From A Moving Train Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
From A Moving Train – America

I've seen the Ides of March
And I've seen the fall of Rome
I've seen all kinds of stuff
But I never see my home

If my life-line is
These million miles of track
One thing I know by now
There is no turning back

From a moving train
From a moving train
From a moving train
From a moving train

If every venture was
A path to no avail
I'd still be rolling down
This never ending trail

If we had a destination
In our sights
We would be helpless as
We passed it in the night

From a moving train (hear the engine running)
From a moving train (you can get on board)
From a moving train (hear the motor humming)
From a moving train (see, you've gotta see the light)

And if by chance you find a woman
That you might love along the way
You better hold her tight
Tell her everything's alright
Or she might jump along the way

From a moving train (hear the engine running)
From a moving train (you can get on board)
From a moving train (hear the motor humming)
From a moving train (see, you've gotta see the light)

From a moving train (hear the engine running)
From a moving train (you can get on board)
From a moving train (hear the motor humming)
From a moving train (see, you've gotta see the light)

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America – Galeffi Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Galeffi

È già primavera
E il polline mi sembra grandine
Io che respiro appena
L'aria sa di caffè

Non voglio uscire stasera
C'è un vento che
Mi sembra che ce l'ha con me
Che non ho niente per cena
Magari passo da te

Butta la pasta
Quel tanto che basta
Per non sentire tutto il vuoto che c'è

La nostra storia un giorno finirà
Ma non finisce mai l'amore
Sognare sempre non ci basterà
E ti regalo una canzone
La nostra storia un giorno finirà
E rimarrà soltanto il bene
E un bacio lungo
Fino all'America

Come una candela
Mi accendo se la luce mia sei te
Ma poi mi spengo ogni sera
E il buio non fa per me
Due gocce d'acqua
Due granelli di sabbia
Non hanno mai visto tutto il mare che c'è

La nostra storia un giorno finirà
Ma non finisce mai l'amore
Sognare sempre non ci basterà
E ti regalo una canzone
La nostra storia un giorno finirà
E rimarrà soltanto il bene
E un bacio lungo
Fino all'America

E il mondo è un posto triste senza di noi
Lo sai che il cielo se vedi bene è il pianterreno sotto di noi
Che meraviglia è
La vita insieme a te
Ma senza dirlo mai mai mai mai
La nostra storia un giorno finirà
Ma non finisce mai l'amore
Sognare sempre non ci basterà
E ti regalo una canzone
La nostra storia un giorno finirà
E rimarrà soltanto il bene
E un bacio lungo
Fino all'America

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America – Garden Of Peace Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Garden Of Peace – America

I look inside at the scarlet room
Places to hide in the dusty gloom
A noisy clock and a silver spoon

A china cup on the mantlepiece
Gathering dust as it did in the east
And just outside lies the garden of peace

Oh, tell me is this really true
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Tell me over, over and over
Tell me is this really happening

Inside this world it's beautiful
Peace in this garden has come true

A mirror pond reflects the dawn
Over the banks, 'cross the emerald lawn
A breeze has come and I'm carried along

So follow the path through the knowing trees
And each time you laugh, it is love you release
That love will come back in the garden of peace

So, tell me is this really true
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Tell me over, over and over
Tell me is this really happening

Inside this world it's beautiful
Peace in the garden has come true

Oh, tell me is this really true
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Tell me over, over and over
Tell me is this really happening

Inside this world it's beautiful
Peace in the garden has come true ...

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America – Glad To See You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Glad To See You – America

Bells ring in in my ear
Voices I hear
Whispering daily to me
Love in your fire
High on a wire
When I know you're near me

God, I'm glad to see you
I thought you'd left me far away
I wouldn't give much to be you
But I want you to know I feel this way

All over the world
Flags are being unfurled
Waving before the dawning
I'm watching the show
The last one to know
Which way that things are going

God, I'm glad to know you
I thought you'd left me far away
I wouldn't give much to be you
But I want you to know I feel this way

Cars fighting their way
Out of L.A.
On a Sunday morning
I'm watching the show
The last one to know
Which way that things are going

God, I'm glad to see you
I thought you'd left me far away
I wouldn't give much to be you
But I want you to know I feel this way

God, I'm glad to know you

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America – God Of The Sun Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
God Of The Sun – America

God of the sun
Don't make me wait till the morning comes
Light in the sky
Look me in the eye, eye, eye, eye

Don't, keep me waiting around
Too much longer now
Don't, don't keep me waiting around, around, around, around

When I called you from my river of darkness
An echo was all that came back
Saw you wave goodbye
Down the railroad track
Sometimes when you're out and all alone
And you can't find your way back
Wonder if you'll ever make it home

God of the sun
I'll be around till the day's begun
One sight of your ray
Takes the night away, away, away, away

Oh, but when I walk through that door
Take my hat and my coat off waiting for you to call
I tell you not right now, lady, I got work on my mind
And I'll talk to you soon
Always remember

When I called you from my river of darkness
An echo was all that came back
I saw you wave goodbye
Down the railroad track
Sometimes when you're out and all alone
And you can't find your way back
Wonder if we'll ever make it home
No more

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America – Golden Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Golden – America

Watchin' a stretch of road, miles of light explode
Driftin' off a thing I'd never done before
Watchin' the crowd roll in, out go the lights it begins
A feelin' in my bones I never felt before

People always told me that bars are dark and lonely
And talk is often cheap and filled with air
Sure sometimes they thrill me
But nothin' could ever chill me
Like the way they make the time just disappear

Feelin' you here again, hot on my skin again
Feelin' good a thing I'd never known before
What does it mean to feel, millions of dreams come real
A feelin' in my soul I'd never felt before

And you, you always told me
No matter how long it holds me
If it falls apart or makes us millionaires
You'll be right here forever
We'll go thru this thing together
And on heaven's golden shore we'll lay our heads

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America – Goodbye Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Goodbye – America

Goodbye, Mrs. Sorrow
Hope you're feelin' better tomorrow night
Don't put up a fight
It'll do you no good

Hello, Uncle Freedom
I've seen them down on their knees for you
Nothing they wouldn't do
To have you along

I got too many problems
They just don't understand
They think their every wish is my command

Oh, no, Sister Susie
You're in a win or lose affair
Wish I could be there
To help you along

Oh, yes, Brother Michael
We all have every faith in you
And everything you do
All the way round

I got too many problems
They just don't understand
They think their every wish is my command

Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye

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America – Green Monkey Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Green Monkey – America

When the deep blue night is running close on your track
And you can feel the green monkey crawlin' across your back
Don't take me so real that you forget how to feel
Don't let the threat of the dagger turn your heart into steel

Smell the perfume of the silent dream
Fly the ocean, read a story to me
Speak the wisdom of a redwood tree
Speak to me

So you think that star cluster shining bright in the sky
Will speak the fate of your evening, tell the truth to your lie
Don't let the features you read control the tickets you buy
Soon as you learn that you live, you're just beginning to die

Smell the perfume of the silent dream
Fly the ocean, read a story to me
Speak the wisdom of a redwood tree
Speak to me

Smell the perfume of the silent dream
Fly the ocean, read a story to me
Speak the wisdom of a redwood tree
Speak to me

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America – Greenhouse Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Greenhouse – America

In the greenhouse
Among the flowers
You would linger, linger there for hours

That's where I saw your face
Your body dressed in lace
Your secret hiding place
In the greenhouse

What were you thinking
Was this the jungle?
I felt the good earth, I felt the good earth rumble

That's where I saw your face
Your body dressed in lace
Your secret hiding place
In the greenhouse

That's where I saw your face
Your body dressed in lace
Your secret hiding place
In the greenhouse

You were smiling
The heat was rising
The blood-red roses hypnotizing
In the greenhouse
You were waiting
And the perfume was suffocating

That's where I saw your face
Your body dressed in lace
Your secret hiding place
In the greenhouse

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America – Half A Man Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Half A Man – America

I'm only half a man
When I'm not by your side
I try to make a plan
And I don't try to hide

So come on over closer to me
And everything will be just like it should be

Why don't you help me
Please don't stand on your pride
I feel so empty
Why don't you let me inside

So come on over closer to me
And everything will be just like it should be

You (you, you, you)
Set my soul on fire
You (you, you, you)
Fill me with desire
When ever I'm near you

I'm only half a man
When I'm not by your side
I try to make a plan
And I don't try to hide

So come on over closer to me
And everything will be just like it should be

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America – Hangover Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hangover – America

Who's that knockin' on my door this mornin'
Can't they see I'm dead
There ain't nothin' left to do this mornin'
'Cept to make it to my bed

I was out till all hours
Raisin' Cain once again
I don't care about the hours
Only how much did I spend

'Cause I got a hangover
I won't make it through the day
I got a hangover
So just leave me where I lay

I started slow after sundown
I tiptoed right up till ten
Then after while I went downtown
It was the beginning of my end

Now I got a hangover
I won't make it through the day
I got a hangover
So just leave me where I lay

Oh, how am I gonna stake my claim on the future
When I cannot lift my head
Oh, I ain't nothin' but a drunken loser
And my liver's overfed

'Cause I got a hangover
I won't make it through the day
'Cause I got a hangover
So just leave me where I lay

Now I got a hangover
I won't make it through the day
'Cause I got a hangover
So just leave me where I lay
So just leave me where I lay

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America – Hat Trick Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hat Trick – America

You, can I make it known
I'd like to take you home
You been away so long
I'd like to see you

But when I saw you at the local hop
I tried to take you but you made me stop
Then I saw that you were dancing with a rent-a-cop
Whoa, whoa!

The minute you pulled me through
You thought that then you knew
If not today, I'd find a way
To get to you

Just a little of nothin'
That's all you had the time to give
Just a little of nothin'
Ain't gonna make it worthwhile for me

If you'd only have listened
You'd have heard every word I said
Just a little of nothin'
Ain't gonna make it worthwhile for me
Da, da, da ...

Just a little of nothin' (Just a little of nothin')
Just a little of nothin' (Just a little of nothin')
Just a little of nothin' (Just a little of nothin')
Just a little of nothin' (Just a little of nothin')

Newton-under-Roseberry topping
And it's cold and it's wet
And you feel like you're part of all time

Living in the gap between the echoes
Feeling it hot
And feeling it cold

As long as there are fish in the sea
Have a cup of tea
Oh, as long as there are fish in the sea
Have a cup of tea

'Cause you are running from the ring of the golden bell
Like a bat out of hell
You are running from the ring of the golden bell
Like a bat out of hell
You are running from the ring of the golden bell
Like a bat out of hell
You are running from the ring of the golden bell
Like a bat out of hell

There's a lady across the hall
She's telling me it's all right (all right)
I'm tryin' to give her my all
She's sayin' I'm uptight
Hell of a way to spend an afternoon

Saw a movie tonight
Got frightened and broke down (broke down)
Got a call in the night
My old lady just hit town
Take her away, she's tryin' to turn me round
I'm nowhere to be found

I can't unread the pages I've already read
And I can't feed these ages left in my head
They're already dead, yeah

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America – Head And Heart Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Head And Heart – America

There's just no way to say how much I love you
You never make me cry and that's just fine
I've only got my fear to burn above me
You know we all get scared from time to time

Love me with your head and heart
Love me from the place it starts
Love me with your head and heart
Love me like a child

There's just no way to play the things I'm feelin'
No way to tell you all the things you mean
Every day I only feel like stealin'
Away to where I know I can be free

Love me with your head and heart
Love me from the place it starts
Love me with your head and heart
Love me when I'm wild

Laying down the ways to say I need you
Scared of lookin' tall and feeling small
Running through the days I have beside you
Scared of being wrong, and that's it all

Love me with your head and heart
Love me from the place it starts
Love me with your head and heart
Love me like a child

Love me with your head and heart
Love me from the place it starts
Love me with your head and heart
Love me like a child

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America – Hell’s On Fire Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hell's On Fire – America

Drove through the valley on my way to the sea
I was lookin' for the answer to what's botherin' me
Sat there all day and I stared at the blue
There's no denyin' I was thinkin' of you

Hell's on fire, heaven's freezin'
And I love you baby without good reason

I walked to the corner, watch the world go by
Hands in my pockets and my head in the sky
What does it matter now that everything is fine
When I can't eat, sleep, or even walk a straight line

Hell's on fire, heaven's freezin'
And I love you baby without good reason
Hell's on fire, heaven's freezin'
And I love you baby without good reason
But it's hard, you make it hard, ah

When I first met you I was barely alive
Had no direction baby you had the drive
We headed out on the wild open road
Till we broke down from the weight of the load

Hell's on fire, heaven's freezin'
And I love you baby without good reason

Hell's on fire, heaven's freezin'
And I love you baby without good reason

I drove through the valley on my way to the sea
And I was lookin' for the answer to what's botherin' me
Sat there all day and I stared at the blue, wow
There's no denyin' I was thinkin' of you, but

Hell's on fire, heaven's freezin'
And I love you baby without good reason
Hell's on fire, heaven's freezin'
And I love you baby without good reason

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America – Here Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Here – America

I am thinkin' 'bout the days
We led ourselves astray
In more than many ways
Here, within the time we've spent
Wonderin' what we meant
By livin' all those years
By livin' all those years

We are here with nothing to do today
It's something we can't explain
And tomorrow, where will we be tomorrow?
What will we see today?

I am thinkin' 'bout the days
We led ourselves astray
In more than many ways
(Here) Here, within the time we've spent
Wonderin' what we meant
By livin' all those years
(Here) By livin' all those years
(Here) By livin' all those years
(Here) By livin' all those years
(Here) By livin' all those years
(Here, here, here ...)

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America – Hidden Talent Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hidden Talent – America

Just like a person from another world
My eyes can see inside you, little girl
I see things that you don't want to see
I see things you're trying to hide from me

I'm just trying to make you understand
All the ways you can affect this man
From the moment that you came in touch
With the power there to burn so much

You've got hidden talent (yeah)
I bet you're gonna find some hidden talent, oh

You know your past is what's been bugging you
If you're ready girl ... do what you gotta do
Look for your life between the lines
Bad directions and poor designs

You've got hidden talent (hidden talent, yeah)
I bet you're gonna find some hidden talent, oh
Hidden talent (hidden talent, yeah)
Check it out you ... got it, hidden talent, oh

With the advantage of perspective I
See there's more to you than meets the eye
But now the time must come to spread your wings and fly

Yeah (hidden talent) yeah

Hidden talent (hidden talent, yeah)
I bet you're gonna find some hidden talent, oh
Hidden talent (hidden talent, yeah)
Check it out ... you got it, hidden talent, oh

Hidden talent (hidden talent, yeah)
Affair without warning
Hidden talent, mmm (mmm)

Hidden talent (hidden talent, yeah)
I bet you're gonna find some hidden talent, oh


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America – High In The City Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
High In The City – America

Now I'm high in the city
Feel the evening air
The crowds in the city
Compete for a share
It's all so busy, a complete affair
Down here...

As I walk through marble
Finding my way out to daylight
One drinking orange vodka
Someone inside here
Will give us a ride dear

I know a place where we both can go
To set our hearts on fire
I know the city's the only show

Can I take you for a ride
I can make you satisfied
All 'n all it's worth your while
Change that frown back to a smile

Do or die in the misty city
All night long
A nightclub in the middle
Tappin' time to my song
Catch hell for leavin'
They are always wrong
Down here...

As I walk through marble
Finding my way in the night-light
Two people sit and argue
Someone inside here
Will give them a ride clear

I know a place where we both can go
To set our hearts on fire
I know the city's the only show

Can I take you for a ride
I can make you satisfied
All 'n all it's worth your while
Change that frown back to a smile

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America – Hollywood Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hollywood – America

Orange and yellow and purple and green
The lights of the city at night set the scene
Stumble through the bars of forget-me-not lane
Sparkle through the glitter but don't show the pain

In Hollywood
Underneath a golden palm tree
Come to the party the drinks are on me
For free

Heartbeats echo through a cavern of love
Come to the tavern I'll meet you up above
Soaring through the heavens, what a fabulous ride
But everybody's heading for the same place to hide

In Hollywood
Underneath a golden palm tree
Come to the party the drinks are on me
For free
The drink's on me
For free
The drink's on me
For free
The drink's on me
The drink's on me
The drink's on me
The drink's on me

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America – Honey Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Honey – America

Honey, I wish you were here
To brighten my lonely nights
How long I've waited
To hold you in my arms again

Honey, you know I'm so scared
Scared that you might not come back
One day without you
Is one day too long for me
Wish you could see
The love in the heart of me

Honey, I really miss you
Honey, I need to kiss you
Honey, I wanna hold you
Honey, have I told you
I really need you now
I really need you now

Honey, you know you think like me
Now I pray every day
I'll do anything
If there's a chance you'll stay

Your perfume is still in my room
Your pillow it's left where you lay
Your picture is standing
Inside the frame I made
It seems so sad
To lose the love we had

Honey, I really miss you
Honey, I need to kiss you
Honey, I wanna hold you
Honey, have I told you
I really need you now
I really need you now

Honey, I've waited for only one line
To let me know how you are
I need to be with you
I'd run to your side, however near or far
Girl, I need you

Honey, honey
Honey, honey
Honey, I really miss you
Honey, I need to kiss you
Honey, don't you know it
Honey, don't I show it
I really need you now
I really need you now
I really need you now
I really need you now
I really need you now
I really need you now

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America – Hope Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hope – America

There's a clock timing the world as it turns
There's a man marking the candle as it burns
Keeping track of every minute that remains

Still we hope somehow
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna turn out fine

There's a light shining beyond the southern cross
Burning bright for everyone of us who's lost
More than faith more than a reason to go on

Rise on up knowing
You're gonna win the fight
It's gonna turn out fine

You gotta hope it'll be alright
Come on and hope it'll turn out fine
Yeah, hope it'll be alright, please

When the night turns to the deepest shade of black
At that point there is no reason to turn back
High above angels are falling from the sky

Lift your heart knowing
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna turn out fine

You gotta hope it'll be alright
Come on and hope it'll turn out fine
Yeah, hope it'll be alright, please

You gotta hope, ya gonna win the fight
Come on 'n hope with all your might
Yeah hope it's gonna be alright, please

Millions of people alone in the dark
Awaiting a moment of hope


You gotta hope (Whenever times get tough) it'll be alright
Come on and hope (And when the road is rough) it'll turn out fine
Yeah, hope (Just when you've had enough) it'll be alright, please

You gotta hope (Whenever times get tough) you're gonna win the fight
Come on and hope (And when the road is rough) with all your might
Yeah, hope (Just when you've had enough) it's gonna be alright, please

You gotta hope (Whenever times get tough) it'll be alright
Come on and hope (And when the road is rough) it'll turn out fine
Yeah, hope (Just when you've had enough) it'll be alright, please

You gotta hope, you're gonna win the fight

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America – Hot Town Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hot Town – America

Down in this hot town
At some old cafe tonight
You hear the dogs bay
At the green neon light

It's one hundred degrees
But the heat is free
In this hot town
This hot town tonight

And that there candle
Only adds to the heat
As you sit in your t-shirt
Trying to eat

You watch the waitress, you watch the clock on the wall
And the flies in the window climb up just to fall
In this hot town (hot town, hot town)
This hot town tonight (hot town, hot, hot)

Down in this hot town
Don't know no person to call
And this here cafe
Don't serve no beer at all
Out on the sidewalk
It's cooling down for your feet (cooling down, cooling down for your feet)
But the women are still sweaty and sweet (still sweaty, sweaty and sweet)

So you watch the waitress, you watch the clock on the wall
And the flies in the window climb up just to fall
In this hot town (hot town, hot town)
This hot town tonight (hot town, hot, hot)

It's one hundred degrees
But the heat is free
In this hot town (hot town, hot town)
This hot town tonight (hot town, hot, hot)

It's one hundred degrees (oh yeah)
In this hot town (hot town, hot town)
This hot town tonight (hot town, hot, hot)

(Hot town, hot town)
(Hot town, hot, hot)...


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America – Hurricane Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hurricane – America

Sailin' down the coast of Mexico
With a person I loved since long ago
Into a place nobody wants to go

Into a hurricane
Whoa, hurricane
Some'll be taken
Some'll remain

Heard people screamin' and the sky was torn
I looked around and the faces were so forlorn
No relief, only scorn

In a hurricane
In a hurricane
Some'll be taken
Some'll remain

Hurricane's just another name
For the torment in a man's soul
His mind is gone
And he starts to lose control

In a hurricane
Oh, the hurricane
Some'll be taken
Some'll remain

How long will the wind blow?
How long will the wind blow?
Everybody talks; nobody really knows
How long will the wind blow?
How long will the wind blow?
Shoo-ba-ree-ba, shoo-ba-ree-ba
Nobody knows

How long will the wind blow?
How long will the wind blow?
Everybody talks; nobody really knows
How long will the wind blow?
How long will the wind blow?
Shoo-ba-ree-ba, shoo-ba-ree-ba ...

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America – I Do Believe In You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Do Believe In You – America

They tried to catch us dancin' on the line
They say we took it way too far this time
They gave us no breaks here
But we made our own I swear

I do, I do believe in you
After all that we've been through
I do, I do believe in you
And everything that we do

We used to run with the dangerous crowd
Where the flame was hot and burnin' out
We knew we'd have to give
It hit us where we lived

I do, I do believe in you (I do believe in you)
After all that we've been through together
You took away my darkest nights (nights)
No one else could see the light

Runnin' blind day after day
Some things never wanna change, oh, oh
We knew we'd have to give
It hit us where we lived

I do, I do believe in you (I do believe in you)
After all that we've been through
You took away my darkest nights (nights)
No one else could see the light

I do, I do believe in you (I do believe in you)
After all that we've been through
You took away my darkest nights (nights)
No one else could see the light ...

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America – I Don’t Believe In Miracles Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Don't Believe In Miracles – America

I walk along the road and past your door
Then I remember things you said
I know in time we could've been so much more
But if you wanna come back home, go right ahead

But I don't believe in miracles
I don't believe in miracles
But I thought you might show your face
Or have the grace to tell me where you are

I believe I was your game, your ball (your ball)
If you tossed me up then I would fall
And so you've won again, ah, you win them all
But I believe I'd run to you, if you should call

But I don't believe in miracles (don't believe in miracles)
I don't believe in miracles (don't believe in miracles)
But I thought you might show your face
Or have the grace to tell me where you are (tell me where you are)

I believe that somewhere there's someone
Who's gonna light the way when things go wrong
The bullet that shot me down came from your gun
The words that turned me round were from your song

But I don't believe in miracles (don't believe in miracles)
I don't believe in miracles (don't believe in miracles)
But I thought you might show your face
Or have the grace to tell me where you are (tell me where you are)

But I don't believe in miracles (don't believe in miracles)
I don't believe in miracles (don't believe in miracles)
But I thought you might show your face
Or have the grace to tell me where you are

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America – I Need You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Need You – America

We used to laugh, we used to cry
We used to bow our heads then, wonder why
And now you're gone, I guess I'll carry on
And make the best of what you've left to me
Left to me, left to me

I need you like the flower needs the rain
You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again
You know I need you like the winter needs the spring
You know I need you, I need you

And every day, I'd laugh the hours away
Just knowing you were thinking of me
And then it came that I was put to blame
For every story told about me
About me, about me

I need you like the flower needs the rain
You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again
You know I need you, I need you
I need you like the winter needs the spring
You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again
You know I need you, I need you

I need you like the flower needs the rain
You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again
You know I need you, I need you
I need you like the winter needs the spring
You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again
You know I need you, I need you ...

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America – Il Bardo Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Il Bardo

Questo posto mi sta stretto
E non riesco più a reggerlo
E mentre aspetto il mio momento
Nascondo i desideri in un angolo

E voglio andare a Broadway o a Times Square
Dove anche un'ombra può risplendere
Dove poter cantare in this way
And every day

E voglio il freddo gelido di New York
Congelare il tempo per godermelo
Dove poter cantare in this way
And every day

Fin quando la mia voce non mi lascerà

A questo posto non appartengo
E quel che cerco non lo trovo qui
Ricordi belli che non rinnego
Ma ora devo andare non posso voltarmi

E voglio andare a Broadway o a Times Square
Dove anche un'ombra può risplendere
Dove poter cantare in this way
And every day

E voglio il freddo gelido di New York
Congelare il tempo per godermelo
Dove poter cantare in this way
And every day

Perciò fatemi viaggiare
Fatemi correre ogni rischio
E fatemi fare surf tra le onde della ?
E fatemi provare,fatemi cadere per poi rialzarmi
E fatemi sfoderare tutte le mie ?

E voglio andare a Broadway o a Times Square
Dove anche un'ombra può risplendere
Dove poter cantare in this way
And every day

E voglio il freddo gelido di New York
Congelare il tempo per godermelo
Dove poter cantare in this way
And every day

Fin quando la mia voce non mi lascerà

In aggiornamento...

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America – In The Country Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
In The Country – America

All you brothers and sisters
Lookin' for a better way
Why don't you all go to the country
Hitch a ride from the city
Get away for the day

The summertime is gonna take you
People playing music won't forsake you
But when it's hot
You gotta go all the way

All you dancers and twisters
Lookin' for a place to play
Why don't you all go to the country
People in the city
Get away for the day

I don't know how I'm gonna do it
But someone else will push me to it
But when it's hot
You gotta go all the way

The summertime is gonna take you
People playing music won't forsake you
I don't know how I'm gonna do it
But someone else will push me to it

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America – In The Sea Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
In The Sea – America

In the sea the fish have learned to fly
On a moonlit night on wings of silver
As the enchanted stars sail serenely by
Do they know where do unicorns go
Where winged horses fly
Narwhales lost at sea and never seen again
Go, go and ask the magpie
Where do unicorns go

In the trees the birds have learned to speak
Gaily colored they keep their secrets
In a parade of clouds playing hide and seek
Do they know where do unicorns go
Where winged horses fly
Narwhales lost at sea and never seen again
Does myth and mystery lie
Where the unicorns go

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America – Indian Summer Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Indian Summer – America

The sand, feel the waves between your toes
Can you feel the way the old wind blows
From one to another
Here to discover

Indian summer
Indian summer

Honeysuckle vines outside the door
Dandelion wine and so much more
We can discover
Into each other

Indian summer
Indian summer
Indian summer
Indian summer

Night fall, fireflies light up the lawn
Pink skies mirrored on the sea at dawn
From one to another
Here to discover

Indian summer
Indian summer
Indian summer
Indian summer

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America – Inspector Mills Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Inspector Mills – America

Inspector Mills I'd like to tell you 'bout a girl I saw
At a party just the other night in Beverly Hills
Inspector Mills I hope you find her and it don't take long
Watch my feelings for her growing strong in a war of wills
Inspector Mills

I can't attempt to point you in her direction
I didn't see her walking out of the door
If I had taken my time she'd be standing here still
Inspector Mills

I recall once in my life I felt this way before
But I let her go and closed the door, walk away
Inspector Mills I can't attempt to show the hurt in me
And just how much I need the company; search the valleys and the hills
You gotta find her Mr. Mills

I can't attempt to point you in her direction
I was blinded by the look in her eyes
If I had taken my time she'd be sitting here still
Inspector Mills

Oo, someday soon I might be in love with her

Inspector Mills I guess you've taken quite a look around
Guess I've heard the word from underground, she's gone for good
Inspector Mills is it any crime for a fool like me
Try to use your time 'cause I wanna see; you just send me the bill
Inspector Mills, Inspector Mills

I can't attempt to point you in her direction
I didn't see her walking out of the door
If I had taken my time she'd be lying here still
Inspector Mills, Inspector

I can't attempt to point you in her direction
I was blinded by the look in her eyes
If I had just followed through then I wouldn't be calling you

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America – It’s Life Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
It's Life – America

The child breaks each moment of sadness for our sakes
Leaving, trying his best to believe then
Hoping this dream will come true
Sadness is only a face for you

I will try like the devil to bear your names
Anything for you
In only a moment your life can change

Still lake, rocking the boat it's not too late
Leaving, trying your best to believe then
Hoping this dream will come true
Sadness is only a face for you

I will try like the devil to bear your names
Anything for you
In only a moment your life can change

You fell through the window and down on the floor
You found a direction, you hope will say more
With your life, it's taken every one in view

The people are pretty
The flowers are, too
You don't get to heaven
If they don't say you do

'Cause it's life and it's taken every one of you
And it's true
I'd like to take you but I don't think there's room for two
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you
I'd like to take, I'd like to take you ...

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America – Jet Boy Blue Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Jet Boy Blue – America

Jet Boy Blue
You steal and you think that it's right
Like a thief in the night
Ah, oh yeah
I'll tell you it's true
You come around with your stories to tell
I don't hold no int'rest
But I let you go
I know you've fallen under his spell
Don't let him kill you
He'll only fill you with lies
You're a fool and you know it
Done your best not to show it
But it's all over
You're through
Jet Boy Blue
He'll only take you for a ride
Only cost you your pride
Jet Boy Blue

Stop, stop while you're still ahead
You've got a lot to learn
You're still so young
Listen to what your mama said

Try to tell you go to hell
You're just a kid
Don't take no advice, you never think twice
Close the door
Jump in, don't mention what you did

Stop, stop while you're still ahead
You've got a lot to learn
You're still so young
Listen to what your mama said

You're a fool and you know it
Done your best not to show it
But it's all over
You're through
Jet Boy Blue
He'll only take you for a ride
Only cost you your pride
Jet Boy Blue

Stop, stop while you're still ahead
You've got a lot to learn
You're still so young
Listen to what your mama said

Jet Boy Blue
You steal and you think that it's right
Like a thief in the night

Wo, Jet, Jet, Jet, Jet Boy Blue
Jet Boy Blue
Jet Boy Blue
Jet Boy Blue
Jet Boy Blue
Jet Boy Blue
Jet Boy Blue
Jet Boy Blue ...

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America – Jody Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Jody – America

Just to think I had her in my hands
To think we made our plans
Somehow it feels just like a dream

For I played it so darn cool
Is there a bigger fool
To say I wanted to be free
'Cause now I know just what she meant to me

Jody, even the wind says your name, girl
When I think of you I'm aflame, girl, everytime
Jody, girl I've tried but I can't forget
The years when we lived together
I thought it would be forever
Jody, I'm beggin' now

Look around but there's no way out
What's it all about
And how that name goes round my head
I still see her face as she laid upon this bed

Jody, even the wind says your name, girl
When I think of you I'm aflame, girl, everytime
Jody, girl I've tried but I can't forget
The years when we lived together
I thought it would be forever
Jody, I'm beggin' now

Just say the word, I'll run to you
I'll be the man you want me to
How I'd miss you I never knew

Jody, even the wind says your name, girl
When I think of you I'm aflame, girl, everytime
Jody, girl I've tried but I can't forget
The years when we lived together
I thought it would be forever
Jody, I'm beggin' now

Even the wind says your name girl
When I think of you I'm aflame, girl
Jody, even the wind says your name, girl
When I think of you I'm aflame, girl ...

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America – Lady With A Bluebird Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lady With A Bluebird – America

She came out of the blue and into my world
She came out of the blue and into my world
I went out of my head over you

She was a lady with a bluebird sleepin' in her chair
She was dreamin' 'bout a girlfriend and wishing she was there
She was a lady with a bluebird

Under the bridge I saw Mercury flow
Between me and you and a fine tooth comb
She came out of the blue and into my world

She was a lady with a bluebird sleepin' in her chair
She was dreamin' 'bout a girlfriend and wishing she was there
She was a lady with a bluebird

I close my eyes, I still see blue
I hear her voice, I'll wait for you
I still see blue

She came out of the blue and into my world
Oh, she came out of the blue and into my world
She was a lady with a bluebird sleepin' in her chair
She was dreamin' 'bout a girlfriend and wishing she was there
She was a lady with a bluebird

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America – Leoncarlo Settimelli


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

America – Leoncarlo Settimelli di Leoncarlo Settimelli

L’America è fatta col sangue
degli uomini che ammazzò
le vittime ormai sono tante
nessuno contare le può

Di Sacco e Vanzetti la vita
l’elettrica sedia troncò
l’infamia che fu consumata
due menti preziose bruciò

Eguale e terribile morte
ai Rosenberg dettero un dì
per tanti fu identica sorte
l’America uccide così

Per Malcom e Jackson fu piombo
sparato sulla verità
nei ghetti del Vietnam nel mondo
è questa la sua civiltà

America ci hai incatenati
ma giorno ben presto verrà
l’esercito degli sfruttati
la fossa per te scaverà.

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


America – Letter Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Letter – America

You have one letter left to send
With no beginning and no end
You saw them in the park
The laughter in the dark, oh no
How can you face him and pretend

So now you thank him carefully, oh no
'Cause that's the way he's going to be, oh no
I hope you find some reason to be free

There is no sunshine in your eyes
You make no sound and yet you cry
It's not the double cross
You feel the love you lost, oh no
This letter has to say goodbye

So now you thank him carefully, oh no
'Cause that's the way he's going to be, oh no
I hope you find some reason to be free

You saw them in the park
The laughter in the dark, oh no
How can you face him and pretend

So now you thank him carefully, oh no
'Cause that's the way he's going to be, oh no
I hope you find some reason to be free

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America – Lonely People Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lonely People – America

This is for all the lonely people
Thinking that life has passed them by
Don't give up until you drink from the silver cup
And ride that highway in the sky

This is for all the single people
Thinking that love has left them dry
Don't give up until you drink from the silver cup
You never know until you try

Well, I'm on my way
Yes, I'm back to stay
Well, I'm on my way back home (Hit it)

This is for all the lonely people
Thinking that life has passed them by
Don't give up until you drink from the silver cup
And never take you down or never give you up
You never know until you try

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America – Look At Me Now Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Look At Me Now – America

I'm feelin' alright
I'm sleepin' OK
I'm getting to work on time
But everything else I guess
Has really turned out a mess

What can I do
What can I say
Nothing will change your mind
I'm thinkin' that I should call
But baby I'm not that kind

Woman look at me now
I'm doing better on my own somehow
Woman I'm making my way through the day now
Hey now
Woman look what you've done
Unleashed this fool on everyone
Woman I'm making my way through the day

I'm shining my shirt
I've ironed my shoes
I think that I'm lookin' fine
I'm getting all kinds of looks
Forgot how much time it took

I run out of gas
I fall on my ass
It's happenin' all the time
What am I doing wrong
I'm practicing all day long

Woman look at me now
I'm doing better on my own somehow
Woman I'm making my way through the day now
Hey now
Woman look what you've done
Unleashed this fool on everyone
Woman I'm making my way through the day

Life is so strange
Roles constantly changing
Hey hey hey

Woman look at me now
I'm doing better on my own somehow
Woman look what you've done
Unleashed this fool on everyone
Woman look at me now
Dih diddah dih diddah
Woman look at me now
Dih diddah diddah
Woman look at me now
Di diddah di diddah
Woman look at me now

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Loomy Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Loomy

No, non sento più la terra sotto ai piedi
e cuci il male e poi lo indossi senza veli
che ci facciamo qua?
In questo posto io non mi ci trovo
non è l'America
e se lo fosse non avrei uno scopo

sei tra le serie più fighe che io non ho mai visto
sei come un posto fisso
sei come quando c'è nessuno e allora preghi Cristo
come gambe per la macchina di Flintstones.

Certo che nessuno ti può giudicare
ecco c'è nessuno, devo vomitare
adesso ah, devo vomitare adesso ah

e ancora non so controllarmi
che non c'è gusto a controllare
(vuoi la verità? Se mi dai due minuti la spiego a te)

Passavo di qua, ma di qua io non ricordo cosa conviene
(cosa conviene)
vuoi la verità? Se mi dai due minuti la spiego a te eh eh
cambiare città questa qua non ricordo cosa contiene (cosa contiene)
la felicità la cercava nel posto sbagliato, com'è?

E su di te ci farei mille cose
io su di te mi ci farei una dose
io che per te nuoterei nella merda
anche se fosse più pericoloso
anche se fosse più pericoloso

guidare una fuori serie non accorcia il tragitto
ho perso l'indirizzo
sto come quando c'era il sole e entrava dal soffitto
come stanze di risate con una sit-com

Sento fare applausi se ci completiamo dentro
perdo chili, quel Kilimangiaro tento ah
tengo fermo il baricentro.

E ancora non so controllarmi
che non c'è gusto a controllare
qualcosa che se arriva spacchi
qualcosa che non è banale
come quando ti metti i tacchi
e su di me vuoi camminare.

Passavo di qua, ma di qua io non ricordo cosa conviene
(cosa conviene)
vuoi la verità? Se mi dai due minuti la spiego a te eh eh
cambiare città questa qua non ricordo cosa contiene (cosa contiene)
la felicità la cercava nel posto sbagliato, com'è?

(e ancora non so controllare)

Passavo di qua, ma di qua io non ricordo cosa conviene
vuoi la verità? Se mi dai due minuti la spiego a te eh eh
cambiare città questa qua non ricordo cosa contiene
la felicità la cercava nel posto sbagliato, com'è?

nel posto sbagliato, com'è?

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Loomy in costante aggiornamento

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America – Love And Leaving Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Love And Leaving – America

Hey Slim how long's it been
Five minutes maybe 10
Can't wait to see you again and again
First taste of this romance
Hell baby I almost danced
Caught myself close to believing
But every time is a brand new feeling
Lay me down in cool clear water
For a moment I've forgot her
Still I know where this is leading

Win, lose, which we choose
Won once and once refused
Already burning down the fuse
Don't wanna be building walls
Cause everything rising falls
It's darkness here the light's concealing
Love it seems is too revealing
Hidden in some secret place
Etched in lines around my face
The ghosts in here are all competing
Over one more song about love and leaving

Down, down we all fall down
Down, down we all fall down
We all fall down, yeah we all fall down
Let's toast to new love blooming
It's all around and all consuming
It's a dream you're bound to follow
Til you find it's only hollow
I can hear the angels grieving
Over one more song about love and leaving

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America – Love On The Vine Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Love On The Vine – America

I came home yesterday
To the love that I left behind
It seems I've been far away, yeah

But I know that the berry's ripe on the vine
And I know that the grapes will soon turn to wine
Yes I know I'll be there just in time to love you

I guess I just ran away (I just ran away)
Tried to see what I could not find (what I could not find)
It's been a one act play, yeah

But I know that the berry's ripe on the vine
And I know that the grapes will soon turn to wine
And I know I'll be there just in time to love you

I've been wasting time (wasting time)
With this old heart of mine (this old heart of mine)
Working it overtime, ah, ah, ah, ah

Just another blue day
Like the ones that I left behind
I know it's easy to say, yeah

But I know that the berry's ripe on the vine
And I know that the grapes will soon turn to wine
Yes I know I'll be there just in time to love you

Oh and I know that the berry's ripe on the vine
And I know that the grapes will soon turn to wine
Yes I know I'll be there just in time to love you

Love you on the vine, oh on the vine
Love you on the vine, oh on the vine
I love you on the vine, oh on the vine, ah
On the vine, oh on the vine ...

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America – Love’s Worn Out Again Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Love's Worn Out Again – America

Like you said, you'd never get used to it
But it's lost that old surprise
Time comes and goes so quiet now
Leaves emptiness behind our eyes
Oh, darling, if I could spare us
From an hour of the pain
Like you said, you'd never get used to it
But love's worn out again

Winter's here, bring the blankets out
To cover up the cold
I'm dreamin' of the good night's sleep
Like I used to know in days of old
You told me you felt all alone
But you did not tell me when
Like you said, you'd never get used to it
But love's worn out again

Love's worn out again, darling
It's moved around the bend, darling
There's no telling when
We'll feel it again

Oh, maybe I can't see what's plainly in my view
Oh, I wish I was a better man, maybe it's just you
But there's something goin' on here
Like a wound that will not mend
Like you said, you'd never get used to it
But love's worn out again

Love's worn out again, darling
It's moved around the bend, darling
There's no telling when
We'll feel it again

Love's worn out again, darling
It's moved around the bend, darling
There's no telling when
We'll feel it again

Love's worn out again, darling
It's moved around the bend, darling
There's no telling when
We'll feel it again ...

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America – Lovely Night Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lovely Night – America

It's a lovely night
It's a lovely night
Well, the sky is clear and the stars are bright
It's a lovely night

But I'll go lookin' for the fallin' rain
Keep on movin', keep on playin' that game
Let's go lookin' for the fallin' rain

It's a lovely night (It's a lovely night)
It's a lovely night (It's a lovely night)
Well, the sky is clear and the stars they are bright
It's a lovely night (It's a lovely night)

But I'll go lookin' for the fallin' rain
Keep on movin', keep on playin' that game
Let's go lookin' for the fallin' rain
On this lovely night
This lovely night
On this lovely night

On this lovely night
This lovely night
On this lovely night
Wo ho ho ho ho ho, this lovely night
Wo ho ho ho ho ho, this lovely night
Wo ho ho ho ho ho, this lovely night
Wo ho ho ho ho ho, this lovely night

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America – Mad Dog Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Mad Dog – America

Through the darkness I see you again
Watch my temperature rise
Can't believe my eyes, don't tell me
I've had way too much tonight

Drank the potion stronger than me
Got me all confused
Why you so amused, don't tell me
You've had way too much tonight

Please don't tell me no
God, I miss you so
One thing you should know
God, I love you so, oh

Had way too much tonight
I'm a mad dog at times like these
Don't know where to turn
Ain't the time to learn my lesson
I've had way too much tonight

Ain't the time to learn my lesson
I've had way too much to-
Really too much to-
I've had way too much tonight

I've had way too much to-
Really too much to-
I've had way too much tonight

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America – Maleizappa Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Maleizappa

Ehi cosa fai
(dove vai)
Te ne vai ancora
Tu coi tuoi guai
Nei miei guai
Ci ripensi ancora

Che vedo io negli occhi tuoi
Che leggi tu negli occhi miei
Dei dipinti in acrilico
Le serate in bilico

Ti va se usciamo oppure no
O stiamo a guardarci ancora un po'
Nei silenzi che svelano
Le mie mani che tremano

Dai metti subito qualcosa di comodo
Che andiamo in giro a fare finta di crederci
In questa vita che ci ha reso insensibili
Per annegare in dei bicchieri anestetici
E compensare questi umori asincroni
E aver paura che tu sia la vita

(e) ma vaffunculo alla musica e vaffanculo all'america
Ai sogni ed anche alla metrica
Fanculo anche a me che non credevo nei limiti
E non mi accorgo di esserci
E scelgo solo di perdermi
Paura di te

Ehi cosa fai
Perché mai
Te ne vai ancora
Tu coi tuoi guai
Nei miei guai
(ci ripensi) ancora

Che vedo io nei sogni tuoi
Che leggi tu nei sogni miei
Una vita in bilico
Un futuro sintetico

Ti va se parliamo oppure no
O stiamo a guardarci ancora un po'
Coi silenzi che svelano
Le tue gambe che tremano

Dai metti subito qualcosa di comodo
Che andiamo in giro a fare finta di crederci
In questa storia che ci ha reso insensibili
Per affogare in dei bicchieri anestetici
E compensare questi umori asincroni
E aver paura che tu sia la vita

(e) ma vaffunculo alla musica e vaffanculo all'america
Ai sogni ed anche alla metrica
Fanculo a te che non credevi nei limiti
E non ti accorgi di esserci
E scegli solo di perderti
Paura di me

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America – Man’s Road Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Man's Road – America

Horizon rising up to meet the purple dawn
Dust demon screaming, bring an eagle to lead me on
For in my heart I carry such a heavy load
Here I am on Man's road, walking Man's road, walking Man's road

I'm hungry, weary, but I cannot lay me down
The rain comes, dreary, but there's no shelter I have found
It will be a long time till I find my abode
Here I am on Man's road, walking Man's road

Moon rising, disguising lonely streets in gay displays
The stars fade, the night shade falls and makes the world afraid
It waits in silence for the sky to explode
Here I am on Man's road, walking Man's road, walking Man's road
Walking Man's road, walking Man's road, walking Man's road ...

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America – Midnight Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Midnight – America

Midnight rolling in, sunlight
Reaching out for your return

As you were running through the tunnel of life
And soon you'll dance around the fire of fright

When you're standing on the corner
And the sun is getting hot
Does this day begin to worry you a lot

You are, what you are, too far
Golden star, a ruby light

As you were running through the tunnel of life
And soon you'll dance around the fire of fright

When you're standing on the corner
And the sun is getting hot
Does the day begin to worry you a lot

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America – Might Be Your Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Might Be Your Love – America

Sometimes when you're there all alone
Someone will call you at home
You don't want to but pick up the phone

Might be your love
Might be your heart
Someone to hold you
All alone in the dark

Someone who you thought would belong
Came passing, moved right along
You don't know why but something went wrong

Might be your love
Might be your heart
Someone to hold you
All alone in the dark

Someone to hold you, someone to hold
Someone to hold you, someone to hold

Some girl who you watched at her desk
Came dancing on with her dress
And she looked up and wouldn't you guess

She might be your love
Might be your heart
Someone to hold you
All alone in the dark

Might be your love (might be your love)
Might be your heart (might be your heart)
Someone to hold you
All alone in the dark

(Someone to hold you)
Might be your love (Someone to hold)
Might be your heart (Someone to hold you)
Might be your love (Someone to hold)

Might be your love (might be your love)
Might be your heart (might be your heart)
Someone to hold you
All alone in the dark

Might be your love (might be your love)
Might be your heart (might be your heart)
Someone to hold you
All alone in the dark

Might be your love (might be your love)
Might be your heart (might be your heart)
Someone to hold you
All alone in the dark ...

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America – Mirror To Mirror Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Mirror To Mirror – America

I haven't seen forever
Don't even know her name
I call on dreams and other schemes
To try and win that game

Now that it's over, darling
Look into my eyes
Seein' your own reflection
Much to your surprise

We're seein' mirror to mirror
Face to face
We look but we cannot see
Mirror to mirror
Seems to trace
What happened to you and me

And though we tried in earnest
The distant silence yells
We call on wings and other things
To try and break that spell

Now that it's over, darling
Truth in the common cause
We stare at our own indifference
By seeing the other's flaws

We're seein' mirror to mirror
Face to face
We look but we cannot see
Mirror to mirror
Seems to trace
What happened to you and me

Oh, mirror to mirror, mirror to mirror
Mirror to mirror, what's come over me

As we look inside, there's nowhere to turn
There's nowhere to hide

Now that it's over, darling
Look into my eyes
Seein' your own reflection
Much to your surprise

We're seein' mirror to mirror
Face to face
We look but we cannot see
Mirror to mirror
Seems to trace
What happened to you and me

Oh, mirror to mirror, mirror to mirror
Mirror to mirror, what's come over me
Mirror to mirror, mirror to mirror
Mirror to mirror, what's come over me

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America – Molten Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Molten Love – America

First she says "Kings"
Then he says "Aces"
It gets pretty hard for a lady to tell
The hearts from the faces

Don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
Don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
To me, to me, me

I want to carry you across a threshold of fireflies
And violet stones, all alone (all alone)
Volcanic silver clouds fill pools and canyons around us
All around (all around)

But molten love
Cooled by your kisses
Take me down, take me down

So, don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
Don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
To me, me, to me, me

Molten love
Cooled by your kisses
Take me down, take me down
Yes, molten love
Cooled by your kisses
Take me down, take me down

So, don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
No, don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
Oh, don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
Don't be afraid I know I will bring you home
No, don't be afraid I know I will bring you home ...

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America – Moment To Moment Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Moment To Moment – America

There was a time I knew
All that there was to know
No one could tell me then
I was wrong

I wasn't strong enough
To see where my weakness lay
The world that you hold so tight
Could slip away

And from moment to moment
Your life can change
There's a storm over the horizon
A sea no one can see

Somewhere around the bend
Right when you least expect
Someone can walk away
With no regret

Leaving an empty space
Breaking a sacred trust
All of your shiny dreams
Begin to rust

Yes from moment to moment your life can change
There's a storm over the horizon
The sea you cannot see

Yes from moment to moment
Promise me you'll never change
Promise me you'll stay the same
Promise me you'll never change

Yes from moment to moment your life can change
There's a storm over the horizon
A sea you'll never see

Yes from moment to moment your life can change
There's a light when the sun is rising
A day after today

Promise me you'll never change (promise me you'll never change)
Promise me you'll stay the same (the same)
Promise me you'll never change

Every moment is a shining light
Every moment is the darkest night
Every moment gotta get it right
Every single moment

Every moment is a shining light
Every moment is the darkest night
Every moment gotta get it right

Every moment is a shining light
Every moment is the darkest night
Every moment gotta get it right
Every single moment

Every moment is a shining light
Every moment is the darkest night
Every moment gotta get it right
Every single moment


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America – Monster Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Monster – America

The monster exposed himself from underground
Burning his face as he ran through the town
Hoping the patrons just don't hear a sound

Heart, court and harmony just ain't the same
My black and their green playing some games
I've got all these pictures I just need the frames

These are the things that you'll never do
Feeding the wife on the phone
And there you are, all on your own

Red and blue, I want to like a hole in the head
It slopes in the middle and is stopping them dead
I'd like to help them; I've already said

These are the things that you'll never do
Running away from your home
And there you are, all on your own
Mm, mm. mm, mm.

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America – Moon Song Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Moon Song – America

The moon begins to rise upon my fallen eyes
I'm taken back to firelight
A drunken dreamer's plan to stay just as I am
Amidst the dancing paradise
A case of beer, a smile, a motorcycle child
I feel the glow surround me
And you, and you, and you, and you, and you

Orange funnels and snowy tunnels
Summer troubles and books in bundles
Orange funnels and snowy tunnels
And you, and you, and you, and you, and you

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America – Muskrat Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Muskrat Love – America

Muskrat, muskrat candlelight
Doin' the town and doin' it right
In the evenin'
It's pretty pleasin'

Muskrat Susie, Muskrat Sam
Do the jitterbug out in muskrat land
And they shimmy
And Sammy's so skinny

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed
Singin' and jingin' the jango
Floatin' like the heavens above
It looks like muskrat love

Nibbling on bacon, chewin' on cheese
Sammy says to Susie "Honey, would you please be my missus?"
And she say yes
With her kisses

And now he's ticklin' her fancy
Rubbin' her toes
Muzzle to muzzle, now anything goes
As they wriggle, and Sue starts to giggle

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed
Singin' and jingin' the jango
Floatin' like the heavens above
It looks like muskrat love

La da da da da ...

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America – My Back Pages Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
My Back Pages – America

Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rollin' high and mighty traps
countless fire and flaming roads
Using ideas as my maps
"We'll meet on ledges, soon," said I
Proud 'neath heated brow.
Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger then than now.

Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth
"Rip down all hate," I screamed
Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull. I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers
Foundationed deep, somehow.
Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger then than now.

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not I'd become my enemy
In the instant that I preached
My existance led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow.
Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger then than now.

Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow.
Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger then than now.

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America – My Dear Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
My Dear – America

Here in the dawn
As I walk through this dream
As I have done since ages now gone
Shall I read you the letter
They sent postmarked from somewhere out here
It's in Latin, I think, I don't know
Can you help me, my dear
Please, can you help me, my dear

Near to their bed (they never sleep)
They sit sipping their tea, watch the sea
Move the sand through their heads (sit in their chairs by the bay)
Did I show you the marks on the wall
Left by captains now dead (house out on the cove)
They fell fighting for peace in their lives
Or so it is said (still nobody seems to be here)
Please, can you help me, my dear
Please, can you help me, my dear

You can't miss it
A blue forest on a green sky
You must risk it
Don't ignore us if you want us to
If we want us to survive

Where will I be (can't you help me to find my way)
After watching them walking the pier
At the mouth of the sea (I've been lost for so long)
They're in love with the news
And don't show if they're living in fear (still nobody seems to be here)
They eat ice cream alone
Watch the waves at the end of the pier (ah, nobody seems to hear)
Please, can you help me, my dear
Please, can you help me, my dear

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America – My Kinda Woman Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
My Kinda Woman – America

I've been in love, girl, so many times before
They'd love me and leave me, I thought I knew the score
I'd fall in love no more
I was walking in shadows then, my life a lonely road
I was walking to nowhere, with a heavy loaded heart
To laugh I played the part

(Do, do, do ... ) Then came that magic day
I saw you as you walked my way
Here she comes, my kinda woman
Here she comes, my kinda woman
Yeah, you're my kinda woman
And I can't help but tell you that you are (you are)
Yes, you know you are
Girl, you know you are (yes you are, you know you are, you know you are)

The longer together then, the more we fell in love
No makin' or breakin' up, now I know I found real love
And I can't get enough (oo, I love you, I really love you)
So good to be winnin' now, I never thought I'd do
You got me spinnin', honey it's all down to you
You're there to see me through (oo, I love you, I really love you, yes I love you)

(Do, do, do ... ) And from just one kiss
Who would believe that it would be like this
Here she comes, my kinda woman
Here she comes, my kinda woman
Yeah, you're my kinda woman
And I can't help but tell you that you are (you are)
Yes, you know you are
Girl, you know you are (yes you are, you know you are, you know you are)

My kinda woman I know that this is really love
There'll be no breakin' up, oh no
Here she comes, my kinda woman
Here she comes, my kinda woman
Yeah, you're my kinda woman
And I can't help but tell you that you are (you are)
Yes, you know you are
Girl, you know you are (yes you are, you know you are)
Oh, yes you are

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America – Neil Diamond Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Neil Diamond

We've been traveling far
Without a home
But not without a star

Only want to be free
We huddle close
Hang on to a dream

On the boats and on the planes
They're coming to America
Never looking back again,
They're coming to America

Don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're traveling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm

To a new and a shiny place
Make our bed and we'll say our grace
Freedom's light burning warm
Freedom's light burning warm

Everywhere around the world
They're coming to America
Ev'ry time that flag's unfurled
They're coming to America

Got a dream to take them there
They're coming to America
Got a dream they've come to share
They're coming to America

They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
Today, Today,
Today, Today, Today

My country 'tis of thee (today)
Sweet land of liberty (today)
Of thee I sing (today)
Of thee I sing
Today, Today, Today
Today, today, today......

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America – Never Be Lonely Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Never Be Lonely – America

Got you by my side
I'll never be lonely
Got you by my side
I'll never be afraid
Never be lonely anymore
Turn away the fools from my door
Always wanna be your one and only
Never be lonely

Spent a lot of time
Waitin' to find you
Spent a lot of time
All on my own
Could've gone a thousand different ways
Watching my nights turn to days
Always wanna be your one and only
Never be lonely

Here in the middle of now or never
Finally found where I belong
I could go on like this forever
Looking at you, looking at you

Wasn't I the one
Love never came to
Wasn't I the one
So misunderstood
All because my heart wasn't sure
Never felt a love like this before
Always wanna be your one and only
Never be lonely

Here in the middle of now or never
Finally found where I belong
I could go on like this forever
Looking at you, looking at you

Got me by your side
Never be lonely
Got me by your side
Never be afraid
And I will not let you down
Keeping both feet on the ground
Always wanna be your one and only
Never be lonely

Never be lonely
Never be lonely
Never be lonely
Never be lonely
Never be lonely

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America – Never Found The Time Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Never Found The Time – America

I never found the time
To see things quite through
I never found the time
To give them to you

If living don't come easy
Don't stop your own voice
'Cause the worst part of living
Is havin' no choice

tell me a story
Tell it with your eyes
I'm gonna stop believin'
If I hear another lie
Drink some cold water
Your mouth's getting dry

If I only had the time
To see things right through
I'd give up all my treasures
And send them to you

Then livin' would seem easy
No lights and no noise
Just me and my lady
And the echo of her voice

Tell me a story
Tell it with your eyes
I'm gonna stop believin'
If I hear another lie
Drink some cold water
Your mouth's getting dry

I never found the time
To see into my lady
And memories don't die
But with time become hazy

I never found the time
To see into my lady
And memories don't die
But with time become hazy

I never found the time
To see into my lady
And memories don't die
But with time become hazy

I never found the time ...

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America – No Fortune Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
No Fortune – America

We were dancin' in the middle
We could hardly hold our heads up
I think we had too much to drink
I remember wondering what they'd think
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da

We were thinkin' 'bout the future
We were trying not to laugh
Then you made me cry instead
I remember wishing I was dead
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da

No fortune pays for wounds like these
It's been too long a time now please
Just say you will, we can call it a day
It's not as though we ain't sinned
It's just a game we all play
There was nothing to win

Well I'm coming home lady
I'm your homecoming man
Trying hard to stand the rain
Gettin' back on my feet again
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da

No fortune pays for wounds like these
It's been too long a time now please
Just say you will, we can call it a day
It's not as though we ain't sinned
It's just a game we all play
There was nothing to win
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da

No fortune pays for wounds like these
It's been too long a time now please
Just say you will, we can call it a day
It's not as though we ain't sinned
It's just a game we all play
There was nothing to win
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da

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America – Nothing’s So Far Away (As Yesterday) Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Nothing's So Far Away (As Yesterday) – America

Another evening, the rain falling down
It's been a long time, since you've come around
A little laughter, and we had it all
It's so misleading, the things you recall

Turning the pages
We open the cages
Now I know that
Nothing's so far away as yesterday, wo, oh
Nothing's so far away

Take a look at the person inside
You realize there is nothing to hide
I remember the things that we said
So very simple the lives that we led

Turning the pages
We open the cages
Now I know that
Nothing's so far away as yesterday, wo, oh
Nothing's so far away

I recall how it used to be
And I can feel it, feel it surrounding me

Turning the pages
We open the cages
Now I know that
Nothing's so far away as yesterday, wo, oh
Nothing's so far away

I recall how it used to be
And I can feel it, feel it surrounding me

Oh, nothing's so far away as yesterday, wo, oh
Nothing's so far away as yesterday, wo, oh
Nothing's so far away as yesterday, wo, oh
Nothing's so far away as yesterday, wo, oh

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America – Now She’s Gone Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Now She's Gone – America

Please believe in me
Though my love is hard to see
Now she's gone (She's gone, she's gone, she's gone)
I'll remain (She's gone, she's gone, she's gone)
But these tears (She's gone, she's gone, she's gone)
I can't contain (She's gone, she's gone)

So can I count on you to be my light to guide me
Right through the night beside me
Is it all right to count on you

Smile away these blues
I don't care if I'm accused
Now she's gone (She's gone, she's gone, she's gone)
I don't mind (She's gone, she's gone, she's gone)
But, I got a feelin' (She's gone, she's gone, she's gone)
It's all designed (She's gone, she's gone)

To make me call on you to be my light to guide me
Right through the night beside me
Is it all right to call on you

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America – Old Man Took Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Old Man Took – America

For the last time
I watched Old Man Took bait his hook
And then throw his line
Pick up his wine

He's a friend of mine
Known him all my life and his wife
'Neath the swayin' pine
And the clingin' vine
Just before he left

He said now young man
Take good care don't let the bugs bite
Please make sure to say a word at night
For all your brothers feeling blue
Blue, blue, blue
All the time

So I stayed awhile
Took my tea alone, called it home
Like a playing child
Running wild

Heard a bluejay call
Said we got you now
Hope you bow
To the old man's word
I'm sure you heard
Just before he left

He said now young man
Take good care don't let the bugs bite
Please make sure to say a word at night
For all your brothers feeling blue
Blue, blue, blue
All the time

Now young man
Take good care don't let the bugs bite
Please make sure to say a word at night
For all your brothers feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue ...

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America – Old Virginia Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Old Virginia – America

Hey, honey, won't you sit down
And stop here for a spell
Singin' the sweet old lullabies
To forget about your health
Don't think about tomorrow
It's a whole night's sleep away
Sure would be pleased to have you stay

And it's reach out old Virginia
Won't you rock him close to you
The poor boy's had a hotel so long
He don't know what to do
It's time to come on home
And put your feet up for a while
So much travlin' 'round tends to take away your smile

'Pears to me it's all a body can do to stay in tune
And you've been strainin' at those strings
From mornin' till noon
So come on down and hang around
It'll put you right real soon
'Cause nothing's changed
It's all the same

Reach out old Virginia
Won't you rock him close to you
The poor boy's had a hotel so long
He don't know what to do
It's time to come on home
And put your feet up for a while
So much travlin' 'round can take away your smile

Reach out old Virginia
Won't you rock him close to you
The poor boy's had a hotel so long
He don't know what to do
It's time to come on home
And put your feet up for a while
So much travlin' 'round can take away your smile

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America – Oloololo Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Oloololo – America

Lala Salama
To the Masai Mara
And asante sana
Kichwa Tembo

I'm going Oloololo
Back to the world where I'm from
Soon I'll be flying solo
On a heading that follows the sun

Oloololo, Oloololo, 'loololo

'Cause I've been down from Nairobi
Southeast of Kisumu
To the waiting savanna
Like a place that I once knew

And the river was flowing
While the crocodile baked in the sun
With the elephant knowing
That a change had already begun

Oloololo, Oloololo, 'loololo

Oloololo, Oloololo
(Lala Salama) Oloololo (To the Masai Mara)
(And asante sana) Oloololo (To Kichwa Tembo)

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America – On Target Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
On Target – America

I hear a car, I hope it's yours
I hear the phone, I hope it's you
It seems I spend most half my life waiting
For the things I'll never do

When you were here, in love with me
There was so much (so much, so much) I couldn't see
And I watched you home believing
That you would never leave

Now I can't stand to be without you
I'm burning for one more kiss
I dream every night about you
Sometimes I'm on target, sometimes I seem to miss you

Night after night I lie awake
Wond'ring how long it's gonna take
Till I hold you close beside me
And share the love we make

'Cause I can't stand to be without you
I can't take much more of this
I dream every night about you
Sometimes I'm on target, sometimes I seem to miss you

Ah, oh baby turn your heart around
Ah, (oo) baby turn your heart around
Di, di, di, di, di, di
Ah, (come back, da, da, da) baby turn your heart around (oh)
(Who'm I gonna run to) Di, di, di, di, di, di
Ah, (come back, da, da, da) let me turn your heart around (oh)
(Who'm I gonna run to) Di, di, di, di, di, di
Ah, (come back, da, da, da) baby turn your heart around (oh)
(Who'm I gonna run to) Di, di, di, di, di, di ...

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America – On The Way Home Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
On The Way Home – America

When the dream came
I held my breath with my eyes closed
I went insane
Like a smoke ring day when the wind blows
Now I won't be back till later on
If I do come back at all
But you know me, and I miss you now
In a strange game
I saw myself as you knew me
When the change came
And you had a chance to see through me
Though the other side is just the same
You can tell my dream is real
Because I love you, can you see me now
Though we rush ahead to save our time
We are only what we feel
And I love you, can you feel it now

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America – One Chance Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
One Chance – America

One chance
For a true love
If a heart breaks,
Does it break forever?
There'll be no more,
Though you want back together

You soon will start running baby,
I know you will.
Though I've seen it coming lately,
I love you still.
How long must I keep on trying
To change your mind?
How long till there's no denying
We're out of time?

Is there really just,
One chance
At a true love
If a heart breaks,
Does it break forever?
There'll be no more,
Though you want back together.

Is there really just,
One chance
At a new start
But just one glance
Tells you it doesn't matter
So you turn 'round so you
Don't have to face it.

Where are you goin' baby?
Where have you been?
I don't even know you lately,
Let me back in.
I guess I'll just keep on waiting,
It's all I can do.
Feels like the future's fadin' into the blue.

Is there really just,
One chance
At a true love
If a heart breaks
Does it break forever?
There'll be no more
Though you want back together.

Is there really just,
One chance
At a new start
But just one glance
Tells you it doesn't matter
So you turn 'round so you
Don't have to face it.

One chance
For a true love
If a heart breaks
Does it break forever?
There'll be no more
Though you want back together.

Is there really just,
One chance
At a new start
But just one glance
Tells you it doesn't matter
So you turn 'round so you
Don't have to face it.

One chance
At a true love
If a heart breaks
Does it break forever?
There'll be no more
Though you want back together.

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America – One In A Million Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
One In A Million – America

One night, one in a million
Twilight, lastin' us through tomorrow
Nothing can come between us
That's what I wanna do

Today, there will be no competition
I think today might be
A one in a million for me
I've seen the sun drop below my roof line
I really think it might
Be a one in a million delight
All of my dreams go with you tonight

We'll walk down the roads of our impatience
And if one has to fall
He won't be too proud to call
Some doors I've closed just to reopen
And then sometimes I find
Everything wrong's turned to right
All of my dreams go with you tonight

One night, one in a million
Twilight, lastin' us through tomorrow
Nothing can come between us
That's what I want for you

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America – One Morning Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
One Morning – America

One morning when the mist came down
I woke up early and I looked around
My baby slept, the sky was blue
I started walkin' thinkin' only of you
Up the hill and down the road
Past the people that I barely know
Round the bend to the run-off wash
I found a feather that a quail had lost

Where are you goin' now my friend
Where are you goin' now
Are you going to see them on the mountain now
Goin' to see them trees
Goin' to watch the circles take a bow
Goin' to help agree
To be

Some people like to play out loud
I like them always, they're a laughing crowd
To catch the wind then come slidin' down
You reach the bottom fallin' upside down

Touch a hand and see the world turnin' circles
Brushin' every curl back again
To those sunset walks
That special summer and those all night talks

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America – Only Game In Town Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Only Game In Town – America

Spectators line the avenue
The players step out right on cue
And every night just seems the same
Nameless faces play their game

The midnight gamblers place their bets
The tight-rope walkers check their nets
Then comes the queen of broken hearts
This is the way it always starts

Finders find love for the evening
Keepers keep the love they've found
Losers lose and wind up weeping
But it's the only game in town

All hail the third string debutante
She tries to act so nonchalant
Chasin' the prince of alibis
Into a smokescreen made of lies

Finders find love for the evening
Keepers keep the love they've found
Losers lose and wind up weeping
But it's the only game in town

My window looks down on the set
Each night the players strut and fret
So if you'd like to join the rest
Just choose the part that suits you best

Finders find love for the evening
Keepers keep the love they've found
Losers lose and wind up weeping
But it's the only game in town

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America – Only In Your Heart Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Only In Your Heart – America

Mary, have you seen better days?
And will you find different ways?
And does he really mean that much to your heart?
Carry, all of the weight you can, find another man
And lead him directly there to the source
You've got to chart his course

'Cause it is only in your heart
This thing that makes you want to
Start it all again
(La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la)

Wake up from an elusive dream
You've got to change the scene
It's getting so hard to see to the end
Break down, all of the walls you can
You need a helping hand
I'm sure there's someone there just for you
He's trying to make it, too

'Cause it is only in your heart
This thing that makes you want to
Start it all again
(La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la)

Only in your heart
This thing that makes you want to
Start it all again
(La, la, la, la)

You can't disregard your friends
But life gets so hard when you reach the end

Mary, have you seen better days?
(Mary, have you seen better days?)
Mary, have you seen better days?
(Mary, have you seen better days?)
Mary, have you seen better days?
(Mary, have you seen better days?)
Mary, have you seen better days?
(Mary, have you seen better days?)

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America – Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow – America

[Overwhelming World]

Overwhelming world tied up in a knot
Anything you ask is everything I've got
I can't let go
It's all you need
It's all I know

Tiny little girl wakens in the night
Was it just a dream, will she be alright
It's hard to say
There's so much more
Beyond her door

Hidden in the heart buried in the soul
Everybody's wondering if where they are going, they're going alone
Carried on the wind
Up above the stars alone
A spark from a fire ignited a long time ago

[Come Back]

Every single moment
Every waking hour
I can see your beauty
Like an open flower
Just like a flower

Won't you come back, come back to me
Won't you come back, come back to me
There with your head in your hands
I swear that you don't understand
That you and I were meant to be

I can feel you breathing
As you lay beside me
Nothing but a memory
That you can't deny me
You can't deny me

Every single moment
Every waking hour
I can feel your beauty
Like an open flower
Just like a flower

Won't you come back, come back to me
Won't you come back, come back to me


Barstow, Barstow
Meet you in the morning
Barstow, Barstow
As the day is dawning

Sunrise out on the freeway in the morning
Meeting you as the day is dawning
Counting the minutes to go

Barstow (Barstow), Barstow
Showcase of the southland
Barstow (Barstow), Barstow
Living hand to mouth and

Somewhere on the horizon in the distance
Seeing you there with no resistance
Counting the seconds to go

Sunrise out on the freeway in the morning
Meeting you as the day is dawning
Counting the seconds to go

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America – Pages Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pages – America

In this bookcase full of stories
You find some of them are true
Tales of love and glory
Many lives of daring-do
There is mystery and adventure
They lie waiting there for you
So step inside and find the other you

Take the high road tomorrow
But the low road today
Reading other's sorrow
Might just be the only way
The father hears confession
While the mother's feeling blue
These characters do what you want them to

In these pages we consume
Lives in many colors lovers in full bloom
And through the ages words are born
Speaking to the senses lifting the forlorn

There's glamour and dementia
A message from the tomb
Staircase to the heavens
And secrets in the room
When you are riding on that dark horse
To the one that got away
There's no regrets and no dues left to pay

'Cause in these pages we consume
Lives in many colors lovers in full bloom
And through the ages words are born
Speaking to the senses lifting the forlorn

Drifting down the river of the make believe
We laugh and grieve
Hoping for an ending of our own design
Where all is fine

In these pages we consume
Lives in many colors lovers in full bloom
And through the ages words are born
Speaking to the senses lifting the forlorn

In these pages we consume
Lives in many colors lovers in full bloom
And through the ages words are born...

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America – People In The Valley Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
People In The Valley – America

Some came down to hang out by the river
Others were waiting to find the night
We stood long just waiting for the picture
Looking at people to see what was right

Soon came the people
From over in the valley
Hundreds of them walking
Towards us in the rain
Then we turned around
And hid out in the alley
Met along the stones
Down Tomorrow Day Lane

Take away the road and no one will remember
How many journeys we hedged in the stone
Friends around will take away the wonder
Sharing a moment of being alone

Soon came the people
From over in the valley
Hundreds of them walking
Towards us in the rain
And we turned around
And hid out in the alley
Met along the stones
Down Tomorrow Day Lane

Ba ba ba ba ba ba ...

Ba da da da da da ba, ba da da da da da ba ba ba ...

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America – Pigeon Song Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pigeon Song – America

Well, I had me a pigeon
By the name of Fred
But I done shot him
In the head

Had me a railroad
Down on the ridge
But I done blowed up
The bridge

Had me a dog
He was my best friend
But to him
I done put an end

Had me a farm
Sittin' pretty on the hill
But if you look
You'll see it ain't there still

I don't know why I done it
Honest, it ain't like me
But I ain't sad now I done it
'Cause a baby boy has got to be free

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America – Political Poachers Testo della canzone

Someone told me you got to be free
Someone told me to stand in the rear
Keep on searchin’ for kings in the street
Keep on cryin’ for something that’s clear

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

Political poachers push plump packages
Past pacified places
Concerned citizens cry crude conduct
‘Cause Captain Command
Don’t do dreams
Do dreary drivel drive
Doctor, daddy divine
Prize shipment tonight, tomorrow tame tempers
To touch tender time

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

It takes one more moment of time in your life
One more light to reveal
One more place in the sun to turn ripe
One more kingdom to feel

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

It takes one more moment of time in your life
One more light to reveal
One more place in the sun to turn ripe
One more kingdom to feel


America – Political Poachers Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Political Poachers – America

Someone told me you got to be free
Someone told me to stand in the rear
Keep on searchin' for kings in the street
Keep on cryin' for something that's clear

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

Political poachers push plump packages
Past pacified places
Concerned citizens cry crude conduct
'Cause Captain Command
Don't do dreams
Do dreary drivel drive
Doctor, daddy divine
Prize shipment tonight, tomorrow tame tempers
To touch tender time

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

It takes one more moment of time in your life
One more light to reveal
One more place in the sun to turn ripe
One more kingdom to feel

You are one more posse to pass in the night
One more con to conceal
One more tiger to paint on a stripe
One more player to deal

It takes one more moment of time in your life
One more light to reveal
One more place in the sun to turn ripe
One more kingdom to feel

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America – Ports-Of-Call Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ports-Of-Call – America

I can't help thinkin' as those ships sail away
What sirens beckon and call
How long at sea this time how long between
The ports-of-call, ports-of-call

Under the bridge they move to far off lands
Maybe Australia or North African sands
Complete the mission, supply and demand
To ports-of-call, ports-of-call

And everyday as the sun is setting
Along the bay city lights appear
Snake charmers sway while the smoke is rising
Time is growing near

When they'll be casting off anchor as they sail away
Into the morning light
Rising and falling thru the blue and gray
To ports-of-call, ports-of-call

And everyday as the sun is setting
Along the bay city lights appear
Snake charmers sway while the smoke is rising
Time is growing near

And everyday as the sun is setting
Along the bay city lights appear
Snake charmers sway while the smoke is rising
Time is growing near

I'll take the chance this time to change my world (change my world)
And break those ties that bind (ties that bind)
Far from those people passing through my life
Like ports-of-call, ports-of-call

Under the bridge I'll move to far off lands (far off lands)
Maybe Australia or North African sands (North African sands)
Complete my mission, hope you understand
Ports-of-call, ports-of-call
Ports-of-call, ports-of-call
Ports-of-call, ports-of-call ...

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America – Rainbow Song Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Rainbow Song – America

Window frames a picture of winter time within my room
Sometimes then I laugh at the funny times we had in school
Blowing leaves, broken dreams
Seventeen, dancing queen, dancing queen

I am asleep on a rainbow
Hiding from the wake of the tide
I am asleep on a rainbow
Hoping for the rest of the ride

Can you feel it moving inside of you? Can you let it go?
The purple ghost of England in winter time, and who I used to know
Blowing leaves, broken dreams
Seventeen, dancing queen, dancing queen

I am asleep on a rainbow
Hiding from the wake of the tide
I am a sleep on a rainbow
Hoping for the rest of the ride

Blowing leaves, broken dreams
Seventeen, dancing queen, dancing queen

I am asleep on a rainbow
Hiding from the wake of the tide
I am asleep on a rainbow
Hoping for the rest of the ride
I am asleep on a rainbow
Hiding from the wake of the tide
I am asleep on a rainbow
Hoping for the rest of the ride

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America – Rainy Day Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Rainy Day – America

Whenever it's a rainy day
I pack my troubles up in my room
I chase all the clouds away
I get myself back to the womb

But I know that you're gonna cry
Tears are runnin' from your eyes
The piece of my life you take
Is one that so often breaks

Whenever you are miles away
I think of you the way you are
Your shining lips, your auburn hair
And then it don't seem quite so far

Well I know that you're gonna cry
Tears are runnin' from your eyes
The piece of my life you take
Is one that so often breaks

Well I know that you're gonna cry
Tears are runnin' from your eyes
The piece of my life you take
Is one that so often breaks

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America – Ride On Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ride On – America

Ride on into the driving rain
Once more follow the trail
Long gone into the setting sun
Ride on you must not fail

Speak out carry the message forth
Make time use every day
Reach out to every shining star
Ride on follow the way

And if your journey should end in the promised land
Make sure to speak with a voice loud and true
Shalalalala shalalalala shalalalala
Ride on

Ride on into the driving rain
Once more seek out the fire
Reach out to every shining star
Ride on you must not tire

And if your journey should end will you understand
What you have learned and what you've been through
Shalalalala shalalalala shalalalala
Shalalalala shalalalala shalalalala
Ride on, ride on, ride on, ride on, ride on, ride on

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America – Right Back To Me Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Right Back To Me – America

Wherever I go it's coming back to me
Whoever I've known they sent it back to me
I know the night will be all right
As long as your love keeps coming

Right back to me, right back to me
For all to see that our love is true

I put on a show, it's very clear to me
And when I am low I feel you're near to me
I know the night will be all right
As long as your love keeps coming

Right back to me, right back to me
For all to see that our love is true

I recall some years ago, when I truly was alone
Now at last all that is past
Now I'm never on my own.

I know my light will be shining bright
As long as your love keeps coming

Right back to me, right back to me
for all to see that our love is true ...

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America – Right Before Your Eyes Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Right Before Your Eyes – America

Every day I sit beside you
On the bus to Madison Avenue
Work in the big gray store
With the revolving doors

You don't even know my name
I guess that I'm to blame
Don't know the right things to say
So I pretend away

That I'm Rudolph Valentino
Pull up in my limousine
Oh, won't you come in out of the rain
Things'll never be the same

And then just like Greta Garbo
You stare like there's no tomorrow
And you'll know what I'm thinking of
Right before your eyes I fall in love with you

Do, do, do ...

Today I'm done with games (Today I'm done with games)
Gonna ask you for your name
Say I've been watching you
I even know what you do

Maybe today I'll tell you (Maybe today I'll tell you)
I've found the nerve to sell you
On a guy like me
Who wishes that he could be

Your Rudolph Valentino
Pull up in my limousine
Oh, won't you come in out of the rain
Things'll never be the same

And then just like Greta Garbo
You stare like there's no tomorrow
And you'll know what I'm thinking of
Right before your eyes I fall in love with you

Do, do, do ...

Right before your eyes I fall in love with you
Right before my eyes you'll say you love me to

Rudolph Valentino
I pull up in my limousine
Oh, won't you come in out of the rain
Things'll never be the same

And then just like Greta Garbo
You stare like there's no tomorrow
And you'll know what I'm thinking of, oo

Do, do, do ...

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America – Sailing To Philadelphia Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sailing To Philadelphia – America

I am Jeremiah Dixon
I am a Geordie boy
A glass of wine with you, sir
And the ladies I'll enjoy
All Durham and Northumberland
Is measured up by my own hand
It was my fate from birth
To make my mark upon the earth...

He calls me Charlie Mason
A stargazer am I
It seems that I was born
To chart the evening sky
They'd cut me out for baking bread
But I had other dreams instead
This baker's boy from the west country
Would join the Royal Society...

We are sailing to Philadelphia
A world away from the coaly Tyne
Sailing to Philadelphia
To draw the line
The Mason-Dixon line

Now you're a good surveyor, Dixon
But I swear you'll make me mad
The West will kill us both
You gullible Geordie lad
You talk of liberty
How can America be free
A Geordie and a baker's boy
In the forest of the Iroquois...

Now hold your head up, Mason
See America lies there
The morning tide has raised
The capes of Delaware
Come up and feel the sun
A new morning is begun
Another day will make it clear
Why your stars should guide us here...

We are sailing to Philadelphia
A world away from the coaly Tyne
Sailing to Philadelphia
To draw the line
The Mason-Dixon line

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America – Sandman Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sandman – America

Ain't it foggy outside
All the planes have been grounded
Ain't the fire inside?
Let's all go stand around it
Funny, I've been there
And you've been here
And we ain't had no time to drink that beer

'Cause I understand you've been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Sandman
He flies the sky like an eagle in the eye
Of a hurricane that's abandoned

Ain't the years gone by fast
I suppose you have missed them
Oh, I almost forgot to ask
Did you hear of my enlistment?

Funny, I've been there
And you've been here
And we ain't had no time to drink that beer

'Cause I understand you've been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Sandman
He flies the sky like an eagle in the eye
Of a hurricane that's abandoned

I understand you've been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Sandman
He flies the sky like an eagle in the eye
Of a hurricane that's abandoned

I understand you've been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Sandman
He flies the sky like an eagle in the eye
Of a hurricane that's abandoned

I understand you've been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Sandman
He flies the sky like an eagle in the eye
Of a hurricane that's abandoned

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America – Sarah Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sarah – America

Sarah, please
Where is the love you said you'd save for me
Am I a fool to think that something's strange
I think you've changed

Golly, Dad
She was the best thing that I ever had
Torn and battered now and due for repair
But she's not there

What does it matter and who really cares
With no one to turn to when she's not there
Ah, but it's all right, I'll get by

Miles apart
Left here standing with a broken heart
Call me names but I'll refuse to cry
Don't ask my why

What does it matter and who really cares
With no one to turn to when she's not there
Ah, but it's all right, I'll get by

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America – Saturn Nights Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Saturn Nights – America

One more song about movin' along the highway
Feel the fantasy in the air


Filled the room with flowers from Norway
Sensed her majesty in the air
Made a sign 'bove your doorway, to show I care

I've been waiting every morning
Just to help you find your way
I've been standing on your corner
(Don't go away) Don't go away

One more song about movin' along the highway
Feel the fantasy in the air

I've been waiting every morning
Just to help you find your way
I've been waiting every morning
Help me make it through the day

I've been waiting every morning
Just to help you find your way
I've been waiting every morning
Help me make it through the day

I've been waiting every morning ...

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America – Seasons Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Seasons – America

First came the winter
And then came the morning
Bright coral branches that pass you again
Down from the meadow and onto the seashore
Came the vast checkerboard kingdom of men

Sun radiates gold infrarays
Time to prepare for the fall
Harvest the corn, watch for the storm
Soon we will hear winter call

Ice on the pond, won't stay too long
Too thin to walk it today
Ice on the pond, something went wrong
Frost must be lost on the way

Evening is falling
The tree is a silhouette
As seen by the teddy bear
Watching his den

Spring came so quickly
That I did not see her
Just turn around
And she's coming again

Wind chimes along, rising at dawn
Seasons in circles too match
Each comes along, singing his song
Burying thoughts of the past

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America – See How The Love Goes Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
See How The Love Goes – America

I can hear somebody knockin'
On my bedroom door
I find it rather shockin'
It's my best friend's girl

(Oo) Imagine my surprise
There's a hungry look in her eyes
See how the love goes
Anybody here know how the love goes

She said, I'm feelin' kinda lonely
And only you will do
Would you like to get to know me
Like I wanna know you

(Oo) No tellin' what a man will do
Face to face with a woman like you
See how the love goes
Anybody here know how the love goes
Oh yea, see how the love goes

I can hear her calling (calling)
But no one understands her (no one understands)
Beggin' me to let her in
And she's waiting for my answer

Should I open up the door
And let trouble walk in
Should I resist her even more
Or tell her, come on in

(Oo) No tellin' what a man will do
Face to face with a woman like you
See how the love goes
Anybody here know how the love goes
Oh yea, see how the love goes
Anybody here know how the love goes
Oh yea, see how the love goes
Anybody here know how the love goes

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America – Sergeant Darkness Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sergeant Darkness – America

Thank the morning for bringing you
Hope you never turn your head and run
And thank the sun for shining, too
Hope the darkness never comes again
What it does to me
Isn't good to see

You say that fortune brought you
Sailin' cross the sea
I don't believe you
I don't see how it's true
I think my dreamin' brought you here
And if I wake tomorrow will you still be near

Once a miser, twice a son
Three's a devil, four's a lot of fun
Fun for living one and all
Start a battle, who's the first to fall
Hope it isn't me
Have to wait and see

You say that fortune brought you
Sailin' cross the sea
I don't believe you
I don't see how it's true
I think my dreamin' brought you here
If I wake tomorrow will you still be near
Should I live with rain and then the sky will clear

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America – She’s A Liar Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
She's A Liar – America

Caroline is falling in and out of love
Try'n' to get those things that she's been thinkin' of
She can't be what she wants to be
Though she never really tries

She's a liar
She's a liar
But I might try her tonight
And if things go right

Caroline is calling everyone in town
First she calls them friends and then she puts them down
She can't be what she wants to be
Though she never really tries

She's a liar
She's a liar
But I might try her tonight
And if things go right

She can't be what she wants to be
Though she never really tries

She's a liar
She's a liar
But I might try her tonight
And if things go right

Wo, she's a liar (She's a liar)
She's a liar (She's a liar)
She's a liar (She's a liar)
She's a liar (She's a liar)
She's a liar (She's a liar)

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America – She’s A Runaway Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
She's A Runaway – America

Yesterday she stood here with me
I kissed her mouth, I had her in my hands
That kind of love, it could last forever
And together we made our plans

And then I woke up today
There on the table her letter lay
Tellin' me she's goin' away

Runaway, boy have you seen a
Girl like an angel runnin' in the night
She's run away, boy if you see her
I'm beggin' you to stop her on sight

If you see her tonight then stop her on sight
She's a runaway, a runaway
And why she'd leave I still can't believe
That she would run away, run away
Run away, run away
She's a runaway

I walked the streets through the heart of the city
Go to the places where she might be
I see her friends they say it's a pity
I get the same thing from everyone that I see

I'll keep searchin' if it's gotta be
And when I find her I'll make her see
No other man could love her like me

Runaway, boy have you seen a
Girl like an angel runnin' in the night
She's run away, boy if you see her
I'm beggin' you to stop her on sight

If you see her tonight then stop her on sight
She's a runaway, a runaway
And why she'd leave I still can't believe
That she would run away, run away
Run away, run away
She's a runaway

Run away, run away
If you see her tonight then stop her on sight
She's a runaway, a runaway
And why she'd leave I still can't believe
That she would run away, run away

If you see her tonight then stop her on sight
She's a runaway, a runaway
And why she'd leave I still can't believe
That she would run away, run away ...

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America – She’s Beside You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
She's Beside You – America

Do wop, do wop ...

You've got to give, you've got to live
You've got to show everyone that you know
Till you know she's beside you
Till you know she's beside you

You've got to shout all about
You've got to tell everyone that you know
Till you know she's beside you
Till you know she's beside you

'Cause I know just how it feels
To find that love is real, so real

You've got to shout all about
You've got to tell everyone that you know
Till you know she's beside you
Till you know she's beside you

'Cause I know just how it feels
To find that love is real, so real

You've got to give, you've got to live
You've got to show everyone that you know
Till you know she's beside you
Till you know she's beside you
Till you know she's beside you
Till you know she's beside you

Do wop, do wop ...

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America – She’s Gonna Let You Down Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
She's Gonna Let You Down – America

We're afraid she's gonna let you down
Take your money and drop you to the ground
Wouldn't want to see you messed around
After all the love you think you've found
She's gonna let you down

Doesn't matter what we say
Love's the stubbornest game to play
Given time you might see it our way
And we'll be sorry boy until that day
She's gonna break away

Remember all the times you helped us through
Now here's our chance to do the same for you
Guess the thing to do is wait around
Lend a hand when you are on the ground
She's gonna let you down
She's gonna let you down
She's gonna let you down

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America – Sister Golden Hair Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sister Golden Hair – America

Well I tried to make it Sunday, but I got so damn depressed
That I set my sights on Monday and I got myself undressed
I ain't ready for the altar but I do agree there's times
When a woman sure can be a friend of mine

Well, I keep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister Golden Hair surprise
And I just can't live without you; can't you see it in my eyes?
I been one poor correspondent, and I been too, too hard to find
But it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind

Will you meet me in the middle, will you meet me in the air?
Will you love me just a little, just enough to show you care?
Well I tried to fake it, I don't mind sayin', I just can't make it

Well, I keep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister Golden Hair surprise
And I just can't live without you; can't you see it in my eyes?
Now I been one poor correspondent, and I been too, too hard to find
But it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind

Will you meet me in the middle, will you meet me in the air?
Will you love me just a little, just enough to show you care?
Well I tried to fake it, I don't mind sayin', I just can't make it

Doo wop doo wop ...

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America – Sleeper Train Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sleeper Train – America

I was on a sleeper train
Bound for anywhere
And I was gazin' out the window
In a long stare
Watchin' the sage brush go by
And a pink and yellow sky
Thinkin' 'bout your eyes
Feelin' good to be alive

I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky
I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky

And I was watchin' the towns drift into view
Listenin' to my thoughts of you
And the rhythm of the wheels
And the shadows on the hills
Leavin' one more life behind
Never knowin' what I'd find
Such a distant great expanse
And the dust-devils, they dance

And I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky
I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky

Abandon everything that went before
Ahead now lies another open door
Abandon everything that went before

I was on a sleeper train
Bound for anywhere
And I was gazin' out the window
In a long stare
Watchin' the sage brush go by
And a pink and yellow sky
Thinkin' 'bout your eyes
Feelin' good to be alive

I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky
I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky
I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky
I was dreamin' of you
Feelin' lucky

The train kept rollin'

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America – Slow Down Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Slow Down – America

I hear you knockin' but you can't come in
You wear your stockings like you think it's a sin
Don't try to tell me you ain't been where you been
'Cause I know that you've been messin' round with him

So slow down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Come on down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Oh down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Before it gets too late
Before it gets too late

I met you dancin' at the high school gym
You rubbed against me my head started to spin
You turned around gave me a wink and a grin
And then you told me that you'd like to be friends

Don't slow down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Don't slow down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Don't slow down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Don't slow down
Before it gets too late
Before it gets too late
Take it!

(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
On down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
On down
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Don't try to tell me
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
You'll never sell me
(Bop shoo wop, you'd better slow down)
Before it gets too late
I said before it gets too late
You know before it gets too late
Oh, hey

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America – Someday We’ll Know Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Someday We'll Know – America

90 miles outside Chicago
Can't stop driving
I don't know why
So many questions
I need an answer
Two years later
You're still on my mind

Whatever happened to Amelia Earhart?
Who holds the stars up in the sky?
Is true love just once in a lifetime?
Did the captain of the Titanic cry?

Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you

Does anybody know the way to Atlantis
Or what the wind says when she cries?
I'm speeding by the place that I met you
For the 97th time tonight

Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you
Someday we'll know why Samson loved Delilah
One day I'll go dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know that I was the one for you

I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
I watched the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God just one question
Why aren't you here with me tonight?

Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you
Someday we'll know why Samson loved Delilah
One day I'll go dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know that I was the One for you

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America – Someday Woman Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Someday Woman – America

Someday woman, someday will come
Someday woman, we'll get along
Well it's easy to say I'm right
And so easy to see I'm wrong
Someday woman, we'll get along

Someday woman, we'll understand
Someday woman, I'll be your man
Well it's easy to say I'm right
And so easy to see I'm wrong
Someday woman, we'll get along

Someday our hearts will come together
We'll live this dream forever
We'll see all we've been through
Someday for me and you

Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da

I keep hopin' someday soon will come for me
I keep lookin' there's too much to see

Someday woman, way down the line
Someday woman, we'll turn out fine
Well it's easy to say I'm right
And so easy to see I'm wrong
Someday woman, we'll get along

Someday (someday) our hearts will come together (will come together girl)
We'll live this dream forever (someday we will)
We'll see all we've been through (you know it's true)
Someday for me and you

Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da

Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da

Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da

Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da
Ba, da, da, da, da ,da ...

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America – Something In The Way She Moves Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Something In The Way She Moves – America

Something in the way she moves, or looks my way, or calls my name
that seems to leave this troubled world behind.
And if I'm feeling down and blue or troubled by some foolish game,
she always seems to make me change my mind..

And I feel fine anytime she's around me now, she's around me now almost about all the time.
And if I'm well you can tell she's been with me now.
She's been with me now quite a long, long time and I feel fine.

Every now and then the things I lean on lose their meaning
and I find myself careening in places where I should not let me go.
She has the power to go where no one else can find me and to silently remind me
of the happiness and the good times that I know, and then I just got to go then.

It isn't what she's got to say but how she thinks and where she's been.
To me, the words are nice, the way they sound.
I like to hear them best that way, it doesn't much matter what they mean.
she says them mostly just to calm me down

And I feel fine anytime she's around me now, she's around me now almost about all the time.
And if I'm well you can tell she's been with me now.
She's been with me now quite a long, long time and I feel fine.

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America – Sometimes Lovers Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sometimes Lovers – America

Sometimes there are teardrops across your face
Sometimes there are rainbows in the same place
And I don't know which way to turn

Sometimes lovers don't act like they should
And sometimes lovers don't do all they could
Sometimes lovers hide in the cover
Of innocence and blame
I know sometimes we act just the same

Your heart's in the city, it wears me down
No love, no pity, in this town
And I don't know which way to turn

Sometimes lovers don't act like they should
And sometimes lovers don't do all they could
Sometimes lovers hide in the cover
Of innocence and blame
I know baby

Hold on tight to me mama
Tell me what went wrong
I'm alright I will lay beside you
Till the night is gone

Ah, oo ...

Sometimes lovers don't act like they should
And sometimes lovers don't do all they could
Sometimes lovers hide in the cover
Of innocence and blame

Sometimes lovers don't act like they should
Sometimes lovers don't do all they could
Sometimes lovers hide in the cover
Of innocence and blame

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America – Special Girl Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Special Girl – America

Into each life a little sunlight wants to shine
Let me tell you, a fortune like that once was mine

She was a special girl
She meant the world to me
I gave her everything

When I found her I'd been looking everywhere
When I lost her I was lost beyond despair

She was a special girl
She meant the world to me
I gave her everything

Dreams are hard to take (dreams are hard to take)
Could it be I loved her too much

Oo, a special girl
Oo, a special girl
She was a special girl

She was a special girl
She meant the world to me
I gave her everything

Bottom line is, she was fine in every way
And it's not with hesitation that I say

She was a special girl
She meant the world to me
And I gave her everything

Dreams they come and go (dreams they come and go)
But thoughts of her are like a floor show

Oo, a special girl
Oo, a special girl
She was a special girl

She was a special girl
She meant the world to me
I gave her everything

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America – Stereo Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Stereo – America

We hear both sides
We sympathize
We live our lives in stereo
The left and the right
The dark and the light
We wrestle with the balance
We change our tone
We leave our phone
And tape record our absence
In lovin' memory

We're livin' it in stereo
We fix it so our love is high fidelity
Mix it so we never lose the melody
We try to equalize our lives in stereo

So on we go
From side to side
As we divide
A single life in stereo
The far and the wide
We override
The feedback from the others
The unkind phrase
We lock in phase
We're only really listening to the stereo

We're livin' it in stereo
We tune it till we have a perfect parody
Commune with such a fine-cut, crystal clarity
It seems to symbolize
Our lives in stereo

Oo (la, la, la, la, la, la), yeah, yeah, yeah
Oo (la, la, la, la, la, la), yeah, yeah, yeah
Oo (la, la, la, la-a)

We fix it so our love is high fidelity
Mix it so we never lose the melody
We try to equalize our lives in stereo

We fix it so our love is high fidelity
Mix it so we never lose the melody
We try to equalize our lives in stereo

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America – Submarine Ladies Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Submarine Ladies – America

Why do you laugh at me when you know I really care
You sometimes act as though I'm not even there
And yet if you did to me the things I do to you
I would surely say we're through

Don't you know that I love you
I was hoping you'd love me, too
Don't you know that I love you, love you

If I seem to you indiff'rent once or twice
It's because I was feelin' quite that way
And the time I hung up the phone and didn't speak again
Well, it's funny to look back then

Didn't I love you (Love you)
Didn't I love you all the time
Didn't you need me (Need me)
Wasn't it a long, hard climb

Don't you know that I love you
I was hoping you'd love me, too
Don't you know that I love you, love you

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America – Survival Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Survival – America

I'll survive you, I will survive you
Well, it's too late, I know, to change the way we go
From this day on I want to stay on
Now that I've started learning
And the tides started turning
Well, it's here I want to stay

I'll let the moon announce my arrival
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival
Where do we go from here, where do we go from here

I'm alive here, I can survive dear
Though the weather might change
From the wind to the rain
Well, my heart remains the same

I'll let the moon announce my arrival
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival
Where do we go from here, where do we go from here

Looked out on a sea of trouble
And I tried to stall for awhile
It's so hard to answer every question
And it's hard to protect your heart anymore

I'll let the moon announce my arrival (I am alive)
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival (but I wonder)
Where do we go from here

I'll let the moon announce my arrival (I am alive)
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival (but I wonder)
Where do we go from here

I'll let the moon announce my arrival (I am alive)
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival (but I wonder)
Where do we go from here ...

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America – Tall Treasures Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tall Treasures – America

Golden rings and hair tied with ribbon
Early spring when winter's forgiven
Laughing past pleasures warm by the fire
Come inside

Silver vase, take a drink flower petal
Whistling songs like steam from the kettle
Carry silence like driftwood that rides
On the tide, on the tide, on the tide

Tall treasures, large as Alaska
There forever, never put out to pasture
Then the night will fall
Bringing peace to all
Darkness there together

Soft light bells and tea, draw the curtain
China cups, some shatter for certain
Laughin past pleasures warm by the fire
Come inside

Tall treasures, large as Alaska
There forever, never put out to pasture
Red river runs here beside us
Grey morning will never divide us

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America – That’s All I’ve Got To Say Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
That's All I've Got To Say – America

[Lir:] I've had time to write a book
About the way you act and look
But I haven't got a paragraph
Words are always getting in my way
Anyway, I love you
That's all I have to tell you
That's all I've got to say

And now, I'd like to make a speech
About the love that touches each
But stumbling, I would make you laugh
I feel as though my tongue were made of clay
Anyway, I love you
That's all I have to tell you

I'm not a man of poetry
Music isn't one with me
It runs from me
It runs from me
[Lir:] And I tried to write a symphony
[Amalthea:] Once when I was searching
[Lir:] But I lost the melody
[Amalthea:] Somewhere out of reach
[Lir:] Alas I only finished half
[Amalthea:] Far away
[Lir:] And finish I suppose I never may
[Amalthea:] In a place I could not find
[Lir:] Anyway, I love you
[Amalthea:] Or heart obey
[Lir:] That's all I have to tell you
[Amalthea:] Now that I'm a woman
[Lir:] That's all I've got to say
[Amalthea:] Now I know the way
[Lir:] That's all I've got to say
[Amalthea:] Now I know the way
[Together:] That's all I've got to say

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America – The Border Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Border – America

You must be lost in a faraway land
I searched forever your footprints in the sand
I feel you need me, I have to answer
That desperate call that I do not understand

A burning bridge, a lonely highway
Another dark night thinking alone
What could've happened, am I just dreaming
It doesn't matter but there's one thing that I know

If I could make it to the border
If I could make it to the coast
If I could make it to the border
I'd be in the arms of the girl I love the most

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Make it to the border

So on and on I keep on running
To make the border before the light
Just one more river, then I can make it
Again you'll be in my arms tonight

If I could make it to the border
If I could make it to the coast
If I could make it to the border
I'd be in the arms of the girl I love the most

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Make it to the border
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Make it to the border

If I could make it to the border
If I could make it to the coast
If I could make it to the border
I'd be in the arms of the girl I love the most

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Make it to the border
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Make it to the border
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Make it to the border
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Make it to the border ...

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America – The Farm Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Farm – America

We're feedin' the world but we can't feed ourselves
They tell us don't plant now but there's nothing on the shelves
If someone is watchin' down from above
What in the world is he thinkin' of

Daisy I think we must sell the farm
And you know I don't wanna cause alarm
The times are a changin', the money is gone
Where do we go from here, where do we go from here

If someone is watchin' down from above
What in the world is he thinkin' of

Daisy I think we must sell the farm
And you know I don't wanna cause you harm
The times are a changin', the money is gone
Where do we go from here, where do we go from here
Where do we go from here

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America – The Last Unicorn Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Last Unicorn – America

When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn

When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter of the last unicorn

I'm alive, I'm alive

When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning
Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she sparkles, it's the last unicorn

I'm alive, I'm alive

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America – The Radio Dept. Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – The Radio Dept.

I see England hasn't got such an obsession with rock n' roll
In America, everything is rock n' roll, Y'know
you can't order a beer without it being a rock n' roll event can you?

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America – The Story Of A Teenager Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Story Of A Teenager – America

Boy, please don't throw away your life
All the joy, please don't end it with a knife
'Cause you know there's hope for you

I was alone like the silence in the night
I had no home no one close to hold me tight
But you know there's hope for you, for you

Everywhere I look I see your face
Every step I take seems out of place
You got to be a man to run the race
I'm not a hopeless man
How can you say I am?

I was alone like the silence in the night
I had no home no one close to hold me tight
But you know there's hope for you, for you

Everywhere I look I see your face
Every step I take seems out of place
You got to be a man to run the race
I'm not a hopeless man
How can you say I am

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America – These Brown Eyes Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
These Brown Eyes – America

These brown eyes of mine
They've been doin' some powerful cryin'
Thinkin' 'bout all those years
That always bring back the tears

Winter's come and gone
And I've been left alone
Now I'm here home with you (I'm here home with you)
I do all the things that you do

Then I stop and I look around
I never know if my feet touch the ground
But oh, baby, I know you're right

Seems like a long, long time
Since I've held you in these arms of mine
Thinkin' 'bout all those years (Thinkin' 'bout all those years)
That always bring back the tears

The winter's come and gone
And I've been left all alone
But, oh, baby, I know you're right

And now that you're far away
I think of your love
And I'm praying that you're still mine

These brown eyes of mine
They've been doin' some powerful cryin'
Thinkin' 'bout all those years (Thinkin' 'bout all those years)
That always bring back the tears

Then I stop and I look around
I never know if my feet touch the ground
But oh, baby, I know you're right
Baby, I know you're right
Baby, I know you're right

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America – This Time Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
This Time – America

When the whistle blows
And the goodbye hugs are over
Then the train pulls out of the station and rolls towards the dawn
With that old suitcase in hand and a surefire plan gone over
This time it will work it can't go wrong
Cause I've got all of our dreams mixed up with my schemes
Rollin' around in my mind
I know the sun's gonna shine
Shine on me this time

In a week or two
I'll be writing to you with good news
And I can just see your smile as you read about all that I've done
Cause I've got all of our plans right here in my hands
And things are gonna work out just fine
Cause I know the sun's gonna shine
Shine on me this time

I've seen confusion in your eyes
I've seen uncertainty and fear
Keep on lookin' for tomorrow
Soon it will be here

This time, it's gonna be this time
This time, it's gotta be this time
This time, this time (it's never never)
This time, this time (the day is coming)
This time, this time (it's never never)
This time, this time (the day is coming)

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America – Three Roses Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Three Roses – America

Sitting by the fireside with a book in your hand
Two lazy dogs sittin' watchin' your man
Three roses were bought with you in mind
Three roses were bought with you in mind

I gotta stop and see what I'm on about
Stop and feel what I want I gotta
Stop and see what I'm on about
Stop and feel what I want with you

Walking through a wonderland, I got you by the hand
Every move we made, just as if it were planned
Three roses were bought with you in mind
Three roses were bought with you in mind

I gotta stop and see what I'm on about
Stop and feel what I want I gotta
Stop and see what I'm on about
Stop and feel what I want with you

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America – Til I Hear It From You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Til I Hear It From You – America

I didn't ask
They shouldn't have told me
At first I'd laugh, but now
It's sinking in fast
Whatever they've sold me
Well baby I don't want to take advice from fools
I'll just figure everything is cool
Until I hear it from you

It gets hard
The memory's faded
Who gets what they say
It's likely they're just jealous and jaded
Well maybe I don't want to take advice from fools
I'll just figure everything is cool
Until I hear it from you
Until I hear it from you

I can't let it get me off
Or break up my train of thought
As far as I know, nothing's wrong
Until I hear it from you

Still thinking about not living without it
Outside looking in
Til we're talking about it, not stepping around it
Maybe I don't want to take advice from fools
I'll just figure everything is cool
Until I hear it from you...

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America – Till The Sun Comes Up Again Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Till The Sun Comes Up Again – America

Think I'll write a different song
Got a feeling it might take a long time
Singin' it over again, I can't recall just how it used to be
Voices across the sea
Mm, mm, mm.

Will she come to me, to keep me company
Won't know till the sun comes up again

Gotta take the good with the bad
Sometimes I wish I never had my say
Always goes that way, or is it just the way I feel today?
Voices across the way
Mm, mm, mm.

Will she come to me, to keep me company
Won't know till the sun comes up again
Won't know till the sun comes up again
Won't know till the sun comes up again
Won't know till the sun comes up again
Won't know till the sun comes up again
Won't know till the sun comes up again

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America – Time Of The Season Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Time Of The Season – America

It's the time of the season
When the love runs high
In this time, give it to me easy
And let me try
With pleasured hands

To take you and the sun to
Promised lands
To show you every one
It's the time of the season for loving

What's your name?
(What's your name?)
Who's your daddy?
(Who's your daddy? He rich?)
Is he rich like me?

Has he taken
(Has he taken)
Any time
(Any time to show)
To show you what you need to live?
Tell it to me slowly
Tell you what?
I really want to know
It's the time of the season for loving

What's your name?
(What's your name?)
Who's your daddy?
(Who's your daddy? He rich?)
Is he rich like me?

Has he taken
(Has he taken)
Any time
(Any time to show)
To show you what you need to live?
Tell it to me slowly
Tell you what?
I really want to know
It's the time of the season for loving

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America – Tin Man Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tin Man – America

Sometimes late when things are real
And people share the gift of gab between themselves
Some are quick to take the bait
And catch the perfect prize that waits among the shelves

But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have
And Cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of Sir Galahad.

So please believe in me
When I say I'm spinning round, round, round, round
Smoke glass stain bright color
Image going down, down, down, down
Soapsuds green like bubbles

Oh, Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have
And Cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of Sir Galahad

So please believe in me
When I say I'm spinning round, round, round, round
Smoke glass stain bright color
Image going down, down, down, down
Soapsuds green like bubbles

No, Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have
And Cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of Sir Galahad

So please believe in me

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America – To Each His Own Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
To Each His Own – America

To each his own it's plain to see
To walk alone you have to be
It's all for you and all for me, you'll see

I'm gonna miss you, yes, I will
No matter who you are, I'll love you still
For my life is my conscience, the seeds I sow
I just wanted to let you know

Familiar faces that I've seen
Turnin' red and turnin' green
They just got caught with writing on their sleeve, I guess I'll leave

I'm gonna miss you, yes, I will
No matter who you are, I'll love you still
Will you cancel my papers and lock the door
Cause I ain't gonna be 'round no more

Will I make it through the summer
Breaking ties with the old and new
Losing one just gains another
There is nothing I can do

I'm gonna miss you, yes, I will
No matter who you are I'll love you still
For my life is my conscience, the seeds I sow
And I just wanted to let you know

I'm gonna miss you, yes, I will
No matter who you are, I'll love you still
Will you cancel my papers and lock the door
Cause I ain't gonna be 'round no more

I'm gonna miss you, yes, I will
No matter who you are I'll love you still
For my life is my conscience, the seeds I sow
And I just wanted to let you know

I'm gonna miss you ...

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America – Today’s The Day Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Today's The Day – America

Hold me close
You turn nighttime into day
And you're the most
Brightest star that lights my way

So come home to me now
'Cause it won't matter anyhow
I've got this feeling that today's the day
I've got this feeling today's the day

Turn me out
Turn me out on this fine day
'Cause all about
All the people like to play

So come home to me now
'Cause it won't matter anyhow
I've got this feeling that today's the day
I've got this feeling today's the day
I've got this feeling that today's the day
I've got this feeling today's the day

Oo, oo ...

Hold me close
You turn nighttime into day
And you're the most
Brightest star that lights my way

So come home to me now
'Cause it won't matter anyhow
I've got this feeling that today's the day
I've got this feeling today's the day
I've got this feeling that today's the day
I've got this feeling today's the day
I've got this feeling today's the day
I've got this feeling today's the day ...

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America – Tomorrow Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tomorrow – America

Time goes on
People burning candles
Will I ever see you tomorrow

When will I ever be home from across the sea
When will I ever be free
When will it ever be, oh Lord, just you and me
When will I ever be free

Life goes on
People turning handles
Making sure I'll be here tomorrow

When will I ever be home from across the sea
When will I ever be free
When will it ever be, oh Lord, just you and me
When will I ever be free

When will I ever be home from across the sea
When will I ever be free
When will it ever be, oh Lord, just you and me
When will I ever be free

When will I ever be home from across the sea
When will I ever be free
When will I ever be home from across the sea
When will I ever be free
When will I ever be home from across the sea
When will I ever be free ...

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America – Tonight Is For Dreamers Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tonight Is For Dreamers – America

Here I am, there you are
Who would believe we could come this far
We're beneath this magic moon
The ocean plays it's own sweet tune
The summer breeze it whispers low
It tells us something we both know

Tonight is for dreamers
Tonight someone up there has seen us
How we feel for each other
There could be no other
So he sent these words from above
Tonight is for falling in love
Oo, ah

(Oo, la, la ... ) Tonight there's magic in the air
Look around, it's everywhere
Hear the sand birds bill and coo
Actin' like they know it too
Hear the wind pass through the trees
Like it's tellin' everyone it sees

Tonight is for dreamers
Tonight someone up there has seen us
How we feel for each other (ah)
There could be no other
So he sent these words from above
Tonight is for falling in love

There can't have ever been such a night
I don't want it to end
With you in my arms girl I feel so high
Hell, I don't ever want to descend

Tonight is for dreamers
Tonight someone up there has seen us
How we feel for each other (ah)
There could be no other
So he sent these words from above
(I love you)

Tonight is for dreamers
Tonight someone up there has seen us
And I can't hold you enough (oo)

Tonight is for dreamers
Tonight someone up there has seen us
He sent these words from above
Tonight is for falling in love

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Toto Cutugno


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1983 L’Italiano
1990 The very best of Toto Cutugno

Testo Della Canzone

America – Toto Cutugno di Toto Cutugno

(di Toto CutugnoMinellono)

America… America… America… America
I grattacieli amore mio
non fanno solletico a Dio
e non c’e’ niente piu’ vero del vero
ne’ il buio piu’ nero del nero
Io vengo da dove vuoi
vengo per stare con noi
e una finestra su questa citta’
anche a noi due bastera’

se questo amore qui non e’ l’America
se vuoi ti sveglio solo la domenica
Le stelle e il blu
col cielo per bandiera ce n’e’ un sacco in piu’
e poi si puo’ di notte camminare respirandosi

se apri quella porta c’e’ l’America
e canto una canzone nevrastenica
Ci sono io
e guai a chi ti tocca bell’amore mio oh no
perche’ sei mia
perche’ non sei la prima ma sei l’ultima…
na na na na na.

Cosa ne faccio di te
come ti spiego perche’
io vedo gia’ oltre quest’avventura
c’e’ il buio che a te fa paura
questa e’ una notte cosi’
notte italiana da film
piena di stelle di canti e poesia
notte che mette allegria

se questo amore mio non e’ l’America
te la compongo io parole e musica
Son proprio io
e guai a chi ti tocca caro amore mio oh no
perche’ sei mia
perche’ non sei la prima ma sei l’ultima

se apri quella porta c’e’ l’America
io canto una canzone nevrastenica

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


America – Toto Cutugno Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America – Toto Cutugno

I grattacieli amor mio
Non fanno solletico a Dio
E non c'e' niente piu' vero del vero
Ne' il buio piu' nero del nero
Io vengo da dove vuoi
Vengo per stare con noi
E una finestra su questa citta'
Anche a noi due bastera'

Se questo amore qui non e' l'America
Se vuoi ti sveglio solo la domenica
Le stelle e il blu
Col cielo per bandiera ce n'e' un sacco in piu'
E poi si puo' di notte camminare respirandosi

Se apri quella porta c'e' l'America
E canto una canzone nevrastenica
Ci sono io
E guai a chi ti tocca bell'amore mio oh no
Perche' sei mia
Perche' non sei la prima ma sei l'ultima...
Na na na na na

Cosa ne faccio di te
Come ti spiego perche'
Io vedo gia' oltre questa avventura
C'e' il buio che a te fa paura
Questa e' una notte cosi'
Notte italiana da film
Piena di stelle di canti e poesia
Notte che mette allegria

Se questo amore mio non e' l'America
Te la compongo io parole e musica
Son proprio io
E guai a chi ti tocca caro amore mio oh no
Perche' sei mia
Perche' non sei la prima ma sei l'ultima

Se apri quella porta c'e' l'America
Io canto una canzone nevrastenica

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America – Town And Country Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Town And Country – America

Touched by a butterfly on my way home
Flying who knows where
Walking down that dusty road
Without a care

The sun was shining up in the country
And bells were ringing downtown
Clouds were moving slow and lazy
While I was kicking around

And feeling out the town and the country
Feeling out the town and the country

Up on the hill I got a better look
I watched the river run brown (watched the river run brown)
And then I heard those songbirds singing
The country sound

When I got home I sat in my kitchen
And turned the television on (turned the TV on)
The news wasn't good so I didn't listen
I started clicking around

Thinking of the town and the country
I was thinking of the town and the country

Thinking of the town and the country

In the morning everything will be the same
Open up your world (watch the children play)
In the sun or rain

Thinking of the town and the country
A thinking of the town and the country

I was thinking of the town and the country [fade]

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America – Unconditional Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Unconditional Love – America

Unconditional love
Unconditional fear
Unconditional support
In your time of need
Oo, it's unconditionally true
Oo, it's unconditionally me
Unconditionally you

It's a spiritual world
When the darkness comes
But you gotta hold your head up
Hold your head up high
Oo, you got to take a look around
Oo, and listen when you hear the sound
Unconditional love (love)

This is right, this I know
I found out, long time ago
Someday baby we'll get there I know, oh, oh

Unconditional love
Unconditional hope
Unconditional desire
To have it work out fine
Oo, it's unconditionally true
These things we're dreamin' of
Oo, it's unconditionally yours
Unconditional love (love)

Oo, it's unconditionally true
These things we're dreamin' of
Oo, it's unconditionally yours
Unconditional love (love)


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America – Valentine Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Valentine – America

Well, she said all along, I'm her one
A little fingernail polish, chewin' gum
Her round the world heart made of platinum, that's right

She looks like a China doll baby, especially in white
A tropicana flower in the candlelight
She turned into a pumpkin pie, sweet kiss at midnight

She moves, oh so fine
She's like a perfect valentine
She's not one to fall in love
She's too high on the stars above at night

She wants to be your red-hot mama, all alone
She dances with the boys on the telephone
She makes a lotta noise in the quiet zone at night

Yeah, you talk about a party at the beach, ain't that grand
She just took a raincheck with another man
Who lay on the deck of his catamaran some night

She moves, oh so fine
She's like a perfect valentine
She's not one to fall in love
She's too high on the stars above at night

Well, I can't tell you much, but what I know (what I know)
You can't take her with you when it's time to go
'Cause she knows where it's at with a Romeo, you'll see

She moves, oh so fine
She's like a perfect valentine
She's not one to fall in love
She's too high on the stars above at night

She moves
Just like a perfect valentine
She's not one to fall in love
She's too high on the stars above at night

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Ventura Highway Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ventura Highway – America

Chewing on a piece of grass
Walking down the road
Tell me, how long you gonna stay here, Joe?
Some people say this town don't look good in snow
You don't care, I know

Ventura Highway in the sunshine
Where the days are longer
The nights are stronger than moonshine
You're gonna go I know

'Cause the free wind is blowin' through your hair
And the days surround your daylight there
Seasons crying no despair
Alligator lizards in the air, in the air

Did di di di dit ...

Wishin' on a falling star
Waitin' for the early train
Sorry boy, but I've been hit by purple rain
Aw, come on, Joe, you can always
Change your name
Thanks a lot, son, just the same

Ventura Highway in the sunshine
Where the days are longer
The nights are stronger than moonshine
You're gonna go I know

'Cause the free wind is blowin' through your hair
And the days surround your daylight there
Seasons crying no despair
Alligator lizards in the air, in the air

Did di di di dit ...

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America – Walk In The Woods Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Walk In The Woods – America

Would it matter to you
If we just took a walk
To see where this path leads to
Maybe stop in awhile
Lay down, see you smile
Looking up at those clouds in view

It doesn't matter that the sky isn't blue
A walk in the woods will do
Sometimes it's better just being alone
Being alone with you

With the snow in your hair
A crystal halo you wear
While the chill winter air streams through
Amid the birch and the oak
Smell the fireplace smoke
And the warmth we will go home to

It doesn't matter that the sky isn't blue
A walk in the woods will do
Sometimes it's better just being alone
Being alone with you

Oh whoa ...

It doesn't matter that the sky isn't blue
A walk in the woods will do
Sometimes it's better just being alone
Being alone with you
Being alone with you

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America – Watership Down Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Watership Down – America

Watership Down, gather around
There's a story to be told
It's for the young and for the old
You might hear them in the distance
If your ear's to the ground

Whisper it loud, carry the sound
Of the footsteps alone
When they're heading for home
Through the raining of the dangers
And the grayness of the dawn

I can feel there's better days
Well, they're comin', they're comin'
I can see them through the haze
So can you

Watership Down, gather around
There's a story to be told
It's for the young and for the old
You might hear them in the distance
If your ear's to the ground

I can feel there's better days
Well, they're comin', they're comin'
I can see them through the haze
So can you

Oo, oo, oo

Watership Down, gather around
There's a story to be told
It's for the young and for the old
You might hear them in the distance
If your ear's to the ground

Whisper it loud, carry the sound
Of the footsteps alone
When they're heading for home
Through the raining of the dangers
And the grayness of the dawn.

I can feel there's better days
Well, they're comin', they're comin'
I can see them through the haze
So can you

Oo, oo, oo, oo ...

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America – Watership Down Testo della canzone

Watership Down, gather around
There’s a story to be told
It’s for the young and for the old
You might hear them in the distance
If your ear’s to the ground

Whisper it loud, carry the sound
Of the footsteps alone
When they’re heading for home
Through the raining of the dangers
And the grayness of the dawn

I can feel there’s better days
Well, they’re comin’, they’re comin’
I can see them through the haze
So can you

Watership Down, gather around
There’s a story to be told
It’s for the young and for the old
You might hear them in the distance
If your ear’s to the ground

I can feel there’s better days
Well, they’re comin’, they’re comin’
I can see them through the haze
So can you

Oo, oo, oo

Watership Down, gather around
There’s a story to be told
It’s for the young and for the old
You might hear them in the distance
If your ear’s to the ground

Whisper it loud, carry the sound
Of the footsteps alone
When they’re heading for home
Through the raining of the dangers
And the grayness of the dawn.

I can feel there’s better days
Well, they’re comin’, they’re comin’
I can see them through the haze
So can you

Oo, oo, oo, oo …


America – We Got All Night Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
We Got All Night – America

You can take your time
I'll be takin' mine
We don't have to hurry

Let the world go by
Tonight it's you and I
Feelin' others slowly

And though a simple touch
Can mean so much
Says all you need to know

We got all night
We got from sundown to sunrise
So don't let go, just hold me baby
We got all night
Let's make it last forever
Take it nice and slow
We got all night

It's so good to know
You don't have to go
Stay until tomorrow

Lying side by side
Feel the senses slide
Let your feelings follow

'Cause tonight is ours
And through the hours
Love goes on and on

We got all night
We got from sundown to sunrise
So don't let go, just hold me baby
We got all night
Let's make it last forever
Take it nice and slow
We got all night

Feels like we waited a lifetime
To be alone tonight
So make it hard to forget you
'Cause we don't know when
We can do it again

We got all night
We got from sundown to sunrise
So don't let go, just hold me baby
We got all night
Let's make it last forever
Take it nice and slow

All night
All night

We got all night
We got from sundown to sunrise
So don't let go, just hold me baby
We got all night
Let's make it last forever
Take it nice and slow

We got all night
We got from sundown to sunrise
So don't let go, just hold me baby
We got all night
Let's make it last forever
Take it nice and slow ...

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America – Wednesday Morning Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Wednesday Morning – America

Wednesday morning was the last time we talked
I guess she figured it was better if she walked
It could've been me just the same
There's no winner in this game
Oh, Wednesday morning was the last time we talked

Wednesday evening was the first time she cried
It could've turned out different if I'd lied
Something deep within us all
Sees the writing on the wall
Oh, Wednesday evening we didn't talk at all

I've been waiting every evening
Wondering what I'm gonna say
Sometimes life can be deceiving
Wednesday won't go away

It could've been me just the same
There's no winner in this game
Oh, Wednesday evening and nothing is the same

(Oh) I've been waiting every evening
Wondering what I'm gonna say
Sometimes life can be deceiving
Wednesday won't go away

Wednesday morning, yeah
Sometimes life can be deceiving
Wednesday won't go away

I've been waiting every evening
Wondering what I'm gonna say
Sometimes life can be deceiving
Wednesday won't go away, yeah

Wednesday morning, yeah
Sometimes life can be deceiving
Wednesday won't go away

Wednesday morning, yeah

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America – What Does It Matter Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
What Does It Matter – America

(Great hits of the sixties)
Look the lady's got a photograph
Silver framed and velvet backed
Well, she took it quite a while ago
Funny that she never let me know

What does it matter to me
If it doesn't show
I just don't know
It's only just a memory
Just a little history
Oh, oh, oh

And now she's wearing satin shoes
Gilded hair to pay the dues
I guess that I should tip my hat
I wonder if she'd think of looking back

What does it matter to me
If it doesn't show
I just don't know
It's only just a memory
Just a little history
Oh, oh

In the parking lot late at night
Paper straws never worked out right
I knew I wanted to
But didn't know why
So I just said "Hi"
(Everybody sing along now)

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America – Wheels Are Turning Testo della canzone

Albuquerque will be there in the morning
Purple mountains will rise up from the floor
After that you can just lift up the curtain
And the whole world will be there at your door

Down the road you see the heat waves a waving
All the signs are telling you where to go
And for you, this is a bold invitation
It’s all you need, you don’t need any more

Those wheels are turning once again

Now the sun is rising out of the ocean
Diesel trucks are flying by on the shore
Yes that’s your spirit inside you just waiting
It’s time to move, now that much you must know

Step outside and take a breath of the morning (step outside the door)
And the wind will tell you which way to go
You are the needle on the compass for certain
The missing map has come back to your door

Those wheels are turning once again

Thunder in the canyon waking up the night (waking up the night)
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Albuquerque will be there in the morning
Purple mountains will rise up from the floor
After that you can just lift up that curtain
And the whole world will be there at your door

Those wheels are turning once again

Thunder in the canyon waking up the night (waking up the night)
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Barking in the canyon waking up the night
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Those wheels are turning once again
They’ve always been your truest friend


America – Wheels Are Turning Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Wheels Are Turning – America

Albuquerque will be there in the morning
Purple mountains will rise up from the floor
After that you can just lift up the curtain
And the whole world will be there at your door

Down the road you see the heat waves a waving
All the signs are telling you where to go
And for you, this is a bold invitation
It's all you need, you don't need any more

Those wheels are turning once again

Now the sun is rising out of the ocean
Diesel trucks are flying by on the shore
Yes that's your spirit inside you just waiting
It's time to move, now that much you must know

Step outside and take a breath of the morning (step outside the door)
And the wind will tell you which way to go
You are the needle on the compass for certain
The missing map has come back to your door

Those wheels are turning once again

Thunder in the canyon waking up the night (waking up the night)
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Albuquerque will be there in the morning
Purple mountains will rise up from the floor
After that you can just lift up that curtain
And the whole world will be there at your door

Those wheels are turning once again

Thunder in the canyon waking up the night (waking up the night)
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Barking in the canyon waking up the night
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Those wheels are turning once again
They've always been your truest friend

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America – Whispering Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Whispering – America

I hear you in my sleep
I've fallen in too deep
Sometimes it's hard to keep
Secrets, secrets

It's like a breath of air
I feel it everywhere
And still I can't declare
Secrets, secrets

Gotta keep whispering on the phone at night
Gotta keep whispering, gotta get it right
Gotta keep whispering 'til the morning light
Secrets, secrets

I need you by my side
Can't say I haven't tried
Sometimes it's hard to hide
Secrets, secrets

Gotta keep whispering on the phone at night
Gotta keep whispering, gotta get it right
Gotta keep whispering 'til the morning light
Secrets, secrets

Gotta keep whispering on the phone at night
Gotta keep whispering, gotta get it right
Gotta keep whispering 'til the morning light
Secrets, secrets

Secrets, secrets

Gotta keep whispering on the phone at night
Gotta keep whispering, gotta get it right
Gotta keep whispering 'til the morning light
Secrets, secrets

Gotta keep whispering on the phone at night
Gotta keep whispering, gotta get it right
Gotta keep whispering 'til the morning light
Secrets, secrets

Gotta keep whispering on the phone at night
Gotta keep whispering, gotta get it right
Gotta keep whispering 'til the morning light

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America – Who Loves You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Who Loves You – America

Love is falling on me
Time will tell how much you mean to me
Can't stop looking in your eyes
Count the stars hiding up in the sky

Look who loves you when you're feelin' down
Just like you're the only one around
Look who loves you when you're feelin' down

Somewhere peace will be found
Past the clouds or somewhere near the ground
Who knows, who really cares?
Take your time as we both climb the stairs

Well, who cares if I live or die
Somebody's always asking why
Who loves you when you're feelin' down

Who's gonna trust you now, boy?
Who's gonna trust you now, boy?
Who's gonna trust you now, boy?
Who's gonna trust you now, boy?

Look who loves you when you're feelin' down
Just like you're the only one around
Look who loves you when you're feelin' down
Just like you're the only one around
Look who loves you when you're feelin' down
Just like you're the only one around
Look who loves you when you're feelin' down
Just like you're the only one around ...

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America – Whole Wide World Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Whole Wide World – America

Now the leaves are blowin'
Down the avenue
And the bells are ringing
The love that I found in you

All around the city
Before the winter snow
The sidewalks are so busy
But I wouldn't even know

'Cause all the people in the whole wide world (whole wide world)
Don't mean nothin' if you ain't got your girl (got your girl)
All the people seem so far away
'Cause I only want you to stay
With me, with me

The summer was unending
I had to see it through
No use in my pretending
I love everything you do

All the people in the whole wide world (whole wide world)
Don't mean nothin' if you ain't got your girl (got your girl)
All the people seem so far away
'Cause I only want you to stay
With me, with me

Dragonflies dipped on the swimming pool
By July I had to keep my cool
(You were shining) You were shining like a living jewel
Inside I knew
Time stood still with you

And all the people in the whole wide world (whole wide world)
Don't mean nothin' if you ain't got your girl (got your girl)
All the people seem so far away
'Cause I only want you to stay
With me, with me
With me, with me
With me, with me ...

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America – Wind Wave Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Wind Wave – America

Sometimes when I'm down on my luck, feelin' dizzy
My mind reels back to those days in the city
When early in the morning take a trip, it's so pretty
I could never understand why it wasn't so grand

I got a hankerin' for a wind wave
I got it through and through
I got a hankerin' for somethin' home made
It's got to be brand new

Early in the morning when the sun comes up
I'm gonna grab a fishin' pole and a sleepin' bag roll
Head out for the land of the dumb but the pretty
I won't stay long but you never know

I got a hankerin' for a wind wave
I got it through and through
I got a hankerin' for somethin' home made
It's got to be brand new

I got a hankerin' for a wind wave
I got it through and through
I got a hankerin' for somethin' home made
It's got to be brand new

Sometimes when I'm down on my luck, feelin' dizzy
My mind reels back to those days in the city
Sometimes when I'm down on my luck, feelin' dizzy
My mind reels back to those days in the city
Sometimes when I'm down on my luck, feelin' dizzy
My mind reels back to those days in the city ...

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America – Winter Holidays Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Winter Holidays – America

See the moonlight sparkle on the snow
The fireplace in afterglow
It's winter, another winter

The air's become so crisp and clear
All the chidren dress themselves
For winter, snowy winter

The holidays are here
To fill our hearts with lots of love (and cheer)
Down from the old north pole
Santa Claus will soon be flying

Winter holidays are coming
It's that time of year

When the house wakes up to icicles
All the birds are flying south
For winter, another winter

You can see your breath, your nose is cold
The car won't start, the pipes are froze
It's winter, snowy winter

The holidays are here
To fill our hearts with lots of love (and cheer)
Down from the old north pole
Santa Claus will soon be flying

Winter holidays are coming
It's that time of year

By December in the candlelight
The decorations sparkle
In their splendor, cold December

And the children dream of Santa Claus
It's hard to sleep tonight because
Remember, oh remember

Snow is falling, bells are ringing
Santa's almost here
Winter holidays are coming
It's that time of year

Winter holidays (winter holidays)
Fill our hearts with lots of love (and cheer)
Winter holidays (winter holidays)
Fill our hearts with lots of love (and cheer)
Winter holidays (winter holidays)
How we love our winter holidays

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America – Woman Tonight Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Woman Tonight – America

Oh, hold me tight
Won't you be my woman tonight?
Oh, hold me tight
Won't you be my woman tonight?

I get the shivers up and down my spine
The only time I'm happy's when I know she's mine
So hold me, hold me tight

Treat me right
Won't you be my woman tonight?
So treat me right
Won't you be my woman tonight?

First I see you
And then you let me go
The only time I touch you's when you don't wanna know
So hold me, hold me tight, all right.

Hold me tight
Hold me tight
Won't you be my woman tonight
Hold me tight
Won't you be my woman tonight

I get the shivers up and down my spine
The only time I'm happy's when I know she's mine
So, hold me, hold me tight
Hold me tight, woman tonight

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America – Woodstock Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Woodstock – America

Well I came upon a child of God, she was walking along the road
And I asked her tell where are you going, this she told me:
She said, I'm going down to Yasgur's farm, going to join in a rock and roll band.
Got to camp on to the land, and set my soul free.
We are stardust, we are golden
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Well, then can I walk beside you? I have come to lose the smog.
And I feel myself a cog in something turning.
And maybe it's the time of year, yes, said maybe it's the time of man.
And I don't know who I am but life is for learning.
We are stardust, we are golden
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

By the time we got to Woodstock, we were half a million strong,
And everywhere was song and celebration.
And I dreamed I saw the bomber riding shotgun in the sky,
Turning into butterflies above our nation.

We are stardust, we are golden
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

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America – Work To Do Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Work To Do – America

Well it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it
Stickin' it out not givin' in to it
When everybody's givin' up on me and you
Hell if we're gonna make it baby
If we're gonna make it baby
We've still got some work to do

Well it didn't go down quite the way we planned it
We made mistakes, took some things for granted
We've come this far we've got to see it through
Hell if we're gonna make it baby
If we're gonna make it baby
We've still got some work to do

And we've got long hours and late nights ahead of us now
But if we try we just might
Make it all right
It might all work out somehow

Well it's a tough job we didn't ask for it
Takin' what's breakin' and tryin' to restore it
It won't be easy what else is new
Hell if we're gonna make it baby
Yeah if we're gonna make it baby
We've still got some work to do
We've still got some work to do
We've still got some work to do

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America – World Alone Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
World Alone – America

I remember so long ago wondering
Could we stay this way forever
On this carousel turning and laughing
We just wanted to be together

And so we did it
We left on our own merry way
Into this world alone

In the sand at the sea we lay gazing
At the stars up above in the heavens
There was nothing to keep us from playing
We just wanted to be together

Why did we do it
We left on our own merry way
Into this world alone

Little did we know
Where we were going then
And when things got cold
Trying not to pretend


And still we did it
We left on our own merry way
Into this world alone

How were we to know
Things were so simple then
Somehow we lost hope
Falling to earth again

Then came that cold winter's day
When we ended it forever
After everything we used to say
There was nothing to keep us together

And so we did it
Each left on our own merry way
Back to this world alone

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America – World Of Light Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
World Of Light – America

Rainbows over the world of light
People rushing to the holy site
Sidewalks sizzle in a summer night
Of love

Not a soul in sight
In my dream tonight
It's gonna be alright
World of light

From the southern skies
To the children's eyes
Through an endless night
This world of light

Rainbows over the world of light
People rushing to the holy site
Sidewalks sizzle in a summer night
Of love

Come on baby hold me tight
Everything's gonna be alright
I can't wait for the morning light
To come

It's like the silver sand
Flowing through my hand
Running out of time
This world of mine

Rainbows over the world of light
People rushing to the holy site
Sidewalks sizzle in a summer night
Of love

Come on baby hold me tight
Everything's gonna be alright
I can't wait for the morning light
To come

Come on let it rain
Come on let it rain

Rainbows over the world of light
People rushing to the holy site
Sidewalks sizzle in a summer night
Of love

Come on baby hold me tight
Everything's gonna be alright
I can't wait for the morning light
To come

Come on let it rain
Come on let it rain

Come on let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
You know you can succeed
Let it rain

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America – You Can Do Magic Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
You Can Do Magic – America

I never believed in things that I couldn't see
I said if I can't feel it then how can it be
No, no magic could happen to me
And then I saw you

I couldn't believe it, you took my heart
I couldn't retrieve it, said to myself
What's it all about
Now I know there can be no doubt

You can do magic
You can have anything that you desire
Magic, and you know
You're the one who can put out the fire

You know darn well
When you cast your spell you will get your way
When you hypnotize with your eyes
A heart of stone can turn to clay
Doo, doo, doo ...

And when the rain is beatin' upon the window pane
And when the night it gets so cold, when I can't sleep
Again you come to me
I hold you tight, the rain disappears
Who would believe it
With a word you dry my tears

You can do magic
You can have anything that you desire
Magic, and you know
You're the one who can put out the fire

You know darn well
When you cast your spell you will get your way
When you hypnotize with your eyes
A heart of stone can turn to clay
Doo, doo, doo ...

And If I wanted to
I could never be free
I never believed it was true
But now it's so clear to me

You can do magic
You can have anything that you desire
Magic, and you know
You're the one who can put out the fire

You know darn well
When you cast your spell you will get your way
When you hypnotize with your eyes
A heart of stone can turn to clay
Doo, doo, doo ...

You're the one who can put out the fire
You're the one who can put out the fire
You're the one who can put out the fire ...

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America – You Could’ve Been The One Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
You Could've Been The One – America

There's a bright light that's shinin' in your face
You can't even see me at all
Oh, you look like an angel out of place
At this downtown devil's bar

Do you wanna dance girl
You said no thanks
And I watched you drift away
Well you had your chance

You could've been the one
Tonight you could've been the only one
For the rest of my life
I'll be dreamin' of you when this dance is done
Knowin' you could've been the one

If I come back here I might see you again
And maybe you'd say yes
But it's a losin' game I'm tryin' to win
And I can only guess

Do you have somebody (watchin')
Who watches you
As you let down your hair
By the light of the moon

You could've been the one
Tonight you could've been the only one
For the rest of my life
I'll be dreamin' of you when this dance is done
Knowin' you could've been the one
Knowin' you could've been the one

Where do you go when the night ends
Are you just a dream that fades into gray
Visions of you will not leave me alone
Why did you have to turn away

You could've been the one
Tonight you could've been the only one
For the rest of my life
I'll be dreamin' of you when this dance is done
Knowin' you could've been the one

Tonight you could've been the only one
For the rest of my life
I'll be dreamin' of you when this dance is done
Knowin' you could've been the one ...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – You Girl Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
You Girl – America

When the winds blow cold
Am I left alone
To remember times gone by
Was it all in vain
Did the faces change
And I never questioned why
Now the answer's clear
I need you here, 'cause

Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you girl
Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you

You are my love today
My life tomorrow
My very soul
And I've searched over the mountains
All through the shadows
Under the water, too
All to find
Just to find that

Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you girl
Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you

Now the answer's clear
I need you here, 'cause

Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you girl
Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you

Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you girl
Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you

Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you girl
Everything I'll ever want
Everything I'll ever need
Is in you

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
You – America

How'd you ever get so cool
Your mother must have kept you out of school
You never learned the golden rule
You think you've got a reputation

You had a smile on your face too soon
Too bad you never learned the tune
Without me, who loves you now

You had a smile on your face too soon
Too bad you never learned the tune
Without me, who loves you now

Go to who loves you now
And tell 'em you're sorry
Don't need eyes to see you
No one else can tell you how

We were so close to you
There was not anything we wouldn't do
For you

Nobody loves you now
Nobody loves you now
Nobody loves you now
Nobody loves you now

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Young Moon Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Young Moon – America

Fascination with the light in your hair
A celebration, nothing else can compare
An invitation to share my life with you

Stepping forward, reaching out for your hand
Hear the music of the sea on the sand
Like a vision rising out of the blue

Looking like a
Young moon in the heavens
Mother to the stars
Young moon guide us tonight

Elevation to a place high above
The combination, you and me and our love
Determination to spend my life with you

Looking at you face to face with my world
A quiet beauty not like just any girl
Moving slowly from the dark into view

Looking like a
Young moon in the heavens
Mother to the stars
Young moon guide us tonight
We are here in this moment
Shining twice as bright
We are here for you to see

Bright lights, long shadows
Tonight, we can handle
All of the doubts we may hold inside
It is a new day, things are different now
We've got each other
We'll keep looking for that young moon

We are here in this moment
Shining twice as bright
We are here for all to see

Young moon in the heavens
Mother to the stars
Young moon guide us tonight

We are here in this moment
Shining twice as bright ...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America – Your Move Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Your Move – America

I don't understand it 'cause you won't say yes
But you don't say no
Sayin' no we shouldn't you keep holdin' out
But you don't let go
I'm givin' up on trying
To sell you things that you ain't buying

It's your move (your move)
I played all of mine
Time (ah) is running out
Make your move (your move)
Or we can't go on
Till (ah) you understand
It's all in your hands
It's your move

You're giving me the business with that old come on
But you don't come across
You get me so excited don't you know you're such a tease
When I think you're gettin' hot, you're not
(Oo) So what's the problem, what's wrong
This kiss and miss you know it can't go on

It's your move (your move)
I played all of mine
Time (ah) is running out
Make your move (your move)
Or we can't go on
Till (ah) you understand
It's all in your hands
It's your move

(Know it can't go on) Go on

I'm givin' up on trying now it's (your move)
Girl, if you ain't buyin' now it's (your move)
I gave it all I got now it's (your move)
I thought you were hot but you're not so it's (your move, your move, your move)

It's your move (your move, ah)
I played all of mine
Time is running out
Make your move (ah, oh)
Or we can't go on
Till you understand
It's all in your hands
It's your move

It's your move (your move, ah)
I played all of mine
Time is running out
Make your move (ah, oh)
Or we can't go on
Till you understand
It's all in your hands
It's your move

It's your move (your move, ah)
I played all of mine
Time is running out
Make your move (your move, ah)
Or we can't go on
Till you understand
It's all in your hands
It's your move ...

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per America in costante aggiornamento

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America centrale


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

America centrale di Paola Turci

Si svegliò accanto a me
tirava sassi e poi
dai cortili bianchi e la città

Si svegliò in America
sotto una palma
poi fu preso prigioniero

Lui mi segnava il cerchio
del sole i pensieri di libertà
progettava il nostro amore
come il cielo in tempesta
certe notti poi mi si arrabbiava
poi piangeva mi abbracciava
mi sognava lui lui lui

Guerra amore lui capì
dal sorriso dei bambini
dal Natale tropicale
dai presepi in riva al mare

Si svegliò accanto a me la mano
prese e poi la sua pistola
ma il buio lo tradì

Vidi l’uomo che lo arrestò
tanta gente vide portare via
il mio uomo caro

Lui e la luna nel cielo
stordiva con canzoni d’amore
al volto bianco parlava
e la luna d’America ancora brilla contenta
lui piangeva lui capiva lui amava me

Guerra amore
lui capi dal sorriso dei bambini
dal natale tropicale
dai presepi in riva al mare

uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

America centrale

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


America Got It Right – Anti-Flag Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Got It Right – Anti-Flag

I was in Chico, California,
Talking to a foreinger,
when a facist threatened me
He hoped to threaten-to harass
cause although he could kick my ass-he knew

He could never kill what I believe

The best of the best, the best in the world - THE USA!
Sinking - no drowning in a sea of excess gluttony
As the rest of the world does struggle
to keep up the pace
It seems America got it right by doing...

Zero knowledge of understanding,
of U.S. governemntal actions, in the states of overseas
Mystified history, Quotes spewed from corporate media waves-
Turns the public into a herd of sheep

"Equal Rights". "Justice". "Democratic Role".
"Freedom". "Equality".
All just a total, "FUCK YOU!"
Empty words in the president slurs, in every speech
While scheming behind closed doors, with the C.I.A.
To undermine DEMOCRACY!
To undermine AUTONOMY!
To undermine the stability of any leftist populus regime
Making the president a TERRORIST!
Making the U.S.A. a TERRORIST!
U.S. tax dollars fund, terror, terror, terror... TERROR!!!


Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Anti-Flag in costante aggiornamento

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America Got It Right – Anti-Flag Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Got It Right – Anti-Flag

I was in Chico, California,
Talking to a foreinger,
when a facist threatened me
He hoped to threaten-to harass
cause although he could kick my ass-he knew

He could never kill what I believe

The best of the best, the best in the world - THE USA!
Sinking - no drowning in a sea of excess gluttony
As the rest of the world does struggle
to keep up the pace
It seems America got it right by doing...

Zero knowledge of understanding,
of U.S. governemntal actions, in the states of overseas
Mystified history, Quotes spewed from corporate media waves-
Turns the public into a herd of sheep

"Equal Rights". "Justice". "Democratic Role".
"Freedom". "Equality".
All just a total, "FUCK YOU!"
Empty words in the president slurs, in every speech
While scheming behind closed doors, with the C.I.A.
To undermine DEMOCRACY!
To undermine AUTONOMY!
To undermine the stability of any leftist populus regime
Making the president a TERRORIST!
Making the U.S.A. a TERRORIST!
U.S. tax dollars fund, terror, terror, terror... TERROR!!!


Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Anti-Flag in costante aggiornamento

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Contattaci: [email protected]


America Got It Right – Anti-Flag Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Got It Right – Anti-Flag

I was in Chico, California,
Talking to a foreinger,
when a facist threatened me
He hoped to threaten-to harass
cause although he could kick my ass-he knew

He could never kill what I believe

The best of the best, the best in the world - THE USA!
Sinking - no drowning in a sea of excess gluttony
As the rest of the world does struggle
to keep up the pace
It seems America got it right by doing...

Zero knowledge of understanding,
of U.S. governemntal actions, in the states of overseas
Mystified history, Quotes spewed from corporate media waves-
Turns the public into a herd of sheep

"Equal Rights". "Justice". "Democratic Role".
"Freedom". "Equality".
All just a total, "FUCK YOU!"
Empty words in the president slurs, in every speech
While scheming behind closed doors, with the C.I.A.
To undermine DEMOCRACY!
To undermine AUTONOMY!
To undermine the stability of any leftist populus regime
Making the president a TERRORIST!
Making the U.S.A. a TERRORIST!
U.S. tax dollars fund, terror, terror, terror... TERROR!!!


Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Anti-Flag in costante aggiornamento

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America Has a Problem – Beyoncè Testo con traduzione in italiano


L'America, l'America ha un problema

Ho sentito che hai quella D per me
Prega che il tuo amore sia profondo per me
Ti farò diventare debole per me
Farti aspettare un'intera settimana per me
Ti vedo guardare, diabolire
So che lo vuoi, intrigante
So che ne hai bisogno, guai
Lo vuoi su di te, non lo so?
Hai bisogno di amore, anch'io ne ho bisogno
Vuoi questo come ti vuole?

Sappi che quel bottino farà quello che vuole
Non posso colpirlo una volta, comodo
So che vedi questi rack-rack-rack su di me
Ora vieni a prendere hi-i-i-i-i-igh
Venti, quaranta, ottanta alla trappola
Colpiscilo con il rap
Mettilo sulla mappa
Poi torniamo subito (Mm)
Chiamami quando vuoi ottenere ciao-i-i-igh
Tony Montana con gli scaffali
Una grande B sulla mia borsa
La doppia G sul mio cruscotto
Negro, sono cattivo
sono cattivo
Chiamami quando vuoi ottenere ciao-i-i-igh

Ragazzo, non puoi andare più in alto di questo, no
Perché l'amore non va oltre questo, no, no

Macinare (macinare)
Ragazzo, sai che macino (Grind)
Quando mi alzo, ti cambiano idea (Quando mi alzo, ti cambiano idea)
Sei mia (sei mia, sei mia)
Quando entro in scena, loro
Non vedo l'ora di eseguirne il backup
Il tuo ex è ancora un drogato, ma non è abbastanza crack
Sto fornendo il mio uomo, sono richiesto non appena atterro
Sappi solo che vado con quegli scagnozzi, nel caso iniziassi a comportarti in modo familiare
Questo tipo di amore, grandi affari, tutta la lastra, uccido per

Ragazzo, non puoi andare più in alto di così, no (più in alto)
Perché l'amore non va più in alto di questo, no, no (più in alto)

Macinare (macinare)
Ragazzo, sai che macino (Grind)
Quando mi alzo, ti cambiano idea (Quando mi alzo, ti cambiano idea)
Sei mia (sei mia, sei mia)
Quando entro in scena, loro
Non vedo l'ora di eseguirne il backup
Il tuo ex è ancora un drogato, ma non è abbastanza crack
Sto fornendo il mio uomo, sono richiesto non appena atterro
Sappi solo che vado con quegli scagnozzi, nel caso iniziassi a comportarti in modo familiare
Questo tipo di amore, grandi affari, tutta la lastra, uccido per

Sappi che quel bottino farà quello che vuole
Non posso colpirlo una volta, comodo
So che vedi questi rack-rack-rack su di me
Ora vieni a prendere hi-i-i-i-i-igh
Venti, quaranta, ottanta alla trappola
Colpiscilo con il rap
Mettilo sulla mappa
Poi torniamo subito (Mm)
Chiamami quando vuoi ottenere ciao-i-i-igh
Tony Montana con gli scaffali
La doppia C nella mia borsa
La doppia G sul mio cruscotto
Negro, sono cattivo
sono cattivo
Chiamami quando vuoi ricevere ciao-i-i-igh

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Has a Problem – Beyoncè

America, America has a problem

Heard you got that D for me
Pray your love is deep for me
I'ma make you go weak for me
Make you wait a whole week for me
I see you watching, fiending
I know you want it, scheming
I know you need it, trouble on it
You want it on you, don't I know?
You need love, I need some too
Do you want this like it wants you?

Know that booty gon' do what it want to
Can't hit it one time, comfortable
I know you see these rack-rack-racks on me
Now come and get hi-i-i-i-i-igh
Twenty, forty, eighty at the trap
Hit it with the rap
Put it on the map
Then we right back (Mm)
Call me when you wanna get hi-i-i-igh
Tony Montana with the racks
A big B on my bag
Double G's on my dash
Nigga, I'm bad
I'm bad
Call me when you wanna get hi-i-i-igh

Boy, you can't get higher than this, no
'Cause love don't get no higher than this, no, no

Grind (Grind)
Boy, you know I grind (Grind)
When I pull up, they change your mind (When I pull up, they change your mind)
You're mine (You're mine, you're mine)
When I step on the scene, they
Can't wait to back it up
Your ex still a dope, but it ain't crack enough
I'm supplying my man, I'm in demand soon as I land
Just know I roll with them goons, in case you start acting familiar
This kind of love, big business, whole slab, I kill for

Boy, you can't get higher than this, no (Higher)
'Cause love don't get no higher than this, no, no (Higher)

Grind (Grind)
Boy, you know I grind (Grind)
When I pull up, they change your mind (When I pull up, they change your mind)
You're mine (You're mine, you're mine)
When I step on the scene, they
Can't wait to back it up
Your ex still a dope, but it ain't crack enough
I'm supplying my man, I'm in demand soon as I land
Just know I roll with them goons, in case you start acting familiar
This kind of love, big business, whole slab, I kill for

Know that booty gon' do what it want to
Can't hit it one time, comfortable
I know you see these rack-rack-racks on me
Now come and get hi-i-i-i-i-igh
Twenty, forty, eighty at the trap
Hit it with the rap
Put it on the map
Then we right back (Mm)
Call me when you wanna get hi-i-i-igh
Tony Montana with the racks
Double C's on my bag
Double G's on my dash
Nigga, I'm bad
I'm bad
Call me when you wanna get hi-i-i-igh

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Beyoncè in costante aggiornamento

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America in


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2002 Le canzoni di successo di Orietta Berti
2002 I successi di Orietta Berti
2009 I successi di Orietta Berti

Testo Della Canzone

America in di Festival di Sanremo 1982

(di PacePanzeriCorrado Conti)
Orietta Berti

Io che son stonata e non lo dico,
suonavo il piano con un dito
e c’era un uomo innamorato
che mi diceva: “Senti un po’,
sei bella tu, son bello anch’io,
perché non ci mettiamo insieme,
come chi si vuole bene,
come chi sta sulla luna
e con un poco di fortuna
voleremo, voleremo,
finché un giorno arriveremo in
America… America… America…
fammi volare, volare, volare e allora…
America… America… America…
fammi cantare, cantare, cantare e allora…
Io volevo dirlo e non lo dico,
vorrei averlo come amico,
ma lui è sempre innamorato
e mi ripete: “Senti un po’,
sei bella tu, son bello anch’io,
perché non ci mettiamo insieme,
come chi si vuole bene,
come chi sta sulla luna
e con un poco di fortuna
voleremo, voleremo,
finché un giorno arriveremo in
America… America… America…
voglio cantare, cantare, cantare e allora…
America… America… America…
fammi volare, volare, volare e allora…
E mi diceva: “Senti un po’,
sei bella tu, son bello anch’io,
perché non ci mettiamo insieme,
come chi si vuole bene,
come chi sta sulla luna
e con un poco di fortuna
voleremo, voleremo,
finché un giorno arriveremo in
America… America… America…
fammi volare, volare, volare e allora…
America… America… America…
fammi volare, volare, volare e allora…
America… America… America…
fammi volare, volare, volare e allora…
America… America… America…

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


America Is Dreaming – atlas Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Is Dreaming – atlas

I'm in the jungle
Stepping over fallen brethren
Beasts roaring, hunters on the loose
Film at 11
The sound of the ground beneath my feet is concrete
Music rising down to meet me from a window a city street
Violence and violins
It's mother's milk to us
We drink it down as we make
Midnight maneuvers
Marauding like a tribe of lost saints and vandals
Painting in a cave lit by American candles
You see the writing on the wall, you hear the raven's call
Puking out your poison in a bathroom stall
Breathing smog & stench
Cut an alley, hop a fence
And find yourself a prayer
Where the sidewalk ends
The light bends
So my vision is askew
But I can't ask you for help
Because you suffer from it too
The same disease
We are brothers of a fever
Know reality is ugly
Still we are beautiful dreamers

Words fell out of me
Casual slip in time
Dripping from the womb
And smelling of valentine
Pigs got hungry and settled for more bacon
Tripe for the winners, considered a free nation
Radio is playing "echo chamber of parrots"
Horses jockey for position getting stuck for their carrots
Bees in the garden
Pollinating to death
Poppies of the field what
Give 'em the sweet breath
Shouting hallelujah
Preparing to take the wafer
Put it on my tongue
It's as light as a piece of paper
Never let a black cat
Cross your path [?]
I listen to the shit that they say
And I just laugh
Most of 'em are lying
A couple are doing math
9 out of ten of 'em
Don't even know the half
Superman lovers
Hiding under the covers
And praying for Clark Kent to come
And save their ass
While Batman brothers are
Boning without rubbers to this
Liberation music screaming
"Free at last!"
Cigarettes, cheap food, gas and liquor
Diabetes, swollen colon and a cancerous liver
America is dreaming
It's a nightmare in silk sheets
Cream spoiled rotten
But the beast still feasts

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per atlas in costante aggiornamento

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America Is Waiting – David Byrne Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Is Waiting – David Byrne

America is waiting for a message of some sort or another.
Takin' it again. Again! Again! Takin' it again.
Well now... no, no... now, we ought to be mad at the government not mad at the people.

Takin' it again. Again! Again! Takin' it again.
I mean, yeah, well... wha... what're you gonna do?
America is waiting for a message of some sort or another.

No will whatsoever. No will whatsoever! Absolutely no honor.
No will whatsoever. No will whatsoever! Absolutely no integrity.
No will whatsoever. No will whatsoever!
I haven't seen any any any citizen over there stand up and say "hey, just a second."

No will whatsoever. No will whatsoever! I mean, yeah, so... wha... what're you gonna do?
America is waiting for a message of some sort or another.

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per David Byrne in costante aggiornamento

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America Medley – Anthem Lights Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Medley – Anthem Lights

Oh say can you see,
By the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed,
At the twilight's last gleaming?

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain,

From the lakes of Minnesota
To the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas
From sea to shining sea

From Detroit down to Houston
And New York to L.A
Well there's pride in every American heart
And it's time we stand and say

God bless America, land that I love
America, America, God shed his grace on thee
Stand beside Her and guide Her
From sea to shining sea

I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend Her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land

And thy rocket's red glare,
Thy bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night,
That out flag was still there.

Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Anthem Lights in costante aggiornamento

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America ok


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

America ok di New Trolls

In aereo sopra New York city cantando Singing in the rain
Ma che colore hanno i miti vivi con gusto se li hai
America OK
Arance della California ne mangi una su una Buick
Son sogni fatti per l’insonnia i sogni in Tecnicolor Fruit
America OK
Oh yeah America OK

Io studio solo all’Actor’s Studio per questo qui non studio mai
Ascolto solamente radio con voce American DJ
Invidio i negri che son nati in Luisiana a stelle e a strisce vestirei
Sono nato per errore fuori dai confini tuoi

Dove sei USA
Dove sei USA
Dove sei

Scivolando sopra un’onda gigantesca con il surf
Nello spazio in una sonda sopra il ghiaccio col windsurf
America OK Oh yeah
Ascolto solo dischi funky e qualche inglese che fa il rock
Le voci blues dei negri bianchi io vivo dentro un mondo rock

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


America OK – New Trolls Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America OK – New Trolls

In aereo sopra New York city cantando Singing in the rain
Ma che colore hanno i miti vivi con gusto se li hai
America OK
Arance della California ne mangi una su una Buick
Son sogni fatti per l'insonnia i sogni in Tecnicolor Fruit
America OK
Oh yeah America OK

Io studio solo all'Actor's Studio per questo qui non studio mai
Ascolto solamente radio con voce American DJ
Invidio i negri che son nati in Luisiana a stelle e a strisce vestirei
Sono nato per errore fuori dai confini tuoi

Dove sei USA
Dove sei USA
Dove sei

Scivolando sopra un'onda gigantesca con il surf
Nello spazio in una sonda sopra il ghiaccio col windsurf
America OK Oh yeah
Ascolto solo dischi funky e qualche inglese che fa il rock
Le voci blues dei negri bianchi io vivo dentro un mondo rock

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per New Trolls in costante aggiornamento

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America Street – Edwin McCain Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America Street – Edwin McCain

Rubber on my tires making contact with the road
Sign on the street post tells me which way I should go
Riding down America Street funny that it's one way
Riding down from uptown to where the buildings are broken down in decay

America Street it's right nearby
Land of the free and the brave
If we can't work and make some change
There won't be much of this land left to save

It's a classic case of misdirection and slight of hand
We watch while our deficit grows
What a shame that we can't teach our kids to read
Makes you wonder where all the tax money goes

Well America Street it's right nearby
Land of the free and the brave
And if we can't work and make some change
There won't be much of this land left to save

Won't be much to save
Excuse me sir pardon me can you spare some change
Because it's cold and I live outside
A thoughtful search into my pockets finds enough so he can rocket
Right up to the bar and enjoy his lie

America Street it's right nearby
Land of the free and the brave
And if we can't work and make some change
There won't be much of this land left to save
Won't be much to save...

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America the beautiful


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1972 A message from the people
1999 Ultimate hits collection
2002 Ray Charles sings for America
2004 Ray Charles celebrates a gospel Christmas (with the voices of jubilation)

Testo Della Canzone

America the beautiful di Ray Charles

Oh beautiful, for heroes proved,
In liberating strife,
Who more than self, our country loved,
And mercy more than life,
America, America, may God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain devined
And you know when I was in school,
We used to sing it something like this, listen here:
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain,
But now wait a minute, I’m talking about
America, sweet America,
You know, God done shed his grace on thee,
He crowned thy good, yes he did, in a brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea
You know, I wish I had somebody to help me sing this
(America, America, God shed his grace on thee)
America, I love you America, you see,
My God he done shed his grace on thee,
And you oughta love him for it,
Cause he, he, he, he, crowned thy good,
He told me he would, with brotherhood,
(From sea to shining sea)
Oh Lord, oh Lord, I thank you Lord
(Shining sea)
Versione di:
* Elvis Presley
1980 Elvis Aaron Presley (cd 3)
* Frank Sinatra
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 5

(America, America, America, America)
O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain
For purple moutain majesties above thy fruited plain!
America, America, God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea
(O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years)
(Thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human tears)
America, America, God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


America The Beautiful – Charlie Rich Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America The Beautiful – Charlie Rich

You know, in the bayous of Louisiana
"Quel beau peyi," that's what the Cajuns say
And in New York's Little Italy
"Que bella terra," that's how they say it their way
And in the beer halls of Milwaukee
You'll hear the words "vie schoen das land"
And it's "que lingo pais"
That's what you'll hear them say
Along the border, down by the Rio Grande
You know, there's a lot of ways to say it
And it's a privilege to play it
'Cause a lot of good people earned it
And this is how I learned it

O beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain
America, America
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good
With brotherhood
From sea to shining sea

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America The Beautiful – Ray Charles Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America The Beautiful – Ray Charles

Oh beautiful, for heroes proved,
In liberating strife,
Who more than self, our country loved,
And mercy more than life,
America, America, may God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain devined.
And you know when I was in school,
We used to sing it something like this, listen here:
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain,
But now wait a minute, I'm talking about
America, sweet America,
You know, God done shed his grace on thee,
He crowned thy good, yes he did, in a brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea.
You know, I wish I had somebody to help me sing this
(America, America, God shed his grace on thee)
America, I love you America, you see,
My God he done shed his grace on thee,
And you oughta love him for it,
Cause he, he, he, he, crowned thy good,
He told me he would, with brotherhood,
(From sea to shining sea).
Oh Lord, oh Lord, I thank you Lord
(Shining sea).

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America the beautiful – Mariah Carey

America the beautiful – Mariah Carey canzone pubblicata per la prima volta nell’anno 2014

Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse Tutte le canzoni dell’album

Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse

Guarda la pagina artista di Mariah Carey o naviga nella categoria Mariah Carey

Testo della canzone: America the beautiful – Mariah Carey

In fondo al testo trovate il video della canzone

America the beautiful – Mariah Carey Testo:

Edizione giapponese / Edizione Target

Oh beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea
From sea to shining sea
From sea to shining sea


[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]



America The Pitiful – Dope Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America The Pitiful – Dope

Thoughts of prison lying in my bed
Over visions dosing in my head
I've already lost much more
Than you could take from me

I've already been much more
Than you will ever be

I don't need it, You don't want to find me
I can see that, You don't even like me
You don't even, You don't wanna fight me
Man believe it, You ain't nothin' like me
I've already told you once
God damn stop pushin' me
I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go,
Come on let me be

I don't need it, You don't want to find me
I can see that, You don't even like me
You don't even, You don't wanna fight me
Man believe it, You ain't nothin' like me

And we pledge allegiance to a flag
Of a country that is fucked in the head

I don't need it, You don't want to find me
I can see that, You don't even like me
You don't even, You don't wanna fight me
Man believe it, You ain't nothin' like me

Like me

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America’s Great National Pastime – The Byrds Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America's Great National Pastime – The Byrds

One of America's great national pastimes is drinking a coke
Taking a smoke telling a joke
One of America's great national pastimes is playing ball
Taking it all and thinking so small
But the great taste of coke has refreshed players
The hot and tired the weary and the sore
But the great taste of coke has refreshed players
The hot and tired the weary and the sore
One of America's great national pastimes is chocolate fudge
Carrying a grudge bribing a judge
One of America's great national pastimes is poisoning rain
Acting insane inflicting pain
But the great taste of coke has refreshed players
The hot and tired the weary and the sore
But the great taste of coke has refreshed players
The hot and tired the weary and the sore
One of America's great national pastimes is the worship of speed
Planting the seeds taking more than she needs
One of America's great national pastime is cutting the grass
Grabbing some ass living too fast
But the great taste of coke has refreshed players
The hot and tired the weary and the sore
But the great taste of coke has refreshed players
The hot and tired the weary and the sore

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America’s Most Hated – Kevin Federline Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America's Most Hated – Kevin Federline

Waitress, can I have another drink please?
I'd like to formally introduce my self ..

Im the talk of the town
Thats the reason why they stare
4 karats in my ear
If you look see a glare
Im - one of a kind
With a wonderful rhyme
Im skatin off in a 'rari
You'll get left behind
My raps fully automatic like an AR
Droppin - nothin but heat me an JR
Im livin life in the fast lane
Then the cash came
Fire wont quit, still burnin like a gas flame
They watch me
So i duck and roll
Middle fingers still up sayin fuck the globe
And my dawgs still down
We dont trust them hoes
I live life like a King
I was extra stoned
Kevin Federline -
I come tight with every rhyme
I built a kingdom down the street from pepperdine
This marijuana got me heavily sedated
Im Kevin Federline
America's most hated (what!)

Aww yea baby - JR mane, JR you there mane?
Hey man, why dont you pass me that bottle over there guy

Im on the frontline
Dodgin cameras like the one time
Cant even chill in this california sunshine
But its okay, i got somethin for ya
Im handin out ass kickins like diplomas
Who the first to get it?
Ya know K Feds wit it
All that shit rappers talk about, I already did it
Im committed - to the game
The fames why I hustle
Lyrical exercise, workin every muscle on the double
Chief and commanda
Hand ya
Ass to ya in a basket wrapped in plastic
Im looney
All these model chicks wanna do me
Tabloids tried to screw me
Magazines try to kill me
But im nasty
Too fuckin slick and sly
So high
I could prolly drop a shit and fly
You gonna need a big army
If you comin for me
K. Federline - I hit like tsunamis

whoo - yea baby, that shit is fire right there, you know what im talkin about?
Lets get drunk to this one damn it. hoo, one more jack and coke bitch

Im bigga than you
Im sicka than you
Im here now
So they not gon pay attention to you
They listen to dude
I sizzle the booth
Im livin the truth
You fuckas talk shit
Couldnt fit my shoes
I got my blue yankee fitted on
Watch to match
Little boys we can get it on
Watch your back
I got my name spreadin faster than crack
And thats just a fact
Sucked in Americas hate and now im passin it back
Who told this bastard that he cant rap
I got 50 mill.
I can do whatever I want
I dont need a deal
I can do whatever I want
I just keep it real
I can say whatever I want
Dont buy my shit
I bet your girl ridin to it
With her hair in the wind
And her mind on the new kid
The most anticipated
But still underated
Kevin Federline - Americas Most Hated (what!)

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America’s Most Wanted – Boosie Badazz Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America's Most Wanted – Boosie Badazz

Boosie Badazz
Take the Badazz the hard way

Have you read those papers? (goddamn)
America's most wanted
Couldn't get me when they got me
Now they say I'm with the 'luminati
America's most wanted
Have you read those papers? (who am I?)
America's most wanted
Six bodies, two attempts
Sir you're lying, I don't do attempts
America's most wanted

Snipers on the roof at my trial
Prosecutor tellin' the jury he need to die
Attempts but if you talkin' attempts then you a liar
On top of that Warner Brothers told me bye
Tried to give niggas deals, man they really tried to burn me
Said I had a bag of money on the district attonery
They tried to sink me, even send me up in jail dog, no charge
Now they talkin' court cases, these are real go hards
They told my fall partner ass so he can hurt me
Offered him ten and he was on seven murders
Snatched up my kin, labeled my mama as a witness
Ten years for marijuana and I ain't never been convicted, dirty bitches

Have you read those papers? (goddamn)
America's most wanted
Couldn't get me when they got me
Now they say I'm with the 'luminati
America's most wanted
Have you read those papers? (who am I?)
America's most wanted
Six bodies, two attempts
Sir you're lying, I don't do attempts
America's most wanted

Came home, they say I couldn't drink beer, this shit is real
Judge read the verdict, the prosecutor in tears
Beat a motherfuckin' life, I say I ain't have fear
Send me straight to death row and I just had a couple years
I got blamed for niggas' bodies I ain't even fuckin' know
In my cell, tears fallin' on the floor, I wanna go
Feds comin' to my cell, frequent visits to the pen
Bitches sayin' if I win they gon' lock me up again
Had me in bulletproof trucks when they take me to court
Electric shocker on my body like where the fuck I'ma go?
Every song I talked about guns on, they brought it up
Had God on my side, this wasn't luck, what the fuck

Have you read those papers? (goddamn)
America's most wanted
Couldn't get me when they got me
Now they say I'm with the Illuminati
America's most wanted
Have you read those papers? (who am I?)
America's most wanted
Six bodies, two attempts
Sir you're lying, I don't do attempts
America's most wanted

A deputy woke me up and he told me I'll be glad when they electrocute your black ass
America's most wanted
My jury was anonymous, they stayed in hotels, they couldn't say they name, couldn't do nothin'
America's most wanted
Homicide told me, we should've killed your ass when we had the chance
America's most wanted
One day they made my kids visit me in front of my cell, dirty ass cell
America's most wanted
They told me I want your fall partner to rat 'cause I know he gon' get killed, crazy
America's most wanted
Had all my niggas on the chalkboard, had me on the top, boss man
America's most wanted

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America’s Most Wanted – Boosie Badazz Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America's Most Wanted – Boosie Badazz

Boosie Badazz
Take the Badazz the hard way

Have you read those papers? (goddamn)
America's most wanted
Couldn't get me when they got me
Now they say I'm with the 'luminati
America's most wanted
Have you read those papers? (who am I?)
America's most wanted
Six bodies, two attempts
Sir you're lying, I don't do attempts
America's most wanted

Snipers on the roof at my trial
Prosecutor tellin' the jury he need to die
Attempts but if you talkin' attempts then you a liar
On top of that Warner Brothers told me bye
Tried to give niggas deals, man they really tried to burn me
Said I had a bag of money on the district attonery
They tried to sink me, even send me up in jail dog, no charge
Now they talkin' court cases, these are real go hards
They told my fall partner ass so he can hurt me
Offered him ten and he was on seven murders
Snatched up my kin, labeled my mama as a witness
Ten years for marijuana and I ain't never been convicted, dirty bitches

Have you read those papers? (goddamn)
America's most wanted
Couldn't get me when they got me
Now they say I'm with the 'luminati
America's most wanted
Have you read those papers? (who am I?)
America's most wanted
Six bodies, two attempts
Sir you're lying, I don't do attempts
America's most wanted

Came home, they say I couldn't drink beer, this shit is real
Judge read the verdict, the prosecutor in tears
Beat a motherfuckin' life, I say I ain't have fear
Send me straight to death row and I just had a couple years
I got blamed for niggas' bodies I ain't even fuckin' know
In my cell, tears fallin' on the floor, I wanna go
Feds comin' to my cell, frequent visits to the pen
Bitches sayin' if I win they gon' lock me up again
Had me in bulletproof trucks when they take me to court
Electric shocker on my body like where the fuck I'ma go?
Every song I talked about guns on, they brought it up
Had God on my side, this wasn't luck, what the fuck

Have you read those papers? (goddamn)
America's most wanted
Couldn't get me when they got me
Now they say I'm with the Illuminati
America's most wanted
Have you read those papers? (who am I?)
America's most wanted
Six bodies, two attempts
Sir you're lying, I don't do attempts
America's most wanted

A deputy woke me up and he told me I'll be glad when they electrocute your black ass
America's most wanted
My jury was anonymous, they stayed in hotels, they couldn't say they name, couldn't do nothin'
America's most wanted
Homicide told me, we should've killed your ass when we had the chance
America's most wanted
One day they made my kids visit me in front of my cell, dirty ass cell
America's most wanted
They told me I want your fall partner to rat 'cause I know he gon' get killed, crazy
America's most wanted
Had all my niggas on the chalkboard, had me on the top, boss man
America's most wanted

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America’s Most Wanted – Calvin Richardson Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America's Most Wanted – Calvin Richardson

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, baby
You're my lady, yeah
You, you, you are my, my baby
So listen

You and me, we fell in love, it's crazy
I drive a Hyundai, you have a Mercedes
You're so cool, girl, I'm gon' make you happy
But when we come together, we always get them sparking

New York, hangin' on the avenue
North Carolina, swingin' it blue
When we're on the West Coast at the W hotel
Keep me goin' down in the room, oh, yeah

Partying in the room every night, oh, yeah
I'm gon' call some fellowship, call your girls
We partyin' like we're in Chicago
1, 2, 3, I love you like a stepping yo

'Cause you are
Just what I want, you
Just what you need, me
The talk in the streets, lady
Baby, we can be

America's most wanted
You're a top model, baby, flaunt it
You're in on my A list, so real
I like how this feels, it's you and me

We be walkin' down the street, everybody wanna know
How you got your skin in them skinny jeans
(They wanna know)
They be approachin', they want your autograph
You say, "Yes, babe, ain't no stress, babe"

And then you step out of the block like a runway show
You're always ready, don't need to say go
That's how I know
You are

Just what I want, you
Just what you need, me
The talk in the streets, lady
Baby, we can be

America's most wanted
You're a top model, baby, flaunt it
You're in on my A list, so real
I like how this feels, just you and me

America's most wanted
You're a top model, baby, flaunt it
You're in on my A list, so real
I like how this feels, just you and me

I cherish every little thing about you, girl
You're like the Monalisa, so priceless, girl
You make me say, "Oh, oh, oh"
Everybody sayin' it, "Oh, oh, ooh, oh"
They need you, they greet you
But the first thing they sayin' is, "Oh, oh, she's so amazing"

Just what I want, you
Just what you need is, me
The talk in the streets, lady
Baby, we can be, yeah

America's most wanted
You're a top model, baby, flaunt it
You're in on my A list, so real
I like how this feels, just you and me

America's most wanted
You're a top model, baby, flaunt it
You're in on my A list, so real
I like how this feels, just you and me, yeah

Yeah, oh, oh

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America’z Most Complete Artist – DJ Quik Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America'z Most Complete Artist – DJ Quik

[DJ Quik]
And just when you motherfuckers thought it was over
I'm back up in this motherfucker..

"You better get ready"
"for-for-for for America's most complete artist"
"What's your name boy?"
"I.. am.." "America's most complete artist"
"You better get ready"
"for America's most complete artist"
[Quik] Doin much damage in the ninety-two
"for America's mo-mo-mo-mo
most complete artist-artist-ar-ar-artist"

[DJ Quik]
Now DJ Quik is the nigga that's comin up real thick
I'm a stone funkaholic yet I don't need Schick
because there ain't another nigga more versatile
DJ Quik been bustin funky rhythms all the while
And this song is for the homies who was down with me
When I was broke as a joke, flat with no mon-ey
And to them doubtin-ass motherfuckers, cause they don't know yeah
Instead of showin and provin yo I'm provin that I'm the show
Now who wants to fade this modern day prophet?
Take two steps forward, one shell and you droppin
because I don't go toe to toe, I go hoe to hoe
Yo' hoe is so-so, so yo, I think I better let her go
cause she ain't worth my time
And before I get off into another rhyme
I'ma bring this verse to a climax, grab the axe
Open the door, clear the floor, and make way

"for America's most complete artist"
"What's your name boy?"
"I.. am.." "America's most complete artist"
[Quik] Sucker ass niggaz can't fade me
"for America's most complete artist"
"Quik.." "What kind of name is that for a nigga?"
"for America's mo-mo-mo-mo
most complete artist-artist-ar-ar-artist"

[DJ Quik]
Now when I say I'm complete;
that means I'm true to my game and my cap
And I refrain from bein played like a sap
And a bitch? No bitch can handle what I'm kickin
They say I'm trippin but they stick around my room for a dickin
Cause the power of the Quiksta's too overwhelmin
And when you let me rip I'm goin in with a helmet
That's why your little brother wants to be like me
I'm surrounded by the trueness that suckers fail to see
Now 2nd II None, is you down with the Quik? "What you think?"
Mr. Bankin, is you down with the Quik? "Yeah, you know it"
Playa Hamm, is you down with the Quik? "Oh but of course playa"
And everybody else.. {".. can get the dick"}
Now on my last album, I said I rolled too motherfuckin deep
That was for them suckaz that was tryin to creep
but peep the real - that when I got that murderin feelin
I can take a loss and make a killin and still be

"America's most complete artist"
[Quik] Fuck these punk ass niggaz!
"you-you-you better get ready"
"for America's most complete artist"
"for America's most complete artist"
[Quik] Doin much damage C-P-T style
"for America's mo-mo-mo-mo
most complete artist-artist-ar-ar-artist"
[Quik] Yo fuck the bridge
I better take y'all into the canal, kick it

Mo pussy, mo pussy, mo pussy..

[DJ Quik]
Damn! That's how a nigga like me is
True to it, ain't fakin for the showbiz
All the true ass niggaz, yup ya know this
but the others jock jockin me like they hoe is
Cause DJ Quik can be as funky as the douche
Shoot stutter steppin with pep but still I manage to givin the suckaz
the BOOT if they ask for it, because they know I flow it
Need I say more? "NO!" Well that's it

"for America's most complete artist"
"you better get ready"
"for America's most complete artist"
"What's your name boy?"
"I.. am.." "America's most complete artist"
"you better get ready"
"for America's mo-mo-mo-mo
most complete artist-artist-ar-ar-artist"

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America, I Believe In You – The Charlie Daniels Band Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America, I Believe In You – The Charlie Daniels Band

We got some trouble in our own back yard.
Things are are kinda tough, times are kinda hard.
Got a lot of people livin' out in the street, people goin' hungry without nothin' to eat,
and in this land of plenty, this souldn't be goin' on.
We got enough for everybody we just gonna have to pass it along.
Well I'm glad about the fall of communism, I'm glad about the
Berlin wall, and I like seein' old Saddam bite the dust, in fact I'm glad about it all.
And I believe in helping everybody,
but when it comes to all them foreign loans,
I think we oughta remember that charity begins at home.

Yes it starts right now in (America, America,)
I know the sun is risin' on a better day.
(America, America,) we got the power and we know the way.
(America, America,) well let me say a few words about the Red, White, and Blue.
(America, America,) I know you're gonna do it I believe in you.

Now I been tryin' to figure this out, but there's somethin' that I just don't know.
How can you make things better when you
take our jobs, and send 'um down to Mexico?
And then there was this big shot, from the land of the risin' sun.
He said the workin' people in America were lazy and dumb.
Well let me tell you somethin' Jack.
The next time I go on a shopping trip, and take somethin' off of the rack,
if it don't say, "Made in the U.S.A." I'm just gonna put it back.
We can't leave it to the politicians, cause they don't do nothin' but talk,
and it's we the people that are gonna have to walk the walk.

And we can do it right now in (America, America,)
hey I know the sun is risin' on a better day.
(America, America,) yeah we got the power and we know the way.
(America, America,) now let me say a few words about the Red, White, and Blue.
(America, America,) I know you're gonna do it I believe in you.

Well we got the best dang farmers in the whole wide world.
The fastest horses and the prettiest girls. We got the Army, the
Navy, Air Force, and Marines, the mightiest fightin' force the world's ever seen.
We the kinda people that can get thins done,
We're servin' notice that we're still number one.
We got the nerve (We got the nerve.), we got the will,
(We got the will.), we are all together cause you know that we are still.

(America, America,) well I know the sun is risin' it's a risin' on a better day.
(America, America,) hey, hey we got the power and we know the way.
(America, America,) now let me say a few words about the Red, White, and Blue.
(America, America,) cause I believe in you.

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America, I Love You – “autore” Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
America, I Love You –

America your head is so big
America your belly is so big
I love you but I wish you'd stay where you live

In America the land of the free they say
Land of opportunity in a just and truthful way
Where the president is never black, female or gay
And until that day you've nothing to say to help me believe

In America you gave us the hamburger
America you know where you can shove your hamburger
Don't you wonder why in Estonia they say
Hey you, yes you, you pig, you fat pig

Steely blue eyes with no love in them scan the world
And a humorless smile with no warmth within greets the world
While I who have nothing to offer you no no no no
But this heart deep and true you say you don't need

See with your eyes, feel with your hands, please
Hear with your ears, know in your soul, please
For haven't you me with you now and I love you
America, I love you...

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American – Lana Del Rey Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American – Lana Del Rey

Play house, put my favorite record on
Get down, get your crystal method on
You were like, tall, tan, driving 'round the city
Flirtin' with the girls like, "You're so pretty."
"Springsteen is the king, don't you think?"
I was like, "Hell yeah, that guy can sing."

Like ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-oh

You make me crazy, you make me wild
Just like a baby, spin me 'round like a child
Your skin so golden brown
Be young, be dope, be proud
Like an American
Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-ooh
Like an American
Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-ooh

Drive fast, I can almost taste it now
L.A., I don't even have to fake it now
You were like so sick, everybody said it
You were way ahead of the trend, g-get it
Elvis is the best, hell yes
Honey put on that party dress
Like Oh oh oh ohooh
Oh oh oh ohoowoow

You make me crazy, you make me wild
Just like a baby, you spin me round like a child
Your skin so golden brown
Be young, be dope, be proud
Like an American
Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-ooh
Like an American
Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-ooh

Everybody wants to go fast, but they can't compare
I don't really want the rest, only you can take me there
I don't even know what I'm saying, but I'm praying for you

You make me crazy, you make me wild
Just like a baby, you spin me round like a child
Your skin so golden brown
Be young, be dope, be proud
Like an American
Oh oh ohoh oh oh oh ohoohh
Like an American
Oh oh ohoh oh oh oh ohoohh
Like an American
Oh oh ohoh oh oh oh ohoohh
Like an American
Oh oh ohoh oh oh oh ohoohh
Like an American

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American – Soviets


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

American – Soviets di CCCP

G: Godd evening

This is Mr. Gorbachev-

R: Hello


This is the White House

Ronald Reagan speaking-

G: Hello

My old friend

How are you today ?

R: Fine ! It’s time for our daily chess-match

Are you ready ?

G: Yes

My last move yesterday was the Queen from A6 to B6-

They both send their weapons into space-

Their people’s problems they seem to displace-

The arms-race is what they can’t negotiate-

Why ain’t it chess about what they debate ?

What went wrong on the Gulf of Iran ?

Why did the Russians invade Afghanistan ?

Why not save the money for the armaments

And be chess-partners in the turnament ?

Reagan and Gorbachev play chess on T.V.-

The senat is giving a party on the sea-

The nuclear war will forever be banned-

It’s only their kings which they have to defend.

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American angel


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2004 Patience
2006 Twenty five

Testo Della Canzone

American angel di George Michael

Bless the day you came into my life, I still remember
Horny cowboy with your stars and stripes
Bringing the light into my day
With that Texan smile

Too afraid to love, to hope that you would stay
So broken that I never saw you chase the past away

My American Angel, he doesn’t want to fight (doesn’t need to fight)
My U.S of Angel, holds me in the dead of night
Takes away that fear that I carried forever
You stopped to wipe away my tears
And you stayed forever and more
( I don’t think that I…)

Yesterday it seemed my life was colder than December
All alone I watched the eagles fly
Even the light seemed to have changed
In the Californian sky

Through all of those battles then you came
Stepped out of the fading light
Said, “Baby I’m American, dry your eyes again,
Because I’m here to save your life”

My American Angel, he doesn’t want to fight (doesn’t need to fight)
My U.S of Angel, holds me in the dead of night
Takes away that fear that I carried forever
You stopped to wipe away my tears
But you stayed forever amore
And more, didn’t you baby..

Because I don’t think that I could love and lose again
I don’t think I have the strength
I don’t think I have the strength
I don’t think that I…

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American anthem


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

American anthem di Norah Jones

All we’ve been given
By those who came before
The dream of a nation
Where freedom would endure
The work and prayers
Of centuries
Have brought us to this day

What shall be our legacy?
What will our children say?
Let them say of me
I was one who believed
In sharing the blessings
I received
Let me know in my heart
When my days are through
I gave my best to you

Each generation from the plains
To distant shore with the gifts
What they were given
Were determined
To leave more
Valiant battles fought together
acts of conscience fought alone
these are the seeds
From which America has grown

Let them say of me
I was one who believed
In sharing the blessings
I received
Let me know in my heart
When my days are through
I gave my best to you

For those who think
They have nothing to share
Who fear in their hearts
There is no hero there
Know each quiet act
Of dignity is
That which fortifies
The soul of a nation
That never dies

Let them say of me
I was one who believed
In sharing the blessings
I received
Let me know in my heart
When my days are through
I gave my best to you

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Aquarium – Abe Lincoln Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Abe Lincoln – American Aquarium

That could've been Abe Lincoln sportin' fifty dollar glasses
Standing at the bar throwing all the girls passes
Standing in the rain at the end of the line
Trying to steal something that'll never be mine

She could've been Jean Harlow eating popcorn at the movies
Still trying to get me to listen to them old Flamin' Groovies
Standing on the corner of Hollywood and Vine
Trying to find something that will never be mine

And you're fading slow
Like a bloodstain on my sleeve
And I'm learning faster and faster
Just what it takes to leave
What it takes to leave

Well I could've been a saint and not a rank backslider
But I was praying in a cell, I was so deep inside of her
Standing on the tracks with a bottle of wine
Trying to find something that will never be mine

But you're fading slow
Like a bloodstain on my sleeve
And I'm learning faster and faster
Just what it takes to leave

Well it could've been a blonde in that long red Cadillac
Driving down the Avenue B, baby
Screaming "Fuck you, daddy" I ain't ever coming back
Staring out the window like an angel divine
Just another kiss that will never be mine

And you're fading slow
Like a bloodstain on my sleeve
And I'm learning faster and faster
Just what it takes to leave
What it takes to leave
What it takes to leave
What it takes to leave
Yeah, what it takes to leave

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American Aquarium – Ain’t Going To The Bar Tonight Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ain't Going To The Bar Tonight – American Aquarium

I ain't going to the bar tonight
No I ain't going to the bar tonight
I ain't going to the bar tonight
'Cause I heard you were back in town

Don't let me get in my car tonight
Don't wanna be in my car tonight
'Cause if I get in my car tonight
You know I'm driving downtown

I hope you know what you're doing
I hope you know what you're doing to me

You're making things real hard tonight
You're making things real hard alright
You're making things real hard on me tonight
'Cause I know that you're back in town
And you might be going out

I hope you know what you're doing
I hope you know what you're doing to me

I ain't going to the bar tonight
No I ain't going to the bar tonight
I ain't going to the bar tonight
'Cause I know that you're back in town
And you might be going out

I guess I'm going to the bar tonight
I'll probably see you at the bar tonight
Yeah, I'm going to the bar tonight
'Cause I know that you're back in town
And you might be going out
Yeah, you might be going out

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American Aquarium – Aint No Use In Trying Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Aint No Use In Trying – American Aquarium

An airplane leaves as another lands
And one more person quit the band today
The turntable is my new best friend
When he speaks my troubles spin away
When the music is on my world just fades
And the freedom hits me like a runaway train
Two missed calls on my telephone
It seems my services have gone astray

If the ship is going down and there is no way out
Then there ain't no use in trying now

Well all the stars that we have wished upon and grew up
Burned out and have all flown away
Another stop, another show
I wonder just how long this ride will go
The fuel is low and the rent is late
And I'll send a check babe, as soon as I get paid
What started with four is down to one
I thought this band was supposed to be fun
When did we stop having fun

If the ship is going down and there is no way out
Then there ain't no use in trying now

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American Aquarium – Anne Marie Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Anne Marie – American Aquarium

Late night call from that old friend
Her voice it was shaking on the other end
She said "I didn't know who else to call"
I know he doesn't treat her right
But she'll crawl back into bed tonight
And lie awake wondering what could have been

Oh Anne Marie
Won't you please please please
Tell me what has he done?
Oh Anne Marie
I'm begging you please
Get out while there's still time to run

Well he starts to yell when he starts to drink
And he starts a lot of trouble never stops to think
About the damage that is being done
Oh but one night the bourbon flooded his veins
Like raging black river of lust and pain
That'd be the last time that he'd raise his hands

She was shaking like a rocket on the boulevard
And her tears they were cold but her eyes they were hard
She returned that angel to the bedside drawer
She packed her bags and she moved away
He's the only reason that she ever stayed
Now she's out there living on the run

Oh Anne Marie
Won't you please please please
Tell me what have you done
Oh Anne Marie
I'm begging you please
Get out while there's still time to run

Well my telephone it don't ring no more
And last I heard she's at the Jersey Shore
And If I believed in God I'd pray for you
But a prayer without belief
Is like a pill without relief
So I'll just save us both the lettin' down

Oh Anne Marie
Won't you please please please
Tell me what have you done
Oh Anne Marie
I'm begging you please
Get out while there's still time to run
Stay out, please stay out on the run

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American Aquarium – Antique Hearts Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Antique Hearts – American Aquarium

I need to try somethin' new
Somethin' revolutionary that's going to pull me through
'Cause I, I'm a used record store
Full of memories that no one wants to hear anymore

I wonder why I run so fast
No matter where I start I'm gonna finish last
And why would I ever stop to pray
To a God that's always only six feet away?

'Cause with the summer I confide
The thoughts of what it means to be alive
Like a Polaroid developin' with the light
What do you know about me
Other than what you can see?
Behind this broken smile lies an antique heart

Why do I try so much?
I'm like a doctor who has lost his touch
And why do I call this my best?
'Cause I'm the kid in class who cheats on all the tests

'Cause with the summer I confide
Thoughts of what it means to be alive
Like a Polaroid developin' with the light
What do you know about me
Other than what you can see?
Behind this broken smile lies an antique heart

And I, I wonder if I'll ever know
How to play this thing or how this song should go
And I wonder what I'm tryin' for
I've gotta find myself behind this wall of metaphors

'Cause with the summer I confide
Thoughts of what it means to be alive
Like a Polaroid developin' with the light
What do you know about me
Other than what you can see?
Behind this broken smile lies an antique heart
An antique heart
Behind this smile is an antique heart

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American Aquarium – Betting Man Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Betting Man – American Aquarium

Well I drank myself to sleep again
Drank myself to sleep again last night
And I woke up in a stranger's arms
I woke up with a stranger's arms holdin' me tight
I thought of you and me
And what it is we used to be

And if I was a betting man
I'd throw everything I had on you
But I ain't a betting man
God only knows I'm a betting man

You were running through my mind like a steamboat
On a Mississippi riverbed
You were running through my mind like a steamboat
On a Mississippi riverbed

Those words you said, they cut me deep like a lock blade knife
They cut me to the bone
You can only cut a man so deep
'Fore he's gonna wash his hands
I wash my hands of you and me
And what it is we used to be

And if I was a betting man
I'd throw everything I had on you
But I ain't a betting man
God only knows I'm a betting man

You were running through my mind like a steamboat
On a Mississippi riverbed
You were running through my mind like a steamboat
On a Mississippi riverbed

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American Aquarium – Bible Black October Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bible Black October – American Aquarium

Your favorite time of year was late October
The way the leaves changed color in the fall
And ever since that day you said it was over
This house ain't a home and this heart's a hole in the wall

And I don't think you understand
How you ripped my world apart
And no girl out there will ever compare
You're the best at breakin' my heart

Do you remember Halloween last October?
Your lilly-white skin painted red in the blisterin' cold?
That was the year that you dressed like the Devil
And those Bible-black eyes no disguise for the lies you told

And I don't think you understand
How you ripped my world apart
And no girl out there will ever compare
You're the best at breakin' my heart

Well I guess I made it through this October
Then again, what else did you expect me to do?
Now I'm sellin' my favorite records to pay your share of the rent
And I'm drownin' downtown tryin' to drink away the mem'ries of you

And I don't think you understand
How you ripped my world apart
And no girl out there will ever compare
You're the best at breakin' my heart
Oh, no girl out there will ever compare
You're the best at breakin' my heart

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American Aquarium – Big City Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Big City – American Aquarium

Headed back on a highway drive, Interstate Eighty-five
Comin' back from a show that we had in Charlotte
It was getting kind of late and the fireworks display, it played a thief to all the stars glory
The wheels they were turning, boy my eyes they were burning, it said Raleigh fifty miles

Big city, turn me on
Pick me up, throw me down just like your doll
Tell me I'm wrong when I know just what I saw
Big city turn me on

Me and my friends go to the same bar every Thursday
We stare at the centerfold eyes that keep mixing our drinks
The liquor lies are all that's left of this poor girl's innocence
She don't know my name but I'll be damned if one day she won't

Big city, turn me on
Pick me up, throw me down just like your doll
Tell me I'm wrong when I know just what I saw
Big city turn me on

Candlelight retrospection on a hand-me-down couch
There is coffee in my hand, her head in my lap, and Dylan on the stereo
Like a jewelry store window her eyes, they were made to sparkle
And for a moment I still believed in love

Big city, turn me on
Pick me up, throw me down just like your doll
Tell me I'm wrong when I know good-and-well what I saw
Big city, turn me on, boy, turn me on

I said, turn me on
I said, big city turn me on
Big city, turn me on
Big city, turn me on
Big city, turn me on

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American Aquarium – Bigger In Texas Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bigger In Texas – American Aquarium

Well everything's bigger in Texas
That's what they said from the start
Ever since I got to Texas
Everything's fallin' apart

The boys, they're runnin' on empty
My pockets, they're doin' the same
That second-hand bar in Arkansas
Is the only thing I can blame

I don't know what I can say
Or what else I can know
The closer I get to the city
The further I get from you
(I get from you)

These barstools are where I spend most of my nights
With ghosts of dead cigarettes
These beautiful girls with their strings of pearls
Are no good to help me forget

Back home, I got a lover
A lover that's too good for me
These late-night calls from the bathroom stalls

I don't know what I can say
Or what else I can know
The closer I get to the city
The further I get from you
(I get from you)

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American Aquarium – Bones Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bones – American Aquarium

There's a cold wind blowin' ever since you been gone
Cold wind blowin' though my bones
It's a pain that I can't take, it's a shiver I can't shake
Cold wind blowin' though my bones

Got this sickness that the doctors just can't fix
Got old habits I can't kick
It's a pain that I can't take, it's a shiver I can't shake
Cold wind blowin' though my bones

It goes oooh
And what are we fightin' for?
I don't think I love you anymore

Every time I close my eyes, I only see your face
A mem'ry I can't erase
She still thinks I love you, God I hope she never knows
Just how hard that cold wind blows

It goes oooh
And what are we fightin' for?
I don't think I love you anymore

There's a cold wind blowin' ever since you been gone
Cold wind blowin' though my bones
It's a pain that I can't take, it's a shiver I can't shake
Cold wind blowin' though my bones

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American Aquarium – Brother, Oh Brother Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Brother, Oh Brother – American Aquarium

Oh Brother, oh Brother, oh Brother of mine
I'm writin' you a letter, it's been a long time
Tell Mama that I love her, tell her everything's fine
Oh Brother, oh Brother, oh Brother of mine

My daddy lived by the gun and his daddy did too
Back when servin' your country wasn't up to you
He said some were born to talk, boy, and some were born to shoot
My daddy lived by the gun and his daddy did too

So I got my daddy's name stitched across my chest
And now I can drop a man from about two clicks
I wonder if he's proud of me yet
I've got my daddy's name stitched across my chest

Now my hands are tired and my feet are sore
And I'm sick of dodgin' bullets for another man's war
I've lost all sight of what I'm fightin' for
My hands are tired and my feet are sore

'Cause I've been fightin' for an answer that's long been lost
Did God walk through the desert or die on a cross?
These stars and stripes my albatross
I've been fightin' for an answer that's long been lost

So I got my rifle steady and my aim is true
No matter what side I pledge allegiance to
I'm just doin the job I get paid to do
I got my rifle steady and my aim is true

Because my momma did her best to raise me well
She taught me 'bout heaven and she taught me 'bout hell
Now where I'll end up, man it's hard to tell
Momma did her best to raise me well

The war can bring out the worst in a man
When you country's got your heart and the devil's got your hand
It'll make you do things you never had planned
War can bring out the worst in a man

Oh Brother, oh Brother, oh Brother of mine
If you're reading this letter it's the end of the line
I ran out of luck, I ran out of time
Oh Brother, oh Brother, oh Brother of mine

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American Aquarium – Burn.Flicker.Die. Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Burn.Flicker.Die. – American Aquarium

Dollar bill prescriptions in the bathroom stall
Red-headed women and alcohol
Say it ain't so, say it ain't last call
A whiskey on the rocks and Adderall
A whiskey on the rocks and Adderall

We're no different than the neon lights
When you turn us on we stay up all night
We do what we can, we put up a fight
Then we burn too long, we flicker and die

It's nights like these that the drugs don't work
It's gettin' in the way instead of pickin' me up
I wish my addictions didn't mean so much
But we all can't be born with that kind of luck

You can try but you won't fix what's wrong with me
Every night I'm my own worst enemy
I'll find a way to quit when they bury me
'Cause I can't turn down the drinks when they're free
No you can't turn down when the drinks are for free

We're no different than the neon lights
When you turn us on we stay up all night
We do what we can, we put up a fight
Then we burn too long, we flicker and die

Every girl in that bar looked like nineteen sixty-five
With her sailor tattoos and her drawn-out eyes
Every now then she still crosses my mind
And by every now and then I mean most of the time
By every now and then I mean all of the time

We're no different than the neon lights
When you turn us on we stay up all night
We do what we can, we put up a fight
Then we burn too long, we flicker and die

We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die
We burn too long, we flicker and die

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American Aquarium – California Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
California – American Aquarium

Two thousand, seven hundred ninety-four miles from here to L.A
Two hundred forty-three gallons of gas stretched over two days
Two suitcases of clothes, a guitar, and some shoes for ballet
Two lovers who saw a normal life and drove the other way

California, California
We've waited on you, please don't let us down
California, California
We're bankin' on you this time around

Two thirty in the morning and he's counting the tips in the jar
Two stings of the six he's gotta fix on his trusty guitar
Two blocks down the street she's there to meet him and she brought the car
Too bad that she's the only on who knows that he's a rock star

California, California
We've waited on you, please don't let us down
California, California
We're bankin' on you this time around

Two auditions down, one to go, then she's headed to work
To a diner where she waits for her big break off Twenty-Second and Third
Today might be the day she gets the news that she's never heard
And can finally go home to a man that's gonna be proud of her

California, California
We've waited on you, please don't let us down
California, California
We're bankin' on you this time around

Two thousand, seven hundred ninety-four miles from here to L.A
Two lovers who saw a normal life and drove the other way

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American Aquarium – California Testo della canzone

Two thousand, seven hundred ninety-four miles from here to L.A
Two hundred forty-three gallons of gas stretched over two days
Two suitcases of clothes, a guitar, and some shoes for ballet
Two lovers who saw a normal life and drove the other way

California, California
We’ve waited on you, please don’t let us down
California, California
We’re bankin’ on you this time around

Two thirty in the morning and he’s counting the tips in the jar
Two stings of the six he’s gotta fix on his trusty guitar
Two blocks down the street she’s there to meet him and she brought the car
Too bad that she’s the only on who knows that he’s a rock star

California, California
We’ve waited on you, please don’t let us down
California, California
We’re bankin’ on you this time around

Two auditions down, one to go, then she’s headed to work
To a diner where she waits for her big break off Twenty-Second and Third
Today might be the day she gets the news that she’s never heard
And can finally go home to a man that’s gonna be proud of her

California, California
We’ve waited on you, please don’t let us down
California, California
We’re bankin’ on you this time around

Two thousand, seven hundred ninety-four miles from here to L.A
Two lovers who saw a normal life and drove the other way


American Aquarium – Cape Fear River Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Cape Fear River – American Aquarium

Well I was born in the valley of the Cape Fear River
'Bout a thirty-minute drive to the south of Virginia
A north star of this great state
At least that's what the sign said

In a town where you either had or you didn't
My daddy worked a seven-to-five just to give me
A fighting chance to make it out
And not end up like him

Well I ain't the man
Half the man my Daddy was
Half the man he wanted me to be

So I packed up, cashed my chips and pointed that car east
No idea where I was going, anywhere but here'd worked for me
Somehow I still think I made him proud
Just by getting out

You either get locked up or you join the corps
You work the grill at Pete's Burgers and more
You buy a map and pick a spot
Drive as fast as you can

'Cause fallin' down here's all too real
Broken dreams and tobacco fields
Hollow shells with hardened eyes
That didn't make it out

They're either dropped out or knocked up
That high school girl that they thought they loved
Now their life revolves around
Diapers and DirecTV

We aren't the men
We aren't the men our fathers were
We aren't the men they wanted us to be

So I packed up, cashed my chips and pointed that car east
No idea where I was going, anywhere but here'd worked for me
Somehow I still think I made him proud
Just by getting out

Well I was born in the valley of the Cape Fear River
'Bout a thirty-minute drive to the south of Virginia
The north star of this great state
At least that's what the sign said

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American Aquarium – Casualties Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Casualties – American Aquarium

I've got a cracked windshield and Mardi Gras beads
Some trucker hats and old hotel keys
We've got a dash full of trash and other bands CD's
I've got a cracked windshield and Mardi Gras beads

Breakin' points and broken guitar strings
We bet big and we lost everything
We damn near wasted all our twenties chasin' down our dreams
Now we're all breakin' points and broken guitar strings

We ain't ever gonna make it like I thought we would
So why can't we just pack it up and say we did the best we could?
I used to be a decent man, then life just took its toll
Now I'm just a casualty of Rock and Roll

Closin' time and openin' bands
A different town, the same old one night stand
Another midnight muse in cowboy boots with X's on her hands
Closin' time and openin' bands

It's like playin' a game you know you'll never win
You're down to your last hand and you're all in
Then a turn of luck and you double up just to bet it all again
You see, we're playin' a game we know we'll never win

We ain't ever gonna make it like I thought we would
So why can't we just pack it up and say we did the best we could?
I should'a been a doctor or a lawyer, or a policeman on patrol
Instead I'm a casualty of Rock and Roll

Tell my mama and my daddy that I tried
Tell all my friends and family goodbye
'Cause if the road is where you live, boy, the road is where you'll die
Tell my mama and my daddy that I tried

We ain't ever gonna make it like I thought we would
So why can't we just pack it up and say we did the best we could?
Gave my heart to the highway, she returned it full of holes
We're just casualties of rock and roll

Rock and Roll (Rock and Roll)
Rock and Roll
Rock and Roll (Rock and Roll)
Rock and Roll
Rock and Roll
Rock and Roll
Rock and Roll

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American Aquarium – City Lights Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
City Lights – American Aquarium

The river sings a sad love song
And the rain outside just sings along
And we all dance for the lonely
Well over that hill, sun's waitin' for me
Up in Johnson City, Tennessee
We got a show tomorrow in Nashville

So I tried to call you on my telephone
But your answerin' machine told me you ain't home
Baby girl, when you gonna realize
That you can't wash away all your pain
With your dirty wine and cheap champagne?
You're just dancing for the lonely

And goddamn this city
To hell with the cold dark nights
And my God you look so pretty
Under those city lights

And every town and every place
There's a blue eyed story with a pretty face
Just achin' for a little attention
She's a hometown girl alone at the bar
She tried to get out but she didn't get far
Now she's stuck here for a lifetime

Aw but when she puts on that dancin' dress
Lips are blood red and her hair's a mess
And she's ready to fall in love tonight
Aw but after a few, they all look the same
And I don't even think that he asked her name
She's just another notch on the bedpost

And goddamn this city
To hell with the cold dark night
And to think that she looked so pretty
Under those city lights

And what part of this have we not been through?
What good is some money if I ain't got you?
Just know in your heart that I miss you
Well I hate to cut it short, but babe I've gotta go
The boys are headed up to Ohio
How I wish it was Carolina

And goddamn this city
To hell with the cold dark nights
And my God you look so pretty
Under those city lights
And my God you look so pretty
Under those city lights

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American Aquarium – Clark Ave. Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Clark Ave. – American Aquarium

In the first row apartment on the corner of Clark
Smokin' hot redhead in the parkin' lot
Shakin' that thing, showin' everything she's got
With a wink she said "We're drinkin' down at the dock"

"So boy, you outta come"
She said, "I know you're taken, but what's wrong with havin' fun?"

So we get to the bar about a quarter to ten
And the guitar's screamin' and the band kicks in
Sittin' in the corner nursin' tonic and gin
Wearin' that dress, she's sexy as sin

Good Lord, I need a drink
With a body like that, hell, it gets so hard to think

When I'm sober, I pray to Jesus
When I'm drunk, that's when I talk to God
Oh the Bible and the bottle both deceive us
Into thinkin' we're somethin' we're not
Into thinkin' we're somethin' we're not

Well the drinks kept pourin' and so did my lies
And I'm sure she could see through my bourbon disguise
Hand kept crawlin' up my thigh
She said "I don't do this with most guys"

Oh Lord, we all have a scene
My heart was racin' like an engine and it's dancin' like a Harlem queen

Well the bar's shuttin' down and it's time to go
Head to her place and turn the lights down low
Headlights shoot through the front window
She said "Quick! Run! Hide! My boyfriend's home!"

Oh Lord, what have I done?
I'm a-creepin' out the back and he's stormin' through the front

When I'm sober, I pray to Jesus
When I'm drunk, that's when I talk to God
Oh the Bible and the bottle both deceive us
Into thinkin' we're somethin' we're not
Into thinkin' we're somethin' we're not

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American Aquarium – Coffee & Cigarettes Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Coffee & Cigarettes – American Aquarium

You're a cold cup of coffee and a cigarette
You're a favorite line I won't forget
You're everything I'm asking for
You're everything my heart desires

I've been lonely
Since the day I was born
And I've got nothing to show
But these scars and broken bones

So take me high as you can
Take me high as you can
And I'll let you be my darlin'
If you let me be your man

You're a double shot of bourbon on the rocks
With just a splash of ginger
You're a methamphetamine midnight
That never ends

You're everything that's bad
That feels so goddamn good
And you'd know I'd change my ways
Baby if I could

So take me high as you can
Take me high as you can
And I'll let you be my darlin'
If you let me be your man

So take me high as you can
Take me high as you can
And I'll let you be my darlin'
If you let me be your man

You're a cold cup of coffee and a cigarette
You're a favorite line I won't forget

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American Aquarium – Come Around This Town Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Come Around This Town – American Aquarium

Well it's been two weeks and three days
Since my eyes have seen the glory of your face
But your voice and drug of choice are in this place
Your words are my Amazing Grace

Well honey you spin me around
Pick me up when I fall to the ground
Help me swim when I thought for sure I'd drown
You're the only reason I come around this town

Well the calendar turns days into weeks
Like a second-hand magician on the street
But it's a twisted game of hide-and-go-seek
When you hide your lies right in front of me

Well honey you spin me around
Pick me up when I fall to the ground
Help me swim when I thought for sure I'd drown
You're the only reason I come around this town

Well I have stopped countin' the days
Pretty soon I've given up on this place
But baby, if you'd come back home and stay
I'll keep all your bad dreams away

Well honey you spin me around
Pick me up when I fall to the ground
Help me swim when I thought for sure I'd drown
You're the only reason I come around this town
Why come around this town
Still come around this town
Oh, come around this town

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American Aquarium – Crooked+Straight Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Crooked+Straight – American Aquarium

My daddy was a Southern Baptist deacon
On the Good Book I was born and raised
But I never quite bought into the preachin'
Too much fear, too much hate

So I drifted from my faith outta high school
I questioned things that I could not see
That's when they told my dad that we weren't welcome back
And they were gonna be prayin' for me

He said "Son, the road, it ain't easy
"It's all just a series of mistakes
"But you gotta learn how to take
"The bruises with the breaks
"The love with the heartache
"The crooked with the straight"

I wandered through my twenties uninspired
I got my education at the end of the bar
And I traded in my youth for three chords and the truth
And the ring of an electric guitar
And we made all these plans, we were gonna take a stand
Set out and rise above the noise
But after all those shows we played, their fight began to fade
And as they walked away, I heard my father's voice

He said "Son, the road, it ain't easy
"It's all just a series of mistakes
"But you gotta learn how to take
"The bruises with the breaks
"The love with the heartache
"The crooked with the straight"

He said "Son, the road, it ain't easy
"It's all just a series of mistakes
"And Son, you might not believe me
"But I promise, you will one of these days
"That you're gonna learn how to take
"The bruises with the breaks
"The love with the heartache
"The crooked with the straight"

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American Aquarium – Dandelions Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Dandelions – American Aquarium

Dandelions bloom in a field in my hometown
They have been there twenty one years
And they got plans on sticking around
Like a ballerina they cut through the cool night breeze
Dancing with their clothes off, there hearts upon their sleeve

There's something about this place that I can't hide
I can't outrun this feeling no matter how hard I try
I can't get you off my mind no matter what I do
Because everything in this damn town reminds me of you

Well the cows still graze that field on Sandy Cross
And I drive up and down this road searching for something I lost
But I don't think I'll find what I'm looking for
Because the girl I never told I loved doesn't live here anymore

There's something about this place that I can't hide
I can't outrun this feeling no matter how hard I try
I can't get you off my mind no matter what I do
Because everything in this damn town reminds me of you

The neon lights downtown, oh how they shine
And this city steals my paycheck, one drink at a time
Like a makeshift raft at sea I'm bound to sink
Because the beautiful women with dangerous smiles keep forcing me to drink

There's something about this place that I can't hide
I can't outrun this feeling no matter how hard I try
I can't get you off my mind no matter what I do
Because everything in this damn town reminds me of you

You and me we were oh so free
Running around like two young kids should be
Who would have thought that we would fall, we tripped
We fell, we lost it all in this town, this town

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American Aquarium – Down Under Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Down Under – American Aquarium

It's Friday night and I'm sittin' here
Info-mercial and a lukewarm beer
Through the window the red taillights
Rage a war on the October sky

And I know she's gone
Yeah I know she ain't lookin' back
Yes I know that she loves me
And I'd do anything, oh Lord, to keep her here

It's 3 A.M. and I grab my keys
I drive around while my sinner sleeps
Yellow lines perforate my mind
Seems like all I'm doin' is wastin' time

Well I know she's gone
Yeah I know she ain't lookin' back
Yes I know that she loves me
And I'd do anything, oh Lord, to keep her here

Her bags are packed and her luggage checked
And I'm burnin' out like her cigarette
She says she'll call, she says she''ll write
But all that means is I'm alone again tonight

And I know she's gone
Yeah I know she ain't lookin' back
Yes I know that she loves me
And I'd do anything, oh Lord, to keep her here
I'll keep her here, keep her here
I'll keep her here, I'll keep her here
Keep her here, I'll keep her here

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American Aquarium – Downtown Girls Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Downtown Girls – American Aquarium

Downtown girls look pretty in the bar lights
Downtown girls look pretty after hours
They look like trouble and they taste like gin
But they smell like dogwood flowers

Downtown girls, man, they're all the same at heart
They're just goin' through the motions
They'll call you handsome if you buy them a drink
They're as empty as a Valentine's Day without the roses

Downtown girls are gonna hurt you
They only care about themselves
Downtown girls are gonna desert you
And leave you feelin' sorry for yourself

A downtown girl's like a card game
She can bluff a mean twenty-one
I'd sneak her in to all my favorite bars
She can lie to your face through a smile, oh I should've seen it comin'

Downtown girls are gonna hurt you
They only care about themselves
Downtown girls are gonna desert you
And leave you feelin' sorry for yourself

A downtown girl, man, she could have been the one
If it was only me she'd chosen
She's got these eyes that can turn stars to stone
The only problem is she knows it

Downtown girls are gonna hurt you
They only care about themselves
Downtown girls are gonna desert you
And leave you feelin' sorry for yourself

Downtown girls are gonna hurt you
They only care about themselves
Downtown girls are gonna desert you
And leave you feelin' sorry for yourself

Aw yeah well...

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American Aquarium – Emelia Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Emelia – American Aquarium

Tell me, what have you done?
Are you always runnin'
From the ones that you love?

Your toothbrush still sits
Right where you left it
You called it quits
And you walked out my door

And why do you always run
When the goin' gets tough?

When you've lived with the devil
You pray there's a God
But you curse his name
When you find out there's not

Cause he takes what you love
And he throws it away
Think he gets off
When a grown man cries

And why does he always run
When the goin' gets tough?
Goin' gets tough

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American Aquarium – End Over End Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
End Over End – American Aquarium

I'll hand you a note pad
Baby I'll hand you a pen
Just explain it one more time
I'll kick and I'll scream
Hold my breath and count to ten
Just explain it one more time

'Cause when the world stop spinning
End over end
And the blood all dries
And the wounds they start to mend
When I need less of a lover
And more of a friend
Baby please don't
Promise you won't
Baby don't let me down again

What did you see in them
That you couldn't find in me
Just tell me and I can change
Make a list of all the things you want me to be
Just tell me and I can change

'Cause when the world stop spinning
End over end
And the blood all dries
And the wounds they start to mend
When I need less of a lover
And more of a friend
Baby please don't
Promise you won't
Baby don't let me down again

'Cause when the world stop spinning
End over end
And the blood all dries
And the wounds they start to mend
When I need less of a lover
And more of a friend
Baby please don't
Promise you won't
Baby don't let me down again

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American Aquarium – Family Problems Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Family Problems – American Aquarium

This town has got a way of sucking you in
Chewing you up just to spit you back out again
I ain't getting any younger
Every day is an uphill battle
Starring down the barrel of the choices that I made

So I hope you understand
That I am a broken man
But if you'll take my hand
I'll let you fix what you can

Just like my mothers brother I got the family problems
She still calls me sobbing lord begging me to quit
And every time I see her she says I've got his eyes
And constantly reminds me he was dead by 45

So I hope you understand
That I am a broken man
But if you'll take my hand
I'll let you fix what you can

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American Aquarium – Gone Long Gone Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Gone Long Gone – American Aquarium

I've spent my whole life runnin' from the truth
Blamed it on the women and I blamed it on the booze
When you want what you ain't got, you lose what you do
And she'll be gone, long gone

I've set fire to bridges just to watch them come undone
Fought so many battles, and yet a single war I've won
Why play the game when you know the outcome?
She'll be gone, long gone

Gone like the nights we would lie awake
Talkin' to the sun [?] supposed to be
And I know one day she won't be comin' back
Naw she ain't ever coming back

I've been known to let my pride get in the way
Of sayin' the important things she needed me to say
Like tellin' her "I'm sorry babe, let's try it your way"
Now she's gone, long gone

Gone like the nights we would lie awake
Talkin' to the sun [?] supposed to be
And I know one day she won't be comin' back
No she ain't ever coming back

Now I'm left to think about what might have been
If I'd have only listened to her and tried to comprehend
Not takin' her for granted time and time again
She won't be gone, long gone

Gone like the nights we would lie awake
Talkin' to the sun [?] supposed to be
I know one day she won't be comin' back
No she ain't ever coming back
No she ain't ever comin' back

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American Aquarium – Good Fight Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Good Fight – American Aquarium

It should have been a good fight
Two heavyweight boxer going blow-for-blow
Somethin' ain't right
'Cause with just one punch, that was all she wrote

She's burning out like
Like a firework show on the Fourth of July
And I just might
Give you a call if I get drunk enough

Why would you ask for the truth?
The truth is somethin' you don't understand
Well I don't know why I ask you to stay
You're so damn good at walkin' away
You're so damn good at walkin' away

Oh, you're just a runaway
You think your problem's gonna fix itself
Put your gun away
'Cause you ain't gonna hurt no one but yourself

What I'm trying to say
Is that I'm pretty good at fuckin' things up
There's a right way
Yeah I think we've used all the wrong ones up

Why would you ask for the truth
When truth is somethin' you don't understand?
Well I don't know why I ask you to stay
You're so damn good at walkin' away
You're so damn good at walkin' away

I don't know why I ask you to stay
You're so damn good at walking away
You're so damn good at walking
Hell you're walking away
Walking away
Walking away
Oh you're walking away
I said you walking away (So damn good at walking away)
Oh you're walking away (So damn good at walking away)
Oh you're walking away (So damn good at walking away)

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American Aquarium – Hard To Quit Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hard To Quit – American Aquarium

Baby won't you come to bed
And kick off those skinny jeans
Take off what you're wearin'
And let down your hair and
Let me show you how good a mistake can really be

Nobody's ever kissed me like you do
And I don't think anyone ever will
The way you bite my lower lip
And the way my fingertips
Turn on the woman inside of you

Why can't we make this work?
Just tell me what I gotta fix
You ain't gotta stay
But please don't walk away
'Cause you're the hardest thing I've ever had to quit

I'll never forget those nights
In a dirty hotel room
If I had it my way
We'd head out on that highway
And we'd never look back just living between the lines

But your eyes that tell me more
Than your tongue ever will
You just can't help it
You're in love with someone else, kid
And I'm stuck here falling in love with you

Why can't we make this work?
Just tell me what I gotta fix
You ain't gotta stay
But please don't walk away
'Cause you're the hardest thing I've ever had to quit

This shirt still smells like you
I haven't washed these clothes in weeks
I'm killing myself
Just listening to old voicemails
Just to hear the way you said goodbye
Just to hear the way you said goodbye

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American Aquarium – Harmless Sparks Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Harmless Sparks – American Aquarium

I don't know where I'm going
I bet it's somewhere I've been
I've got a hundred miles of highway
And the missing her blues again

This gas station coffee
Little bags of cocaine
And a telephone full of women
With a city beside their name

And these harmless sparks
These harmless sparks
They're gonna leave me in the dark

Well the engine keeps turning
But I'm stuck in first gear
These exit signs, the old friends
I see a couple times a year

Well the bars here are closing
And I'm too drunk to drive
Pretty soon I'll hit the bottom
But at least I enjoyed the ride

And these harmless sparks
And these harmless sparks
They're gonna leave me in the dark

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American Aquarium – Hurricane Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hurricane – American Aquarium

Well there's boards on all the windows
There's a storm blowin' in
And I can tell by the way the wind blows
That she ain't comin' to make friends

I can see you comin' from a mile away
I can tell she's gonna play rough
What took me my whole life to build
Took her one night to fuck it up

Tell me, baby, was I a target
Or was I simply in the way?
When the wind has lost its force
And the rain has run its course
And all you're left with is a name
Namely a hurricane

Well she followed me through Florida
About as calm as a gun for hire
But it wasn't 'til south Georgia
That girl nearly set my chest on fire

When it comes to women
Well, I figured she'd just burn out like the rest
But that damn girl nearly stole my heart
When she stepped out of that black dress

Tell me, baby, was I a target
Or was I simply in the way?
When the wind has lost its force
And the rain has run its course
And all you're left with is a name
Namely a hurricane

Well they say that the eye of the storm
Is the safest place to be
But if I spend one more moment in those eyes
My God, it's gonna be the death of me

I didn't get her, hell that's for sure
She stung me like a hornet's nest
I just can't wait to get back to Carolina
So I can lay those storms to rest

Tell me, baby, was I a target
Or was I simply in the way?
When the wind has lost its force
And the rain has run its course
And all you're left with is a name
Namely a hurricane

My hurricane
My hurricane
Sweet hurricane

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American Aquarium – I Gave Up The Drinking (Before She Gave Up On Me) Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Gave Up The Drinking (Before She Gave Up On Me) – American Aquarium

Well I burned my fair share
Of bridges here and bridges there
And I gave into every hazard of the occupation
For years I called a highway home
But I never got good at sleepin' alone
And I earned every letter of my bad reputation

See it's a blurry line between wrong and right
'Cause what feels so good on a Saturday night
Hurts like hell come Sunday mornin'
I's standin' there when she walked in
And her eyes lit up with a sideways grin
Head got light and my chest caved without warnin'

See I put down the bottle, and she puts up with me
I've spent hours in the mirror tryin' to figure out just what it is she sees
If it weren't for that woman, Lord, I don't know where I'd be
I gave up the drinkin' 'fore she gave up on me

Well I might as well have been an Irishman
'Cause me and old John Jameson
Spent many nights burnin' both ends of that candle
Back in my wild and younger days
Boy, lemme tell ya, I could put 'em away
But come closin' time, oh man, I's hard to handle

See I put down the bottle, and she puts up with me
I've spent hours in the mirror tryin' to figure out just what it is she sees
If it weren't for that woman, Lord, I don't know where I'd be
I gave up the drinkin' 'fore she gave up on me

It was late one summer in old Cow Town
We were shuttin' down the Motor Lounge
Then and there it hit me 'bout as serious as a heart attack
So I ordered one last drink and I paid
And I bid farewell to my ramblin' days
And I walked out that front door and I didn't look back

You see I put down the bottle, and she put up with me
I've spent hours in the mirror tryin' to figure out just what it is she sees
If it weren't for that woman, Lord, I don't know where I'd be
I gave up the drinkin' 'fore she gave up on me
Yes I gave up the drinkin' 'fore she gave up on me

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American Aquarium – I Hope He Breaks Your Heart Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Hope He Breaks Your Heart – American Aquarium

Well last night wasn't so good
And tonight it's looking worse
And I'm still getting used to waking up on your side of the bed

Well the rumors they start to fly
And my hope up and dies
And these hangover cured
They're taking their toll on my health

I should have seen it
Yeah, I suppose
It was written under my nose
But I never could take my eyes off of you

So I hear you're with another man
Hell, I'm doing the best that I can
You fuck like a woman
But you love like a little girl

And I hope he breaks your heart
And I hope you cry all night
And I hope
You feel
The way I do now

I fell hard and I fell fast
I should have known it'd never last
The best things in my life
They always end too soon

So I've packed up and I'm moving on
Hell, I'm tired of writing these songs
It seems like I waste all the pretty ones on you

And I hope he breaks your heart
And I hope you cry all night
And I hope
You feel
The way I do now

And I hope he breaks your heart
And I hope you cry all night
And I hope
You feel
The way I do now

Woah, the way I do now

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American Aquarium – Im Sorry I Ruined Everything Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Im Sorry I Ruined Everything – American Aquarium

Skyline waitin' for sunrise
A train is rumblin' near by
And the sound of the engineer is getting close
The front seat we confront your fears
And my fingertips wipe away the tears
From the face that has haunted all my dreams

You said that I ruined everything tonight
You said that I ruined everything
Well I'm sorry I ruined your night
I'm sorry I ruined those years
I'm sorry I ruined everything

I'll never forget that look in your eye
The way that day you said "Goodbye"
I offered the world and you just walked away
Like the summer you were gone
You left with just what you had on
But you forgot to give me back my heart

You said that I ruined everything in your life
You said that I ruined everything
Well I'm sorry I ruined your life
I'm sorry I ruined those years
I'm sorry I ruined everything

"No, you pick the place to meet
"A cup of coffee, a bite to eat"
That's what she said before she hung up the phone
She knew all there was to know
I wonder why she let me go
I was the only boy who knew more than her name

She said that I ruined everything in her life
She said that I ruined everything
Well I'm sorry I ruined your life
I'm sorry I ruined two years
I'm sorry I ruined everything

Well I'm sorry I ruined your life
I'm sorry I ruined two years
I'm sorry I ruined everything
I'm sorry I ruined everything

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American Aquarium – Jacksonville Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Jacksonville – American Aquarium

Well it's hard to stay inside when the bar calls your name
And pretty soon this hotel room is gonna drive me insane
So I'm gonna hit the streets tonight
And make my way towards the neon lights
And order a drink in a downtown dive until I forget my name
And if I make it out alive I'll call, you know I will
If I can just survive one more night in Jacksonville

Well the powder picks me up and the pills, they pull me down
When the evenin' ends they're the only friends that seem to stick around
I think I'll spend the rest of my days with poison in my veins
Keep livin' the lie that Rock 'n' Roll's alive, that things are gonna change
And if I make it out alive I'll call, you know I will
If I can just survive one more night in Jacksonville

I spent the better part of my early twenties medicated and always runnin'
From the man my mamma wanted me to be
Now the nights are lonely and hard to remember another show, another bartender
Another place, another face that'll fade away with time
And if I make it out alive I'll call, you know I will
If I can just survive one more night in Jacksonville

If I make it out alive I'll call, you know I will
If I make it out alive I'll call, you know I will
And if I make it our alive I'll call, you know I will
And if I make it out alive I'll call, you know I will
And if I make it out alive I'll call, you know I will
Yeah I'll call, you know I will
Yeah I'll call, you know I will
Yeah I'll call, you know I will
Yeah I'll call, you know I will
Yeah I'll call, and you know I will
Yeah I'll call, you know I will
Yeah I'll call, you know I will

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American Aquarium – Katherine Belle Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Katherine Belle – American Aquarium

She comes bustin' through like a hurricane at midnight
She comes bustin' through like she bought the place
She was just a wolf in thrift-store clothin'
'Til that sheepish smile ran over her face
She stood up and said "Which one of you boys
"Which one of you boys is buyin' my drink?"
She started cussin' like a back row Baptist
I started wond'rin' what my mama would think about

Katherine Belle
I hope you're doin' well
Please don't break my heart
Please don't break my heart

Well we started drinkin' those whiskey and gingers
We drank so much, boy, we almost drowned
The jukebox was singing like a choir on Sunday
I did the Boss, she did a mean James Brown
All of her friends, yeah, they tried to warn me
They said that horse is too wild to tame
So I took a shot and I worked out the courage
To say "Baby girl let's start with your name"
She said, "I'm...

"Katherine Belle
"I hope you're doing well
"Please don't break my heart
"Please don't break my heart"

She woke up on the wrong side of her bed
I woke up on the wrong side of town
She went to work and I went to Georgia
I wonder if she'll be there the next time around

Katherine Belle, I hope you're doing well
Please don't break my heart
Please don't break my heart

Katherine Belle, I hope you're doing well
Please don't break my heart
Please don't break my heart

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American Aquarium – Last Stand Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Last Stand – American Aquarium

She was glassy eyed at the bar
Someone stole the keys to her heart
The neon lights they bent the bottles on the shelf
So she bought another round to feel sorry for herself

She'll drink when she's down
She'll drink when he's not around
She'll drink away her paycheck
She'll drink 'cause she's trying to forget

On a barstool with time to pass
She peels away the label from a longneck glass
Her cheeks are as red as the leaves in the fall
And she keeps looking down, expecting him to call

She'll drink when she's down
She'll drink when he's not in town
She'll drink away her paycheck
She'll drink 'cause she's trying to forget

The bottle's on the desktop, the guitars in my hand
Like a five star general making his last stand
With every passing second, with every painful shot
I realize just who I am and what I'm not

I'll drink when I'm down
I'll drink when no one else is around
I'll drink every dime of my check
I'll drink 'cause I got so much to forget

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American Aquarium – Lonely Ain’t Easy Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lonely Ain't Easy – American Aquarium

The only thing certain is we end up alone
To pick up the pieces of our once-happy home
She took all my records, the hits, the unknowns
She took all the Beatles
She took all the Eagles
She took all the Stones

Lonely ain't easy
Lonely ain't kind
Lonely won't leave me
She's a good friend of mine

Now years of my life that I'll never get back
Ain't it funny how the good times
Never outweigh the bad?
That diamond couldn't cut through all the problems we had
I was always gone
She was all alone
What chance did we have?

Lonely ain't easy
Lonely ain't kind
Lonely won't leave me
She's a good friend of mine

Now I follow the rules, and I play my part
All I got left is this Tin-Man heart
No matter how hard I try, it won't seem to start
She said, "I'll always love you"
She said, "I'll never leave you
"'Til death do us part"

Lonely ain't easy
Lonely ain't kind
Lonely won't leave me
Cause she's a good friend of mine

She's here in the morning
She's in bed when I get home
Sometimes I wish lonely would leave me alone
Leave me alone
Leave me alone

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American Aquarium – Lonesome Drive Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lonesome Drive – American Aquarium

I left before the sun came up this morning
And I saw perfection as I walked away
I left a kiss on your cheek my darling
And for once in my life I didn't have nothing to say
I watched the dawn paint the skyline pastel
I watched the valley bring a sun to life
And I wonder if the flowers knew what happened
In the winter would they still open up to me in July

And this road gets kinda lonely
And the quick stop coffee is keeping me alive
I'm missing my baby and without her it's a lonesome drive

The raindrops keep falling on my pillow
And the sound of the wind is a drug that calms my nerves
I find my reflection in these windows
Hopelessly in love with much to learn
This dim-lit room with chills as cold as autumn
I found inspiration when it was me I was looking for
And the ghost of the girls that came before you
Still dance across these old hardwood floors

And this room gets kinda lonely
And the thought of her is keeping me alive
I'm missing my baby and I don't like living on lonesome drive

And this life gets kinda lonely
And the thought of her is keeping me alive
I'm missing my baby and what keeps me going is this lonesome drive

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American Aquarium – Losing Side Of Twenty-Five Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Losing Side Of Twenty-Five – American Aquarium

All my friends are growing up
Changing pretty girls last names
I'm still finding my way
Rolling down the highway
Playing a much younger mans game

Every night we're drinking
In dive bars and dance halls
They're all at that age
Where they're all having babies
And picking out the nursery coloured walls

They all ask me how I'm doing
I just smile and realize
That although it was kind to me
My youth is all behind me
Now I'm on the losing side
The losing side of twenty five

Mom and dad did the best they could
To raise me the right way
And I'll lean more their own
And I started writing songs
Thinking I had something to say

So every week at the Food Lion
All the other parents boast
About there kids graduating
Getting higher educations
In the big city jobs that they chose

My parents asked me how I'm doing
I hang my head and close my eyes
They say don't throw your life away
Go and get a job that pays
We love you and we know that you tried
The losing side of twenty five

Yeah I might never have a mansion
Hell I might never own me a home
But I got a couple of songs
And some boys that I call friends
And a pretty girl that I can call my own

Yeah I might never be a millionaire
That's alright by me
Cus' I've done the things I wanted to
And said the things I needed to
And seen the things I wanted to see

When they all ask me how I'm doing
I just smile and realize
There are different roads to happiness
I took a different path I guess
Came out on the other side just fine
The losing side of twenty five

Yeah there are different roads to happiness
I took a different path I guess
Came out on the others side just fine
The losing side of twenty five

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American Aquarium – Lousiana Beauty Queen Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lousiana Beauty Queen – American Aquarium

You're the prettiest girl I ever have seen
From South Carolina to New Orleans
You got the long, dark hair and those big doe eyes
I'm going to find a way to make you mine

So I bite my tongue and grab my drink tight
I said "Baby, what you doing on Saturday night"
She said "Good God a-mighty, bless your soul
Pick me up at seven and let the good times roll"

Now baby, I just want to fall in love with you
Now baby, I just want to fall in love with you
Now baby, I just want to fall in love with you
Now baby, I just want to fall in love with you

You ain't so bad, you ain't so tough
You ain't that old but you're old enough
What do you say we go back to your house
You ain't Miss Right, but you're Miss Right Now

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American Aquarium – Lover Too Late Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lover Too Late – American Aquarium

In an all-night diner 'bout a quarter 'til three
A pretty girl's cuttin' bedroom eyes at me
She takes her coffee one sugar, one cream
She takes her coffee just like me

In an all-night diner off the interstate
Too much fun outrunnin' fate
With a fork she pokes the eggs on her plate
I said "Baby what's wrong? ", she said "It's gettin' late"

And what more is there left to say?
When we watch tomorrow turn today
And why'd you have to look at me that way?
My honey, my darlin', my lover too late
My honey, my darlin', my lover too late

In a run-down room is where we'll lie
Lose all meanin' of wrong and right
We can be each other's if for just one night
And if the sun comes a-callin', pull the curtains tight

From a run-down room off the interstate
Headed in to work about an hour late
If lovin' you could earn a steady pay
I'd never have to work again another day

And what more is there left to say?
When we watch tomorrow turn today
And why'd you have to look at me that way?
My honey, my darlin', my lover too late
My honey, my darlin', my lover too late

And why'd you have to look at me that way?
My honey, my darlin', my lover too late

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American Aquarium – Man I’m Supposed To Be Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Man I'm Supposed To Be – American Aquarium

I'll never be a sailor
Conquering the raging sea
That ain't the man I'm supposed to be
I'll never be a dancer
I was born with two left feet
That ain't the man I'm supposed to be

Nobody's ever called me a good man
And that's alright by me
Just as long as you call me your man
That's the only man
I ever wanna be

I'll never be a boxer
I've got the heart but no technique
That ain't the man I'm supposed to be
I'll never be an acrobat
Flying high on the trapeze
That ain't the man I'm supposed to be

Nobody ever called me a good man
And that's alright by me
Just as long as you call me your man
That's the only man
I ever wanna be

I guess I'll be a singer
Struggling to stay on key
That's the man I'm supposed to be
Never first, never last
Just somewhere in between
That's the man I'm supposed to be

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American Aquarium – Manhattan Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Manhattan – American Aquarium

Thousand feet above the ground
Lookin' o'er a postcard town
As one-by-one lights go out in Brooklyn
Looks like the stars have all fell down
Spread themselves across the ground
Like a farmer sowin' seed in the spring-time

Taxi rides just after dark
Those eyes could'a lit up Central Park
Then kiss like you see in the movies
Wore my heart around your neck
And I'm sure that I would not forget
This city, this moment, this girl

Manhattan, manhattan
Oh where have you been all my life?

Out of town kids with nothin' to do
Fake ID's and cowboy boots
And a friend to keep us loaded for the weekend
We'll catch the A Train to Chamber Street
Jenny's got a girl that she wants me to meet
She'll get me high, she'll get me drunk, she'll get me off

Grand Central is still alive
As we rush to jump the 10: 05
And make sure that we get back to Brooklyn
And tomorrow mornin' we'll be on track
To the town that tries to hold us back
But you haven't seen the last of us

Oh where have you been?
Where have you been?
Oh where have you been?
Oh where have you been?

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American Aquarium – Mary, Mary Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Mary, Mary – American Aquarium

Well she walks into a room and the boys all stare
Those pencil pink lips and her honeysuckle hair
I caught her shooting eyes in the rear-view mirror
Sayin' let's go swimmin' in our underwear

Oh Mary, Mary full of grace
What do you say we blow this place?
What good is a God if you ain't got faith?
What good is a God when you can't be
When you can't be saved?

I could tell she's trouble from the very start
So I bit my tongue and I played my part
Sex and love, I can't keep 'em apart
Walked in with my attention walked out with my heart

She's into kissing boys, she's into playing games
Got two different faces and three first names
She'll argue the difference 'tween pot and cocaine
But the drugs are like the girls, it's damage all the same

Oh Mary, Mary full of grace
What do you say we blow this place?
What good is a God if you ain't got faith?
What good is a God when you can't be
When you can't be saved?

In a two-bedroom on 14th Street
The boys are at the bar, we're exploring the sheets
It started on your lips, it ended on your knees
I think I fall in love with every girl I meet

Oh Mary, Mary full of grace
What do you say we blow this place?
What good is a God if you ain't got faith?
What good is a God when you can't be saved?

Oh Mary, Mary full of grace
What do you say we blow this place?
What good is a God if you ain't got faith?
What good is a God when you can't be
When you can't be saved?

No you can't
No you can't
No you can't
No you can't be saved
No you can't
No you can't
No you can't
You can't be saved

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American Aquarium – Meredith Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Meredith – American Aquarium

Oh lay your head down, my darlin'
And say a prayer for me
'Cause I'm broken down and abandoned
If this is love, it's nowhere I want to be

All those other boys you call lovers
So quick with your heart and soul, easy to sell
They're the demons who walk through my bedroom every night
And for that, I hope they burn in hell

Oh Meredith
Oh Meredith
Oh Meredith, I'd change for you

When you pull me out of a thunderstorm
And you dried me off, threw me back out again
And the hardest part of fallin' out of love
Is falling back in

Oh Meredith
Oh Meredith
Oh Meredith, I'd change for you

I don't know if I ever fell for you
Hell, maybe I just fell for the part
But you taught me a body on those cold dark nights
Is the best cure for a broken heart

Oh Meredith
Oh Meredith
Oh Meredith, I'd change for you

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American Aquarium – Monsters Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Monsters – American Aquarium

Saw you sleepin' yesterday
Facedown in a shoebox
You were lyin' just the way
You were the day I left you
Dust settles on your face
As time consumes the memories
Now you're nothin' but a name
Another face in the crowd

And where were you when I needed a friend?
And where were you when I was at the end?
And I take back the words I said
'Cause all I have of you are the monsters under my bed
Monsters under my bed

I forgot how you used to smile
Before the walls came tumblin'
Down on what we had
A kingdom reduced to nothin'
I'm surprised that you stayed
Two years of degradation
You were fightin' just to save
A sinner not worth savin'

And where were you when I needed a friend?
And where were you when I was at the end?
And I take back the words I said
'Cause all I have of you are the monsters under my bed
The monsters under my bed

Well I lay my sins to rest
Judgement Day at last
I'll never see tomorrow
If I'm livin' in the past
I'm a better man today
Two years to my favor
And you're nothin' but a name
Another face in the crowd

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American Aquarium – Month Full Of Sundays Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Month Full Of Sundays – American Aquarium

He got word the thirteenth day of January nineteen forty two
And when his country came a calling he knew what had to do
Dressed in white he left port, aboard the USS Arizona
And left his wife and baby girl high in the hills of North Carolina

He said I don't know how long I'll be
But you know that I always find a way
I hope that y'all won't worry about me
Because I'll be home in a month full of Sundays

Well the days grew long and the nights grew cold
Without any word from the outside world
Every night he'd close his eyes and see Caroline, his new born baby girl
The visions of Elizabeth, her golden hair glistening in the sun
And every night he'd lie awake and scream
"Lord, what has Roosevelt gone and done"

He said I don't know how long I'll be
But you know that I always find a way
I hope that y'all won't worry about me
Because I'll be home in a month full of Sundays

Well after two long years aboard the deck of the USS Arizona
He went and got his papers and was headed west to a port in Pensacola
When his greyhound crunched to a stop on the solid ground of western North Carolina
His wife and his baby girl we're waiting there to take him home
Take him back down the old dirt road, his grandpa used to plow before the Great War
Take him back down the holler that leads up by old man William's general store
Take him back down to the big tall pine where him and Elizabeth pledged there love
Take him back down, take him back down
And take him back down to the place that he calls home

He said I don't know how long I'll be
But you know that I always find a way
I hope that y'all won't worry about me
Because I'll be home in a month full of Sundays

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American Aquarium – Northern Lights Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Northern Lights – American Aquarium

I'm just a passing ship in the dark
Never stay 'til the morning, makes leaving too hard
I've made a living breaking young girls hearts
It ain't no fun when your hearts the one that starts falling apart

So when the day turns to night
And the path is hard to find
Won't you be my northern lights

Anything I've ever loved
I found a way to love
Anything I've ever lost
I've found an excuse
So don't give up on me babe
If it's the last thing you do
Don't cut the strings of the only thing
I'm holding on to

'Cause when the day turns to night
And the path is hard to find
Won't you be my northern lights

And I'm tired of running away
I'm tired of bringing you down
I'm just hoping there's a way
We can turn this ship around

When the day turns to night
And the path is hard to find
Won't you be more northern lights
Northern Lights

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American Aquarium – Nothing To Lose Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Nothing To Lose – American Aquarium

She had on her mama's dress
It was quilted, white, and freshly pressed
She looked like the Queen of Appalachia
We threw everything we had
In the back of my daddy's Cadillac
And dared the whole world to catch us

Got a full tank of gas and a bottle of booze
A pocket full of cash, and nothin' to lose

As we pulled out of her daddy's place
A smile crept 'cross her face
She said, "Are we really gonna do this?"
That's when we both realized
We were leavin' all the bad behind
And we started shoutin' broken "Hallelujah! "s

Now come on, baby, take my hand
'Cause we're headin' on to the promised land

So take it easy, babe
On this heart of mine
If we play our cards right, baby, we just might make it outta here alive

Well the car was black, a '68
With a 429 fast enough to make
Them telephone poles look like fences
The motor howls around the clock
And the streetlights fight us every single block
From here all the way to Memphis

We're headin' out, anywhere but here
And everything we know is in the rearview mirror

Well the wind set her hair to dancin'
Occasionally giving glances
Of her face, all freckles and sunburn
With a smile you won't soon forget
To the way she lights her cigarettes
She's a modern-day Audrey Hepburn

Got her daddy's temper and her mama's eyes
The world ahead of us, and her by my side

So take it easy, babe
On this heart of mine
If we play our cards right, baby, we just might make it outta here alive

There's a Red Collar song on the radio
I think it's used guitars
But I don't know, 'cause the speaker's busted
She locked her hand in mine
And her fingers traced a tattoo line
And she said "You're the only boy I've ever trusted"

Got a full tank of gas and a bottle of booze
A pocket full of cash, and nothin' to lose

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American Aquarium – Nothing To Lose Testo della canzone

She had on her mama’s dress
It was quilted, white, and freshly pressed
She looked like the Queen of Appalachia
We threw everything we had
In the back of my daddy’s Cadillac
And dared the whole world to catch us

Got a full tank of gas and a bottle of booze
A pocket full of cash, and nothin’ to lose

As we pulled out of her daddy’s place
A smile crept ‘cross her face
She said, “Are we really gonna do this?”
That’s when we both realized
We were leavin’ all the bad behind
And we started shoutin’ broken “Hallelujah! “s

Now come on, baby, take my hand
‘Cause we’re headin’ on to the promised land

So take it easy, babe
On this heart of mine
If we play our cards right, baby, we just might make it outta here alive

Well the car was black, a ’68
With a 429 fast enough to make
Them telephone poles look like fences
The motor howls around the clock
And the streetlights fight us every single block
From here all the way to Memphis

We’re headin’ out, anywhere but here
And everything we know is in the rearview mirror

Well the wind set her hair to dancin’
Occasionally giving glances
Of her face, all freckles and sunburn
With a smile you won’t soon forget
To the way she lights her cigarettes
She’s a modern-day Audrey Hepburn

Got her daddy’s temper and her mama’s eyes
The world ahead of us, and her by my side

So take it easy, babe
On this heart of mine
If we play our cards right, baby, we just might make it outta here alive

There’s a Red Collar song on the radio
I think it’s used guitars
But I don’t know, ‘cause the speaker’s busted
She locked her hand in mine
And her fingers traced a tattoo line
And she said “You’re the only boy I’ve ever trusted”

Got a full tank of gas and a bottle of booze
A pocket full of cash, and nothin’ to lose


American Aquarium – Old North State Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Old North State – American Aquarium

This ain't for the faint or the weak of heart
This ain't for the ones who walked away
Just to quit while they're ahead
These boys they are my blood
Like old friends from a war
They've seen me at my worst
This life it takes it's toll
And everyday it gets harder and harder to justify
These dead head drives from Tulsa
But everything's gonna be okay soon as I cross that state line

When the morning light shines through the branches on the pines
Carolina I'm coming home

I ain't seen my bed in months
But there's a girl that keeps it warm
As she cries herself to sleep
While I'm out here on the road
Blue Ribbon cans and one night stands and parked cars with girls that know all the words
I always hurt the ones that I love
And I'll spend the rest of my life paying for the pain I put her through
But I swear I'll right these wrongs
And everything is gonna be okay as soon as I cross that state line

When the morning light shines through the branches on the pines
Carolina I'm coming home

And here's to the land of the long leaf pine
The summer land where the sun doth shine
Where the weak grows strong
And the strong grow great
The old north state

When the morning light shines through the branches on the pines
Carolina I'm coming home

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American Aquarium – One Day At A Time Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
One Day At A Time – American Aquarium

Wide-eyed and twenty-one, 'nother shot of Jameson
To calm my nerves before this nightly masquerade
What people saw as nonchalant, a complex conditioned response
A chemical reaction, brown liquor and self-doubt

So that I can stand up on this stage like a guilty child avoidin' blame
I'd kick, I'd scream, I'd curse the names of the girls who walked away
You see the man left holdin' the pen controls how every story ends
And truth becomes a martyr for the sake of the song

Yeah I'm in a good place
I'm a-walkin' that straight line
I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs
One day at a time

For years the drinks were just a crutch until the drinks were just too much
I guess it comes with the job: Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' roll!
You see songs fulfill a human need to sit back and watch another man bleed
So for a moment, we don't have to feel sorry for ourselves

And this imaginary confidence became the first line of defense
If you don't let 'em in, boy, they'll never let you down
But she broke through and took control, my sweetheart of the rodeo
And for the first time I found somethin' I couldn't afford to lose

Yeah I'm in a good place
I'm a-walkin' that straight line
I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs
One day at a time

Every now and then I miss the way that highball glass would kiss
My lips like a long-lost love welcomin' me home
But I don't miss the highs and lows, the back-and-forth, the ebb-and-flow
Of lettin' down the people who are standin' up for me

Yeah I'm in a good place
I'm a-walkin' that straight line
I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs
One day at a time
I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs
One day at a time

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American Aquarium – PBR Promenade Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
PBR Promenade – American Aquarium

First time I saw you, I was drunk and broken-hearted
You were only eighteen, I was pushin' twenty-three
Your blue eyes like a lighthouse on that dark deserted shore
And I am just a broken ship at sea

So I grabbed your hand and we went outside walkin'
There was cheap beer on your breath and in your cup
And that PBR promenade in an empty parking lot
Was the only slow dance I never fucked up

You're pullin' me down to the bottom of everything
Pullin' me down where I don't feel a thing
And I don't know how far we'll go
But tonight I'll stand with you

Now the winter wind cut through me
Like the sails of tall ships sailing
And I was run aground at the mercy of your storm
We were tangled up like Christmas lights
On the hood of that white car
Never found it easier to stay warm

But like a broken home our evening came crashing
Crashing down like the mighty waves
It all came to an end
And I felt as useless as a bible in a hotel room
I guess every man must answer for his sins

You're pullin' me down to the bottom of everything
Pullin' me down where I don't feel a thing
And I don't know how far we'll go
But tonight I'll stand with you

Your blue eyes like a lighthouse on that dark deserted shore
And I am just a broken ship at sea
I am just a broken ship at sea
Oh Lord, I am just a broken ship at sea

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American Aquarium – Queen Of The Scene Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Queen Of The Scene – American Aquarium

She was tall and pale, she's the queen of her scene
She hates the way I talk but she loves the way I sing
She spends too much time being something she ain't
When the smoke all clears there's always
Someone to blame

When you spend all your time trying to make things right
Guess you can't clean it up if it's broken inside
Never wants to listen to single word I say
No matter how much I ask her

I am what I am and I ain't what I ain't
I'm not yet a killer, but I'm far from a saint
I don't really think it matters what I do
I don't think I'll ever be good enough for you

She doubted me like Thomas when I needed her like Paul
Turned her back on me like Judas and let me take the fall
She called me a traitor, she called me a lie
She fed me to the lions and hung me
She hung me out to dry

So I hear you got a new boy, he looks a lot like me
I bet he can't sing like I sing
So I'll just sit back, babe, and I'll play my part
He may have your hand but I still got your heart

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American Aquarium – Ramblin’ Ways Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ramblin' Ways – American Aquarium

They say home is where the heart lies
It's a place to get my mail sent
A two bedroom museum
Full of things I never get to use
A three digit adress
That I would use to impress
Lonely dark haired women
Stumblin' out of the bars downtown

All my friends think I made it
And this month I barely paid rent
Seems like I'm bustin' knuckles just to get by
They turned off the cable
And I'll pay it when I'm able
But as long as it's just you and me
There ain't much else I really need

Cus' you're the only thing that's changed my mind in 27 years
You're the only one who ever questioned what I'm doing here
You're the only thing that ever seems to brighten these dark days
You're the only thing that'll ever change my ramblin' ways

And I've seen the entire country
Sittin' in the front seat
Staring out a window
At a road that never seems to end
Yeah out here it gets lonely
And these nights it seems the only
Thing I ever think about
Is a road that leads me back to you

Cus' you're the only thing that's changed my mind in 27 years
You're the only one who ever questioned what I'm doing here
You're the only thing that ever seems to brighten these dark days
You're the only thing that'll ever change my ramblin' ways

And I'm losing my patience
Cus' every single station
Is playing songs that remind me of you
And I'll do everything I can
To make sure that I am the man
That you want coming home to you

Ohh cus' you're the only thing that's changed my mind in 27 years
You're the only one who ever questioned what I'm doing here
You're the only thing that ever seems to brighten these dark days
You're the only thing that'll ever change my ramblin' ways

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American Aquarium – Rattlesnake Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Rattlesnake – American Aquarium

Well she's born outside of Memphis, just north of Tupelo
Oh Lord, she's a Mississippi Queen
And just like that big river, oh Lord, she'll pull you under
She fights fire with gasoline

The first time that I saw her down at the white water
Dance across those ancient hardwood floors
And you could tell she had a history with the cigarettes and whiskey
And the boys that had a way with words

But I want to make that glorious mistake
She's got the kisses of a thousand angels and the bite of a rattlesnake

Much like my first occurrence with straight Kentucky bourbon
Oh Lord, she took my breath away
And when she called me "Darlin'" I started caterwaulin'
Oh, I had nothin' else to say

But I want to make that glorious mistake
She's got the kisses of a thousand angels and the bite of a rattlesnake

And when she gets me all alone she strikes the fear of Jesus
She sends that fear coursin' through my blood
And when we hit the bedroom, it's always fire and brimstone
Yes I have been washed in the flood

And I want to make that glorious mistake
She's got the kisses of a thousand angels and the bite of a rattlesnake

She's got the kisses of a thousand angels and the bite of a rattlesnake

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American Aquarium – Reidsville Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Reidsville – American Aquarium

In a town where what you know don't make you who you are
It all comes down to the car you drive
Whether you're a Mustang or a Chevrolet man
If you don't know now, you better start choosin' your side
'Cause every Friday night, you'll take her uptown
And line her you on South Scales Street
It looks like a parade on Independence Day
With your homecomin' bride in the passenger seat

We were too young to know what this town had in store
We were too much in love to give a goddamn
With expectations high it's always do or die
It seems like our fate's already been sealed in... Reidsville

When I turned eighteen, I sold that car
Traded wheels for a wedding band
A Plymouth hunter-green, big block with three on the tree
With every nut and bolt turned by these two hands
It was a good start, then things just got so hard
Where the hell did we fall off track?
Now I work for her dad, and the pay it ain't half bad
Keeps a roof on her head and the bank off my back

'Cause we were too young to know what this town had in store
We were too much in love to give a goddamn
With expectations high it's always do or die
It seems like our fate's already been sealed in... Reidsville

That girl of mine, how her eyes they used to shine
Like two rare stones set out on display
We were wild and we were young and we could take on anyone
Now her eyes are darker than a funeral serenade
And I'd burn it down, every square inch of this town
Just to see one more smile on her face
When it comes my day to die, I wanna look God in the eyes
And ask Him why He gave up on this place

'Cause we were too young to know what this town had in store
And we were too much in love to give a goddamn
With expectations high it's always do or die
It seems like our fate's already been sealed in... Reidsville

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American Aquarium – Road To Nowhere Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Road To Nowhere – American Aquarium

Well her mother came and packed her bags and drove her off to nowhere
In the shadows of her second father's shoulders she just stood there
Cryin', cryin'

Then the wicked lies rolled off her tongue like war-bound soldiers marchin'
She ran from the truth like wounded men run from the darkness
When they're dyin', she's dyin'

When I told her I loved her, she told me she's leavin'
Just like every other person in my life that I've believed in
And as she slammed the door and walked away, I turned on my radio
And I played her a dancin' song to guide her home

I had more faith in her than her mother had in Jesus
But like Judas she rebuked my name for jewels and silver pieces
A weddin' ring, a weddin' ring

And in my darkest hour, her eyes filled with desperation
The words were sharp and her sword was swift, Lord I have been forsaken
By my one true love, my one true love

When I told her I loved her, she told me she's leavin'
Just like every other person in my life that I've believed in
And as she slammed the door and walked away, I turned on my radio
And I played her a dancin' song to guide her home

And as I lie alone tonight in the bed we built and once shared
I wonder where where you are and who you're with, Do you think that he cares
About you, about you? (Naw)

Now I am not a godly man, my road's twisted and sinful
But to have you back, I'd bow my head and sing a Southern Baptist hymnal
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

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American Aquarium – Rosebud Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Rosebud – American Aquarium

Come back to bed, hang up the telephone
Lay your sweet head in my arms
The sun peeks through those blinds
And we talked right through the night
Won't you have a drink with me

I've never done this sort of thing
And by your eyes baby, neither have you
But if you help me I'll help you
This stays between me and you
The broken pieces of a bigger lie
And the blood is on both our hands

Rosebud, I know you want to take it slow
But when can I see you again

Under the glow of an antique lamp
You stole my breath away
And the only witness was a muted TV screen
Those sunset lips, glowing red and warm to the touch
For a moment I was lost

Rosebud I know you want to take it slow
But when can I see you again

The highway starts to sing
The city turns on it's lights
And a new day has begun
You put that blue dress on
A breath of air for a feeble heart
Then a kiss and you're gone

Rosebud I know where you want to go
So when can I see you again

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American Aquarium – Saturday Nights Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Saturday Nights – American Aquarium

We've got part time jobs and full time addictions
Talking about God and his best works of fiction
A Pabst Blue Ribbon in a can kind of Saturday night

See this girl walks in with her high heeled shoes
Short little skirt and her daddy issues
Orders a drink and waits for me to take her home
She ain't looking for love, she's just scared to death of being alone

So come on baby, let's burn it down
Strike a match, sit back
And watch the whole thing come tumbling down
Follow me, I can see it's what you want to do
'Cause tonight you're wanting from me what I want from you

Bars filling up with the jean jacket hipsters
American Spirits and the house brown liqour
They may drink cheap because it costs a lot to look so cool
You see I'm the kind of boy your momma warned you about
Only thing I do well is running my mouth
It's getting kinda late and these bands all sound the same
So finish your drink babe, before I forget your name

So come on baby, let's burn it down
Strike a match, sit back
And watch the whole thing come tumbling down
Follow me, I see it's what you want to do
'Cause tonight you're wanting from me what I want from you
I said you're wanting from me, just what I want from you
And if you give it to me, baby, I'm gonna give it to you

I'm gonna give it to you, baby
I'm gonna give it to you
So won't you give it me, darling
Before I give it to you

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American Aquarium – Savannah Almost Killed Me Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Savannah Almost Killed Me – American Aquarium

Well Savannah almost killed me
With cheap beer and Irish whiskey
Singing songs loud and out of tune
She was a Bette Davis double
With diamonds on her knuckles
She knew every word to Born to Run

She was talking to some dead end
I said it looks like you could use a friend
Besides, this bar ain't a place for a girl like you
So we set off into the streetlights
Two kids on a summer weeknight
Skipping rocks and howling at the moon

So let's waste away tonight, let's drink it down so fast
If only I could've found a way to make these moments last
She took hold of this shipwrecked heart
Now I'm fallin' again, I'm fallin' apart

We spent the better part of the evening
Stumbling through these streets and
Praying to God we found our way back home
And when the key hit the front door
There was a trail of clothes on the bedroom floor
You were falling asleep, you looked up and said...

"Let's waste away tonight, let's drink it down so fast"
If only I could've found a way to make these moments last
You took hold of this shipwrecked heart
Now I'm fallin' again, I'm fallin' apart

Somebody tell Georgia I'm leaving
Tell her she's always on my mind
Somebody tell George everything's gonna be alright
Somebody tell Georgia goodbye
Tell her goodbye
Tell her goodnight
Tell her goodbye

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American Aquarium – Savior Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Savior – American Aquarium

There's a street light right outside my window
And some nights it's the only light I find
And the clock on that wall, it has been stuck at four for days
And it seem like I was meant to be behind
I have seen both sides of a sunrise
And these bloodshot eyes, they're steadily wearing thin
And as the liquor and the caffeine both pulse through my veins
I pray that tomorrow I won't end up here again

Everyone needs a savior
Be it minor, be it major
Always on their best behavior
Won't you save me, save me tonight?

Today it was the hottest day of the summer
And those short skirt curves, oh boy, how they do bend
And the minimum wage mem'ries of the summers spent back home
Hell they were fun but didn't pay the rent
So I work a nine-to-five and call it a living
But this living of mine, hell, it's killing it me it seems
So at night I stand up on this stage and I try to explain the difference
Between a tattered heart and a shattered dream

Everyone needs a savior
Be it minor, be it major
Always on their best behavior
Won't you save me, save me tonight?

All my friends, they ask me how I'm doing
And they ask that question as if I've got a choice
See I'm a notebook full of memories, I'm a screaming contradiction
Who talks to hear the sound of his own voice

Everyone needs a savior
Be it minor, be it major
Always on their best behavior
Won't you save me tonight?

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American Aquarium – Shadows Of You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Shadows Of You – American Aquarium

I'll never forget
How your silhouette
Danced on the walls of that room
Or the deafenin' sound
When you let your hair down
And my heart just dropped out of tune

We holed up
In those four walls
As the world outside passed us by
When the morning's embrace
Shed a light on your face
I saw leavin' on your eyes

Like a freight train it hits me that you're good and gone
Like a minor chord in a sad country song
I find myself sittin' all alone the whole night through
So here I am in Richmond again, slow-dancin' with the shadows of you

It was wrong from the start
But the wants of the heart
Seemed to outweigh the soundest of minds
And our lustful desires
Fanned the flames of the fire
That would surely consume us with time

But I must have hesitated
And you asked how long this could go on
'Cause in the blink of an eye
You kiss me goodbye
And as fast you came you were gone

Like a freight train it hits me that you're good and gone
Like a minor chord in a sad country song
I find myself sittin' all alone the whole night through
So here I am in Richmond again, slow-dancin' with the shadows of you

Like a freight train it hits me that you're good and gone
Like a minor chord in a sad country song
I find myself sittin' all alone with nothin' to do
So here I am in Richmond again, slow-dancin' with the shadows of you
And here I am in Richmond again, slow-dancin' with the shadows of you

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American Aquarium – Six Years Come September Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Six Years Come September – American Aquarium

I got a picture of you holding a picture of her taped to the dash of my car
I see it every time I check my speed or run up to the grocery store
The two of you were the only thing in life worth fighting for
Since you been gone, I ain't been much for fightin' anymore

These days, things don't come easy
It's all I can do most just to keep it between the lines
If I'd've done a better job of listenin'
Maybe you would still be mine

I ain't had a drop to drink since the day that you left me
Six years come September, I've been cursed with this clarity
I had to stare in the mirror yellin' at a stranger looking back at me
And the ghost of the man I could've been still haunts all my dreams

These days, things don't come easy
It's all I can do most just to keep it between the lines
If I'd've done a better job of listenin'
Maybe you would still be mine

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American Aquarium – Southern Sadness Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Southern Sadness – American Aquarium

Ever since the day I could talk
I cursed at the streetlight in this town
Swore to all my friends I'd be the one to make it out
Find a place to settle down far from here

Don't get above your raising boy
That's what my mama always say
And I never understood what she meant
Until the other day
When I turned to walk away from this town
My head hung down

Cause there's a certain kind of despair
It hangs heavy in the air
And everywhere I go I'll always smell the Piedmont Pines
And there's a southern sadness that won't let go of this heart of mine

So I spent the next couple years
Burning every bridge I crossed
Yeah I broke my fair share of hearts along the way
I used them up
I walked away and realised
That no matter how far you roam
You never gonna feal at home
I just hope one day that I find what I need
You know what it really means to care

Cause there's a certain kind of despair
It hangs heavy in the air
And everywhere I go I'll always smell the Piedmont Pines
And there's a southern sadness that won't let go of this heart of mine

And I'd be a liar if I said I was proud
And all the words that I've let out of my mouth
And all these deep dark twisted roads I went down down down
It's where I found

There's a certain kind of despair
It hangs heavy in the air
And everywhere I go I'll always smell the Piedmont Pines
And there's a southern sadness that won't let go of this heart of mine

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American Aquarium – St. Mary’s Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
St. Mary's – American Aquarium

Well the church bell's ringing down at old St. Mary's
The sign out front says "Repent and receive"
We still cut through the shadows and alleys
Long time lovers and first time thieves

So roll down the window and let your fingers
Dance to the songs that the radio plays
Like Wilson Pickett we were moving and shaking
Little house of cards in a hurricane

Let's drink to the salt water summer
And the landlocked nights down at Slim's
Where American girls drink Mexican beer
And city boys sing small town hymns

Well failure it runs through the veins of this city
Fitting in means never fighting back
We're all just dreamers chasing disasters
Reaching for the skyline, falling through the cracks

So let's drink to the salt water summer
And the landlocked nights down at Slim's
Where American girls drink Mexican beer
And city boys sing small town hymns

You're just a two pack habit with a southern accent
I'm a pearl snap poet with bad tattoos
So take my hand cause things might get messy
Sink or swim, what do you have to lose?

So let's drink to the salt water summer
And the landlocked nights down at Slim's
Where American girls drink Mexican beer
And city boys sing small town hymns
Where American girls drink Mexican beer
And city boys sing small town hymns

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American Aquarium – Stars And Scars Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Stars And Scars – American Aquarium

Grew up in a small town twenty miles from the state line
Learned early on to work hard for what I thought was mine
In the town that I call home there are two types of folks
Those that find their way out and there's those that don't

And I will give anything to live under those California stars, oh Lord
Guess I'll settle on these Carolina scars

So I packed up like a freight train and I headed towards the lights
But the back of my daddy's Chevrolet was as far as I got that Saturday night
Like a good drug she got me high, Lord did she let me down
And left me here alone to die in this God-forsaken, one-horse town

And I would trade the money that I've made for one night under California stars, oh Lord
Guess I'll settle on these Carolina scars

Now I am not ungrateful, please don't misunderstand
Just a gambler out here waitin' on my winnin' hand
My daddy taught me the lesson he had to teach himself
And to me that's more important than any kind of man-made wealth

And I will return the lessons that I've learned for one night under California stars, oh Lord
I'll just settle on these Carolina stars
Oh, I'll settle on these Carolina scars
Oh, I'll settle on these Carolina scars

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American Aquarium – Tellin A Lie Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tellin A Lie – American Aquarium

Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
If the good life's what you're seekin'
I worked two jobs in a weekend to get by, that ain't no lie
And if the money's what you're testin'
Honey, you are messin' with the wrong guy

Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
He was better at makin' noise
And sure he had the better voice
I know you liked it, yes you did
Well we're out there on the road
And he's wastin' away back home, boy
Livin' to die

Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Well I won't be mistaken
For a one-hit wonder in the makin'
Wonder why?
'Cause if my time ever comes
Gonna blast off like a g-g-gun, so watch it
And I said, If my time ever comes, girl I'm gonna blast off like a rocket

Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie

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American Aquarium – Telling A Lie Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Telling A Lie – American Aquarium

You open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
When you open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
If the good life's what you're seekin'
I worked two jobs in a weekend to get by (oh my)
And if the money's what you're testin'
Then honey, you are messin' with the wrong guy

When he opens his mouth, he'll tell you a lie
When he opens his mouth, he'll tell you a lie
He was better at makin' noise
Sure he had the better voice
I know you liked it
Well we're out there on the road
And he's just wastin' away back home
Livin' to die

When I open my mouth, I'll tell you a lie
When I open my mouth, I'll tell you a lie
You see, I won't be mistaken
For a one-hit wonder in the makin'
Wonder why?
'Cause if my time ever comes
Girl, I'm gonna blast off like a g-g-gun, so watch it
And I said, If my time ever comes
Girl, I'm gonna blast off like a rocket

Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
You open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie
Open your mouth, you're tellin' a lie

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American Aquarium – Telling A Lie Testo della canzone

You open your mouth, you’re tellin’ a lie
When you open your mouth, you’re tellin’ a lie
If the good life’s what you’re seekin’
I worked two jobs in a weekend to get by (oh my)
And if the money’s what you’re testin’
Then honey, you are messin’ with the wrong guy

When he opens his mouth, he’ll tell you a lie
When he opens his mouth, he’ll tell you a lie
He was better at makin’ noise
Sure he had the better voice
I know you liked it
Well we’re out there on the road
And he’s just wastin’ away back home
Livin’ to die

When I open my mouth, I’ll tell you a lie
When I open my mouth, I’ll tell you a lie
You see, I won’t be mistaken
For a one-hit wonder in the makin’
Wonder why?
‘Cause if my time ever comes
Girl, I’m gonna blast off like a g-g-gun, so watch it
And I said, If my time ever comes
Girl, I’m gonna blast off like a rocket

Open your mouth, you’re tellin’ a lie
You open your mouth, you’re tellin’ a lie
Open your mouth, you’re tellin’ a lie
Open your mouth, you’re tellin’ a lie


American Aquarium – Tennessee Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tennessee – American Aquarium

You lied to me on a stranger's bed in Tennessee
When you swore to God you'd never give up on me
You promised me you were the one
You swore to me you were the one

And I fell for you
Hook, line, and sinker I fell for you
I would have done anything you wanted me to
'Cause I thought you were the one
'Cause you swore that you were the one

Did you lie to me when you told me that I was your only one?
And did you lie to me when you whispered the words "I love you"?
I love you

I won't forget that day
The Bull City burned in the month of May
We talked 'til we didn't have that much to say
Your tongue was twisted by the beer
Your tongue said "Let's get out of here"

So I made love to you
On the floor of that room I made love to you
Now my heart don't work the way it used to
Back when you were the one
Back when you swore you're the one

Did you lie to me when you told me I was your only one?
And did you lie to me when you whispered the words "I love you"?
I love you

Well I'm lyin' here
And like a knife the sun cuts through the mornin' air
I reach for you but you're not there
So much can change in a year
So much has changed in a year

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American Aquarium – The Day I Learned How To Lie To You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Day I Learned How To Lie To You – American Aquarium

I told you the day we met
That I'd never make you regret
Choosing me to stand by your side
And I swear I had an honest plan
To make myself an honest man
But the ones best-laid often go awry

And I know good and well
That I'm goin' straight to hell
For all the things I put you through
Yes, my biggest regret in life
The thing that keeps my up at night
The day I learned how to lie to you

I've long set fire to things I love
Told myself I don't deserve
To ever have and hold that kind of glory
But I'll come back in a couple days
To search the ash and memory
And start paintin' my side of the story

And I know good and well
That I'm goin' straight to hell
For all the things I put you through
Yes, my biggest regret in life
The thing that keeps my up at night
The day I learned how to lie to you

For the lies, they started short and small
But then they grew up big and tall
Like that old oak tree out in our front yard
And without warning, late last May
A branch, it snapped and then gave way
It tumbled down and tore our home apart
Yeah, it tumbled down and tore right through your heart

And I know good and well
That I'm goin' straight to hell
For all the things I put you through
Yes, my biggest regret in life
The thing that keeps my up at night
The day I learned how to lie to you

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American Aquarium – The Luckier You Get Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Luckier You Get – American Aquarium

The harder you work, the luckier you get
The more you get done, boy, the less you'll regret
Write it down so you never forget
The harder you work, the luckier you get
The harder you work, the luckier you get

When I turned thirteen, my old man sat me down
He said, "Boy, there's only two ways out of this town
A Greyhound bus that's boot camp-bound
Or put your nose is a book and keep your ear to the ground"

"The harder you work, the luckier you get
The more you get done, boy, the less you'll regret
Write it down so you never forget
The harder you work, the luckier you get"

So I set off to college, but it weren't for me
So I bought a guitar and started playin' for free
Wrote a couple hundred bad ones 'til I had two or three
That I thought were good enough folks might pay me to sing

The harder you work, the luckier you get
The more you get done, boy, the less you'll regret
Write it down so you never forget
The harder you work, the luckier you get
The harder you work, the luckier you get

I've heard far less "Yes"s than I have "No"s
Seen far less highs than I have lows
I'd rather get to the top steady and slow
Than end up there too fast with nowhere to go

The harder you work, the luckier you get
The more you get done, boy, the less you'll regret
Write it down so you never forget
The harder you work, the luckier you get
The harder you work, the luckier you get

The harder you work, the luckier you get
The more you get done, boy, the less you'll regret
Write it down so you never forget
The harder you work, the luckier you get
The harder you work, the luckier you get

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American Aquarium – The World Is On Fire Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The World Is On Fire – American Aquarium

She looked out the window and said, "The world's on fire"
That's when I laughed and poured her a glass of wine
We just stared at the TV tryin' to find some meanin'
Hopin' that we'd wake up from this dream
Sometime tomorrow

Well the night came and went, not a damn thing had changed
That's when I saw a tear fall from her eyes
She said, "What are we gonna do? What's this world comin' to?"
For the first time in my whole life
I stood there speechless

The load is heavy and the road is long
And we've only begun to fight
We just can't give in, we just can't give up
We must go boldly into the darkness
And be the light

So I packed up my car and went lookin' for answers
To the questions weighin' on my mind
When did The Land of the Free become The Home of the Afraid?
Afraid of the world, afraid of the truth
Afraid of each other

This ain't the country my grandfather fought for
But I still see the hate he fought against
Give rest to the tired, give mercy to the poor
Give warmth to the huddled masses
And I'll show you freedom

The load is heavy and the road is long
And we've only begun to fight
We just can't give in, we just can't give up
We must go boldly into the darkness
And be the light

I got a baby girl comin' in the spring
I worry 'bout the world she's comin' into
But she'll have my fight, she'll have her mama's fire
If anyone builds a wall in her journey
Baby, bust right through it

The load is heavy and the road is long
And we've only begun to fight
We just can't give in, we just can't give up
We must go boldly into the darkness

The load is heavy and the road is long
And we've only begun to fight
We just can't give in, we just can't give up
We must go boldly into the darkness
And be the light

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American Aquarium – Things Change Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Things Change – American Aquarium

Things change
And people don't stay the same
It's all just one big game
Until I realized

She was the one
Who stood there by my side
God knows that woman tried
To make me better

But I let here down
And the fight was never fair
I took more than my share
And kept on takin'

White noise
Like the peaceful highway home
I grew numb to the sound
Of her heart breakin'

Things change
And people don't stay the same
It's all just one big game
Until you realize
That you gotta put some skin in
Give up everything you've known
'Til the thought of bein' alone
Don't keep you up at night
Things change

I wasn't well
My will was anything but strong
If there was a wrong turn to take
I took it

'Til all that was left
Was a shell of who I was
Burned out on love
Broke down and bitter

She pulled me out
My sacred siren song
She came alone
To spark the dyin' embers

Things change
And people don't stay the same
It's all just one big game
Until you realize
That you gotta put some skin in
Give up everything you've known
'Til the thought of bein' alone
Don't keep you up at night
Things change

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American Aquarium – Til The Final Curtain Falls Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Til The Final Curtain Falls – American Aquarium

I'll be yours 'til that final curtain falls
I'll be yours forever and a day
'Til the van's all packed
'Til the stage lights fade to black
I'll be yours 'til that final curtain falls

You're the only one I can count on to be in my corner
You're the only one that hadn't turned to walk away
You're my best friend, my lover and a true companion
I'll be yours 'til that final curtain falls

I'll be yours 'til time screeches to a halt
I'll be yours 'til that last grain of sand
Finally decides to pass
Through that great big hourglass
I'll be yours 'til time screeches to a halt

You're the only one I can count on to be in my corner
You're the only one that hadn't turned to walk away
You're my best friend, my lover and a true companion
I'll be yours 'til that final curtain falls

I'll be yours 'til that yonder roll is called
I'll be yours 'til the Maker we both meet
And just know where you decide
To go, I'll be right behind
I'll be yours 'til that yonder roll is called

You're the only one I can count on to be in my corner
You're the only one that hadn't turned to walk away
You're my best friend, my lover and a true companion
I'll be yours 'til that final curtain falls
I'll be yours 'til that final curtain falls

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American Aquarium – Tough Folks Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tough Folks – American Aquarium

I'm caught in the shadows, the American South
Somewhere between hypocrite and hallelujah
Six generations of barely gettin' by
Six generations of hate, what's it to ya?
When the only thing harder than the work is the luck
The outcome's as hopeful as the evenin' news
And last November I saw firsthand
What desperation makes good people do

Life ain't fair
Saddle up, boy, and see it through
Tough times don't last
Tough folks do

See I come from a long line of Carolina farmers
For years, tobacco was the answer
It kept the lights on and put food on the table
'Til the doctors started callin' it cancer
So we took to the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains
With a harvest of corn and some copper line
And we found you can get a little slice of heaven
With some sugar yeast water and a whole lotta time

Life ain't fair
Saddle up, boy, and see it through
Tough times don't last
But tough folks do

Where I'm from a man's only worth the weight of his word and
Respect ain't handed out, it's earned
I've been runnin' with my back to the wall for seventeen years now
And if it's one thing that I've learned, it's...

Life ain't fair
Saddle up, boy, and see it through
Tough times don't last
But tough folks do

Life ain't fair
Saddle up, saddle up
Life ain't fair
Saddle up, saddle up
Life ain't fair
Saddle up, boy, and see it through
Tough times don't last
But tough folks do
Tough times don't last
But tough folks do

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American Aquarium – Water In The Well Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Water In The Well – American Aquarium

Dear Heavenly Father, what have I done?
Used to have it all, now I'm left with none
The Great State of Georgia took the farm away
Because of the bills that I could not pay

My family's name has been here since 1833
A hundred years of sweat and blood handed down to me
So every day I work these fields and every night I pray
The rain, the rain don't ever come and I doubt any's on the way

Oh what will I do when all else fails?
What will I do when no water's in the well?
Oh what will I do when there's nothing left to sell?
Oh, what will I do? Only time will tell

I hear there's work in Richmond and some in New Orleans
But outside that Clarke County line is a world I've never seen
The papers say that the times are tough and money's runnin' low
But the bottom doesn't look so bad when the bottom's all you know

Oh what will I do when all else fails?
What will I do when no water's in the well?
Oh what will I do when there's nothing left to sell?
Oh, what will I do? Only time will tell

Dear Heavenly Father, I've come before you now
A bottle's in my left hand, a pistol's to my brow
The preacher says salvation will cleanse all my bad deeds
But I could never forgive myself for failin' my family

What will I do when all else fails?
What will I do when no water's in the well?
Oh what will I do when there's nothing left to sell?
Oh, what will I do? Only time will tell

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American Aquarium – When We Were Younger Men Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
When We Were Younger Men – American Aquarium

I still hear the silence echo across the hardwood floor
Screamin' as you cut across the room to that front door
Nothin' lasts forever, but I'd've sworn you'd stay
Ain't it funny how the good things in life seem to fade away?

We were carryin' a heavy load
'Til one of use got tired of liftin'
We were headed down a dead-end road
In a car too far gone for fixin'

When I think about that summer and I still hear the sounds
Petty on the radio, "I Won't Back Down"
I called you a brother, but you were closer than my kin
And it kills me knowin' you may never pass my way again
But I hope that every now and then
You look back fondly on the days when we were younger men

We packed up that 350 Ford Econoline
With hopes and dreams and other childish things men learn to leave behind
Spent a decade doin' circles, not knowin' what's in store
Each town more magical than the town before

But we lost track of time
And the dark hair of our youth started to whiten
I watched my father's face become mine
And the cruel hands of truth started to tighten

I still think about that summer, so long ago it seems
Petty on the radio, us "Runnin' Down a Dream"
I called you a brother, but you were closer than my kin
And it kills me knowin' you may never pass my way again
But I hope that every now and then
You look back fondly on the days when we were younger men

I remember back before that pendulum had swung
Back before we said the things that couldn't be undone
I remember back when we were wild and we were young

I think about that summer, how it passed us by
Petty on the radio, us "Learnin' How to Fly"
I called you a brother, but you were closer than my kin
And it kills me knowin' you may never pass my way again
But I hope that every now and then
You will look back fondly on the days when we were younger men

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American Aquarium – Who Needs A Song Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Who Needs A Song – American Aquarium

I've spent half my life on a highway
A million miles beneath my feet
I've seen the bright lights of New York City
I've seen the emptiest of small town streets

Yeah I've missed my share of birthdays
Livin' in a hotel room
Where "I love you" is just a phone call
And "I'm sorry" is an "I'll be home real soon"

Who needs the road if I got you, babe?
How long can you be a rollin' stone?
Who needs the road if I got you, babe?
The only thing I need right now is home
Who needs the road, anyway?

I've never been good with ultimatums
It always ends with "It's me or the road"
Yet I'm still surprised to come home every time
And have to reap the seeds that I've sown

Who needs a song if I got you, babe?
We're never gonna be the Rollin' Stones
Who needs a song if I got you, babe?
The only thing I need right now is home
Who needs a song, anyway?

I'll never have the fame or the fortune
I'll never drive a fancy car
And I'll never be one of the cool kids
Playin' songs that make the girls dance at the bar

Who needs those things if I got you, babe?
Who needs a cover of the Rollin' Stones?
Who needs those things if I got you, babe?
The only thing I need right now is home
Who needs those things, anyway?

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American Aquarium – Wichita Falls Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Wichita Falls – American Aquarium

I'm sending you a postcard
From Wichita Falls
That's where it all started baby
That's where it all started falling apart
Ohh you went and broke my heart
Now every single day
You running through my mind
It's like a freight train
Struggling to the end of the line

So if you see her around
Well just tell her I called
And that I'm sitting here alone
By Wichita Falls

I'm giving you a phone call
Just to see where you are
Are you out with your friends babe
Are you stuck in a bar with that other boy
Ohh you know the one I'm talking about
I won't bother you again
Cause you know where I am
Just remember nothing good ever happens after 3 am

So if you see her around
Well just tell her I called
And that I'm sitting here alone
By Wichita Falls

I'm sending you a postcard
From Wichita Falls

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American Aquarium – Wolves Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Wolves – American Aquarium

I knew I'd be a drifter
Since the day I turned sixteen
Watching my dad fix up cars
And the smell of gasoline
I just wish that someone
Took the time to warn me
'Bout those evil things
That lie beyond the trees

Cus' when the wolves are hungry
The wolves they'll eat
I just wish these wolves would get their claws out of me

And I've never been any good
At every sticking around
But I'll always be the one
That'll let you down
Seems like my feet start running
Before they hit the ground
Just wish they didn't always take me
To the wrong side of town

Cus' when the wolves are hungry
The wolves they'll eat
I just wish these wolves would get their claws out of me

Now when the wolves are hungry
The wolves they'll eat
I just wish these wolves would get their claws out of me

And I could see the fire in their eyes
The blood on their teeth
And they could smell the fear in my bones
And hear the shaking of my knees
The beautiful women
The sweet amphetamines
I just wish these wolves would get their claws out of me
I just wish these wolves would get their claws out of me

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American Aquarium – Work Conquers All Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Work Conquers All – American Aquarium

This old town's
Been a-bringin' me down
For what seems like a lifetime
I made a lot of noise
Tryin' to find that voice
That I'd one day call mine
When I turned eighteen
Granddaddy told me
He said "Boy, you're the lost generation"
So I packed my bags
With what little I had
And I set out to prove him wrong

I'm headed out to Oklahoma
Out with the dust and the wind
I got a funny feelin', baby
That we're gonna fit right in
Out there in Oklahoma
I'll be standin' tall
If anyone asks, you can find me out
In the land where work conquers all

I turned my back
And I got sidetracked
Before I ever hit Birmingham
It took a summer shoein' horses
In northern Georgia
To find out who I am
I hit a hot streak in Biloxi
Lost it all by San Antone
But sooner or later that Sooner State's
Gonna be where I call home

I'm headed out to Oklahoma
Out with the dust and the wind
I got a funny feelin', baby
That we're gonna fit right in
Out there in Oklahoma
I'll be standin' tall
If anyone asks, you can find me out
In the land where work conquers all

Thought I'd hit it big
Out west on a rig
But I's a couple years too late
So I got me some land
Just north of Durant
Hope it pays off big one day
What I found here
Ain't easy
But it suits me all the same
So look me up in the pages
If you ever get out this way

I headed out to Oklahoma
Out with the dust and the wind
I had a funny feelin', baby
That we were gonna fit right in
Out here in Oklahoma
I'll be standin' tall
If anyone asks, I found my path
In the land where work conquers all
In the land where work conquers all

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American As Apple Pie – Eric Carmen Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American As Apple Pie – Eric Carmen

On this night
On any hot, summer night
Every girl
Every red-blooded boy
Is cryin' out
With one great voice
They wanna jump
They wanna turn up the noise

And that's the sound
That's the thunderin' sound
Of clappin' hands
And of stompin' their feet
Coast to coast
Like a national heart
Watch them go
Go wild in the street

Every kid in the U.S.A.
Is comin' out to play
It's American as apple pie
Livin' hard, riding high
Feelin' every minute like the 4th of July
Go for broke
Do or die
American as apple pie

I gotta girl
I got one fine girl
She's got hair
Like Kansas wheat
She can move
Like a New York street
And she can kiss
She can kiss so sweet

On this night
On this glorious night
We got plans
We got red, hot schemes
Of bustin' out
Before we break at the seams
We'll cut a piece
Of the American dream

Every kid in the U.S.A.
Is comin' out to play
It's American as apple pie
Livin' hard, riding high
Feelin' every minute like the 4th of July
Go for broke
Do or die
American as apple pie

It's American as apple pie
Livin' hard, riding high
Feelin' every minute like the 4th of July
Go for broke
Do or die
It's American
It's American as apple pie

American as apple pie
Livin' hard, riding high
Livin' every minute like the 4th of July

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American Assassin – Dan Bull Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Assassin – Dan Bull

An eagle soars as the people fall
However, he ignores
All your feeble wars
He will steal a horse
Speed the steed across
Clean between your forces
And beat them all
In a free-for-all
These scenes of gore
Are nothing but another bit of heathen lore
From Florentine streets to Venetian waters
The whispers persist of a secret order
And whether or not you believe, it's all good
Either way I'll proceed; keep wreaking trauma
You're never making Connor fall
I never honour laws
When I'm on a warpath
My tomahawk's
Always responsible
For an onslaught
Of monstrous proportions
You're a goner, fool
Done for
Humans I hunt for
Dropping through the roof
Never knocking on the front door
What, you want more?
Or do you want war?
I've been around for longer
Than Rob Faulkner
And now I'm gonna
Run up on a futhamucking armed gunner
Pull a Stone Cold Stunner
And I've done a runner
Quicker than a bullet from a gun
And once again I'm under cover
Repping for the Brotherhood
Stepping like no other could
Uppercutting any threats
I never take another look
I'm an assassin
One with a passion
For innovative rapping
Dropping so fast
You're probably having
A problem to follow the captions
Said I'm an assassin
One with a passion
For innovative rapping
Dropping so fast
You're probably having
A problem to follow the captions
I combat colonialism
While owning a rhythm
I know the world doesn't owe me a living
So throw me a bone
And I'll cause pandemonium with it
Ignoring Newtonian physics
Forget opprobrium
Critics'll go with baloney below
To the same place I take fakes
Phoneys and mimics
No need for gimmicks
Do you need me to explain that
I'm lyrically spraying it
Sharper than the tip of any bayonet
I pack a hidden blade and I make you lay on it
Whether minutemen or redcoats
It'll only take a minute at the very most
'til they're both dead, ghosts
I dead both
Behead foes
'til stocks and shares in lead rose
From Boston to New York
Soul of an eagle
Aloft in a true hawk
And as I move through the frontier
The truth becomes clear
The future calls, I'm done here
I've just got another little task
And I won't tell
If you don't ask
I'm an assassin
One with a passion
For innovative rapping
Dropping so fast
You're probably having
A problem to follow the captions
Said I'm an assassin
One with a passion
For innovative rapping
Dropping so fast
You're probably having
A problem to follow the captions

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American Attraction – Anti-Flag Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Attraction – Anti-Flag


There's no escaping the American attraction
A bait and switch that's gonna thrill you with distraction
It sounds so good, you can't resist the satisfaction
When it's all over you'll be crying, I'll be laughing


I got that gun, got that drug
I've got everything you want
Got that bomb, got that blood
I've got everything you're not
It's the American attraction
It's the American attraction

The clock tick-tick-tick-ticking down to a disaster
Your insecurity is all they're coming after
This propaganda so impossible to resist
Where ideology replaces being honest

I got that gun, got that drug
I've got everything you want
Got that bomb, got that blood
I've got everything you're not
It's the American attraction
It's the American attraction

You think it's a circus the truth is it's a strategy
American beauty twisted into a tragedy
Out in a blaze of glory

You got your gun, got your drug
You got your bomb, got your blood
And now we've had enough

I got that gun, got that drug
I've got everything you want
Got that bomb, got that blood
I've got everything you're not
It's the American attraction
It's the American attraction
It's the American attraction
It's the American attraction


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American Authors – A Little Bit More Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A Little Bit More – American Authors

In the night when the moon settles in
And a star to begin electric slide into your side
By the top now I've shown you my moves
On digging into your grooves
You find it hard to resist
Because what you want is all I want
Show me what you've got this time
Last time I've got you here and right

Just a little bit more
Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit I'll be slide in your lay
Just a little bit more
Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit I'll be slow in kiss and touch and sex in me
Kiss and touch and sex in me

Hit the lights
Losing track of what's real
A sense of touching your feel
Illuminators in the dark
Because now that's time to take our time
Let's stay up all night making love
I'm gonna take it for the right

Just a little bit more
Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit I'll be slide in your lay
Just a little bit more
Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit I'll be slow in kiss and touch and sex in me
Kiss and touch and sex in me
Oh, kiss and touch and sex in you

Right now it feels like you're a man I need
I want to take you so sexually
Forget about the different lives we live
Focused on you and me
We'll do the lives with kids

Just a little bit more
Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit I'll be slide in your lay
Just a little bit more
Just a little bit longer
Just a little bit I'll be slow in kiss and touch and sex in me
Kiss and touch and sex in me

Just a little bit more
(Little be more, little bit longer)
Just a little bit longer
(Little bit slide in your lay)
Just a little bit I'll be slide in your lay
Just a little bit more
(Little bit more, little bit longer)
Just a little bit longer
(I'll be slide in your lay)
Just a little bit I'll be slow in kiss and touch and sex in you
Just a little bit more
(A little bit more)
Just a little bit longer
(A little bit longer)
Just a little bit I'll be slide in your lay
Just a little bit more
(A little bit more)
Just a little bit longer
(A little bit longer, whoa-oh)
Just a little bit I'll be slow in kiss and touch and sex in me
Kiss and touch and sex in me

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American Authors – A Real Place Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A Real Place – American Authors

I told you that I'd call
I got caught up with some people that never got to know me at all
Guess I was wrong
Is it all my fault
For thinkin' that my reason for leavin' was a reason at all?
Maybe you're better off

Oh, I got somethin' that I need to say out loud
Oh, I'll be comin' back now just to talk it out

From a real place
I just wanna know the truth
From a real place
Tell me how to get to you
To you

Turns out I was lost
I was busy with a lover, God knows I never loved her at all
I needed somewhere to fall
This is where I belong
Standin' right in front of you, waitin' for the past to move on
I'll give it all that I got

Oh, I got somethin' that I need to say out loud
To say out loud
Oh, I'll be comin' back now just to talk it out
To talk it out

From a real place
I just wanna know the truth
From a real place
Tell me how to get to you
To you

I remember late nights, drivin' in the taxi, back seat
Black leather jackets in the backstreets last year
Take me back, take me back
I remember stayin' up high, we were chasin'
Makin' all the wrong moves in right places, sayin'
Take me back, take me back

To a real place
I just wanna know the truth
From a real place
Tell me how to get to you
To you

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American Authors – All In The Fire Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
All In The Fire – American Authors

You say I dream a lot about the things we've got
Doesn't mean that I'm alone
If I try too hard and I catch a star
I'll keep it to myself, you know

So what if our love could turn it always hurts
So what? So what?

It's all, all in the fire
It's all, all in desire
It's all, all in the fire
And it's you I see and it's you

And if a luck could turn
A penny from the lesson learned
I put it in the stack and watch it grow
So I've screamed last night
When you left my side
I guess it means the war alone

So what if I chase your train to France and Spain
So what if I'm vain

It's all, all in the fire
It's all, all in desire
It's all, all in the fire
And it's you I see and it's you

It's you I see (It's you I see)
Oh, it's you (It's you)
Oh, it's you I see (It's you I see)
Oh, it's you (It's you)
All the things I say (All the things I say)
And all the ways I changed (And all the ways I changed)
All the things I do (All the things I do)
It's all for you (It's all for you)

It's all, all in the fire
It's all, all in the desire

It's all, all in the fire (It's all in the fire)
It's all, all in desire (All in desire)
It's all, all in the fire (It's all in the fire)
And it's you I see and it's you

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American Authors – Before I Go Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Before I Go – American Authors

I'm so afraid of where my life's going
Guess I've been ashamed, somehow I kept going
So tell me I'm good, tell me I'm good
Tell me I'm good
Say I've done all I could, I've done all I could

I hope I find a peace of mind
In all of my woe-oe-oes
I hope the rain, it brings a light
To my broken sou-ou-oul
I hope I lose myself in the city
But find my ho-o-o-o-ome
I hope I live my life
Before I go

Hope I've been awake and I didn't sleep through it all
And every last drop of faith, oh I can drink it all
I'll take it all in, I'll take it all in
I'll take it all in

I hope I find a peace of mind
In all of my woe-oe-oes
I hope the rain, it brings a light
To my broken sou-ou-oul
I hope I lose myself in the city
But find my ho-o-o-o-ome
I hope I live my life
Before I go
And I hope I live before I go
And I hope I

And I hope I
And I hope I
I hope I

I hope I lose myself in the city, but find my home
I hope I live my life before I go
And I hope I live before I go
Well I hope I live before I go
I hope I live before I go
I hope I live before I go

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American Authors – Believer Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Believer – American Authors

I’m just a believer
That things will get better
Some can take it or leave it
But I don’t wanna let it go

I’m a little bit sheltered
I’m a little bit scared
I’m a little bit nervous
I’m goin’ no where

I’m a little bit jealous
I’m a little bit slow
I’m a little bit hurtful
And I don’t wanna let it go

And I don’t wanna let it go

I’m a little bit angry
When every one’s around
But I get a little lonely
When no one’s out

I feel my demons
Misleadin’ me

I’m just a believer
That things will get better
Some can take it or leave it
But I don’t wanna let it go

Maybe when I get older
And I’m in the ground
The weight’s off my shoulders
It was bringin’ me down

I’ve never been that lucky
I’ve never tasted fame
I’m always lookin’ for something
But I hate changin’

Time fades
There’s no space
As life breaks new ground

I’m just a believer
That things will get better
Some can take it or leave it
But I don’t wanna let it go

It doesn’t matter what is out there
My head is spinning and it won’t bail out
It doesn’t matter what is out there

Cause time fades
There’s no space
As life breaks new ground

I’m just a believer
That things will get better
Some can take it or leave it
But I don’t wanna let it go

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American Authors – Best Day Of My Life Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Best Day Of My Life – American Authors

I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
I stretched my hands out to the sky
We danced with monsters through the night
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]

I'm never gonna look back
Whoa, I'm never gonna give it up
No, please don't wake me now
(2, 3, 4)
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

I howled at the moon with friends
And then the sun came crashing in
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
But all the possibilities
No limits just epiphanies
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]

I'm never gonna look back
Whoa, I'm never gonna give it up
No, just don't wake me now

This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

I hear it calling outside my window
I feel it in my soul (soul)
The stars were burning so bright
The sun was out 'til midnight
I say we lose control (control)


This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gotta be
The best day of my life
Everything is looking up, everybody up now
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

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American Authors – Best I Could Do Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Best I Could Do – American Authors

Years have washed away
Thinking we're happy
making believe that
nothing has changed

but tides have come to turn
we've both stopped laughing
faking a scene that's
been well overplayed

What could we have done
that would have been enough?

Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
kept me sailing farther from you
Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
brought us to an end we both knew
I did the best that I could do

You were drifting off
The distance grew deeper
I tried to save you by playing your games
But time came crashing down
in your heart we'd sink here
I couldn't stand to take all the blame

Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
kept me sailing farther from you
Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
brought us to an end we both knew
I did the best that I could do

You say we've more than parted
but show me how we've started
it must have been you
What happened to you?
But now we walk the shore line
no longing lovers this time
It's all I can do

Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
kept me sailing farther from you
Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
brought us to an end we both knew

Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
kept me sailing farther from you
Please don't let it show
that all this time, all this time
brought us to an end we both knew
I did the best that I could do
I did the best that I could do

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American Authors – Blowing Up Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Blowing Up – American Authors

All that I know
Is that you're scared in the dark
Feeling pressed onto mine is bones intertwined
The touch of my lips
Will climb down to kiss
Your head to your thighs
Explosions arise
But no one's made me feel the way you do
When your body is next to mine

This is the sound of my heart
Blowing up, blowing up
I feel it all building up, building up
Yeah my head is spinning
My body is screaming out for you, you

We take our sweet time
From dust 'till sunrise
Your heart is beating out with each single touch
Your scream fills the night
And this feeling inside
You're feeling the love, the lust,
The skin on our bones become one
Oh, but no one's made me feel the way you do
When your body's next to mine

[Chorus x2]

So when she blows in the door
There is a fire in me
She really set it off
I feel it burning free
You got inside of my head
It brought me down to my knee
You lit the fuse now where's the spark I'm chasing
Down the line I hope you're waiting for me

[Chorus x3]

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American Authors – Bring It On Home Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bring It On Home – American Authors

I've walked a million miles
To chase down my own desires
Out of fire, sea and stone
I'm gonna find that great unknown
And when I find my joy, I'ma bring it on home

Bring it on home, bring it on home
Bring it on home
When I find my joy, I'ma bring it on home
Bring it on home, bring it on home
Bring it on home
When I find my joy, I'ma bring it on home

I hung my heart up to dry
On rooftops under blue skies
No, I never would have grown if I'd never been alone
So when I find my love, I'ma bring it on home

(Come on)
Bring it on home, bring it on home
Bring it on home
When I find my love, I'ma bring it on home
Bring it on home, bring it on home
Bring it on home
When I find my love, I'ma bring it on home

When I find my love
When I find my love, I'ma bring it on home

I've run the highest wire
I've laughed, smiled, cried and been called a liar
I thought to myself, win, lose or fail
I won't let this train derail
And when I find myself, I'ma bring it on home

Bring it on home, bring it on home
Bring it on home
When I find myself, I'ma bring it on home
Bring it on home, bring it on home
Bring it on home
When I find myself, I'ma bring it on home

Home, home is where the heart is
Love is where you'll find it
I'ma bring it on home, I'ma bring it on home
Home, home is where the heart is
Love is where you'll find it
I'ma bring it on home, I'ma bring it on home

(Home, home, home, bring it on home)
(When I find myself, I'ma bring it on home)
(Home, home, home, bring it on home)
(When I find myself, I'ma bring it on home)

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American Authors – Calm Me Down Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Calm Me Down – American Authors

I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me down

That day in New York, I spun out
I fell short but I felt close to you
One night in Detroit I thought there
Was no point but I felt close to you

Everyone tellin' me what to do
What to think, where to be
But everyday, everyday, everyday's
Fillin' up with my anxiety
I can barely open up my eyes
Open up my eyes, eyes, eyes

I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me down
I don't know if I can stay strong
Hold on, for too long
I've been lost
I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me

That day in Brooklyn, I spun out
You jumped in and I felt close to you
One night in LA, I thought there
Was no way but I felt close to you

Everyone tellin' me what to do
What to think, where to be
But everyday, everyday, everyday's
Fillin' up with my anxiety
I can barely open up my eyes
Open up my eyes, eyes, eyes

I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me down
I don't know if I can stay strong
Hold on, for too long
I've been lost
I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me

Everyone tellin' me what to do
What to think, where to be
But everyday, everyday, everyday's
Fillin' up with my anxiety
I can barely open up my eyes
Open up my eyes
All this paranoia's got my vision going blind

Everybody tellin' me where to go
How to live, how to see
But everyday's, everyday's, everyday's
Fillin' up with insecurities
I can barely open up my eyes
Open up my eyes, eyes, eyes

I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me down

I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me down
I don't know if I can stay strong
Hold on, for too long
I've been lost
I need you here to calm me down
I need you here to calm me
Down, down
I need you here to calm me
Down, down
I need you here to calm me

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American Authors – Can’t Stop Me Now Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Can't Stop Me Now – American Authors

I threw away my innocence when I was seventeen
Lost track of what's magnificent, forgot my memories
But I'm marchin' on to a different drum
And nothing will stand in my way

No, you can't stop me now
No, you can't stop me now
Hangin' on by a thread, hangin' over my head
But you won't knock me down
Hear the roar of the crowd
No, you can't stop me now
No, I'm nothin' like you, I got so much to prove
No, you won't knock me down

I woke up from a dream, the voices sounded dissonant
I followed a path that wasn't mine
Took on the enemy, I told myself I'd never quit
I gotta move forward, not back in time

Singin' ah-ooh, I'm gonna show you, show you
The man in the mirror stole all my pride
Ooh, now that I know you

No, you can't stop me now
No, you can't stop me now
Hangin' on by a thread, hangin' over my head
But you won't knock me down
Hear the roar of the crowd
No, you can't stop me now
No, I'm nothin' like you, I got so much to prove
No, you won't knock me down

When I was seventeen, I threw away my innocence
The worst part of me took over my mind
Singin' ah-ooh, I'm gonna show you, show you
The man in the mirror stole all my pride
Ooh, now that I know you

No, you can't stop me now
No, you can't stop me now
Hangin' on by a thread, hangin' over my head
But you won't knock me down
Hear the roar of the crowd
No, you can't stop me now
No, I'm nothin' like you, I got so much to prove
No, you won't knock me down

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American Authors – Champion Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Champion – American Authors

The crowd only cheers when the blood hits the floor
Win or lose, it doesn't matter, they'll just replace me
And the crowd will still be screaming for more
I need to believe that an angel like you can save me

Strung out in the sun
You bring me life when I'm undone
In my colosseum, you're my champion
When I'm cold and numb
Please tell me that you'll never run
In my colosseum, you're my champion
Champion, 'cause I need you here to stay
Champion, fight the lions in my way
When I'm cold and numb
Please tell me that you'll never run
In my colosseum, you're my champion

Protect me like my armor, I can't feel the pain
I'm out with my knights like we don't see the day
This crown on my head, I feel like a king
If she hold it down, I treat her like my queen
If you take a shot in the dark, don't miss
I am on top like accomplishments
I'm winning like I never really learned how to lose
If she by my side I don't really have to choose
Carpe diem, yeah we seizing the day
Graduated from the league like it's May
I got trophies, accolades, I got stats
I been working hard, I feel like I'm next
She supportive from the side, yeah she cheer
But we equals when we level on the field
In the world searching for something real
I'm a king and my crown crystal clear, yeah

Strung out in the sun
You bring me life when I'm undone
In my colosseum, you're my champion
When I'm cold and numb
Please tell me that you'll never run
In my colosseum, you're my champion

Champion, 'cause I need you here to stay
Champion, fight the lions in my way
When I'm cold and numb
Please tell me that you'll never run
In my colosseum, you're my champion

there ain't no turning back
there ain't no, there ain't no turning back

Strung out in the sun
You bring me life when I'm undone
In my colosseum, you're my champion
When I'm cold and numb
Please tell me that you'll never run
In my colosseum, you're my champion
Champion, 'cause I need you here to stay
Champion, fight the lions in my way
When I'm cold and numb
Please tell me that you'll never run
In my colosseum, you're my champion

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American Authors – Coming Home To You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Coming Home To You – American Authors

Got that text of you in my red scarf
Makes me feel we're not that far apart
But relationships over the phone can be hard, they strain the heart
But I swear, this year we'll go back to the start
'Cause I just need to see you

This Christmas, this Christmas
I'll be coming home to you
Coming home to you
This Christmas, my wish is
To be coming home to you
In the snow with you
This Christmas I'll be coming home to you

I miss the way the snow falls on your face
Christmas in California ain't the same
I've been gone to long, missed all those holidays
I'll take the blame
But I swear, this year won't be the same

Oh, I can't wait to see you again
I can't wait to see you again
Oh, I just need to see you again
I just need to see you

This Christmas, this Christmas
I'll be coming home to you
Coming home to you
This Christmas, my wish is
To be coming home to you
In the snow with you
This Christmas I'll be coming home to you

I'll be coming home to you
Oh, I'll be coming home

Life's pushed me down every road
To get me where all I should go
But I can't fill my hole alone

So this Christmas, this Christmas
I'll be coming home to you
Coming home to you
This Christmas, my wish is
To be coming home to you
In the snow with you
This Christmas I'll be coming home to you

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American Authors – Couldn’t Get It Right Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Couldn't Get It Right – American Authors

I'm looking for the right words to say to you
Cause I know you've heard them a time or two
I can't feel everybody but you
When you're in my eyes you can see straight through
Last night I dreamt we never change
When the roof we built settled up in flames
As I touched but then chased you were too far to save
Now I'm lost between dreams and being awake

Cause I, I couldn't get it right
No matter what I've tried to say
My words just gave me away
Yeah and you, you don't know what to do
I'll take a dream go to release my mind
And sleep this away

But can we just hit the light, the light of day
Open up our eyes, see beyond the fray
I tried to talk, it was never enough
Did my breath fall short or did I say too much
I've heard the voice, I captured the sound
Made a song not the same now that you're not around
And I, I've tried to change
You say that I've come so far but remain the same

Cause I, I couldn't get it right
No matter what I've tried to say
My words just gave me away
Yeah and you, you don't know what to do
I'll take a dream go to release my mind
And sleep this away

I'll sleep this away
I'll sleep this away

Yeah and I, I couldn't get it right
No matter what I've tried to say
My words just gave me away, yeah
Yeah and you, you don't know what to do
I'll take a dream go to release my mind
And sleep this away, yeah yeah


Yeah yeah cause I, I couldn't get it right
No matter what I've tried to say
My words just gave me away
Yeah and you, you don't know what to do
I'll take a dream go to release my mind
And sleep this away
I'll sleep this away

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American Authors – Deep Water Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Deep Water – American Authors

It comes and goes in waves
It always runs back but it's never quite the same
Well I think there's something wrong with me
Got nothing to believe, can't you see it on my face

I was going for the title, got hit by your tidal wave, uh
Can't stay in the shallows, please tell me I won't wash away

When it pulls me under, will you make me stronger
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water
Take me farther, give me one day longer
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water

(Deep water)
(Deep water)

Ain't even scratched the surface
Thinking I deserve the dream but I don't deserve the hurting
I want the flame without the burning
But I can't find my purpose when I don't know what my worth is

I was going for the title, got hit by your tidal wave, uh
Can't stay in the shallows, please tell me I won't wash away

When it pulls me under, will you make me stronger
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water
Take me farther, give me one day longer
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water

(Deep water)
(Deep water)

When I'm sinking like a stone
At least I know I'm not alone
When I'm sinking like a stone
At least I know I'm not alone

When it pulls me under, will you make me stronger
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water
Take me farther, give me one day longer
Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water

(Deep water)
When I'm sinking like a stone
(Deep water)
At least I know I'm not alone

It comes and goes in waves
It always runs back but it's never quite the same

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American Authors – Do My Own Thing Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Do My Own Thing – American Authors

I spent my whole life trying to fit into a lane
But I'm so over it
I watched my friends fall out of love and go insane
Bet on life and lose the game
I saw 'em quit

I never wanna be like that
A suit and tie copycat
I never was into that

Hey-yo, nanana
I said hey-yo, I'm all good
I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

Hey-yo, nanana
I said hey-yo, I'm all good
I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do, I'ma do, I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

I spent so long with my head buried in the sand
My future needs a rewrite
So I'll send a postcard from wherever I may land
I ain't got no master plan and that's alright

I never wanna be like that
A suit and tie copycat
I never was into that

Hey-yo, nanana
I said hey-yo, I'm all good
I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

Hey-yo, nanana
I said hey-yo, I'm all good
I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do, I'ma do, I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

Time won't get the best of me
I see the world so differently
(You do you) You do you and I'll do me
March into my own parade
My heart don't beat any other way
(You do you) You do you and I'll do me, me, me, me


I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

Hey-yo, nanana
I said hey-yo, I'm all good
I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do, I'ma do, I'ma do me

Hey-yo, nanana
I said hey-yo, I'm all good
I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do, I'ma do, I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

I'ma do my own thing
(I'ma, I'ma) I'ma do, I'ma do, I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing

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American Authors – Everything Everything Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Everything Everything – American Authors

I spent my whole life dreaming of a perfect world
Where I thought you'd be (thought you'd be)
I spent my whole life waiting for a moment
With you next to me (next to me)

I pull you closer and closer
Closer and closer
I don't want to let you go

Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
'Cause you're my everything, everything
Everything, everything

Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
'Cause you're my everything, everything
Everything, everything

I heard your name up in the sky above the trees
When it came to me (came to me)
I spent my whole life trying to fill my heart
When you're all I need (all I need)

I pull you closer and closer
Closer and closer
I don't want to let you go

Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
'Cause you're my everything, everything
Everything, everything

Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
'Cause you're my everything, everything
Everything, everything

All right

It took my whole life
It took my whole life
To fall back into you
It took my whole life
It took my whole life
To fall back into you
I don't want to let you go

Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Cause you're my everything everything
Everything everything

Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Hey yo, hey yo, yo hey
I don't want to miss out on a single day
Cause you're my everything everything
Everything everything

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American Authors – Feels Like Yesterday Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Feels Like Yesterday – American Authors

I came across a torn up photograph
You looked amazing shot in white and black
But now its been so long since we fell apart
I've tried to vision what it'd be like now
If we had both tried,tried to work things out
We grew so worn and tired, did we give up way too fast

Because we had some good times,
But they don't last forever
We seemed to grow apart,
It never got much better
Oh it's good to see your face,
But I know things won't change
Though you seem so far away
Feels like yesterday

And we had some great nights,
Staying up together
We could read each others' minds
Now we're on different levels
Oh it's good to see your face,
But I know things won't change
Though you seem so far away
Feels like yesterday
Feels like yesterday

We stared out at the world with the same gaze
We fought the same fight but still went separate ways
I'm trying to figure out exactly when things changed
Should we have spent our lives holding onto hope
Holding on to the memories from pictures we took
That don't mean anything, anymore

Because we had some good times,
But they don't last forever
We seemed to grow apart,
It never got much better
Oh it's good to see your face,
But I know things won't change
Though you seem so far away
Feels like yesterday

And we had some great nights,
Staying up together
We could read each others' minds
Now we're on different levels
Oh it's good to see your face,
But I know things won't change
Though you seem so far away
Feels like yesterday
Feels like yesterday

Don't you go
Don't you go
Don't you go
Don't you go

But will we ever feel that way again
We felt invincible, like it would never end
But now we're left with scars of who we are

Because we had some good times,
But they don't last forever
We seemed to grow apart,
It never got much better
Oh it's good to see your face,
But I know things won't change
Though you seem so far away
Feels like yesterday

We had some great nights,
Staying up together
We could read each others' minds
Now we're on different levels
Oh it's good to see your face,
But I know things won't change
Though you seem so far away
Feels like yesterday
Feels like yesterday

Don't you go
Don't you go
Don't you go

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American Authors – Fight For You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Fight For You – American Authors

I just wanna fight for you
I just wanna fight for you

I’m losing track of time the days seem no different
Cuz these walls that kept me safe now show no forgiveness
Reflections of my sins have come back to haunt me
Causing in every waking moment harder to live with
You’ll see

The truth is I’ve been falling apart
She said the truth is you’ve been running too far
And sometimes things don’t change,
But I’ll spend my whole life with this blame
The truth is I don’t think that I can make things right
I just wanna fight
I just wanna fight for you

Faces that I knew have turned into strangers
I’ve nothing left to give when life has no takers
The lights are fading fast but I still see clearly
Clear enough to see an end with no favors
And you’ll know

The truth is I’ve been falling apart
She said the truth is you’ve been running too far
And sometimes things don’t change,
But I’ll spend my whole life with this blame
The truth is I don’t think that I can make things right
I just wanna fight
I just wanna fight
The truth is I don’t think that I can make things right
I just wanna fight
I just wanna fight

I just wanna fight
I just wanna fight

I just wanna fight
I just wanna fight
For you

I wanna fight for you


The truth is I’ve been falling apart
She said the truth is you’ve been running too far
Sometimes things don’t change,
But I’ll spend my whole life with this blame
The truth is I don’t think that I can make things right
I just wanna fight
I just wanna fight

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American Authors – Ghost Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ghost – American Authors

In the morning when the sun breaks free
A reflection that I know I've seen
In the night it's haunting me
A lonely ghost, a lonely ghost

Ever since I was just a child
I've seen the visions in my sleep
Of a man roaming through the wild
With all these ghosts, a lonely ghost

But you can't breathe in if you don't breathe out

'Cuz it's a new day, we're gonna go far
Knuckle down, trim and shake off the dead weight
You know what they say
You can't hide from your ghosts

'Cuz it's a new day, I wanna go far
Break it down, jump the gun, find a new way
You know what they say
I'm stuck here living with all these ghosts, a lonely ghost

Hey ey ey ey ey ey
Hey ey ey ey ey ey

I'm looking back at a room for two
The skeletons of all we knew
That we were only broke and bruised
As you held me close along the coast

When the morning settles in
And I've learned how to live with it
I can't rewind all the things I did
And all these ghosts, the lonely ghosts

But you can't breathe in if you don't breathe out

'Cuz it's a new day, we're gonna go far
Knuckle down, trim and shake off the dead weight
You know what they say
You can't hide from your ghosts

'Cuz it's a new day, I wanna go far
Break it down, jump the gun, find a new way
You know what they say
I'm stuck here living with all these ghosts, a lonely ghost

Hey ey ey ey ey ey
Hey ey ey ey ey ey

Now we know we'll never be alone, alone
And we know I wanna be alone, alone

Hey ey ey ey ey ey
Hey ey ey ey ey ey

'Cuz it's a new day, we're gonna go far
Knuckle down, trim and shake off the dead weight
You know what they say
You can't hide from your ghosts

'Cuz it's a new day, I wanna go far
Break it down, jump the gun, find a new way
You know what they say
I'm stuck here living with all these ghosts, a lonely ghost

Hey ey ey ey ey ey
Hey ey ey ey ey ey

A lonely ghost

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American Authors – Go Big Or Go Home Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Go Big Or Go Home – American Authors

Don't feel like going home
But all my cash is gone
Yeah, I got nothing to do tonight
I'm passed out on the floor
Up in the hotel bar
But it don't matter, cause I'm feeling fine

I'm thinking life's too short; it's passing by
So if I'm gonna go at all
Go big or go

(Go! Go!)
Go big or go home

I gave the dice a roll
And then we lost control
You know we're lucky that we survived
Cause when we jumped the ship
Oh, man, that boat, it flipped
But we should do it all again tonight

I'm thinking life's too short; it's passing by
So if we're gonna go at all
Go big or go

(Go! Go!)
Go big or go home

Giving my body all the things I need
Rescue me with a little whiskey
Staying out, don't need no sleep
I'll sleep when I'm dead; you can bury me [x2]

I guess I'm going home
Cause all my cash is gone
I spent it all trying to feel alive
Go big or go

(Go! Go!)
Go big or go home

It's getting crazy
We're gonna do some things that we won't forget
(Go! Go!)
Go big or go home
I'm going crazy
I'm gonna live my life; I got no regrets
(Go! Go!)
Go big or go home

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American Authors – Heart Of Stone Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Heart Of Stone – American Authors

Oh now you never come around
And then you're spacing out tonight
I bet I feel it in my chest
The visions in your head they're all lies
Oh ya it's true
Oh ya it's true
Well I
I need a friend tonight
I need to make it right
And now I'm tired of thinking
In spite
I'm always in the right
I never made the time
It's all the smiles I'm faking
Oh yeah it's true
You've got this heart of stone
I'm never breaking through
Feels like a dead end road
So take that any way you want to
You've got this heart of stone
That's keeping me from you
If I break that you hate that so take that any way you want to
Another thought fails
Falling off the rails
A c-c-crazy train
I'm always yours to blame
In your eyes
Shake a shake it off now
Then you're take a taking off now
All around so you can shoot me down I should have gotten out before you started begging
Oh yeah it's true
You've got this heart of stone
I'm never breaking through
Feels like a dead end road
So take that any way you want to
You've got this heart of stone
That's keeping me from you
If I break that you hate that so take that any way you want to
If only I could live a little bit longer
You've got this heart of stone
I'm never breaking through
Feels like a dead end road
So take that any way you want to
You've got this heart of stone
That's keeping me from you
If I break that you hate that so take that any way you want to

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American Authors – Hit It Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hit It – American Authors

Some say if you don't go then you won't know
How to let go when you gotta let it swerve
Some say if you don't try then you won't know
How to get by, no one said it wouldn't hurt, oh no.

If I knew then
What I should have known now...

Up and down, jump off the deep end
Wreck this out, I should have left with you,
With you
No way out, I met your best friend
She went down, but I should have made my move
With you.

I shoulda, I woulda, I coulda but I didn't
Hit it!

Some say if you break down and you touch ground
Then you dropped out, so you got a lot to learn
Well, I say pick it back up, throw it on now
Make it stack up 'cause tonight we're gonna burn
It down.

If I knew then
What I should've known all along...

Up and down, jump off the deep end
Wreck this out, I should have left with you,
With you
No way out, I met your best friend
She went down, but I should have made my move
With you
Messed up now, pissed off the in-crowd
Write this down, my eyes are set on you,
On you
We know now I'm not your best friend
Broke our vows, I'll make it up to you,
To you.

I shoulda, I woulda, I coulda but I didn't
Hit it!

I'm feeling lucky, lay all my cards down
Nothing can stop me, tonight we go all out
I'm feeling lucky, I'll bet my hometown
Nothing can stop us now.

I say if you don't know, then you go slow
When you don't go, don't be a no-show
Just let go, let's get stoned from the top down
To the down low, down low, let's go!
I say if you don't know, then you go slow
When you don't go, don't be a no-show
Just let go, let's get stoned from the top down
To the down low, down low, let's go!


Up and down, jump off the deep end
Wreck this out, I should have left with you,
With you
No way out, I met your best friend
She went down, but I should have made my move
With you
Messed up now, pissed off the in-crowd
Fuck this town, my eyes are set on you,
On you
We know now I'm not your best friend
Broke our vows, I'll make it up to you,
To you.

I shoulda, I woulda, I coulda but I didn't
Hit it!

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American Authors – Home Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Home – American Authors

I've got these letters tattooed on my arm
That remind me each second of where I come from
And the long hard road to guide me back home

Back to my mama who raised me up right
And back to my lady, I held every night
It's a long hard road trying to get home

I'd been gone now for too long

I'm not trying to stop a hurricane
I'm not trying to shake the ground below
I'm just trying to find a way to make it back home

I'm not trying to part the ocean waves
I'm not trying to overthrow the throne
I'm just trying to find a way to make it back home
I'm just trying to get home

I've got this image engraved in my mind
Of a light that I had in a whole different time
It still breathes and lives at the end of the road

I've seen mountains and valleys through my missing days
But I never once parted with how you begged me to stay
I will run down that long hard and treacherous road to get home


I've been gone for so long
But my heart it carries on
As it pounds like a drum
On my journey back home

I've been gone for so long
But my heart it carries on
I won't give up


I'm just trying to get home [x2]

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American Authors – I Wanna Go Out Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Wanna Go Out – American Authors

No I can't take it anymore
I bang my head against the door
I'm going out, I, I, love it, love it
The doctor said I need a sleep
But I go crazy counting sheep
I'm going out, I, I, love it, love it

Let's get wild and make a memory

Hey ya, I wanna go out
I wanna go out, I wanna-na
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind
Hey ya, I wanna check out
Step off of my cloud
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind

Oh I'm a zombie, I'm a corpse
Every day is so boring
I'm going out, I, I, love it, love it
I'm jumping out the window
Smilin' down at the world below
I, I, love it, love it

Let's get wild and make a memory

Hey ya, I wanna go out
I wanna go out, I wanna-na
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind
Hey ya, I wanna check out
Step off of my cloud
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind

Indecisive, so fragile, so mad
Idiotic, insane
Out of my mind, out of my mind
So enlightened, but frightened and scared
So hypnotic and dazed
Out of my mind, out of my mind

I wanna, I wanna feel, like something is changing
Some things need changing

Hey ya, I wanna go out
I wanna go out, I wanna-na
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind
Hey ya, I wanna check out
Step off of my cloud
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind

Hey ya, I wanna go out
I wanna go out, I wanna
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind
Hey ya, I wanna check out
Step off of my cloud
Hey ya, I wanna go out
Out of my mind

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American Authors – I’m Born To Run Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I'm Born To Run – American Authors

I'm born to run down rocky cliffs
Give me grace, bury my sins
Shattered glass and black holes
Can't hold me back from where I need to go

Yellow hills and valleys deep
I watch them move under my feet
Stranger things have come and gone
To see the world and take the throne

Don't hold back
Oh, I won't hold back

I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young
Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run
I'm gonna spend my time like tomorrow won't come
Do whatever I want like I'm born to run

I wanna see Paris, I wanna see Tokyo
I wanna be careless even if I break my bones
I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young
Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run

A winding road where strangers meet
To feel the love of a warm drink
My body moves, it's speaking loud
Don't have to say what I'm thinking now

Don't hold back
Oh, I won't hold back

I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young
Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run
I'm gonna spend my time like tomorrow won't come
Do whatever I want like I'm born to run

I wanna see Paris, I wanna see Tokyo
I wanna be careless even if I break my bones
I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young
Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run

All these things I've seen and done
I live my life like I'm born to run
All these things I've seen and done
I live my life like I'm born to run
(I was born, born, born, born, born to run
I was born, born, born, born, born to run)
All these things I've seen and done
I live my life like I'm born to run

I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young
Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run
I'm gonna spend my time like tomorrow won't come
Do whatever I want like I'm born to run

I wanna see Paris, I wanna see Tokyo
I wanna be careless even if I break my bones
I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young
Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run

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American Authors – Keep Me Dreaming Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Keep Me Dreaming – American Authors

I've walked these streets of silence
Through the cold and misty nights
But the more I search the less I tend to notice
I've been trying to find an answer
Why you've left me high and dry
Even though you're gone I need a sense of closure

Through all the times you've left and said it wouldn't be long
Through all the times I'd wait for you to never come home
I won't back down
I won't back down
I won't back down so come right back to me

As I gazed out on Manhattan
From the peak of Brooklyn Bridge
I could swear I saw an angel in the skyline
And she came and stood beside me
As the snow began to fall
Saying, "Times will change, but truth will stay forever."



I've lost your heart
To fallin' stars
That keep me dreaming

Yeah, yeah

Through all the times you left and said it wouldn't be long
I won't back down
I won't back down


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American Authors – Lonely Life Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Lonely Life – American Authors

Never wanted a steady job, not now, nine to five
But now it's just all I've got, I'm up on the grass
You can't even find the strength to getting about this place
I can't even move on when the thought of you is on my brain

It's too hard to get close to you, it's take-taking time
I can't even make a move, it seems nothing's right
On my own for so many days I can't even keep my ways
I thought that change maybe instead I'm going crazy

(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life
(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life

I don't care what the people say
Because all I've got is a lonely life
All I've seen is how the people change
They go what I want it is lonely life

(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life
(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life

Waking up to the same old shit I have every day
My mind is about to quit and take, take away
I've got nothing left to lose, nothing left to choose
It's all to win, I'm better when I've never know the rules
Losing track of the things we had before, falling out
I guess that what's good must end, but it never really followed me on this route
I keep falling back in life no matter how hard I try
It's just a lonely life (I lead a lonely life)

I don't care what the people say
Because all I've got is a lonely life
All I've seen is how the people change
They go what I want it is lonely life

(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life
(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life

I lead a lonely life
I lead a lonely life
I lead a lonely life

Do I only feel this way
From situations that I raise
Does anybody feel this way
The lone so
Motivation's falling down
I have to lift and say that
My instinct it must be redefined
But lone so
We can only feel this way
We're giving up our dreams and make
A breaking down the rules
We take of lone so

(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life
(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life

I don't care what the people say
Because all I've got is a lonely life
All I've seen is how the people change
They go what I want it is lonely life

(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life
(I lead a lonely life)
I lead a lonely life
(I lead a lonely life)
(I lead a lonely life)

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American Authors – Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Love – American Authors

Remember when we were lost at sea?
We would look at the bright night sky
Thinking of, what we could be
What we could be
How to spend our lives

Remember when we had nothing left?
We were strung out in the cold
Holding on, trying to save our breath
Trying to save our breath
We would not let go
Through the good, through the bad and ugly
We'll conquer anything

'Cause one day we're gonna come back
And laugh at it all
One day we'll look at the past
With love, love
One day we're gonna come back
And relive those thoughts
One day we'll look at the past
With love, love
With love, love

Remember down in the forest heart
We were lost, losing hope and faith
We put our trust in counting stars
We were counting stars
Trying to find our way

Remember up on the mountain top
Looking out on the rocks below
Thanking God, will we never stop
We will never stop
No we won't let go

'Cause one day we're gonna come back
And laugh at it all
One day we'll look at the past
With love, love
One day we're gonna come back
And relive those thoughts
One day we'll look at the past
With love, love
(Love, love)

Like a scene from the past
Where we look back and laugh
With love, love
A thought like a flash
Black and white, hope it lasts
With love, love
Like a scene from the past
Where we look back and laugh
With love, love
A thought like a flash
Black and white, hope it lasts
With love

'Cause one day we're gonna come back
And laugh at it all
One day we'll look at the past
With love, love
One day we're gonna come back
And relive those thoughts
One day we'll look at the past
With love, love
(Love, love)

With love, love

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American Authors – Love You Fear Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Love You Fear – American Authors

I've traveled half the world
I've climbed through beds of pearls
And when the storms would come and the sun would show
I'd think of all that I had done
To be right next to you

So show me your light, give me the town
Let me explore the world you found
Show me your light, and give me the love you fear
So show me your light, give me a sound
Let's make the most of what's around
Show me your light, and give me the love you fear

You've been away for years
You're having new ideas
But when the past shines through and you've grown alone,
You think about what you've become
Not being close or near

So show me your light, give me the town
Let me explore the world you found
Show me your light, and give me the love you fear
So show me your light, give me a sound
Let's make the most of what's around
Show me your light, and give me the love you fear

Ooooo, oooooo [x2]

Ooooo, oooooo [x2]

And though this time's not fixed
I never once forget
You showed me your light, gave me the town,
Let me explore the world you found
Showed me the light, and gave me the love you feared

So show me your light, give me a sound
Let's make the most of what's around
Show me your light, and give me the love you fear

So show me your light, give me the town
Let me explore the world you found
Show me your light, and give me the love you fear

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American Authors – Luck Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Luck – American Authors

How can we make amends when we said all we said?
I call and you don't pick up
How can I say instead that I hope it's for the best?
I won't, and I won't give up

I'm sorry, Mother
I know I let you down
I'm sorry for how I up and left this town

How can we push aside all the bad and make it right
Now you got me all choked up
I'm sorry, brother
I know I let you down
I'm sorry for how I up and left this town
Please just listen cause I don't ask for much
I am my own man
I make my own luck

How can we both pick sides when we know nothing's right?
Open up the door that's shut
How can I have my pride and drink away my soul tonight?
Sorrow's filling up my cup

I'm sorry, Father
I know I let you down
I'm sorry for how I up and left this town
Please just listen cause I don't ask for much
I am my own man
I make my own luck

Well some birds aren't meant to be caged
And I just can't see the light of day

Please forgive me
I can't remember
Please forgive me
No one is calling
Please forgive me
I can't believe it

Gonna pick myself up, so I don't let this ever grow
Even if I mess up, I won't let this ever go
It's hard to stay
It's hard to stay
Cause some birds aren't meant to be caged

How can I set us free?
I'm what you taught me to be
Shouldn't that be enough?
It's time that we make amends
Let's forget the things we said
You know we were all just stuck

I'm sorry, Mother
I know I let you down
I'm sorry, Father
I didn't stick around
Please just listen cause I don't ask for much
I am my own man
I make my own luck
Please just listen cause I don't ask for much
Just like my old man, I make my own luck

And some birds are meant to be caged
And some just won't see the light of day

Please forgive me
I can't remember
Please forgive me
No one is calling
Please forgive me
I can't believe it

Gonna pick myself up, so I don't let this ever grow
Even if I mess up, I won't let this ever go
It's hard to stay
It's hard to stay
Cause some birds aren't meant to be caged

Please just listen cause I don't ask for much
I am my own man
I make my own luck
Please just listen cause I don't ask for much
I am my own man
I make my own luck

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American Authors – Mess With Your Heart Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Mess With Your Heart – American Authors

Well, if this city's now too big for your taste
And you're home town feels a million miles away
When the walls close in and the only time your honest
Is just when you're speaking through a satellite in space

You say you haven't met a single soul you trust
You're always worried about the smoke from another stranger's gun
Let me show you I've got nothing left to hide
And all I have to give to you is my love

Yeah I, really really want to take the time now
And I, really really want to change your mind now
So don't worry I won't mess with your heart
I'll be your neon light in the dark
On nights where the clouds cover the stars
I won't mess with your heart
I won't mess with your heart
I, I won't mess with your heart

And I promise that I'll be right here to listen
I'll shatter all your doubts and all your intuitions
Every cab ride home I'll call you just to know
That you made it safe and sound back to Brooklyn

Yeah I, really really want to take the time now
Oh and I, really really want to change your mind now
So don't worry I won't mess with your heart
I'll be your neon light in the dark
On nights where the clouds cover the stars
I won't mess with your heart
No, won't mess with your heart
I, I won't mess with your heart
Oh, I won't, I won't, no

The way you've memorized each Ryan Adams lyric
You sing it out loud just like nobody's listening
And all I'm asking is for that kinda love
And I promise that you never will regret it

So don't worry I won't mess with your heart
I'll be your neon light in the dark
On nights where the clouds cover the stars
I, I won't mess with your heart
No, won't mess with your heart
Yeah, I, I won't mess with your heart

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American Authors – Mind Body Soul Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Mind Body Soul – American Authors

My mind, my body, my soul
Feeling like I got nowhere to go
So take one down and pass it around
And give me your love like you love this town
I work all day and I work all night
But it's not enough to get you off my mind

My mind, my body, my soul
I need to make more money than ever before
But making music always changed
Ain't what I thought no it ain't the same
Can't afford the life that I wanna buy
Or the big white house for you and I

My mind, my body, my soul
Only feels good standing out in the cold
Can't tell my girl that I lost my heart
Made a few mistakes and I've gone too far
My heads a mess and I'll never change
Ain't strong enough to hold this weight

My mind, my body, my soul
I need forgiveness from anyone's lord
I've seen what's right and I've seen what's wrong
Can't tell a difference between those songs
Am I a hero or the devil's son?
I can't figure out what side I'm on

My mind, my body, my soul
I miss my brother more than ever before
I wish we could have just one more drink
What I would give for you to watch me sing
Mom and Dad yeah I know they're proud
But I would rather have you here right now

My mind, my body, my soul
I'm feeling like I got nowhere to go
I remember my past I remember those names
4 years of love gone down the drain
Time spent wasted time well spent
But I'm all alone with no wife and kid

I feel like a bird floating through the sky just a little bit
I feel like a bird floating through the sky just a little bit
Oh don't take me down to the valley tonight
Don't take me down to the river cause I get lost oh so lost
I feel like a bird floating through the sky just a little bit

My mind, my body, my soul, floating through the sky just a little bit
My mind, my body, my soul, floating through the sky just a little bit

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American Authors – Neighborhood Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Neighborhood – American Authors

I left my mother feelin' sick in her bedroom
My daddy told me, "Son, you best grow up"
I told my friends, they can find me on the internet
'Cause somehow this place just ain't enough
Collect call from my brother in the lock up
He said he paid his dues but could I pay him too
My best friend is stealin' money from my pocket
I guess it's time to go, when they said

"Who, who are you?" "Who are you really anymore?"
I said, "Who, who am I, I don't know what I'm headed for"
I said, "Oh no, oh no, I'm leaving again"
I said, "Goodbye, so long", to my, my neighborhood
And I know, I know, I'll see you again
'Cause I'll always, always come back
To my neighborhood, to my neighborhood

I threw my troubles and my bags in the back seat
Pulled up the drive, for one last look
She was standin' in the doorway lonely, I had to lean in close
When she said, "Who, who are you?" "Who are you really anymore?"
I said, "Who, who am I, I don't know what I'm fighting for"

Oh no, oh no, I'm leaving again
I said, "Goodbye, so long", to my, my neighborhood
And I know, I know I'll see you again
'Cause I'll always, always come back
To my neighborhood, to my neighborhood, to my neighborhood

Came back last night just to see you
It's been too long but nothing's changed
I'm trying to be the one you can't be
Baby these dreams they are to blame
I can hear it in your voice that you do know
It's not a choice for me to stay
So long, goodbye to the neighborhood
To my neighborhood

Oh no, oh no, I'm leaving again
I said, "Goodbye, so long", to my, my neighborhood
And I know, I know I'll see you again
'Cause I'll always, always come back
To my neighborhood, my neighborhood, my neighborhood, my neighborhood

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American Authors – No Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
No Love – American Authors

We say 'I love you'
We go to parties
We never argue
But baby something's changed
We ain't got no love anymore

There's not one thing about you
That I would ever change
There's just this thing that I can't explain
Don't wanna be without you
But it can't stay this way
Don't know what happened but I'll take the blame

Now we're runnin' runnin' runnin' in circles
We're runnin' runnin' runnin' in circles

We say 'I love you'
We go to parties
We never argue
But baby something's changed

We say don't worry
But I think we got to
This house is burning
Cause baby something's changed

Cause we ain't got no love anymore
We ain't got no love
We ain't got no love anymore

There's just some things about me
That I wish I could change
You're running on empty
And I'm so drained

I feel you tossin' turning
I can even feel your pain
Could we just hit rewind and start again

Now we're runnin' runnin' runnin' in circles
We're runnin' runnin' runnin' in circles

We say 'I love you'
We go to parties
We never argue
But baby something's changed

We say don't worry
But I think we got to
This house is burning
Cause baby something's changed

Cause we ain't got no love anymore
We ain't got no love
We ain't got no love anymore

But if we can't go back to what we knew
The different people that we grew into
Instead of running off to someone new
I'd rather start again and grow with you

We say 'I love you'
We go to parties
We never argue
But baby something's changed

We say 'I love you'
We go to parties
We never argue
But baby something's changed
We say don't worry
But I think we got to
This house is burning
Cause baby something's changed

Cause we ain't got no love anymore
We ain't got no love
We ain't got no love anymore

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American Authors – Nothing Better Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Nothing Better – American Authors

I don't believe it, I don't believe it
I don't believe it's true
There is nothing better than you
La di da di doo, there is nothing better than you

You're right, I'm wrong
Every single time
You're perfect, and it's true
You're hot, I'm cold
Every single night
I'm nothing without you

I don't believe it, I don't believe it
I don't believe it's true
There is nothing better than you

Slow it down, hurry up
Never miss a beat
All the beautiful things you say
Button up, tuck it in
Always looking at me
You make me look so great

A search for gold, oh yeah
But I found you
Because I've been high, yeah, I've been low
But I'm nothing without you

I don't believe it, I don't believe it
I don't believe it's true
There is nothing better than you
La di da di doo, there is nothing better than you
All that we've been through, there is nothing better than you

Hot mess, hot damn
I'm always on by
But you keep me on my toes
Bury it, dig it up
I'm working hard
I'm reaping what I sew

A search for diamonds, yeah
But I found you
Because I've been high, yeah, I've been low
But I'm nothing without you

But I don't believe it, I don't believe it
I don't believe it's true
There is nothing better, there is nothing better
There is nothing better than you
All that we've been through, there is nothing better than you
La di da di doo, there is nothing better than you
All that we've been through, there is nothing better than you

All this talk about love, it's just a feeling
It's just a feeling
I let it all go
All this talk about love, it's just a feeling
It's just a feeling
I let it all go
All this talk about love, it's just a feeling
It's just a feeling
I let it all go
All this talk about love, it's just a feeling
It's just a feeling
I let it all go

But I don't believe it, I don't believe it
I don't believe it's true
There is nothing better, there is nothing better
There is nothing better than you
La di da di doo, there is nothing better than you
All that we've been through, there is nothing better than you
La di da di doo, there is nothing better than you
All that we've been through, there is nothing better than you

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American Authors – Oh, What A Life Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Oh, What A Life – American Authors

There was snow, there was snow
Stretched for miles and more
Where we buried, where we buried
Our souls

Oh I long, oh I long
For them days left and gone
Where we sang
And where we danced to a brighter song

But now I look upon a field
With bodies stretched out and I feel nothing
But something's burning in my soul
I let it lose control and I'm in, oh God I've sinned

But I tried so hard, and we tried so hard
And it's a long long road, that you told me so
Yeah I tried so hard, to forget where we are
And all we do is laugh and we sing

And we laughed oh, and we cried and thought oh, what a life
And we laughed oh, and we cried and thought oh, what a life
And we laughed, and we cried and thought oh, what a life

But I tried so hard, but we killed our hearts
In valleys low, I hear the trumpets blow
Yeah, I tried so hard, yet I'm lost and scarred
And I'm filled with regret yet I sing

And we laughed oh, and we cried and thought oh, what a life
And we laughed oh, and we cried and thought oh, what a life
And we laughed, and we cried and thought oh, what a life

And we laughed oh, and we cried and thought oh, what a life
And we laughed oh, and we cried and thought oh, what a life
And we laughed, and we cried and thought oh, what a life

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American Authors – Pocket Full Of Gold Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pocket Full Of Gold – American Authors

All I need is a head full of hope
And a love, and a home, and a car, and a loan
And I wish I had a pocket full of gold
All I need is a laugh
And a drink, and a couch, and a shrink, and a moment to think
And I wish I had a pocket full of gold

So throw your sticks and throw your stones
Cause you ain't gonna break my bones, yeah

If I'm a sinner
Then I don't feel ashamed
Life goes on, and if I'm wrong
I guess I'll burn in flames
Been up the river
And I've been down the drain
But life goes on, and if I'm wrong
I guess I'll burn in flames

All I need is a hand I could hold
And a crowd at the show, and a rhyme, and a flow
And I wish I had a pocket full of gold
All I need is a job that I love
And some friends at the pub, and a night full of fun
While I'm searching for a pocket full of gold

So throw your sticks and throw your stones
Cause you ain't gonna break my bones, yeah

If I'm a sinner
Then I don't feel ashamed
Life goes on, and if I'm wrong
I guess I'll burn in flames
Been up the river
And I've been down the drain
But life goes on, and if I'm wrong
I guess I'll burn in flames

Unless the moon explodes and the sun goes cold
Life will always, and always goes on
Through the highs and lows with a fist of gold
Life will always, it always goes on
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Life will always, life will always go on
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Life will always, life will always go on
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Life will always, life will always go on
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Life will always, life will always go on

If I'm a sinner
Then I don't feel ashamed
Life goes on, and if I'm wrong
I guess I'll burn in flames
Been up the river
And I've been down the drain
But life goes on, and if I'm wrong
I guess I'll burn in flames

I guess I'll burn in flames
Been up the river
And I've been down the drain
I guess I'll burn in flames

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American Authors – Pride Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pride – American Authors

My home don't feel the same
Last year flew by; goodbye to the good vibes
What we thought were the best times
Nights out with the people I love
Now I'm lost in the neighborhood
That raised me, praised me, made me who I am
But my father was twice the man
And now that pain's resurfacing

Brooklyn don't feel the same
Maybe I'm the one who changed or the one to blame
Another dream down the drain
Ten more before I get on that plane
I swear I knew just what to say
The salt air on the tip of my tongue
But I don't feel good enough for anyone

But I won't unfold
I know cause I-I-I-I got this feeling

I ain't never giving up, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever giving up my pride
I ain't never letting go, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever gonna sell my soul
I-I-I-I got this feeling
I-I-I got this feeling
I ain't never giving up, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever giving up my pride

Pushed out of the family tree
Upside down, but it was a good life
I fell hard for the wine in France
I didn't call you back cause I was learning to dance
And just who I'd become
The salt air on the tip of my tongue
Wish I was good enough for anyone

No, I won't unfold
I know cause I-I-I-I got this feeling

I ain't never giving up, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever giving up my pride
I ain't never letting go, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever gonna sell my soul
I-I-I-I got this feeling
I-I-I got this feeling
I ain't never giving up, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever giving up my pride

Take or leave who I am
Cause this is me

Like a fish out of water
Do I belong here?
But I'm never gonna lose, I'm never giving up my pride
I'm lost in the ocean
Like a note in a bottle
But I'm never gonna lose, I'm never giving up my pride

This is me, who I am

I ain't never giving up, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever giving up my pride
I ain't never letting go, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever gonna sell my soul
I-I-I-I got this feeling
I-I-I got this feeling
I ain't never giving up, I ain't never ever, I ain't never ever giving up my pride

Take or leave who I am
Cause this is me

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American Authors – Replaced Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Replaced – American Authors

I feel like hell
I'm all over the place
Can't believe I'm seeing you in this random space
You know I miss you
Do you believe in fate?

If you think the universe is so big and vast
Don't wanna be alone
You moved on too fast
Didn't catch his name
Just trying to catch my breath

Of course it's you
I'd seen them walking down the street
Maybe the world is telling me it's never easy

So listen up
My heart is dark
I know that I've been replaced
I've had enough
I've tried to love
Keep coming back to this place
I wanna be free and let you fly away
To see your smile
Upon you face
It's the hardest part of being replaced

I heard you moved in
Wasn't that our plan?
Still wake up in the morning
And I reach for your hand
I failed chemistry, I don't understand

Most days I sleep in
See more night than day
I had all the answers now the questions have changed
It's a running joke that I can't escape

So listen up
My heart is dark
I know that I've been replaced
I've had enough
I've tried to love
Keep coming back to this place
I wanna be free and let you fly away
To see your smile
Upon you face
It's the hardest part of being replaced

It's never easy
It's never easy

Of course it's you
I'd seen them walking down the street
Maybe the world is telling me it's never easy

So listen up
My heart is dark
I know that I've been replaced
I've had enough
I've tried to love
Keep coming back to this place
I wanna be free and let you fly away
To see your smile
Upon you face
It's the hardest part of being replaced

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American Authors – Rich With Love Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Rich With Love – American Authors

I was an only child for most of my life
Living with a mother that would work three jobs just to survive
Growing up right outside of Minneapolis
She always gave me more than enough
Oh, to some we looked poor
But we were always rich with love

My old man was far, but we were okay
He'd fly me out to visit the sunny L.A.
Oh, he married to a woman and they had a child
But still he pass away to know
Oh, I'll must know the day
And how we may be rich with love, love, love

I left home and moved to Brooklyn, New York
I didn't know it was only me in entire town, and was heading off course
But I've figured out what made the most of my time
Trying to get out of love
Oh, I never had much
But I was always rich with love, love, love

My girl works a job she said that she hate
And I can't seem to help bring down the unemployment way
But the Millie want to get it all without the peers
It doesn't matter time's all tough
Oh, just having her around
It always makes me rich with love, love, love, love

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American Authors – Right Here Right Now Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Right Here Right Now – American Authors

I wanna sip champagne on a private plane
I wanna scream my name on the top of the Eiffel Tower
On the Eiffel Tower
I wanna hit that blackjack twenty one
I wanna take that money and run
Right here right now-ow
Right here right now-ow

But I won't take that train
I won't catch that flight
If you're not
On that plane
We ain't takin' off tonight

All! The money in the world baby
Don't mean a goddamn thing
Cause you're all that I want
Oh! And even if we're broke baby,
Don't mean a goddamn thing
Cause you're all that I want
Right here! Right now!
Right here! Right now!

I wanna steal the show in Tokyo
I wanna karaoke, bump it a little bit louder
A little bit louder
I wanna sing along with Elton John
In a white limousine rollin' right here, right now-ow
Right here right now-ow

But I won't take that train
I won't catch that flight
If you're not
On that plane
We ain't takin' off tonight

All! The money in the world baby,
Don't mean a goddamn thing
Cause you're all that I want
Oh! And even if we're broke baby,
Don't mean a goddamn thing
Cause you're all that I want
Right here! Right now!
I need you
Right here! Right now!
Oh, I need you
Right here! Right now!
Yeah, I need you
Right here! Right now!

Oh, I wanna
Scream your name I wanna
Make you smile
Let's be
Leave it all behind
Will you
Take that train?
Will you
Catch that flight?
If you're on that plane we'll be takin' off tonight

All! The money in the world baby,
Don't mean a goddamn thing
Cause you're all that I want
Oh! And even if we're broke baby,
Don't mean a goddamn thing
Cause you're all that I want

Right here! Right now!
I need you
Right here! Right now!
Oh, I need you
Right here! Right now!
Yeah, I need you
Right here! Right now!

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American Authors – Run Back Home Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Run Back Home – American Authors

It's you in the night
It's you by my side
Who's making my head turn
It's tempting but we've learned

All through the years
We're building what fears
Were calling to hold on
Admitting we've been wrong

But while young ghost
Is haunting me

We'll bleed just like the killers tonight
And it feels so right, burning inside
But ah you can't wait to run back home
(to run back home)

Try while you can
It's your upper hand
Who's tearing these homes down
Retracing these old grounds

We're all in bad times
We've been trying to realize
It's been a disaster
The world's ending faster

But while young ghost
Is haunting me

We'll bleed just like the killers tonight
And it feels so right, burning inside
But ah you can't wait to run back home
(to run back home)

We'll bleed just like the killers tonight
And it feels so right, burning inside
But ah you can't wait to run back home
(to run back home)

Exploding lights off in the valley of shine
Shine on this town
Like a firework in the distance
Reminds me of a once known home

My soul's left behind
Leave no man behind
My soul's left behind
Leave no man behind

We'll bleed just like the killers tonight
And it feels so right, burning inside
But ah you can't wait to run back home

We'll bleed (we'll bleed) just like the killers tonight (the killers)
And it feels so right, burning inside
But ah you can't wait to run back home
(to run, to run, to run)

We'll bleed just like the killers tonight
And it feels so right, burning inside
But ah you can't wait to run back home
(Wait to run back home)

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American Authors – Say Amen Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Say Amen – American Authors

What if we could talk
Like it never happened?
Everything we lost
We could get it back and

We could start from the top before we were hopeless
I'd be lying if I wasn't hoping
We could lie 'cause it's been quite a while

Since I've seen your light
Since I've held you, my friend
I don't feel alright
If you were with me, I could say Amen

Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh

What if we could take
Everything we said back?
Take me to the day
The day before it went bad

We could start from the top before we were hopeless
I'd be lying if I wasn't hoping
We could lie 'cause it's been quite a while

Since I've seen your light
Since I've held you, my friend
I don't feel alright
If you were with me, I could say Amen

Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh

Oh, even if I try my best to fix it
Leave behind the state that I'm in
Oh, even if I try my best to fix it
What I wouldn't give

Just to see your light
Just to hold you, my friend
I don't feel alright
If you were with me, I could say Amen

Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh
Amen Amen
Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...

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American Authors – Stay Around Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Stay Around – American Authors

I don't know what I would do
If I was left alone to my own devices
I need to fight this
Sometimes I feel that I'm not acting right
All my life I've been acting childish
Don't mean to be like this

But I swear I'm gonna take my time
And I hope that you don't change your mind
So I swear I'm gonna take my time
Oh, I know it's hard to find someone like you
I don't wanna let down

I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around
I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around
Ooh, when you see me at my worst
My, my, my worst
I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around

Sometimes I put up a wall to protect how I feel
When I fear the darkness
My heart is guarded
Lighting my fuse is so easy to do
No excuses, I make it harder
For that I'm sorry

'Cause I swear I'm gonna take my time
And I hope that you don't change your mind

I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around
I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around
Ooh, when you see me at my worst
My, my, my worst
I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around

Tell me that it's all okay
Keep me from digging my own grave
Tell me it's okay
'Cause I know it's hard to find someone like you
I don't wanna let down

I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around
I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around
Ooh, when you see me at my worst
My, my, my worst
I hope you stay around, stay around
(I hope you) Stay around

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American Authors – Superman Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Superman – American Authors

Excuse my lack of patience
But today I'm feeling faceless
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
Can I go on?
My mind said I'm a-wasting
My life ain't keeping pace
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
Can I go on?

I need a miracle
I need a saint
I need a hero to lift away
I need a miracle
But not for long

I, I'm on my own
My own hero
I will stay strong
I'm on my own
No undertone could bring me down
I feel like superman
I feel like superman

My laugh is understated
Cause I don't think I can fake it
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
Can I go on?
Been locked inside this cage
And I don't think I can break it
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
Can I go on?

I need a miracle
But not for long

I, I'm on my own
My own hero
I will stay strong
I'm on my own
No undertone could bring me down
I feel like superman
I feel like superman

I'm making waves
Oh, I'm making waves
In my heart again, I'm making waves
I'm making waves
Oh, I'm making waves
In my heart again, I'm making waves
I draw life through what the people say
I'm making waves, I'm making waves

I feel like superman
I feel like superman
(I'm on my own) Yeah, I'm on my own
(I'm not alone) I don't know,
I don't know, I don't know where to go
(I'm on my own) Yeah, I'm on my own
(I'm not alone)
(I'm on my own, my own hero, I'm not alone)
I feel, I feel, I feel it in my bones
I feel, I feel, I feel it in my soul
I feel, I feel, I feel like superman
I need a miracle

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American Authors – Tell Me How You Feel Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tell Me How You Feel – American Authors

There's a secret you're hiding
Something that's trapped inside your head
Now the world that you mounted
Silent in each breath that you take
But I know you've been building
Building up walls for quite some time
They've risen above clouds
But let them crash on down you're not safe

Let this go, your bruised up soul
The weight of your past seems to anchor you down from what you dream

So tell me how it feels we get lose control
We get lose our minds, we'll escape from this life
Tell me how it feels in the world I've known when you let go
Open up and go
So tell me how it feels we get lose control
We get lose our minds, we'll escape from this life
Tell me how it feels in the world I've known when you let go
Open up and go

In the ship sinking slowly
I'm diving just to save what's left
I know that you're down there
Swimming out somewhere once up here
Tell me all of your secrets, yeah
The prisoners of your heart and hand
I'll be there to catch you
When you fall from the walls that you've now fled

Let this go, your worn down soul
The weight of your past seems to anchor you down from what you dream

So tell me how it feels we get lose control
We get lose our minds, we'll escape from this life
Tell me how it feels in the world I've known when you let go
Open up and go
So tell me how it feels we get lose control
We get lose our minds, we'll escape from this life
Tell me how it feels in the world I've known when you let go
Open up and go

Let me know what your eyes show
Open up your worn out soul
Let this go, release your groans
Laying down your bruised up soul

So tell me how it feels we get lose control
We get lose our minds, we'll escape from this life
Tell me how it feels in the world I've known when you let go
Open up and go
So tell me how it feels we get lose control
We get lose our minds, we'll escape from this life
Tell me how it feels in the world I've known when you let go
Open up and go

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American Authors – Think About It Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Think About It – American Authors

In the jungle that we roam
To search and find and to explore
All we all we all know
All we all we don't know
Pushing back remove the leaves
To find something bigger than me
All we all we all know
All we all we don't know
So far so good
So don't turn back
So far so good
It's been hard
Trying to find the best of it
I'm always hung up on the risk
Don't over think about it
When all that's left is rearranged
And everything is in the way
Don't over think about it
Don't over think about it
If I think too hard and never leave
I'll watch the world turn without me
All we all we all know
All we all we don't know
To hide from lions and the wolves
Would never break the fears we hold
All we all we all know
All we all we don't know
So far so good
So don't turn back
So far so good
It's been hard
Trying to find the best of it
I'm always hung up on the risk
Don't over think about it
When all that's left is rearranged
And everything is in the way
Don't over think about it
Don't over think about it
So far so good
So don't turn back
So far so good

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American Authors – Time And Time Again Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Time And Time Again – American Authors

The hell, I'm a secret of the selfish man
You won't ever say a single word
We stole, we stole from a moment for you
To walk up, up, up right open out of the room

This could be

This is the town, this is the place
This is the look of how
How I changed it all
This is the lie, this is the trust
This is what I'm becoming
Always, always, always
Time and time again

Shhh, now, just close your eyes and take the side of how
There's not a thing here that's left for you to see
You think, you think your suspicions don't mean anything
But they make you wanna run off and turn into something new

This could be

This is the town, this is the place
This is the look of how
How I changed it all
This is the lie, this is the trust
This is what I'm becoming
Always, always, always
Time and time again
Time and time again

Everything you do, everything you say
I've been running off cause you're pushing me too far, not a chance that I will stay
Nothing's ever new, nothing ever change
Everything you do, everything you say to me

This is the town, this is the place
This is the look of how
How I changed it all
This is the lie, this is the trust
This is what I'm becoming
This is the town, this is the place
This is the look of how
How I changed it all
This is the lie, this is the trust
This is what I'm becoming
Always, always, always

Time and time again
Time and time again
Time and time again
Time and time again

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American Authors – Trouble Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Trouble – American Authors

We grow apart just to be on our own
And we walk right next to all that we have known
Give me your hand, we can climb further up
And we climb the trees and the forest seems to be bigger now
Oh we had so much more

I knew she was trouble from the first kiss
I could tell that something wasn't right with you, with you

We take our time to see what is up ahead
But we're scared of the past and what is left
We'll stay inside and never let out our hands
And we'll pretend that the world, it will never end
No, it will never end

I knew she was trouble from the first kiss
I could tell that something wasn't right with you, with you
One two three four
I could feel it blowing in the night wind
I could tell that something wasn't right with you, with you

Why don't you come back down so we can turn it around
Why don't you ever know just to let it go
'Cause nothing comes around for you
So bring me back from one to two
And tell me what else I could do

I knew she was trouble from the first kiss
I could tell that something wasn't right with you, with you
One two three four
I could feel it blowing in the night wind
I could tell that something wasn't right with you, with you

Why don't you come back down so we can turn it around

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American Authors – Walking Away Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Walking Away – American Authors

Been walking through fire
That used to burn higher
It's getting hard to feed this flame
A year's worth of heartache
A radio mistake
I don't want to feel this way again
I'm stuck in my head
I'm running in circles
Heaven's not as close as we both thought
I'm losing my head
I'm running in circles
And I can't carry on

I don't wanna waste my time
Trying to change your mind
I can feel us fading away
I watch the sun go down
As the lights burn out
And nothing feels the same
So I'm walking away, yeah
I'm walking away, yeah

Been trying to hold on here
Everything's unclear
It's a fading memory
The shadows been casted
This dark cloud is massive
Waiting for the rain to baptize me

I'm stuck in my head
I'm running in circles
Heaven's not as close as we both thought
I'm losing my head
I'm running in circles
And I can't carry on



I've been trying to make things right
But you never want to take the time
I'm walking out
I'm walking away tonight
Yeah, yeah, oh oh oh
Ooh, yeah!


I'm walking away, yeah
I'm waling away, yeah
I'm walking away, yeah
I'm walking away, yeah

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American Authors – What We Live For Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
What We Live For – American Authors

I drive a beat-up car, a caravan, the color blue
Reminds me of your eyes and all the places we've been to
We're tethered to the leather, searching for a better view
It's interstellar when it's me and you

We're taking off
We're taking off

This is what I live for
Baby, you're my open road
You can take me anywhere the wind blows
Right into the great unknown
We can throw our hands up out the window
This is what we live for

We look up at the stars, a perfect night to dream with you
Got 90s retro on the radio, our favorite tune
I put the pedal to the metal just to laugh with you
It's interstellar when it's just us two

We're taking off
We're taking off

This is what I live for
Baby, you're my open road
You can take me anywhere the wind blows
Right into the great unknown
We can throw our hands up out the window
This is what we live for

This is what we live for
This is what we live for
This is what we live for
This is what we live for
This is what we live for
This is what we live for

This is what I live for
Baby, you're my open road
You can take me anywhere the wind blows
Right into the great unknown
We can throw our hands up out the window
This is what we live for

This is what we live for
This is what we live for
This is what we live for
This is what we live for

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American Baby – Dave Matthews Band Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Baby – Dave Matthews Band

If these walls came crumblin' down
Fell so hard, to make us lose our faith
From what's left you'd figure it out
Still make lemonade taste like a sunny day

Stay, beautiful baby
I hope you
Stay, American baby
American baby

Nobody's laughing now
God's grace lost and the devil is proud
But I've been walking for a thousand miles
One last time, I could see you smile

I (I) hold (hold) on (on) to you
You bring me hope, I'll see you soon
And if I don't see you
I'm afraid we've lost the way

Stay, beautiful baby
I hope you
Stay, American baby
American baby

I (I) hold (hold) on (on) to you
You lift me up and always will
I see you in life
Hope I don't get left behind

I (I) hold (hold) on (on) to you
You bring me hope, I'll see you soon
And if I don't see you
I'm afraid we've lost the way

Stay, beautiful baby
I hope you
Stay, American baby
I hope you
Stay, beautiful baby
I hope you
Stay, American baby
American baby
Nobody's laughing now
But you could always make me laugh out loud

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American Bad Dream – Kane Brown Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Bad Dream – Kane Brown

Remember when ninth grade was about getting laid
Skipping class tryin' not to get caught
Now you gotta take a test in a bullet proof vest
Scared to death that you might get shot

It's like I just closed my eyes
Everybody started fallin' for the devil's disguise
That hides behind the lies, that hides
The truth and I just can't take it no more

So wake me up
From this American bad dream
Is it this messed up?
Or is it really reality?
I'm becoming numb
To all of this tragedy
Somebody wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)

I remember going 10 over the limit would just get you a ticket
Just an inconvenience gettin' stopped
Bad cops played the jury made the good ones worry
About showing up and doing their job

It's like I just closed my eyes
Everybody started fallin' for the devil's disguise
That hides behind the lies, that hides
The truth and I just can't take it no more

So wake me up
From this American bad dream
Is it this messed up?
Or is it really reality?
I'm becoming numb
To all of this tragedy
Somebody wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
Yeah this American bad dream
From this American bad dream

It's like I just closed my eyes
Everybody started fallin' for the devil's disguise

So wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
Is it this messed up?
Or is it really reality?
(Is it really reality?)
I'm becoming numb
To all of this tragedy
Somebody wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
Wake me up, wake me up
(This American bad dream)
Wake me up from this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
From this American bad dream

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American Bad Dream – Kane Brown Testo della canzone

Remember when ninth grade was about getting laid
Skipping class tryin’ not to get caught
Now you gotta take a test in a bullet proof vest
Scared to death that you might get shot

It’s like I just closed my eyes
Everybody started fallin’ for the devil’s disguise
That hides behind the lies, that hides
The truth and I just can’t take it no more

So wake me up
From this American bad dream
Is it this messed up?
Or is it really reality?
I’m becoming numb
To all of this tragedy
Somebody wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)

I remember going 10 over the limit would just get you a ticket
Just an inconvenience gettin’ stopped
Bad cops played the jury made the good ones worry
About showing up and doing their job

It’s like I just closed my eyes
Everybody started fallin’ for the devil’s disguise
That hides behind the lies, that hides
The truth and I just can’t take it no more

So wake me up
From this American bad dream
Is it this messed up?
Or is it really reality?
I’m becoming numb
To all of this tragedy
Somebody wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
Yeah this American bad dream
From this American bad dream

It’s like I just closed my eyes
Everybody started fallin’ for the devil’s disguise

So wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
Is it this messed up?
Or is it really reality?
(Is it really reality?)
I’m becoming numb
To all of this tragedy
Somebody wake me up
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
From this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
Wake me up, wake me up
(This American bad dream)
Wake me up from this American bad dream
(This American bad dream)
From this American bad dream


American Band (Live) – The Dead Daisies Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Band (Live) – The Dead Daisies

Out on the road for forty days
Last night in Little Rock put me in a haze
Sweet, sweet Connie, doin' her act
She had the whole show and that's a natural fact

Up all night with Freddie King
I got to tell you, poker's his thing
Booze and ladies, treat me right
As long as we can make it to the show tonight

We're an American band
We're an American band
We're comin' to your town
We'll help you party it down
We're an American band

Four young chiquitas in Omaha
Was waitin' for the band to return from the show
Feelin' good, feelin' right, it's Saturday night
The hotel detective, he was outta sight

Now these fine ladies, they had a plan
They was out to meet the boys in the band
They said, come on dudes, let's get it on
And we proceeded to tear that hotel down

We're an American band
We're an American band
We're comin' to your town
We'll help you party it down
We're an American band

We're an American band
We're an American band
We're comin' to your town
We'll help you party it down
We're an American band

We're an American band
We're an American band
We're comin' to your town
We'll help you party it down
We're an American band

We're an American band
We're an American band
We're comin' to your town
We'll help you party it down
We're an American band

We're an American band, wooo
We're an American band, wooo
We're an American band, wooo

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American Bandit – “autore” Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Bandit –

Chris motherfucking Travis, all American bandit
If you fucking with my dogs, it's gon' be a closed casket
If you fucking with my money then, I'mma let you have it
Gotta recite this shit, just so niggas understand it

Chris motherfucking Travis, all American bandit
If you fucking with my dogs, it's gon' be a closed casket
If you fucking with my money then, I'mma let you have it
Gotta recite this shit, just so niggas understand it

Wavy ass nigga, take your bitch to the ocean
Fucked that bitch on the beach, right there in the open
Turtle pace when I slide, cause I'm on that potion
Why your eye's red? Cause bitch I been smokin'
I pulled up on your bitch like, why the fuck you loafing
Where the fuck my money, cause the deadline approaching
Yeah this pimp shit, for you fucking cockroaches
Smoking dope in public, fuck a damn cop patrolling
I just wanna fuck, bitch I gotta stay focused
Gotta watch my back, for these pussy niggas trolling
I don't got a main bitch cause all of 'em stolen
And I buy my own weed bitch, I don't need you rolling

Chris motherfucking Travis, all American bandit
If you fucking with my dogs, it's gon' be a closed casket
If you fucking with my money then, I'mma let you have it
Gotta recite this shit, just so niggas understand it

Chris motherfucking Travis, all American bandit
If you fucking with my dogs, it's gon' be a closed casket
If you fucking with my money then, I'mma let you have it
Gotta recite this shit, just so niggas understand it

She said I ain't got no life, all I do is smoke
Well now I'm getting money, now that bitch wanna be close
I said bitch you crazy, you gon' have to let it go
Cause when I wasn't shit, you ain't give me no hope
Fuck niggas talking to this mouth, I'mma scope
Take a deep breath, then let the rifle go
Bitches on my dick, I don't know which way to go
Why you niggas watching me? You better watch your ho
Cause she'll suck and fuck, then keep it on the low
And bitch I'm from the south, just in case you didn't know
Gold mouth dog, I'mma let my teeth glow
And this fuck everybody, I ain't talking Cee Lo

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American Beauty – “autore” Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Beauty –

Like a spider to a fly she sang
I was tangled in her web
I lived to see her smile until I saw the fangs
Was I lost in a mirage or was it in me

American beauty - just an illusion of a girl
American beauty - spreading her image to the world
I couldn't have tried to fight her to deny her
I'd - a died to lie beside her
Wrong or right she was mine - american beauty

Every whisper drew me closer still
Every breath we seemed to share
I couldn't turn away she moved in for the kill
Did I give into the bait or lead it to me

American beauty - just an illusion of a girl
American beauty - spreading her image to the world
I couldn't have tried to fight her to deny her
I'd - a died to lie beside her
Wrong or right she was mine - american beauty

No more the same is she to blame
Or am I responsible because I came
Moth to a flame I surrendered to her pull
Wrong or right she was mine for a night

American beauty - just an illusion of a girl
American beauty - spreading her image to the world
American beauty - still I can feel her in my veins
American beauty - part of me now forever stained
I couldn't have tried to fight her to deny her
I'd - a died to lie beside her
Wrong or right she was mine - american beauty

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American Beauty Drew Holcomb Feat The Neighbors – Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Beauty – Drew Holcomb Feat The Neighbors

She was a good companion, eyes like the Grand Canyon
She was an American beauty
She was a long goodbye, she was the best alibi
She was an American beauty

With her Wayfarers on in the summer sun
Her touch felt like a loaded gun
Wish I had held her longer
Wish I had held her long

A gorgeous vagabond, she was sweet but she was strong
She was an American beauty
She was déjà vu, she was a catch-22
She was an American beauty

Her blue eyes shine in the summer sun
Her kiss felt like a loaded gun
Wish I had held her longer
Wish I had held her long

Goodbye came like the morning sun
She fired shots from a loaded gun
Wish I had held her longer
Wish I had held her long

She was a good companion
Eyes like the Grand Canyon
She was an American beauty

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American Bitches – Bloodhound Gang Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Bitches – Bloodhound Gang

Raise your hand if you like American bitches
Locked in girl on girl kisses
Well, I do

You're just mad you can't score American bitches
So you're blowing up shit, which
Just goes to prove

That eighteen year old bombs are dynamite
Yes, eighteen year old bombs are dynamite

(What kind of a man sits Indian style?)

Camping with your bros, as your playoff beard grows
Ain't gonna get your whack ass laid
Camping with your bros, as your playoff beard grows
Ain't gonna get your whack ass laid

Trust me holmes, you would kill for American bitches
And the freedom of tits if
You only knew, who who

That eighteen year old bombs are dynamite
Yes, eighteen year old bombs are dynamite

(What kind of a man sits Indian style?)

Camping with your bros, as your playoff beard grows
Ain't gonna get your whack ass laid
Camping with your bros, as your playoff beard grows
Ain't gonna get your whack ass laid

Come to Infidelphia
And fall in love with the unholy
My boy knows this stripper that looks just like Angelina Jolie

Don't bring up
What that club
You belong to does
Dungeons & Dragons

Camping with your bros, as your playoff beard grows
Ain't gonna get your whack ass laid
Camping with your bros, as your playoff beard grows
Ain't gonna get your whack ass laid

Where I come from bras are booby traps
And soft targets have a bikini wax
Where I come from bras are booby traps
And soft targets have a bikini wax
Where I come from bras are booby traps
And soft targets have a bikini wax
Where I come from bras are booby traps
And soft targets have a bikini wax

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American boy


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2008 Shine

Testo Della Canzone

American boy di Estelle

(feat. Kanye West)

[Kanye West:]
Just another one champion sound
Me and Estelle about to get down
Who the hottest in the world right now.
Just touched down in London town.
Bet they give me a pound.
Tell them put the money in my hand right now.
Tell the promoter we need more seats,
We just sold out all the floor seats

[Chorus (Estelle):]
Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day.
Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy.

He said “Hey Sister.
It’s really really nice to meet you.”
I just met this 5 foot 7 guy who’s just my type.
I like the way he’s speaking his confidence is peaking.
Don’t like his baggy jeans but I’m a like what’s underneath them.
And no I ain’t been to MIA
I heard that Cali never rains and New York heart awaits.
First let’s see the west end.
I’ll show you to my brethren.
I’m liking this American Boy. American Boy

Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day
Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy

Can we get away this weekend?
Take me to Broadway.
Let’s go shopping baby then we’ll go to a café.
Let’s go on the subway.
Take me to your hood.
I never been to Brooklyn and I’d like to see what’s good.
Dress in all your fancy clothes.
Sneaker’s looking Fresh to death, I’m loving those Shell Toes.
Walking that walk.
Talk that slick talk.
I’m liking this American Boy. American Boy.

Take me to Chicago, San Francisco Bay
Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy

Let them know a gwan blud

[Kanye West:]
Who Killing em in the UK.
Everybody gonna to say you K, reluctantly, because most of this press don’t f**k with me.
Estelle once said to me, “Cool down, down, don’t act a fool now, now.”
I always act a fool oww oww.
Ain’t nothing new now now.
He crazy, I know what ya thinkin.
Ribena I know what you’re drinking.
Rap singer. Chain Blinger.
Holla at the next chick soon as you’re blinking.
What’s you’re persona.
About this Americana Brama.
Am I shallow cause all my clothes designer.
Dressed smart like a London Bloke.
Before he speak his suit bespoke.
And you thought he was cute before.
Look at this peacoat, tell me he’s broke.
And I know you’re not into all that.
I heard your lyrics I feel your spirit.
But I still talk that CASH.
Cause a lot wags want to hear it.
And I’m feeling like Mike at his Baddest.
The Pips at they Gladys.
And I know they love it.
So to hell with all that rubbish

Would you be my love, my love.
Could be mine would you be my love my love, could be mine
Could you be my love, my love.
Would you be my American Boy. American Boy

Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day
Take me to Chicago, San Fransisco Bay.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Boy – Big Head Todd And The Monsters Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Boy – Big Head Todd And The Monsters

He's an American boy with his hair combed back
He's gonna buy himself a nice new car
He's gonna marry one of them pretty cookin' wives
and die alone in a big old house
Oh, he was an American boy

He's gonna get a job that pays real well
Go on vacation every year
Have a fine young boy for the N.F.L.
All without having to shed a tear.
Oh, he was an American boy

Yeah, the American boy is older now
He's been shortened by the weight on his back
He finally takes a look around to see.
There were a lot of other things that he could have been.
Oh, he was an American boy.

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American Boy – Chris Isaak Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Boy – Chris Isaak

I'm the original American boy
Love you baby, with all my heart
Ten times better than those movie stars
What you see, is what you are
I'm no James Dean baby,
But you know I care
If you ever need me, I'll be there, always there

Don't you know I love you more each day
Don't you know I will always feel this way
You can count on me I'm here to stay

I'll go crazy if I stay inside
Come on baby, take a ride
Take you places that we've never been
Don't be shy, hop on in
I ain't no Hollywood baby
You can't find a friend, they all say they love you
But just pretend, mine never ends

I'm the original American boy
Can't you see, you're made for me
Tell me baby that you want me too, I'd do anything for you
I get a crazy feeling, when I look at you
Don't ask me if I want you, you know I do
Only you
I'm the original American boy, yeah I'm the original American boy

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American Boy – Eddie Rabbitt Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Boy – Eddie Rabbitt

I wanna live in a place where they name their kids Billy.
Turn on the radio, and hear my man Willie.
Friday night football, stand up and cheer.
Go where I wanna go, I'm a free man here!

I'm an American boy,
Drive me a Chevy, ain't got no Peugot,
My older brother was a GI Joe
Red White and Blue from my head to my toes.

I'm an American boy.

My little brother watches Saturday morning cartoons,
I mow the front lawn, in the afternoon
Fixin' up my car, workin for a livin
Drive down to the seashore, lookin at the pretty women

I'm an American boy,
Drive me a Chevy, ain't got no Peugot,
My older brother was a GI Joe
Red White and Blue from my head to my toes.

I'm an American boy.
[voice mix including Martin Luther King Jr.]
I'm an American boy.
(I buy American)
I'm an American boy.
(Yes I am)
I'm an American boy.
(I'll die an American)

I'm an American boy,
Drive me a Chevy, ain't got no Peugot,
My older brother was a GI Joe
Red White and Blue from my head to my toes.

I'm an American boy.
(I buy American)
I'm an American boy.
(I'll die an American)
I'm an American boy.
I'm an American boy.
(Coast to coast)
I'm an American boy.
(Just like apple pie baby)
I'm an American boy. Yeah.
I'm an American boy.
Eye eye I'm an American boy.
I'm an American boy.

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American boy – Jay-Z


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2011 All black everything

Testo Della Canzone

American boy – Jay-Z di Jay-Z

No lyric

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Burning – Shinedown Testo con traduzione in italiano


Testo e traduzione in uscita il 22 Aprile 2022

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Burning – Shinedown

Testo in uscita il 22 Aprile 2022

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American By Birth – Johnny Cash Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American By Birth – Johnny Cash

I'm gonna go down on the creek bank, gather all my people
Pitch horseshoes until the sun goes down
Gonna barbecue my ribs, eat potato salad
Let the bird dogs run, let the children sing
Lord we're gonna get down

Yes, we shall gather down in Dixie
Where my father and my children's feet have trod
We shall all sing "Hallelujah"
I'm American by birth, and Southern by the grace of God

I'm gonna slip off with my cousin
For a little shot of bourbon
Listen to him stretch the truth for a little while
I'm gonna sneak up behind my baby
And tell her that I love her
I'm gonna lay her down in a hickory sheet
And watch my baby smile

Yes, we shall gather down in Dixie
Where my father and my children's feet have trod
We shall all sing "Hallelujah"
I'm American by birth, and Southern by the grace of God

Yes, we shall gather down in Dixie
Where my father and my children's feet have trod
We shall all sing "Hallelujah"
I'm American by birth, and Southern by the grace of God

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American Canyon Sutra – Cass McCombs Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Canyon Sutra – Cass McCombs

Pile of cash- Trash
Pinched into a butterfly by a rubber band
Where are you my brothers that I may share these spoils?
Where are you my sisters that I may repay my debt?
What a lot it is to spend this trash alone
What a lot it is, what a lot it is

The garbage dump may have turned
Into a recycling center
But it looks exactly the same
The same broken bed frames
Soggy cardboard, gulls
Same trash I saw here when I was a kid
In fact, this used to be our playground

In American Canyon
Where Walmart employees and customers
Are one and the same
They've even built apartments here
To add a residential coffin to the bargain
Guess I'll stay forever and work for the company store

Where are you? Where are you?
Where are you to share these spoils, this sacred American trash?
Black as my soul is, don't leave me here alone
Here to fall into the bottomless canyon of nightmares
Falling, falling, falling

In American Canyon
Where trucks and homes are bigger
The cops are moistly white
And they have a recycling center
And a Walmart

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American Child – John Denver Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Child – John Denver

Going up to Alaska, up to the land of the midnight sun,
where the whale and polar bear run over the icy blue sea.
Going up to Alaska, up to the north and the pioneer life,
where courage and strength still survive and a man can be free.

American child, does the call of the wild ever sing through the mist of your dreams?
Does it fly with the wind when you waken again?
When it's gone do you know what it means?

Can you picture the time when a man
had to find his own way through an unbroken land?
Before the machine changed the blue and the green
to something you can't understand?

American child there's a burning inside you that calls you away through the cold.
To come back again to all that you've been,
can't you see that it's time to come home?
To the flowers and the trees and the rivers and the seas
and the earth who's the mother of all?
A promise once made will it shine, will it fade, will we rise with the vision or fall?

Going up to Alaska, up to the land of the midnight sun,
where the whale and polar bear run over the icy blue sea.
Going up to Alaska, up to the north and the pioneer life
where courage and strength still survive and a man can be free, men can be free.

Going up to Alaska, going up to Alaska, going up to Alaska.

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American Cliché – FINNEAS Testo con traduzione in italiano


Troppo poco da fare per troppo tempo e
Troppo poco di te perché le mie canzoni siano tutt'altro che solitarie
Tra un paio di settimane mi possiedi
Troppo stanco per dormire, buongiorno
E sono troppo cablato per ascoltare l'avvertimento
Che c'è pericolo in estate
La calma prima del tuono

Sono un cliché americano
Mi manca una ragazza in un caffè francese
Dico: "Dio dannazione, sei belliss

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Cliché – FINNEAS

Too little to do for too long and
Too little of you for my songs to be anything but lonely
In a couple weeks, you'll own me
Too tired to sleep, good morning
And I'm too wired to heed the warnin'
That there's danger in the summer
The calm before the thunder

I'm an American cliché
Missin' a girl in a French café
I say, "God damn, you're beautiful"
You blush and duck out of frame
I'm an American cliché
Missin' a girl in a French café
I say, "How'd I get along so long without you"
And you say, "Same"

Graveyard, Jim Morrison, Forever
In my arms, they'll have to bury us together
'Cause I'm never gonna let you go
Uh-oh, uh-oh
Missed my flight, makin' love in the morning
While everybody else was boarding
They love to say they told you so
I know, I know, I know

I'm an American cliché
Missin' a girl in a French café
I say, "God damn, you're beautiful"
You blush and duck out of frame
I'm an American cliché
Missin' a girl in a French café
I say, "How'd I get along, so long without you"
And you say, "Same"

Come on over now, you're one layover down?
No one that we know around
Don't want the city without you
I want you
We'll go all over town
No one that we know around
Can't say I'm sober now
Do something I'm not allowed to
I want you

I'm an American cliché
Missin' a girl in a French café
I say, "God damn, you're beautiful"
You blush and duck out of frame
I'm an American cliché
Missin' a girl in a French café
I say, "How'd I get along so long without you"
And you say, "Same"

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American Coffee – Jenny Hval Testo con traduzione in italiano


Mia madre venne in città a ventuno anni
E non aveva altra scelta che andare al lavoro in macchina
Ha detto: ""Ho pianto in macchina ogni giorno finché non l'ho fatto""
E quando ha avuto me, l'ostetrica
La guardò negli occhi e disse: "Povera piccola, sei così spaventata""
Credo di essere nato comunque

Cos'è una casa se non il luogo in cui morirai?
E cosa c'è di lontano se non posti in cui perdersi?
Io stesso, ho avuto la scelta
Sono partito per Northbridge, Fitzroy, Astoria, ovunque tranne che a casa
Mi sono trasferito con un gruppo di infermiere a Collingwood
Mi hanno guardato negli occhi e hanno detto: ""Un concetto è un mattone
Può essere utilizzato per costruire un tribunale della ragione
Oppure può essere lanciato attraverso la finestra.""

Chi sarei stato se non ci fossi mai andato?
E chi è lei che affronta le sue paure?
Sono preso dal panico al volante, ho giurato di guidare anche quest'anno
Mi è stato insegnato come, ma non ho mai insegnato a me stesso a credere
O per correre, o cucinare, o prendersi cura, o anche amare
Tutte le cose normali, sono andato via
Non li conosco, sono andato via

Mi chiedo chi sarei stato se non fossi mai dovuto andare
Ottieni una laurea in belle arti e caffè americano
Con citazioni irrilevanti dalla filosofia francese
E ci incontravamo nel culmine di un film di fantascienza intelligente
Ma sarebbe semplicemente, ma sarebbe semplicemente stupido

Ti do quel tempo alla cineteca (ti do quel tempo)
Stavo guardando ""La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc""
Mentre stavo avendo un UTI
Fissai il viso di Jeanne, sofferente in bianco e nero
Sono sicuro di averla vista fare l'occhiolino
Poi ho fatto la pipì nel bagno dell'atrio
Il colore del sangue sembrava così follemente vivo
Troppo vivo, troppo vivo per essere solo mio

E ho sentito di aver incrociato le strade con una versione di me
Un concetto, si potrebbe dire, ma non lei che è rimasta indietro
Lei che ha lasciato tutto, musica e identità
Ho appena lasciato un po' di sangue dietro e una febbre da condividere

Non c'è tribunale qui e nessuna finestra, nessun mattone viene lanciato
Ma sotto, sotto di noi, sotto, sotto di noi
Le piastrelle del pavimento stupiscono e svolazzano
Sono stupefacenti e svolazzano
In questo momento, in questo momento, ha smesso

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Coffee – Jenny Hval

My mother came to the city at twenty-one
And had no choice but to drive to work
She said, "I cried in the car every day until I didn't,"
And when she had me, the midwife
Looked her in the eye and said, "Poor baby, you're so scared,"
I guess I was born anyway

What is a home but the place you'll be dying?
And what's far away but places to lose yourself?
Myself, I had the choice
I left for Northbridge, Fitzroy, Astoria, anywhere but home
I moved in with a group of nurses in Collingwood
Thеy looked me in the еye and said, "A concept is a brick
It can be used to build a courthouse of reason
Or it can be thrown through the window."

Who would I've been if I'd never gone there?
And who is she who faces her fears?
I panic behind the wheel, I have sworn to drive again this year
I was taught how but I never taught myself to believe
Or to run, or cook, or care, or even love
All the normal things, I went away
I don't know them, I went away

I wonder who I'd been if I never got to go
Get a fine arts degree and American coffee
With irrelevant quotes from French philosophy
And we'd meet in the climax of a clever sci-fi movie
But that would just be, but that would just be, be stupid

I give you that time at the cinematheque (Give you that time)
I was watching "La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc"
While I was having a UTI
I stared into Jeanne's face, suffering in black and white
I'm sure I saw her wink at me
Then I peed blood in the lobby bathroom
The blood color seemed so insanely alive
Too alive, too alive to be just mine

And I felt I crossed paths with a version of me
A concept, you could say, but not she who stayed behind
She who quit everything, music, and identity
Just left a little blood behind and a fever for me to share

There is no courthouse here and no window, no bricks are thrown
But underneath, underneath us, underneath, underneath us
The floor tiles wow and flutter
They wow and flutter
In this moment, in this moment, she has quit

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American Crazy – Brothers Osborne Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Crazy – Brothers Osborne

The same sky, the same clouds, the same dirt,
the same ground we all live and die on
The same song, the same beat, the same car,
the same street we run down our dreams on

We're lost, we're found, we're up, we're down,
we're all just American crazy
We're left, we're right, we're black, we're white,
we're all just American crazy
Just American crazy

Straight A's and drop-outs, up north, 'n' down south,
we all bleed the same blood
Paycheck to paycheck, sun up to sun set,
we're lovers and leavers, we're sinners and believers

We're lost, we're found, we're up, we're down,
we're all just American crazy
We're left, we're right, we're black, we're white,
we're all just American crazy
Just American crazy

Same tune, same town, same school, same crowd,
same fight for the home team, same love, same dream

We're lost, we're found, we're up, we're down,
we're all just American crazy
We're left, we're right, we're black, we're white,
we're all just American crazy
We're lost, we're found, we're up, we're down
We're left, we're right, we're black, we're white,
we're just American crazy
Yeah, we're all just American crazy

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American Darkness – Chelsea Wolfe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Darkness – Chelsea Wolfe

When you come dead last
In battles long past
Intended to rip my heart out
Oracle of your secrets

Your eye was trained on me
As I stood before you, unbuttoning
Kiss me as the bell tolls
Swiftly, as the horses ride

Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance

Damn my dreams, the tormentors
Last night your mouth was on my skin
And the poppies were like fire on the mountain
I took your hand and led you home

All my old ways have started kickin' in
And my bad days are comin' round again
Left here in American darkness
River on fire and sun eclipsed

Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance

Cause I'm comin'
Cause I'm comin'
Cause I'm comin'
Cause I'm comin'

When you come
When you come
When you come
When you come back to me

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American Darkness – Chelsea Wolfe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Darkness – Chelsea Wolfe

When you come dead last
In battles long past
Intended to rip my heart out
Oracle of your secrets

Your eye was trained on me
As I stood before you, unbuttoning
Kiss me as the bell tolls
Swiftly, as the horses ride

Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance

Damn my dreams, the tormentors
Last night your mouth was on my skin
And the poppies were like fire on the mountain
I took your hand and led you home

All my old ways have started kickin' in
And my bad days are comin' round again
Left here in American darkness
River on fire and sun eclipsed

Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance
Won't you dance

Cause I'm comin'
Cause I'm comin'
Cause I'm comin'
Cause I'm comin'

When you come
When you come
When you come
When you come back to me

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American Daughters – Sarah Buxton Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Daughters – Sarah Buxton

I left Lawrence, Kansas
At the age of seventeen
To chase down my own version
Of the American dream

Cowboy boots, a tie-dye dress
In mom's ol' minivan
If a girl like me can do it, sister
I believe anybody can

Oh, the land, she is my mother
And freedom is my father
Yeah, an' I am one of many
Strong, proud and beautiful American daughters

I got married way too young
No one's fault but mine
An' it hurts when you grow
But you learn as you go that nothin' heals like time

I found my faith in God
An' my first apartment on my own
An' now no matter where I ever go
I know I'll never be alone

'Cause the land, she is my mother
Yes, and freedom is my father
Yeah, an' I am one of many
Strong, proud and beautiful American daughters

Resurrection Bay, Alaska
Oh, the Flint Hills roll in Kansas
Time Square, New York City
The Mississippi delta, anywhere in Texas

Redstone, Colorado
Sedona, Arizona
The PCA to California
It's all home sweet home

Oh, 'cause the land, she is my mother
Oh, and freedom is my father
Yeah, and I am one of many
Strong, proud and beautiful

We're all strong, proud and beautiful
Yeah, we're strong, proud and beautiful American daughters
Strong and proud American daughters, yeah

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American Dream – August Alsina Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – August Alsina

Ever since day one
Somebody probably say you wouldn't be nothin'
I bet they told you this over and over again on repeat like a re-run
Nobody ever told you you could live up
To anything you want, don't give up
They rather tell you, you're destined for failure
That's what they tell you
But you just say
What about Martin?
What about Garvey?
What about Rosa?
What about Malcolm?
What if somebody told they they wouldn't be nothin'
And they believed this, think about the outcome
Would we even be the way we are today?
Even if it weren't, could have been a harder way
Even though we lost a lot of people on the way
Had to sacrifice to get us in a better place

I hope you listen to these wizzords
All they want us thinking about is sipping on some sizzurp
And they got us thinking something better we don't deserve
And that we shouldn't try it's no use
But that couldn't be further from the truth
Don't believe them that's what they told me too
When I was growing up (they told me)
They told me (that I wouldn't make it too far)
And when I got a little older
(They told me) they told me, yeah
(That I wouldn't be anything)

That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
But we are leaders
That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
We're supposed to be kings and queens
That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
When we don't believe them
That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
Trying to live the American Dream

They see the baller's and celebrities
As a reminder the people they would never be
Jealousy got them sick without a remedy
Thinking when I die nobody's gonna remember me
I was told that nobody care
So the dreams that I had turned to nightmares
Cause this thing called life really ain't fair
Need help but it ain't there
So you know it's really hard to stay dedicated
When the baller's screaming they was never educated
On the corner getting high just to medicate it
Cause the teachers just told him he would never make it
Now he feeling like he made it cause he stuck in paper
But probably won't let him spend the money later
Nobody ever told us we could be greater
Everybody on the ground in the paper chasers

I hope you listen to these wizzords
All they want us thinking about is sipping on some sizzurp
And they got us thinking something better we don't deserve
And that you shouldn't try it's no use
But that couldn't be further from the truth
Don't believe them that's what they told me too
When I was growing up (they told me)
They told me (that I wouldn't make it too far)
And when I got a little older
(They told me) they told me, yeah
(That I wouldn't be anything)

That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
But we are leaders
That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
We're supposed to be kings and queens
That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
When we don't believe them
That's what they told me, they told me, they told me
Trying to live the American Dream

(That's what they told me, they told me, they told me)
They'd rather see me dead, never gone make it
(That's what they told me, they told me, they told me)
They'd rather see me fail, never gonna be anything
(That's what they told me, they told me, they told me)
They'd rather see me in jail, you're never gonna be shit
(That's what they told me, they told me, they told me)
Everybody die, (you ain't shit, yo daddy ain't shit)
(That's what they told me, they told me, they told me)
But not everybody lives, I told you
(I told you you was gonna make it) (nigga you ain't tell me shit)
We gotta get out of this
You just gotta tell yourself
That somehow I'm a make it

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American Dream – Big L Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – Big L

(check it, Yo!)
Crooked corrupted criminal crime boss with cream
cocaine hustler, blowing out the brains of busters
being my mansion, chilling inhalin the ganja smoke
counting mad cream, weighin tons of coke
guarded by thugs and rottweilers
I flood the streets with drugs and clock dollars
niggas get plugged when my glock collers
skunk smokers, philly and aisle ripper
cristal sipper, I've been a willy for awhile nigga
'Gruff got hoes, the man with all the nachos
expensive hot clothes, drop top Rolls
east coast west coast fiends overdose
'Gruff get the cream with my team and I'm ghost

[Murda Mase]
This money be temptin me, to jump out the MPV, empty 3
clips of hollow tips with no sympathy
since 14 I sold morphine for more green
kept open a nautica coat under the draw sting
and watched out for cops, squad cars, and beamerz
and laundry ninas
flea the country to Argentina
laid back in the beach (yeah)
coastin with commuters
smokin the buddahs, on the cruiseline boat to Aruba
for awhile yo, pump the vowel so, I can pile dough
then become a Harlem Kingpin just like Al Po'
get paid so, I can lay low, in San Diego
with yay-o so I can ship it out whenever I say so

Yo! Makin' this money is the American Dream
East Coast to West Coast you know what I mean
Whether its Uptown, Downtown you pick the scene
you gots to get your own scheme
We ain't splitin this cream

[Killa Kam]
Yo! Imma run hestrically, till they bury me, count numerically
hills of Beverly, more grands than cherokee
president like Eric B., and Rakim
Drug game I'm top ten, locked in , right now its not an option
and those who creep, got the Mac in the heat
they got the 5 inch screens in the back of the seat
and now they got to steady braggin
last year, had me saggin', wasn't ready when heavy
was back tossed me in the paddywagon
but ain't nobody out here stoppin love
cause we was 12 years old in the Cotton Club, poppin Bub
so Hall of Fame without the fortune, Goddamn you wrong
Killa kid Kama'Ron surviving in the Amazon

Yo! I leave you dazed and froze
with all kinds of amazing flows
money surrounded I counted with bathing with Asian Hoes
back home niggas is after me
I'm back to sea sippin daquiri's
coke factory, fiends baggin up crack for me
from cutting up rocks to investing in stocks
nautica yachts, and knots busting outa my socks
now thats bloods play the chub
all the ladies love me, they hate who made me hubby
behind my back they say my babys ugly
each night I sleep, with freaks with Lamborghini, jeeps
neighbors be sneaking peeks, how my semen leaks, between the sheets
mess up my loot, I cut your collars, Juan
cause these is modern times, and the only thing I see is dollar signs

Yo! Makin' this money is the American Dream
East Coast to West Coast you know what I mean
Whether its Uptown, Downtown you pick the scene
you gots to get your own scheme
We ain't splitin this cream

[Big L]
Check It!
To be sittin clean, in the mean beams is every teams dream
Big L's a Cream Fiend, with more green than Springsteen
yo know I'm crazy quick to smack a groupie
I'm known to mack a hoochie, do I got stacks of lucci? (absolutely)
Harlem Kids is known for felonies, and sellin keys, pushin 300z's
Gee-Es- 3's, and puffin trees, these Gees breeze while Dee-Tees
be yellin freeze, we stash cheese while keepin pockets full of centuries
Aye-Yo I'm set for the rest of my life
Some clown that laid the threat cause I had sex with his wife
I stuck my tool to his brain, so that fool can get slain
nigga, yo' bitch choose me, you know the rules to the game

Yo! Makin' this money is the American Dream
East Coast to West Coast you know what I mean
Whether its Uptown, Downtown you pick the scene
you gots to get your own scheme
We ain't splitin this cream

Yea What?
Harlem on the Rise
Blood shed
Killa Kam
Six Figures
Chuck Blassie
My Man man Mase, the Bad Boy
Big L

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American Dream – Casting Crowns Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – Casting Crowns

All work no play may have made Jack a dull boy
But all work no God has left Jack with a lost soul
But he's moving on full steam
He's chasing the American dream
And he's gonna give his family the finer things

Not this time son I've no time to waste
Maybe tomorrow we'll have time to play
And then he slips into his new BMW
And drives farther and farther and farther away

So He works all day and tries to sleep at night
He says things will get better;
Better in time

And he works and he builds with his own two hands
And he pours all he has in a castle made with sand
But the wind and the rain are comin' crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands

His American Dream is beginning to seem
More and more like a nightmare
With every passing day
"Daddy, can you come to my game?"
"Oh Baby, please don't work late."
Another wasted weekend
And they are slipping away

'Cause he works all day and lies awake at night
He tells them things will get better
It'll just take a little more time

He used to say, "Whoever dies with the most toys wins"
But if he loses his soul, what has he gained in the end
I'll take a shack on the rock
Over a castle in the sand
Now he works all day and cries alone at night
It's not getting any better
Looks like he's running out of time
'Cause he worked and he built with his own two hands
And he poured all he had in a castle made with sand
But the wind and the rain are coming crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands

All they really wanted was You
All they really wanted was You
All they really wanted was You

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American Dream – Chelsea Grin Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – Chelsea Grin

Did you ever think that you'd be where you are today?
Did you ever dream that you'd be something really great?
But then it fades, and you except reality
And you can't keep a straight face
Swallow another pill, say it's ok
Everything will be ok

What have I done?
I just want to run
I feel like an empty shell
Created my own hell
Lost inside myself
Knowing that I failed
This is how it feels

Living the american dream
What do you think?
Is it everything you thought it would be?

Swallow another pill, say it's ok
Everything will be ok

What have I done?
I just want to run
I feel like an empty shell
Created my own hell
Lost inside myself
Knowing that I failed
This is how it feels

And I know I fucking failed myself
I can't feel a thing anymore

What have I done?
I just want to run
I feel like an empty shell
Created my own hell
Lost inside myself
Knowing that I failed
This is how it feels

Living the american dream
Is it everything you thought it would be?

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American Dream – Cold Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – Cold

A Pink suitcase
And a princess gown
A movie star in my home town
She said she came back home so she can breathe
She takes her pills
And sings her songs
With a broken delivery all night long
And The life she had to live was tragedy

Daddy works for Jesus
Sister leads the Band
Bobby's out of rehab
And Lizzy's going in
Mothers medicated
Nothings what it seems
Suddenly she finds out the American dream

She woke up late in the afternoon
She smiled at me said I'm leaving soon
Why don't you pack your things and come with me
Then She takes her pills
And sings her songs
With a broken delivery all night long
Screaming Hollywood was made for you and me

Daddy works for Jesus
Sister leads the Band
Bobby's out of rehab
And Lizzy's going in
Mothers medicated
Nothings what it seems
Suddenly you find out the American dream

Now the stars don't shine in Hollywood X3

Daddy works for Jesus
Sister leads the band
Bobby's out of rehab
Lizzy's going in
Mother's medicated
Nothings what it seems
Suddenly you find out the American Dream

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American Dream – Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

I used to see you on every T.V.
Your smiling face looked back at me.
I used to see you on every T.V.
Your smiling face looked back at me.
Then they caught you with the girl next door,
People's money piled on the floor,
Accusations that you try to deny,
Revelations and rumors begin to fly.

Now you think about reaching out
Maybe get some help from above.
Now you think about reaching out
Maybe get some help from above.
Reporters crowd around your house.
Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,
Speculating what they may find out,
It don't matter now, you're all washed up.

You wake up in the middle of the night.
Your sheets are wet and your face is white,
You tried to make a good thing last,
How could something so good, go bad, so fast?

American dream, American dream
American dream, American dream.

Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
Reporters crowd around your house.
Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,
Speculating what they may find out,
It don't matter now, you're all washed up.

Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
American dream, American dream.
Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
American dream, American dream.

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American Dream – Punkreas Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – Punkreas

C'era un ragazzo non proprio come me
Che amava andare da McDonald's e ascoltar gli 883
Girava il mondo col suo fucile in mano
Mercenario ma italiano con un sogno americano!

La bandiera a stelle e strisce, ti conquista, ti rapisce
Puoi macchiarla anche di sangue, poi la lavi e non sbiadisce
La bandiera a stelle e strisce, se vuole ti colpisce, e non avrà pietà!

Da bambino sognavi quella terra
Non avevi la chitarra, preferivi i film di guerra
Soldato Ryan, lo sbarco in Normandia
Storia d'eroi volevi fosse anche la tua!

Ma qualcosa non funziona, c'è chi non te lo perdona
Che non eri il benvenuto l'hai capito di persona
Per noi nessun rimpianto, è solo un sogno infranto
Ma non ne farai più!

E' tardi per la gloria, l'onore e la vittoria
Non combattevi per la pace, neanche per la libertà!
Tu non farai la storia, non ci sarà memoria
È solo un sogno, it's the american dream!

Da bambino sognavi quella terra
Non avevi la chitarra, preferivi i film di guerra
Soldato Ryan, lo sbarco in Normandia
Storia d'eroi volevi fosse anche la tua!

Ma qualcosa non funziona, c'è chi non te lo perdona
Che non eri il benvenuto l'hai capito di persona
Per noi nessun rimpianto, è solo un sogno infranto
Ma non ne farai più!

E' tardi per la gloria, l'onore e la vittoria
Non combattevi per la pace, neanche per la libertà!
Tu non farai la storia, non ci sarà memoria
È solo un sogno, it's the american dream!

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American Dream – Sky Ferreira Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dream – Sky Ferreira

I'm learning lessons from making mistakes
If I get burned no embers break
You told me I'm your destiny
Somehow your power gets the best of me.

Repeatedly I get neglected
You claim that I am unperfected
Now watch my frustration grow
And wonder why this girl let go

Do what you want, make me into your American Dream
Say what you want, it's just another part of your mad machine
Make what you want, who can I blame?
You're all the same
Is it just me, sleeping with the enemy?

I've travelled 50 states of miserable
I walk on through the intolerable
Emotions blink, no landscapes change
A map between a rock and a dark place
I might be alright
I could be okay
I don't think I would try to throw it away-ay


Do what you want, make me into your American Dream
Say what you want, it's just another part of your mad machine
Make what you want, who can I blame?

You're all the same
Is it just me, sleeping with the enemy?

If you prescribed anything
Numb reality and bring
Back to me those melodies
That you always take from me

Do what you want, make me into your American Dream
Say what you want, it's just another part of your mad machine
Make what you want, who can I blame?
You're all the same
Is it just me, sleeping with the enemy?


Do what you want, want, want, want, want, want
Do what you want, want, want, want, want, want
Into your American Dream
Your American Dream, Dream, Dream

Do what you want, make me into your American Dream
Say what you want, it's just another part of your mad machine
Make what you want, who can I blame?
You're all the same
Is it just me, sleeping with the enemy?

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American Dreamer – Brooks & Dunn Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dreamer – Brooks & Dunn

I know a woman
Her husband died and he left her with two little children
So she went back to school and she got a degree in business
Yeah, now she owns one
And she taught those kids you can do anything
With the heart of a true believer
Yeah, she's an American dreamer

And I've got a woman
And she waits for me with the light on 'cause she knows I'm coming
And she talks about babies and building a house in the country
Yeah, where it's sunny
And she's got faith that can do anything
But she'll never know how much I need her
Yeah, she's an American Dreamer

Back in the sixties, well Haggard's in prison
He's thinking about writing a tune
And a guy named Armstrong was crazy enough
To think he could walk on the moon
And a preacher named King, well he had a dream
He believed we could all live as one

And a soldier somewhere is praying for peace
While he's cleaning his gun
American dreamers

And I had a father; he said son if something ain't real
Then you don't even bother
And he wasn't a saint
But, I'd swear the man walked on water
Yeah and he taught me
I ain't just a long-legged hell-raising
Son of a pipelining, honky-tonk singer
Yeah, I'm an American dreamer
I'm an American dreamer

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American dreamin’


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2007 American gangster
2011 All black everything

Testo Della Canzone

American dreamin' di Jay-Z

(feat. Marvin Gaye (sample))

Dreamed of you this morning
Then came the dawn, and I thought you were here with me
If you could only see
How much I love you
That’s all that’s all that’s all baby
Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
But there’s always…
That’s all that’s all…

This is the shit you dream about with the homie steamin’ out
Back-back-backing them Beemer’s out
Seems as our plans to get a grant
Then go off to college, didn’t pan or even out
We need it now, we need a town
We need a place to pitch, we need a mound
For now, I’m just a lazy boy
Big dreaming in my La-Z-Boy
In the clouds of smoke, been playin’ this Marvin
Mama forgive me, should be thinkin’ bout Harvard
But that’s too far away, niggas are starving
Ain’t nothin’ wrong with aim, just gotta change the target
I got dreams of baggin’ snidd-ow the size of pillows
I see pies everytime my eyes clidd-ose
I see rides, sixes, I gotta get those
Life’s a bitch, I hope that I make her over, though

Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
It’s just american dreamin’
Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
It’s just american dreamin’
Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
American dreamin’
But there’s always…
That’s all that’s all…

Now see, the life’s right there
And it seems right there
It’s not quite near,
And it’s not like we’re professionals movin’ the decimals
Know where to cop? Nah! got a connect? No!
Who under Heaven know how to be successful
Need a Personal Jesus, I’m in Depeche Mode
They say it’s celestial, it’s all in the stars
Like Tony Caruso, how you played the card
Ya’ll ain’t fucking with me!
The ironies are, had all coast better before he was bars
Now let’s start, on your mark
Get set, let’s go-get out the car!
Going in circles, it’s a vicious cycle
This is a crash course, this ain’t high school
Wake up, Muttley, you’re dreamin’ again
Your own reality show, the season begins

Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
It’s just american dreamin’
Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
It’s just american dreamin’
Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
American dreamin’
But there’s always…
That’s all that’s all…

Step One in this process, scramble up in your projects
And head to the heights where big coke is processed
You gotta convince ‘em that you not from the Precinct
Please speak slow, cause he no speakey no english
If he takes a liking after a couple of trips
If your money is straight, he’s gon’ give you consignment
You’re now in a game where only time can tell
Survive the droughts, I wish you well…
Survive the droughts? I wish you well?
How sick am I? I wish you HEALTH
I wish you wheels, I wish you wealth
I wish you insight so you could see for yourself
You could see the signs, when the jackets is schemin’
And the cops is comin’, you could read they mind
You could see from behind, you could redefine
The game as we know it, one dream at a time
I’m american dreamin’

Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
It’s just american dreamin’
Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
It’s just american dreamin’
Oh no, I’ll never give up on you
I never felt that before
American dreamin’
But there’s always…
That’s all that’s all…
American’ Dreamin…

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Dreamin’ – B.o.B Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dreamin' – B.o.B

Well I got up today
and I put on my shades
and I said I was fine (I’m fine)
but everyone knew that I was lying
if you look at my face
and the way that I behave
you will still see a disguise
even if you was blind (damn)

But now I'm saying bye, goodbye
American Dreaming
American dreaming
its not that hard to find
cause most of the time
I’m American sleeping
I barely can see it
but now I'm saying bye, goodbye

As I rhyme and I rap
the average listener is blind to the fact
that my mind has been tapped
I carry the World as it lies on my back
my spine coulda cracked so
please pay me no mind as I laugh
this is all a stage every line is an act
killing the American dream with a trap
like a axe, I’ma put it in a sack
I’ma put it in the back of the black cadilliac
cause I’m travelling
some say that I’m throw like a javelin
I’m really tryna expose to the galaxy
then break off the mould to normalities
people called the election a tradegy
looking at the screen like this can’t be happening
I ain't saying that I’m some kind of activist
but someting be attacking us


Okay, bring it back
I was filling my time just posing
like a mannequine you pass by
tryna make it one day to the big league
where the girls ain't hard to find
all the time I was just searching
a plastic promised land
and I got myself entangled in a corporated plan (sign here)
but a dream is nothing
and it’s everything at the same time
so you never know when you might wake up
and find you was just living a lies
goodbye, just like Trey said
goodbye America, Goodbye
cause anything but the truth is a waste of time


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American Dreaming – Dead Can Dance Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dreaming – Dead Can Dance

I need my conscience to keep watch over me
To protect me from myself
So I can wear honesty like a crown on my head
When I walk into the promised land

We've been too long American dreaming
I think we've all lost the way
Forlorn somnambulistic maniacal
In the dark

I'm in love with an American girl
Well, she's my best friend
I love her surreptitious smile
That hides the pain within her

And we'll go dancing in the rings of laughter
And leave alone by the shores
Feel alone in the brands of rapture
And leave alone for the loss

Yeah, on the lea the rising wind blows
Yeah, on the lea the rising wind blows
How long? How long?

Here alone on the grounds of allegiances
We've left behind
Turned back by the foot of the doorway
Never lost and found

We've been too long American dreaming
I think we've all lost the heart
Forlorn somnambulistic maniacal
In the dark

Yeah, on the lea the rising wind blows
Yeah, on the lea the rising wind blows
How long? How long?

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American Dreamlife – Marc E. Bassy Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dreamlife – Marc E. Bassy

Although you spent all of twenty-seven years,
acquiring this house, this furniture, this position.
Although you spent forty years raising this child,
these children. Nothing, none of it belongs to you

I steal and rob
I kill my brother just to take his job
I took his wife and made her children starve
I'm all pulled through shit, forcing down my own religion
Only cook that's in my kitchen, I ain't gon' listen to y'all
Fuck would I do that for
I'm a man, I'm a beast, trying to make a two year-old
Trying to make the whole damn city know my name
And when we get the house on top, this gon' be the same
American dream

Park it in the private lot
Tell me that I'm doing too much
But you know you don't want me to stop
I could sell it all away
Everyone here raised on cream
Cash rules everything around me
That's American scheme

I want some, I want some
American dream life
I want some, I want some
Is it what it seem like
I want some, I want some
American dream life
I want some, I want some
Aww yeah...
American scheme
I want some, I want some
American dream
I want some, I want some
American dream life
I want some, I want some

The courtroom was mobbed
They came to watch the judge go sentence me off
I said "your Honor, yeah I stand before God"
I take the blessings and the the curses
For the better or the worses
They still want to judge and clutch on the cross
Mmmm fuck would they do that for
It's all natural baby, getting high in the studio
Trying to make a whole damn city sing my songs
But man when you get there, you gonna break some balls
And now baby we on
Mhmmm, party in the parking lot
Handle to the face, my arm on her waist
No, she ain't gon' tell me stop
This ain't the life we chose, it's the one we seen
And this about as good as it gets in American dreams

Park it in the private lot
Tell me that I'm doing too much
But you know you don't want me to stop
I could sell it all away
Everyone here raised on cream
Cash rules everything around me
That's American scheme

I want some, I want some
American dream life
I want some, I want some
Is it what it seem like
I want some, I want some
American dream life
I want some, I want some
Aww yeah...
American scheme
I want some, I want some
American dream
I want some, I want some
American dream life
I want some, I want some

The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called "American dream" because you have to be asleep to believe it

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American Dreams – Cartel Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dreams – Cartel

Lately I’ve felt so pathetic that it burns
I can’t sweat it cause I know I’m gonna work this out
Baby just sit back and forget about the world
And how they always doubt that we can make it worth our while

I hear all the words you never say
And you can always walk away
Cause I can see it in your vacant smile

We got caught up in American
Holding onto hope there and back again
Taking back what’s lost
Just to find it all buried in American dreams

Oh dream dream dream
Maybe we can start a scene or just screw all day
We can run away, yes together, find a home
Better weather, oh
We can just lay here for a while

We got caught up in American
Holding onto hope there and back again
Taking back what’s lost
Just to find it all buried underneath this weight
I’m starting to believe this is what you hate
And nothing’s gonna work out the way it seems
But you’ll always be my American dream dream dream…

Maybe we can start a scene or just screw all day

We got caught up in American
Holding onto hope there and back again
Taking back what’s lost
Just to find it all buried in American dreams

We got caught up in American
And American dreams
Taking back what’s lost
Just to find it all buried in American dreams

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American Dreams – Eric Burdon Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Dreams – Eric Burdon

Hey, hey, it's me on the radio
Everybody knows my name
I'm a flying leather neck
I even got my own plane
The wild girls they hand you
Passions on a plate
We blew minds in the Carolinas
Now I'm ready for the Tennessee state

We're out on the road who live in motels
We all live a different kind of life
We out on the highway for a living
We may never ever see the light
Way down in Memphis
There's a king upon a golden throne
But when darkness fell across the tracks
I made my soul patrol
I fell in love with a cute little fan
Emeretta was just sixteen
A guiding light, shining bright
Within this American dream
We out on the road who live in motels...

Shining bright in my American dream
Shining bright in my American dream
Shining bright in this American dream
Gotta follow this American dream
Could have stayed here forever
Never ever wanted to leave
But we made a vow to stick together
And follow this American dream
We out on the road who live in motels...

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American eulogy


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2009 21st century breakdown

Testo Della Canzone

American eulogy di Green Day

[I. Mass Hysteria]

Sing us the song of the century
That sings like American eulogy
The dawn of my love and conspiracy
Of forgotten hope and the class of 13
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me

Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria

Red alert is the color of panic
Elevated to the point of static
Beating into the hearts of the fanatics
And the neighborhood’s a loaded gun
Idle thought leads to full-throttle screaming
And the welfare is asphyxiating
Mass confusion is all the new rage
And it’s creating a feeding ground
For the bottom feeders of hysteria

Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria

True sounds of maniacal laughter
And the deaf-mute is misleading the choir
The punchline is a natural disaster
And it’s sung by the unemployed
Fight fire with a riot
The class war is hanging on a wire
Because the martyr is a compulsive liar
When he said
“It’s just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the hysteria”

Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria

There’s a disturbance on the oceanside
They tapped into the reserve
The static response is so unclear now
Mayday, this is not a test!
As the neighborhood burns, America is falling
Vigilantes warning you
Calling Christian and Gloria

[II. Modern World]

I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world

I’m the class of 13
In the era of dissent
A hostage of the soul
On a strike to pay the rent
The last of the rebels
Without a common ground
I’m gonna light a fire
Into the underground

I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world

I am a nation
Without bureaucratic ties
Deny the allegation as it’s written

I want to take a ride to the great divide
Beyond the “up to date”
And the neo-gentrified
The high definition for the low resident
Where the value of your mind
Is not held in contempt
I can hear the sound of
A beating heart
That bleeds beyond a system
That’s falling apart
With money to burn
On minimum wage
‘Cause I don’t give a shit
About the modern age

I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
I don’t want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria
I don’t want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria
I don’t want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria
I don’t want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Express – Kollegah Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Express – Kollegah


Boss und Banger - wir sind back am Block und es fließt Blut in Deutschland
Stopfen wieder Groupiemäuler, boxen dich wie Yuri Boyka
Stürmen deine Wohnung, pimpern schnell deine Frau
Und ihr Hintern brennt dann wie Sau wie bei Kinderschändern im Bau
Ich bin kein Ninjakämpfer, doch schau, wie ich per Eisenklingen Katana spitze
Meisterlich schwingend deinen geistig leicht behinderten Vater schlitze
Schwuchtel! Du und deine weinerliche Versagerclique
Seid die reinste Gayschar wie weiß geschminkte Japanerbitches
Massagesitze im Audi TT
Yeah, der Boss erhält die Scheine wie'n UV-Licht-Gerät
Ich hab' unglaublich viel Geld - ey, du Clown bist nur fake
Bei Beef mit mir lässt du Federn wie'n Hydrauliksystem
Du kriegst 'ne Faust in dein Face - guck, wie wir TEC-9s schwing'n
Und dir dicksuckenden Mistratte Respekt beibring'n
Es sind die Westsidekings, du bist das Kind einer Bitch
Ich zeig’'dir, mit wem du's zu tun hast, wie ein Pimp seiner Bitch

Meine Tracks war'n nie nur reine Fiktion
Sondern eine Vision, jetzt zähl' ich meine Million'n
Also Nutte, mach den Jet klar!
Zeig Respekt, ich bin Rapstar!
Mutterficker, meine Tracks war'n nie nur reine Fiktion
Sondern eine Vision, jetzt zähl' ich meine Million'n
[Farid Bang:]
Also Nutte, mach den Jet klar!
Ich kauf' dein Leben per American-Express-Card!

Ich bin 'ne Leitfigur, deutsche Rapper biten nur
Kein Taxi, doch die meisten Blicke geh'n auf meine Uhr
Bin drauf und zerlege dich, brauch’ deine Knete nicht
Bei Drugdeals wie Babys: weder laufe noch rede ich
Weil ich Bitches zur Abtreibung dränge
Versucht mich die Justiz in den Knast einzusperren
Die Punchlinelegenden vögeln Nutten auf Jacky-Coke
Und ficken die Kanaken, die im Hintergrund böse gucken in Rapvideos
(Hurensöhne) Und ficken wir deine Mama in die Scheide
Wird es auf Video festgehalten wie al-Qaida-Geiseln
Fick Rap! Ich verbreite weiter Koks
Ästhetik heißt für mich: breiter sein als groß
Ich lass' mir von der Szene nichts vorwerfen
Zeit ist Geld, deshalb geb' ich keine Benefizkonzerte
Komme rein, die Sonne scheint, ich klär' das sofort
Kollegah, Farid Bang - Loyalität ist mehr als ein Wort!

Meine Tracks war'n nie nur reine Fiktion
Sondern eine Vision, jetzt zähl’ ich meine Million’n
Also Nutte, mach den Jet klar!
Zeig Respekt, ich bin Rapstar!
Mutterficker, meine Tracks war'n nie nur reine Fiktion
Sondern eine Vision, jetzt zähl' ich meine Million'n
[Farid Bang:]
Also Nutte, mach den Jet klar!
Ich kauf' dein Leben per American-Express-Card!

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American Eyes – Bush Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Eyes – Bush

You drop the bomb
Using all your chlorine
You find yourself
So far down it’s normal
There at your feet
The slow burn comes
To carry you back
To earth or where you’re from
You feed me whole
Varied nutrients
I lost control
I trashed all my instincts
I wanted to escape
To feel not there at all

They were alive
And they spoke to me
Broke the disguise of my empathy
My valentine she wrote to me
Will you ever come again

England is gone
The way of the gypsies
We do what we can
Within the systems
I, hope you feel the earth
Turn inside of you

They were alive
And they spoke to me
Broke the disguise of my empathy
American eyes
So close to me
Will you ever come again?
Will you ever come again?
Will you ever come again?

A heavy load
And a fucked up system
You’re on your own
With all your instants
All you see you, is all you get
Surfing on the waves of promises

My valentine
She wrote to me
American eyes
So close to me
American eyes
So close to me
American eyes
Will you ever come again?
Will you ever come again?
American eyes
American eyes
Will you ever come again?
Will you ever come again?
(american eyes)
Will you ever come again?
American eyes

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American Failure – Capsize Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Failure – Capsize

Living day and night in question, wondering where we went wrong. So until questions become answers, I'll pour every word into every song. Straight out of my heart. I beg, take me back to the start. Why is it at the end of every night I fight falling asleep? How long will it be till me and dieing meet? Remember the nights when we sat together? Got lost in thoughts of tomorrow. Tomorrow and forever. Well, nothing ever happens like I plan. Now I stand alone, with an empty hand. Nothing ever happens like it should, We could have held on, well I thought we could. Rewind back everything. Forget your hopes and dreams. I am, the society is, an American failure. Help me figure this out. Will I make it through one more night? Help me figure this out. How will I make it through this life? My fucking life, has gone stale. We were all destined to fail.

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American Farmer – The Charlie Daniels Band Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Farmer – The Charlie Daniels Band

See that man in the field over yonder
With dirt on his hands and a loan on his back
He's the man that puts the food on your table
He's the man that grows the clothes on your back
Were running a mile out of the house he was born in
Tending on the sidelines and watching him fall
Selling his land to the big corporations
What you gonna do when they get it all

He's been rolled for sure treated like a outlaw
Turned down sold out, put out to graze
He's been pushed you know when he can push no more
It gets a little harder everyday

He's the American farmer
And he damn hard to beat
Better wake up America, wake up America
Coz if the man don't work then the people don't eat

He's sending the high tech stuff of to Russia
I can't figure what where doing it for
We should be sending the wheat and meat and cotton
Coz a loaf of bread never started no war
See that man in the middle of city
Eatin' outta garbage cans, sleepin' in the street
See that baby, moping in the kitty
To make ends meet

It's a damn disgrace on the face of America
Hungry people everywhere you go
Children in Africa starving by the fields
While the land lays fallow and the banks foreclose

He's the American farmer
And he damn hard to beat
Better wake up America, wake up America
Coz if the man don't work then the people don't eat

He's an American, he's an American, he's an American, American farmer
Never him through
Coz if he goes down swinging
You better know where gonna go down swinging to

He's the American farmer
And he damn hard to beat
Better wake up America, wake up America
Coz if the man don't work then the people don't eat
I said the people don't eat
I said the people don't eat

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American Flag – Cat Power Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Flag – Cat Power

My friend
Sits at the drum
His magic hand
Feels nothing but
Nothing but time

My old friend
Sits at the drum
His magic mind
Doesn't feel anything
American Flag is behind
If I could stand
To be less difficult

My new friend
Plays drums all the time
Her magic heart
Feels everything
She plays the difficult parts and I play

She goes shoop shoop eh doop shoop eh doop
Shoop eh doop eh doop eh doop
We go shoop shoop eh doop shoop eh doop shoop eh
Doop eh doop

If I could stand
To be less difficult

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American Football – Desire Gets In The Way Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Desire Gets In The Way – American Football

Desire gets in the way
You can't hide such an ugly trait
I know it's not easy
When everything you want's within in your reach
But better the bed you know than the bed that you don't

This fire burns incessantly
I can't lie, I kind of like the pain
I know you'll put it out
You always put it out before it consumes me

For you, I'll remain
Chained to the bed we made
But I get to choose your lingerie
We'll lie here forever like condemned criminals on trial
I'm down for whatever
The uglier, the better

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American Football – Doom In Full Bloom Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Doom In Full Bloom – American Football

Doom in full bloom
I'm kerosene, you're burning bright
A dull guillotine, you're still alive

Doom in full bloom
Only you know me

I've learned my lessons late, I'm out of time
I can't see straight, you're out of sight

Only you know me
Only you know me

We got married in the garden that you grew up in
I've never seen so far ahead of me
Been so blind
You're buried in the library, just you could hide from me
I've never been so alone, so desperate to be home

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American Football – Every Wave To Ever Rise Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Every Wave To Ever Rise – American Football

Forever has to wait
I can't face another day
All the flowers you brought me
One by one
Fell asleep without me

Truth or dare
Love is the cross you bear
J'ai mal au cœur
C'est la faute de l'amour

You're every wave to ever rise
Your slow retreat is no surprise

Forever has to wait
The clock on my wall
Is stuck on yesterday
All the ballads you sing to me
One by one
Slip into a minor key

Truth or dare
Love is the cross you bear
J'ai mal au cœur
C'est la faute de l'amour

You're every wave to ever rise
I watch you peak and then subside

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American Football – Everyone Is Dressed Up Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Everyone Is Dressed Up – American Football

Everyone is dressed up, everyone to the nines
Someone must have found love or someone must have died
This will be forgotten by history and scholars, alike
Another moment of import lost to time

Wild nights when we were younger, we thought we'd live forever
At least we'll die together
If killing time was a crime, we'd be on the “Most Wanted” signs
Our love will surely be forgotten by history and scholars
Forever lost in time's currents
Everybody knows that the best way to describe the ocean to a blind man is to push him in

In the company of others, I'm reminded why your lifetime lover's the temperamental kind

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American Football – Heir Apparent Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Heir Apparent – American Football

There's more of you and me
Than a desperate thief could ever set free
Now I'm your burden

Selfishness is inherited
Like skinny lips and tattoos (What could I do?)

I'm sorry for leaving
I'm sorry with one foot out the door
I'm unapologetically sorry for everything

All of your best attributes
Look better on me than they ever did on you
We could be each other's other burden

Selfishness is inherited
So, what could I do? (What could I do?)
I didn't catch it, kissing Jenny in the closet
I didn't learn it at school

I'm sorry you need me
For hanging on your arm, a child you can't ignore
I'm unapologetically sorry for everything
I'm sorry for aging
Growing more and more disinterested in celebrity and politic
I'm unapologetically for
Maybe more than anything, sorry you love me

Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne
The king of all alone
Heir apparent to the throne

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American Football – Home Is Where The Haunt Is Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Home Is Where The Haunt Is – American Football

Home is where the haunt is
Those wounds won't lick themselves
So good thing you're not alone
He's been here all along
You can't see him, but you know he's there

The ghost in the corner of the room
Knows what you sleep in
When you're dreaming, of who
Some things never change
Maybe that's okay

Home is where the haunt is
The past still present tense
Need more time to mourn
But you shouldn't sulk for too long
Because you look like hell
An accidental version of yourself

You can't just forget all the other lives you've lived

The ghost in the corner of the room
Knows how you're feeling
'Cause you're dead to him, too
Some things never change
Maybe that's okay

'Cause I know how you hate to sleep alone

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American Football – I Can’t Feel You Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Can't Feel You – American Football

The whispers unfold (I can't hear you)
Pained and pleading (I can't see you)
So self-defeating (I don't need you)
I miss communication, uh-oh
A grim conversation is inevitable

The whispers unfold (I can't hear you)
Antagonist unknown (I can't read you)
If every quarrel's braced alone (I don't believe you)
Is this communication?

I'm fluent in subtlety
I can defuse most anything, but you made my head explode
(A nasty miscommunication)

I can't hear you
I can't see you
I can't feel you
I don't know you

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American Football – I Need A Drink (Or Two Or Three) Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Need A Drink (Or Two Or Three) – American Football

I need a drink... or two or three
To fall asleep without you
I've had the longest day
I'm as blue as the sky is grey

I need a drink or two or three or four
To spend any time alone with me anymore
Every day, a chance to change
But the devil will find a way
As sure as the sky is grey
I'm gonna die this way

Oh, how I wish that I were me
The man that you first met and married
I'm tired of fighting
Endless thunder and lightning
I can't break this bender
To it, I surrender

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American Football – I’ll See You When We’re Both Not So Emotional Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I'll See You When We're Both Not So Emotional – American Football

If you're so prone
To accidents and misunderstandings
You may accidentally
Misinterpret honesty for selfishness

We're two human beings
With inherent interest in
Each other and how we relate

If you're still prone
To accidents and misunderstandings
You won't understand me
Or my motivation for being alone

We're just two human beings
With inherent interest in
Each other and how we relate

Considering everything
Me leaving with regrets
Only makes sense
I'll see you when we're both not so emotional

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American Football – I’ve Been So Lost For So Long Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I've Been So Lost For So Long – American Football

I've been so lost for so long
Every street's a dead end
Every sign points behind me
If you need me, don't
You can't trust a man who can't find his way home
My impaired intuition is telling me just to give in

If you find me
Could you please remind me
Why I woke up today

I feel so sick
Doctor, it hurts when I exist
This isn't the pain I'm usually in
I hope it's not contagious

Maybe I'm asleep and this is all a dream
I can't believe my life is happening to me

If you find me
Could you please remind me
Why I should wake up tomorrow

This is me reaching out to you publicly
So what else is new?
Maybe I'm asleep and this is all a dream

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American Football – Life Support Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Life Support – American Football

I'm looking for the words
That I've lost on you
Been digging in the dirt
And rewind every day, reminiscence

I can't breathe on my own
(I can't breathe on my own)
Life support
Such a bore

I've cried for you, for me, a stranger
I've cried in every room
When will it end, relentless adolescence?

Disappointment and grief come easy
Forgiveness is a mystery
Forgiveness is a mystery, a mystery
Forgiveness is a mystery (Remind every day)
A mystery (Adolescence)

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American Football – Mine To Miss Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Mine To Miss – American Football

I miss you like a past life
I can't remember if
You were ever mine to miss

I miss you like we both died
Our time together, a star-crossed endeavor

My head is an unmade bed

Abandoned arms and legs and intimate things
Finding their way into these twisted sheets
I need a maid or another mother
More than the strain of an absent lover

My head is an empty bed

Just the thought of being seen
Is more than I can take
I never met a mirror that I
Couldn't break

I'll miss you in the next life

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American Football – My Instincts Are The Enemy Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
My Instincts Are The Enemy – American Football

My instincts are the enemy
I warned you
I've damaged good inside of me
I need you

Translate all the colors that I can't see
I think I'm in trouble
You explain why all the reds look green to me
With my nerves exposed, I can't say no

My instincts are the enemy
I warned you
I've malevolence inside of me
I need you

I wanna taste a little bit of everything
But it gets me in trouble
To fill my plate with the vacant and obscene
With my nerves exposed, I can't say no

I'm paralyzed, engaged in civil war
What can I do?
Either way, I lose
You lose, too
Days are nights and nights are unbearable
What can I do?
Chained to this mood
You're chained to me

Keep asking different questions
The same answer I receive
I need you more than ever
Tell me you what you've seen

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American Football – My Instincts Are The Enemy Testo della canzone

My instincts are the enemy
I warned you
I’ve damaged good inside of me
I need you

Translate all the colors that I can’t see
I think I’m in trouble
You explain why all the reds look green to me
With my nerves exposed, I can’t say no

My instincts are the enemy
I warned you
I’ve malevolence inside of me
I need you

I wanna taste a little bit of everything
But it gets me in trouble
To fill my plate with the vacant and obscene
With my nerves exposed, I can’t say no

I’m paralyzed, engaged in civil war
What can I do?
Either way, I lose
You lose, too
Days are nights and nights are unbearable
What can I do?
Chained to this mood
You’re chained to me

Keep asking different questions
The same answer I receive
I need you more than ever
Tell me you what you’ve seen


American Football – Never Meant Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Never Meant – American Football

Let's just forget
Everything said
And everything we did
Best friends and better halves

And the autumn night
When we realized
We were falling out of love

There were some things
That were said
That weren't meant
But were said

Like we never did
Not to be

I just think it's best
'Cause you can't miss what you forget

So let's just pretend
Everything and anything
Between you and me
Was never meant

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American Football – Silhouettes Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Silhouettes – American Football

To where
Splayed on the bedsheet
Crime of the century
Forever unkempt
All the muscle memory
It must take to stay close to me

I'm a cloud when you come to me
Tell me again
What's the allure of inconsequential love?
I'm a fool for your pageantry
Tell me again
What's the allure of inconsequential love?

Oh, the muscle memory
Continue to haunt me
Oh, the muscle memory
Continue to haunt me
Oh, the muscle memory
Continue to haunt me

I promise as soon as the war ends
I'll find you and we'll break laws again
As civilians

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American Football – Uncomfortably Numb Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Uncomfortably Numb – American Football

Sensitivity deprived
I can't feel a thing inside
I blamed my father in my youth
Now as a father, I blame the booze
I have become uncomfortably numb

(Whose ugly side is the ugliest?)
Sensitivity deprived
All my sympathy prescribed
(Whose hands are tied to a contortionist?)
I used to struggle in my youth
Now I'm used to struggling for two
I have become uncomfortably numb

The lessons
The lessons
Are so much
Are so much
Less obvious
The further you get from home
The further I get from home
How will you exist
How will I exist
Without consequence?
I'll let you know

We were gentle to begin
When I pushed you around to break you in
Now whenever I try to be clear with you
I only end up feeling see-through
I've tried, but you've won
Comatose, like father like son

The lessons
The lessons
Are so much
Are so much
Less obvious
The further you get from home
The further I get from home
How will you exist
How will I exist?
I don't want to know
Blacked out, protected
I just want you home
I'll make new friends
In the ambulance

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American Football – Where Are We Now? Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Where Are We Now? – American Football

Where are we now?
Both home alone in the same house
Would you even know it if I wasn't told it?
If I wasn't afraid to say what I mean

We've been here before
But I don't remember a lock on the door
Is it keeping me out or you in?

Strange how these city streets have changed faces
Like we did
Would you even know me if time hadn't stole me?
If I wasn't afraid to say what I need

We've been here before
We'll figure it out like that goddamn door
We just need a skeleton key

Leave me or don't, I don't care
Just let me know when you finally drag your body out of bed
I'll get my things

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American Friday Night – Bucky Covington Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Friday Night – Bucky Covington

Cheers from a high school football game
on an American Friday night
Chorus of the pledge of allegiance
As the red ones rewind the fight

Crowd roars
and the quarterback scores
Losing side gets quiet
You can almost hear the high beat
of an American Friday night

Hey yeah
the girls look pretty
man, they're good to go
boys try to shine like stars on the city
music on the radio
There ain't no place in the whole wide world
that can feel so right
Yeah yeah, an American Friday night

Good old boys
laughin', back slappin
on the other side of town
And they only leave behind a couple beauties besides
there ain't no worries now
They all rock ZZ top
as they make their rounds

Yeah that's how good it sounds
that's how good it sounds

Hey yeah
the girls look pretty
man, they're good to go
boys try to shine like stars on the city
music on the radio
There ain't no place in the whole wide world
that can feel so right
Yeah yeah, an American Friday night
Yeah yeah An American Friday night!

You wanna go to the movies
stay home and order dominoes
flip a coin and we'll choose
we can't loose

Hey yeah girl you look pretty
Girl I'm good to go
we're gonna shine like stars in the city
songs on the radio
there ain't no place in the world that can feel this right
yeah yeah an American Friday night
Oh yeah, yes an American Friday night
Oh yeah, an American Friday night

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American gangster


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2007 American gangster
2011 All black everything

Testo Della Canzone

American gangster di Jay-Z

I’m from the 80’s,
Home of the heroine,
Error of the hustlers, uh
The world is my custy
New rich porter
The way I flip quarters
Front on all these other rap artists, but me
Momma was a mink wearer, Papa ran numbers
So it’s plain to see, where my whole plan come from
American dream, I’m living the life still
The way I shine is like a zillion dollar light bill
Still I’m grinding, army jacket lining
40 below timbs on, getting my M’s on
My best friends gone, I seen bad days
Still find songs that I hear him on
Getting my Mary J. Blige Reminisce on
I hear his voice in my mind, like, nigga live on
So I get on that fly shit I been on
Spin on corners in enzo with rims on
But for info, puffin on Endo-Nesia
Give me amnesia
I ease up, that right, I’m high nigga
I want the sky,
The world when I’m done
I’m give it to my sons
Let ‘em live it up, split it up, switch it up,
Sixes kit it up, man I did it up, done
The rest of my belongings belong in the hall of fame, a list of hits next to all my names
I came, if the sky should fall
And it all goes tomorrow, and they foreclose on the house and auction off all my cars
Don’t cry for me Argentina, I mobbed the beamer
Took trips abroad, got mobbed in Sardina
In Ibiza I had pizza in the club
Ladies know I’m that guy, they wanna piece of my love
Now they wanna ya boy like Mike in his prime
Billie Jean the goddamn boy ain’t mine
And the Roc break up, had the people losing hope
Can’t lie they had Muhammad Hovi on the ropes
Now I’m back in the go mode, back in the go-go’s
Throwing the diamond up, repping the logo
Rose gold rose flow, I’m okay though
What Don’t kill me makes stronger than before so
Here we go and I’m not domino
When it all falls down, I’m like Kanye’s jaw
I might break but I don’t fold, till I hold the sky in my hand
Yeah that’s my goal
And then I bid you Freddy Adu
Prodigal Child, y’all not ready for the future
Then I disappear in the Bermuda Triangle
My name will be viewed such
Here’s to the man that refused to give up
I want the sky nigga, Chuuuuuuch

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Gangster Time – Elvis Costello Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Gangster Time – Elvis Costello

One, two, three, four

Somewhere downtown a pretty girl kneels
Offers her soft lips and a handful of pills
Peels off her dress and then the rest of her skills
It buys what she wants and the rest she just steals

He speaks between deep swallows of rum
While her head is beating like a big bass drum
And she wishes he were mute and not just dumb
When the trick asked her quick, "Did you come?"

It's a drag
Saluting that starry rag
I'd rather go blind
For speaking my mind
Or use it just like a gag
So raise it in anger
Just let it hang
American Gangster Time

He sits back and starts to invent
All about some Saigon correspondent
"'Til the carbine fell silent and spent
I never knew it could be so eloquent"

Next week there'll be some fashionable new sin
For each harlot and each Puritan
Pull off their wings stick them on a pin
And just watch the money roll in

It's a drag
Saluting that starry rag
I'd rather go blind
For speaking my mind
Or use it just like a gag
So raise it in anger
Just let it hang
American Gangster Time

What you got hidden up your sleeve?
The tracks of the train that were bidding you to leave
When they say that you should flatter to deceive
Don't count on any reprieve

The hands of the helpless are raised
Your dead little secrets are praised
The people stand dumbstruck and dazed
By the inches that you have erased

It's a drag
Saluting that starry rag
I'd rather go blind
For speaking my mind
Or use it just like a gag
So raise it in anger
Just let it hang
American gangster time
Committing the perfect crime
In American Gangster Time

Here we go
Bye bye
American Gangster Time

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American Garbage – AJJ Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Garbage – AJJ

If I were one of the Girls
I would be Shoshanna
If I were one of the Girls
I would be Shoshanna

Confused and rude
Such a special kind of way to be cruel
Confused and rude
Confused and rude
Confused and rude

Karma Chamillionaire
Chasing the sad glow down
Karma Chamillionaire
Chasing the sad glow down

Confused and rude
The owner of a bad attitude
Confused and rude
Confused and rude
Confused and rude

Confused and rude
Such a special kind of way to be cool
The piranha found their way to the pool
Confused and rude
Confused and rude

If I were one of the things
I'd be american garbage
The most beautiful thing
The most beautiful american garbage you have ever seen

Brand new and bruised
On the way to building a better you
Brand new and bruised
Confused and bruised
Confused and rude

If I were one of the Girls
I would be Shoshanna
Confused and rude
Confused and rude
Confused and rude

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American ghost dance


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1985 Freaky styley

Testo Della Canzone

American ghost dance di Red Hot Chili Peppers

Oh give me a home
Where the buffalo roam
And the death of a race is a game
Where seldom is heard
A peacable word
>From the white trash
Who killed as they came
Though these words dig deep
They offer no relief
God save the queen
I am an indian chief
There is a secret I keep
It’s called the talking leaf
And you better believe
That he speaks his beliefs
Like a rock that bleeds
A sea of grief
My talking leaf speaks of
A wounded knee creek

American ghost dance…

A new man who is with old ways
He walks the streets of life
But he’s in chains
I’m alive he cried
I can feel the flame
Burning red inside
I am an indian brave
There is a memory
That lives in my blood
Of the brand you laid
On all you touched
But the burning flame
Turns to burning pain
Genuine genocide
And that’s truly insane
So like a wild hurricane
I will dance on the grave
Of my race that died
When it should have been saved
American ghost dance…

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Ghost Dance – Red Hot Chili Peppers

American Ghost Dance – Red Hot Chili Peppers canzone pubblicata per la prima volta nell’anno 1985

Freaky Styley Tutte le canzoni dell’album

Freaky Styley

Guarda la pagina artista di Red Hot Chili Peppers o naviga nella categoria Red Hot Chili Peppers

Testo della canzone: American Ghost Dance – Red Hot Chili Peppers

In fondo al testo trovate il video della canzone

American Ghost Dance – Red Hot Chili Peppers Testo:

Oh give me a home
Where the buffalo roam
And the death of a race is a game
Where seldom is heard
A peacable word

>From the white trash

Who killed as they came
Though these words dig deep
They offer no relief
God save the queen
I am an indian chief
There is a secret I keep
It’s called the talking leaf
And you better believe
That he speaks his beliefs
Like a rock that bleeds
A sea of grief
My talking leaf speaks of
A wounded knee creek

American ghost dance…

A new man who is with old ways
He walks the streets of life
But he’s in chains
I’m alive he cried
I can feel the flame
Burning red inside
I am an indian brave
There is a memory
That lives in my blood
Of the brand you laid
On all you touched
But the burning flame
Turns to burning pain
Genuine genocide
And that’s truly insane
So like a wild hurricane
I will dance on the grave
Of my race that died
When it should have been saved

American ghost dance.

[nextpage title=”Accordi per chitarra”]



American Girl – Bonnie McKee Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Girl – Bonnie McKee

I fell in love in a 7/11 parking lot
Sat on the curb drinking slurpees we mixed with alcohol
We talked about all our dreams and how we would show 'em all (whoa oh oh oh)

I told him I got a plan and I'm gonna dominate
And I don't need any man to be getting in my way
But if you talk with your hands then we can negotiate (whoa oh oh oh)

I'll just keep moving my body (yeah, yeah)
I'm always ready to party (yeah, yeah)
No I don't listen to mommy (yeah, yeah)
And I'll never say that I'm sorry

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world
Hot blooded, all American girl (Whoa oh oh oh )
I was raised by a television
Every day is a competition
Put the key in my ignition (Oh-way-oh)

I wanna see all the stars and everything in between
I wanna buy a new heart out of a vending machine
'Cause it's a free country so baby we can do anything (Whoa oh oh)

I'll just keep moving my body (yeah)
I'm always ready to party (yeah)
No I don't listen to mommy (yeah)
And I'll never say that I'm sorry

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world
Hot blooded, all American girl (Whoa)
I was raised by a television
Every day is a competition
Put the key in my ignition (Oh-way-oh)

You know we're gonna shine so bright (Oh we're gonna shine so bright...)
Oh, baby, gonna go all night (Oh we're gonna go all night)
You know we're gonna shine so bright (Oh we're gonna shine so bright...)
Oh, baby, gonna go all night

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world (I'm taking over)
Hot blooded, all American girl (Whoa)

I am an American girl

I was raised by a television
Every day is a competition
Put the key in my ignition (Oh-way-oh)

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world (I'm taking over, whoa woah woahwoah)

I am an American girl

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American Girl – Bonnie McKee Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Girl – Bonnie McKee

I fell in love in a 7/11 parking lot
Sat on the curb drinking slurpees we mixed with alcohol
We talked about all our dreams and how we would show 'em all (whoa oh oh oh)

I told him I got a plan and I'm gonna dominate
And I don't need any man to be getting in my way
But if you talk with your hands then we can negotiate (whoa oh oh oh)

I'll just keep moving my body (yeah, yeah)
I'm always ready to party (yeah, yeah)
No I don't listen to mommy (yeah, yeah)
And I'll never say that I'm sorry

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world
Hot blooded, all American girl (Whoa oh oh oh )
I was raised by a television
Every day is a competition
Put the key in my ignition (Oh-way-oh)

I wanna see all the stars and everything in between
I wanna buy a new heart out of a vending machine
'Cause it's a free country so baby we can do anything (Whoa oh oh)

I'll just keep moving my body (yeah)
I'm always ready to party (yeah)
No I don't listen to mommy (yeah)
And I'll never say that I'm sorry

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world
Hot blooded, all American girl (Whoa)
I was raised by a television
Every day is a competition
Put the key in my ignition (Oh-way-oh)

You know we're gonna shine so bright (Oh we're gonna shine so bright...)
Oh, baby, gonna go all night (Oh we're gonna go all night)
You know we're gonna shine so bright (Oh we're gonna shine so bright...)
Oh, baby, gonna go all night

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world (I'm taking over)
Hot blooded, all American girl (Whoa)

I am an American girl

I was raised by a television
Every day is a competition
Put the key in my ignition (Oh-way-oh)

I am an American girl
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go
I'm loving taking over the world (I'm taking over, whoa woah woahwoah)

I am an American girl

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American Girl – Brooke Valentine Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Girl – Brooke Valentine

[Verse 1:]
I'm watchin' day time TV
I'm young and I'm restless
I'm on no sunset beach
I'm burnin up in here in Texas
Paranoia on main street
Not enuf to eat
Too many burgers and these fries
Are makin me crazy

It's kinda strange growin' up here
Never less safe but don't be afraid
You gotta take what you get here
'Cause nobodies gonna change their ways

Many places to travel in this world
No matter where I go
I'm an American girl
This Disney Worlds your underworld
Try to escape it
Just face it you American girl

[Verse 2:]
We all have the same dream we wake up
On a reality series in a Taxi cab confessing
We're having to much "Sex in the City"
With our pre paid cellular phones
We call apartment homes by the time
We're 14 yeah were already grown
Where we'll end up from here
Well we don't really care
Though we tear up everything we still love to be here.

Many places to travel in this world
No matter where I go
I'm an American girl
This Disney Worlds your underworld
Try to escape it
Just face it you American girl

From hooters to looters
We're drowning in beer
Your ruder I'm cruder
Your blurred and I'm clear
Your not helping me here
'Cause we're living in fear
I'm not judging you
But I'll push you and push you

Many places to travel in this world
No matter where I go
I'm an American girl
This Disney Worlds your underworld
Try to escape it
Just face it you American girl

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American Girl – Capstan Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Girl – Capstan

Well, she was an American girl
Raised on promises
She couldn't help thinkin' that there
Was a little more to life somewhere else
After all it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to
And if she had to die tryin'
She had one little promise she was gonna keep

O yeah, all right
Take it easy, baby
Make it last all night
She was an American girl

Well it was kind of cold that night
She stood alone on her balcony
Yeah, she could hear the cars roll by
Out on 441 like waves on the beach
And for one desperate moment
There he crept back in her memory
God it's so painful when something so close
Is still so far out of reach

O yeah, all right
Take it easy, baby
Make it last all night
She was an American girl

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American Girls – Counting Crows Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Girls – Counting Crows

She comes out on Fridays every time
Stands out in a line
I could have been anyone she'd seen
She waits another week to fall apart
She couldn't make another day
I wish it was anyone but me
I could have been anyone you see
She had something breakable just under her skin

American girls are weather and noise
Playing the changes for all of the boys
Holding a candle right up to my hands
Making me feel so incredible

She comes out of closets every night
But then she locks herself away
Where she could keep everything from me
I could have been anyone you see
She's nothing but porcelain underneath her skin

American girls are weather and noise
Playing the changes for all of the boys
Holding a candle right up to my hand
Making me feel so incredible

Little shiver shaking me everyday
But I could get this same thing anywhere
So if she goes away
Well, it's alright and I'm ok
Hey, she said come back again tonight
And I said, I might, I might, I might
She said, well that's alright
If it's alright, it's alright with you
If it's alright, if it's alright with me

I waited for an hour last Friday night
She never came around
She took almost everything from me
I'm going through my closets
Trying on her clothes, almost everyday
I could have been anyone you see
I wish it was anyone but me
Nothing but pills and ashes under my skin

American girls are weather and noise
Playing the changes for all of the boys
Holding a candle right up to my hand
Making me feel so incredible

If I make you cry, you tell me why
I'll try again, if you'll let me try

American girls are feathers and cream
Coming to bed so edible

American girls, oh
American girls
American girls
Oh, oh, oh, oh

American girls, oh
American girls
American girls
Oh, oh, oh, oh

You made me cry
You made me cry
You made me cry
Yeah, you made me cry
You made me cry
Hey, Miss American Girl
Oh, oh, oh, yeah

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American Gothic – Creature Feature Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Gothic – Creature Feature

If there's nothing in the darkness
Then why do you lie awake?
Something in the shadows
Is keeping you from sleep
What are you afraid of?
Hiding in the night
Haunting figures appear
In the corner of your eye

Is death waiting to lash out
A ghost behind the breeze
A devil in the corn field
Or the beast among the trees
All these wretched raving ravens
All harbingers of your doom
Is the black cat crossing your path?
A prelude to your tomb

The sun falls like a guillotine
The dark comes alive with unsavory beings
Lock your door
Run and hide
Hold your breath
And you just might survive the night
Your safety's false
Your logic skewed
Now your complacent
Point of view
It'll be the true death of you

Are there creaks in the floorboards
When you're alone in your room?
Are the footsteps in the attic
With each rising of the moon
Strange sounds in the distance
Whatever could they be?
You're powerless to the deadly
Foul things lurking unseen

The sun falls like a guillotine
The dark comes alive with unsavory beings
Lock your door
And Run and hide
And Hold your breath
And you just might survive the night
Your safety's false
Your logic skewed
Now your complacent
Point of view
It'll be the true death of you

Chattering teeth
And Rattling bones
Out in the blackness
Your nightmares grow
Dreadful thoughts
Make your blood run cold
The witching hour
Has taken hold
Deep in the bleak
Recess of your soul
Is where the terror makes its home

If there's nothing in the darkness
Then why do you lie awake?
Something in the shadows
Is keeping you from sleep?

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American Gothic – The Cult Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Gothic – The Cult

I look inside your black heaven
I see your naked altar there, yeah, yeah-yeah
They rip you down and criticize you
Too strong to bend, too strong to care, oh-oh, oh

Black star, white light
Black star, white light
Eating the cancer cells from the death machine

Black star, white light
Black star, white light
Eating the cancer cells from the death machine

American Gothic raven boy
Child monster with insect hair, yeah, heh-heh
You destroy this moral prison
You free the slaves, you free the slaves
You free the slaves, you free the

Black star, white light
Black star, white light
Eating the cancer cells from the, the death machine

Black star, white light
Black star, white light
Eating the cancer cells from the, the death machine

Black star, white light
A black star, white light
A black star, white light
A black star, white light

American Gothic, your black heaven
American Gothic, your black heaven, yeah, your black heaven
American Gothic, your black heaven, yeah, your black heaven
American Gothic, it's your black heaven, your black heaven

Black star, white light
Black star, white light
Eating the cancer cells from the, the death machine

Black star, white light
Black star, white light
Eating the cancer cells from the, the death machine

American Gothic
American Gothic
American dream
Your black heaven
Your black heaven
Your black heaven

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American Graffiti – Waterparks Testo con traduzione in italiano


Forse il mondo è stato creato in sei giorni
Ma potrei rovinare il mio entro lunedì
Lo scriverò sul muro
Se leggi questo è colpa tua
Se tutto ciò che sono qui per fare è relazionarmi
Forse dovrei provare a vivere un giorno normale
Perché sembra così, così lontano

Sì, hai letto tutto di me
E tu ami quello che hai trovato
Sono come i graffiti americani
Vuoi un po 'di glitter, bevilo
Sì, hai visto tu

Continua su Testitradotti

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Graffiti – Waterparks

Maybe the world was made in six days
But I could ruin mine by Monday
I'll write it on the wall
If you read this it's your fault
If all I'm here to do is relate
Maybe I should try to live one normal day
Because it feels so, so far away

Yeah, you've been reading all about me
And you're loving what you found
I'm like American graffiti
You want some glitter, drink it down
Yeah, you've been seeing all about me
Taking notes, yeah, write it down
I'm like American graffiti
If you need me, I'm here now
If you need me, I'm here now

Nothing in this world can make me think straight
So I'm not leaving bed 'till Friday night
I'll pack a suitcase
Follow if you want
Around the world 'till it stops
I had therapy on Wednesdays
But haven't been in months
So here's an x-ray of what's in my brain
Since it came unchained
The other day
Usually I'm all I've got
Lucky for me I don't need a lot

Yeah, you've been reading all about me
And you're loving what you found
I'm like American graffiti
You want some glitter, drink it down
Yeah, you've been seeing all about me
Taking notes, yeah, write it down
I'm like American graffiti
If you need me, I'm here now
If you need me, I'm here now

If you need me, I'm here now
If you need me, I'm here now

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American Greed – Cam’ron Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Greed – Cam'ron

[Verse 1 - Cam'ron:]
God bless the kid, left the crib
Extra jig, 20 L's
No movie but I bought out that 2012
"Hey girl" she ignored me, I'm like "Honey, hell"
What up money? I'm Cam, but I know money well
Sniff me, that money smell, cologne juke
Chrome coupe, before towns Killa had his own stoops
Now I'm shaving coke on an amazing boat
Fuck you, suck dick
I don't know what to say to folks..
Sick chain, from the 6 train
Took the 5th lane, where I get brain
Yeah, get brain, shit mane
I blow past em
Can't hear y'all niggas
Closed caption
Been places, spent faces
Y'all big babies, blame Davis
You ain't that one team
So come dream, Bruce Leroy glow
Y'all need sunscreen

[Hook - Vado:]
American greed shit'll turn you
Into the worst type
Lock like Madoff, die like Kirk Wright
You'll get more dirty when
Your collar and shirt white
Carry our dreams, Rose wishes
The thirst life
I'm fire, you burn
Backstreet Boy *NSYNC like Lou Perlman
I'm the 6th member as long as the crew earn
Half the crew earnings, I take my break

[Verse 2 - Vado:]
Sosa wars I'm feeling like Big, Harlem we back son
On stage, boxers and Timbs
Holding my plaque up
Beat knocking, red put that track up
Move 8-balls, play pool? Well nigga rack up
Hit the white with all soda
Terrorizing the streets in the Viper or Cobra
New Louis Vuitton sneaks with spikes all over
Crib on some kid shit, my Nikes all over
Small purchase, next time I'll re-bigger
Fitted low dark shades like I don't see niggas
Getting dough like I don't need niggas
Didn't know that crime pays?
Well look at Flea nigga!
Fortune 500, we read niggas
Wall Street Journals and several
American Greed niggas
Lot of dough to be made, shit
I agree, nigga
Summertime, True Religion jeans
Is capris nigga

[Hook - Vado]

[Verse 3 - Vado:]
Julius Earving whip her: I'm a 6er
Rucker Park mixer, with the rock I fix ya
Ball at Bar Mitzvahs, miss is off the Richter
Ricky Ricardo laugh at ya
Get your chicks up
Chips up, I got a full house
Ferrari, Porsche, I leave chicks
With a full mouth. Ouch
Cage open: who let the bull out?
I'm good out, violence and drugs
I'm what the hood about

Vado got a vision that's so raw
Say no more. Rewind: he remind me of me in '04
Maybe it's our habitat, maddest clap
Rat-tat-tat, I had to trap, imagine that
Lenox Ave graduate in fact
And if you seen me in the Louis
With the crew blowing Oowee
Right hand should salute me
Look here, you Sam Bowie
Scram, Scoobie
Tan Gucci, play your part
Scary Movie

[Hook - Vado]

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American gypsy


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1981 Zebop

Testo Della Canzone

American gypsy di Carlos Santana

Amare, amare, amare
Amare, amare, amare
Amare, amare, amare

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


American Head Charge – A King Among Men Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A King Among Men – American Head Charge

How can I express with meaning..
How I feel?
Any attempt will just fall short..
In vain.
There's only one way I can think of that makes any sense..

You are a.. king among men.
You are a.. king among men.

Met you..
Met you..

Now everyday is different. But, the same.
We try to put this behind us.
But, your memory remains.

You never quite knew just what you meant to me.

You are a.. king among men
You are a.. king among men

Met you..
Met you..

I just wish that you were there beside us.
I just wish that you were here..

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American Head Charge – A Violent Reaction Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A Violent Reaction – American Head Charge

lead me around
nurse my broken wing
with all the promises
you can never honor
I just dont care enough
to react to vain attempts
sent only to perpetuate
one's selfish little world
you wont see what ive become
youll wait and watch and still
youre only let down
a violent reaction
struggling only to keep myself alive
now here I stand
for nothing no one at all
I lead you down
begging to touch you in the cold
you give me a reason
I will not be the one
through all the nonsense
there is a constant
you wont see what ive become
youll wait and watch and still
youre only let down
cause this feeling
has dawned the face of you
a violent reaction
struggling only to keep myself alive
you wont see what ive become
cause this feeling
has dawned the face of you
a violent reaction
struggling only to keep myself alive

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American Head Charge – A Violent Reaction Testo della canzone

lead me around
nurse my broken wing
with all the promises
you can never honor
I just dont care enough
to react to vain attempts
sent only to perpetuate
one’s selfish little world
you wont see what ive become
youll wait and watch and still
youre only let down
a violent reaction
struggling only to keep myself alive
now here I stand
for nothing no one at all
I lead you down
begging to touch you in the cold
you give me a reason
I will not be the one
through all the nonsense
there is a constant
you wont see what ive become
youll wait and watch and still
youre only let down
cause this feeling
has dawned the face of you
a violent reaction
struggling only to keep myself alive
you wont see what ive become
cause this feeling
has dawned the face of you
a violent reaction
struggling only to keep myself alive


American Head Charge – All Wrapped Up Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
All Wrapped Up – American Head Charge

Im above everything else
saved the ones that shouldnt be
hold on to them all so youll
find yourself away from me
our lost faith strung out on a line
my most empathetic dreams of you
the sorry excuses on which we dine
when all my fears tell me its true
borrowed dreams of some imagined future
all wrapped up inside this borrowed hope
dont manipulate the most
beautiful thing youll ever know
to the extent of saving your
ragged torn out sickly show
holding my head above the fold
cant decide which side I want
I buried everything so deep in the cold
now I stop inside of the lies I flaunt
borrowed dreams of some imagined future
all wrapped up inside this borrowed hope
pull it all away from me
show me all the things I can
never be allowed to see
its all so far away
if you must have faith in someone
trust that Ill push you away
if you must have faith in someone
trust that Ill push you away
what am I if
the flies all stick to me
what am I if
the maggots live in me
what am I if
Im closet to the stink
what am I if
youre all thats real to me
teach me just show me
break everything flush it away
teach me just show me
the starts already over
break everything and

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American Head Charge – Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage – American Head Charge

walk with an impure mind
revelations unkind
abject dental of the flesh I feel
endure and make my mind
its never time to start
believing everything will all work out
bloody knuckles
empty cavity
swift disposal
empty cavity
weve blinded ourselves sick
to create room for it
never arriving when its needed most
anticipation burns
unquenchable we learn
left holding nothing but the will to live
bloody knuckles
empty cavity
swift disposal
empty cavity
why? [4x]
negative takes its toll
constant release and hold
beware the trust that you
instill in me
beware the trust that you [2x]
beware the trust I instill in me
bloody knuckles
empty cavity
swift disposal
empty cavity
choke it up
choke it back
choke it down
choke it away

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American Head Charge – Antidote Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Antidote – American Head Charge

Look me in the eyes
Tell me what you see
Is it someone who might be someone
Maybe just might get to be
Now all your mistakes have been laid out
A glimpse before your eyes of me now

It’s such a thin, thin line in between all of it
It’s holding me beneath keeping me at bay so I can
Sculpt my dreams in black and white
You’re my little play thing
Who always makes sure I sleep tight
Kids come get your medicine it’s the antidote that keeps you well and quiet

This sickness robs me of a life lost in perception
Held in the shadows kept in the habit because
Each one repairs the next in perfect succession
Each one repairs the next with perfect success

It’s such a thin, thin line in between all of it
It’s holding me beneath keeping me at bay so I can
Sculpt my dreams in black and white
You’re my little play thing
Who always makes sure I sleep tight
Kids come get your medicine it’s the antidote that keeps you well and quiet
Kids come get your medicine it’s the antidote that keeps you well and quiet

Come get your medicine [x8]
Come get your...

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American Head Charge – Breathe In, Bleed Out Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Breathe In, Bleed Out – American Head Charge

My throat is dry when I
(stain it)
keep the hate alive
(abuse it)
your lips are tight when I
(to keep it from)
cover them with mine
(running you)
this is a sickness
(need it)
you cannot conceive
(mistreat it)
it takes the quiet
(its all thats left)
to not exceed
(breathe in, bleed out)
where is your comfort now
its on the way out
where are your reasons now
theyre all worn out
My throat is tight when I
(pull it)
keep the hate alive
(push it)
your lips are dry when I
(tie it up in)
cover them with mine
(knots and)
Its an affliction
(lose it)
nothing comes to mind
(let go of it)
Its unstrategic
(all to keep it soft and cold)
nothing comes to mind
(breathe in,bleed out)
where is your comfort now
its on the way out
where are your reasons now
theyre all worn out

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American Head Charge – Cowards Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Cowards – American Head Charge

This is the way to find my harlequins face
To my junkie dead body
Still covered in lace
The flesh still warm where skin had once been my lips
My smile just scattered fragments lining the ditch
You like to watch when I bleed

(like a coward)
I've got some right here for you
I push you down on your knees

(such a good whore)
I make your dreams come true

At 60 miles an hour on course and pace in hybrid mental states
So my pathetic limp kiss has never caught this way
No catalyst begins across the face of those who end
Leaving its scar too deep for all of your attempts to mend

Come on cowards
Come on you whores

I've got no choice but this if
I can't get rid of it
You'll never be any match
For what I can do to myself

I'm still stuck here breaking it backwards apart
Watching all the raindrops cover up before we can start (

like a coward)
Without a doubt that all will be washed away
There's still no proof to see if I will someday

You like to watch when I bleed

(like a coward)
I've got some right here for you
I push you down on your knees

(such a good whore)
I make your dreams come true

I've got no choice but this if
I can't get rid of it
You'll never be any match
For what I can do to myself

Come on cowards/come on you whores

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American Head Charge – Desertion Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Desertion – American Head Charge

Hey I want your skin to get me off
You make it sound so fucking pure
I'll bring you down and make you scream
Take in what you once thought was hate
And now I want to make it right
And you can't take that away from me
Strive to make you cower like a pig
Sit and squirm in your own stink
You have been the sickest of them all
Gone back to the way it never worked
Did you want me to mistreat you
Did you want me to pretend

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American Head Charge – Different Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Different – American Head Charge

I'm chewing my tongue
It makes it so numb
My lower coverings
House many children
So many piercings
I can't stop bleeding
Trails are all I see
Can't help being me
I am so cool
So fucking different
I am so cool
So fucking different
We're all the same
So very different
So fucked up we drool
It's all the same
So many tweakings
I can't stop peaking
My fucking parents
After school meetings
I've got not future
Won't even try
I'm failing at life
Get high and then I die

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American Head Charge – Dirty Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Dirty – American Head Charge

It's been after me
In this place
A pleasant threat perfect void
Stuck in modality
With all this damage beyond repair

When all our time fades away
Just like everything else
That proves that we are


Now just in case
Selfish trials
Keeps stopping to
Drag me down
I'm losing bliss
As if all your hands
Could keep me clean

When all our time fades away
Just like everything else
That proves that we are


I can't see where I've gone wrong
All our times fade away
That proves that we are

If all our times fades away
It's proof we're dirt

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American Head Charge – Down And Depraved Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Down And Depraved – American Head Charge

Last chance coming up with another sorry excuse
I'm so tired of your never ending pity party
I’m not gonna let you hold me down anymore
I’m not gonna eat your scraps up off the dirty floor
This predictable storyline with you at the center
You keep reminding me but I just forget it

You’re so right
Cause I’m so wrong
How can you really be so naive
Tight to the vest or face up down the sleeve
How can you really be so naive
Tight to the vest or face up down the sleeve
The nothing destroys
The something enjoys

I can’t stand that submissiveness bullshit on your face
It’s gone on way too long you’re far too sick to be this strong
I can’t wait to drop you like the habit and quickly replace

You’re so right
Cause I’m so wrong
How can you really be so naive
Tight to the vest or face up down the sleeve
How can you really be so naive
Tight to the vest or face up down the sleeve
The nothing destroys
The something enjoys
The bitter aftertaste
My beautiful noise

(I'm so sorry for all the love you save me)[?]
(Why you’re not sorry for all the love you gave me)[?]

You should’ve kept me in the cage I came in
Or I might rattle it to the ground
You got no idea what you’re up against
I’m licking my lips at the thought of it
Your little center’s just so itty-bitty
I don’t want to break you in half
I'm gonna take my time working you over
I insist upon your discipline
And maybe get a little rough
And maybe just a little more
But I guarantee you will fuckin' love it
You keep on crying and crying it out
So when you’re done I might just take you with me
Kept in my pocket like a little slave
You’re at the ready when I gotta have it
Someone to get down and depraved
Give it to me

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American Head Charge – Downstream Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Downstream – American Head Charge

The pulse in the bass drum
Lulls you close enough
For a peek of what's to come of this.
Forming into around and right over a sound
That has had you locked ever since it began.
And for feeling your trap,
Never know where you're at-
It's just the only thing
That ever keeps me ready for it.

It's like I'm marching from downstream...
But I'll never come up.

Let them tick thier mark in my eyes
Wearing your crown on the dress,
You don't know what you have done-
It's in my ruin for life.
The sun keeps staring me down,
Every reflection it finds
Lamenating on my skin
Within the scent of the night.
Right there where people fail to excel
I leave my kiss on the table...

It's like I'm marching from downstream...
But I'll never come up.

Please say you are what you offer!
Don't say I'm alone!
Please say you are what you offer!
Don't say you... !

You're getting the best of me!
Just what you deserve!
You're getting the best of me!
Just what you deserve!
I'm getting the best of you!
Just what I deserve!
I'm getting the best of you!
Just what I deserve!

Please say you are what you offer!
Don't say I'm alone!
Please say you are what you offer!
Don't say you!

It's like I'm marching from downstream...
But I'll never come up.
It's like I'm marching from downstream...
But I'll never come up
It's like I'm marching from down-stream...
But I'll never come up.
It's like I'm marching... from... down... stream.

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American Head Charge – Drowning Under Everything Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Drowning Under Everything – American Head Charge

I see your mask
It makes me start to believe
Why do you ask
Because you're prone to deceive

I see your mask
It makes me start to believe
Why do you ask
Because you're prone to deceive

Once I start I won't stop

I want you to really need it so bad
I want you to really need it so bad
I want you to really need it so bad
I want you to really need it so bad
So bad
So bad
So bad

It's just a taste
Spread right across both your lips
It's just a waste
Because your grip always slips

It's just a taste
Spread right across both your lips
It's just a waste
Because your grip always slips

Once I start I won't stop

I want you to really need it so bad
I want you to really need it so bad
I want you to really need it so bad
I want you to really need it so bad

Swimming in desperation
Drowning under everything
Ignore the expectation

I want you to really need it so bad (Ignore the expectation)
I want you to really need it so bad (Ignore the expectation)
I want you to really need it so bad (Ignore the expectation)
I want you to really need it so bad (Ignore the expectation)

Everything (so bad)
Everything (so bad)
Everything (so bad)
Everything (so bad)
Everything (so bad)
Everything (so bad)
Everything (so bad)
Everything (so bad)

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American Head Charge – Effigy Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Effigy – American Head Charge

burn the bed
rest the head
it just holds us back now
still she keeps on looking
of course [2x]
nows theres nothing I hate as much
wet the lips
shut your pretty mouth
use the kiss
tommorrow fails to exist
still she keeps on looking
of course [2x]
now theres nothing I
it all surfaces in this light
words under my breath
taking my time
breaking your smile
feed the wish
let it flourish
head for shore
let me haunt you
still she keeps on looking
now theres nothing I hate as much [2x]
I will sleep
(It all surfaces in this light)
throughout the infection
fast asleep
where nothing can find me
words under my breath
taking my time
breaking your smile
everyone goes away
I cant even try
I watched you slip away

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American Head Charge – Erratic Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Erratic – American Head Charge

Stalking the currency shifts
As cause becomes
Embedded codes digital mistakes
So all the rest can
Choke for need and strain to bleed
The hunger I fix a taste for the feeding
This panic perpetuating poison upon us
As it plagues me into

Running the gamut again
Surprise you're wrong
I'm not the defects for ones
You left out
Erratic an addict
Is leading my fall
Back to the faces
My weaknesses live

Shots down and riding the bomb

Routine submissive disease
Just let me rot
Done with all these innocent thieves
While all us weak ones
Choke for need and strain to bleed
The hunger I fix a taste for the feeding
This panic perpetuating poison upon us
As it plagues me into

Running the gamut again
Surprise you're wrong
I'm not the defects for ones
You left out
Erratic an addict
Is leading my fall
Back to the faces
My weaknesses live

Shots down and riding the bomb

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American Head Charge – Fall Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Fall – American Head Charge

pathetic sympathies
left for the bloody at heart
everything fades to shit
evertyhing tears me apart
caustic insecurities
surface above the witheld
every time I need
everything I want
aesthetic disguises
underlying doubts
my direction dies
everythings right up in your face
everythings right up in front
push me against the wall
but still you cant make me
you cant make me
seperate your mouth
scrape away
prosthetic misery
pushing me to never
hold my breath
everythings right up in your face
everythings right up in front
push me against the wall
but still you cant make me
you cant make me
seperate your mouth
scrape away
I dont like you at all!

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American Head Charge – Feel The Curtain Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Feel The Curtain – American Head Charge

I step with two hands open
And kick the man in front of me
Reminded of my father
When will you ever learn
I found you urinating
You found me interesting
Torn raw and feeling sickness
Permit my hypocrisy
Feel the thick curtain
While she sleeps
The stench of my breath pains you
But your just smelling yourself
My plate shows something rotten
I feel so right at home
Dress me in mothers clothing
To teach me how to fuck myself
Fracture my arm like you know
The abuse makes it feel right
Feel the thick curtain
While she sleeps

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American Head Charge – Fiend Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Fiend – American Head Charge

I want to be
Somewhere far from here
I'm watching you
As you wave goodbye
I won't take
I won't weigh you down
Following suit
So just count me out

I can't get it out
Can't put it together
I should have known better
Than to turn into this

I can't believe
I've become removed
Tighten the line
And pull up hello
I will change
I won't weigh me down
Carving this space
Never count me out

I can't get it out
Can't put it together
I should have known better
Than to turn into this


I say
Everything's how it ought to be
I say
Nothing should ever change
I say
I only know how I used to be
I say
I don't want a fucking thing to do with it


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American Head Charge – I Will Have My Day Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Will Have My Day – American Head Charge

I know too much and I’ve had enough
So I left it all and I call your bluff
Well such surprise with all my might
I struggle fast beneath your fight
Such subtle moves your grand design
A sentiment your fault in kind

We sleep for now
And wait for better times
Just let this all play out
I will have my day

All of your virtues
But you refuse to see me
I cleared my life for you
So you just let me go without
You can’t justify it all
Not so sorry now
I bear this life
While you just shoved us all away

We sleep for now
And wait for better times
Just let this all play out
I will have my day

I want myself and hate to die
I find myself and hate to want
I hate myself and want to die
I know I’m nothing but the purest motherfucking sunshine

We sleep for now
And wait for better times
Just let this all play out
I will have my day

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American Head Charge – Just So You Know Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Just So You Know – American Head Charge

the surface is so cold and worthless
all the things that I have still come from there
so paint your windows in front of my face
when you know damn well theres
no one behind them
I wish your body was not so warm to me
just so you know
all it was was something beautiful
when tides and dreams dont seem so tall at all
its me against the world still Im losing ground
Id kill to taste what it must be like
cause its every one of my empty parts
that you fill now
I wish your body was not so warm to me
just so you know
all it was was something beautiful
when tides and dreams dont seem so tall at all
pause silence
another moment dropped off
left behind and
hanging still
you wont see me
I cant see you
all it was was something beautiful
when tides and dreams dont seem so tall at all

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American Head Charge – Leave Me Alone Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Leave Me Alone – American Head Charge

Always get exactly what you want
This is only my life that you taunt
Always giving me enough to keep me quiet
Only giving me enough to keep me at bay

Why don't you leave me alone?

I don't need you


Is the very thing that I disgust
Promise me again
And I hope your jaw fucking rusts
I did what you wanted didn't I?
So, shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up

Why don't you leave me alone?
Always on the verge of something
Almost about to leave it all
I don't need you

Open your blessed wings
And wrap them around all your things
Keep yourself in the company of kings
Cause it's their hands' that bleed from the strings

No more

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American Head Charge – Let All The World Believe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Let All The World Believe – American Head Charge

All these rationalities keep turning.
Another line another lie more delusion.
Cause what brings me to this is never my own FAULT!
Each and every time I stray it's POISON!

Let all the world believe!
That it's their god whose listening!
Another productive sin!
The distance between is sickening!

All this misery, tell me, what has it brought to you in your life?
Fall asleep at the start so you can't finish.
Your achieving a perfectly sordid REPUTATION!
It's everything that's wrong with this world that stirs MY HUNGER FOR REVENGE!
Such warm kind hearted threats.

Let all the world believe!
That it's their god whose listening!
Another productive sin!
The distance between is sickening!


There's nothing to hold onto now.
There's nothing to hope for.
There's nothing to hold onto now.

Let all the world believe!
That it's their god whose listening!
Another productive sin!
The distance between is sickening!

Let all the world believe (believe!)!
That it's their god whose listening (listening!)!
Another productive sin (productive sin!)!
The distance between is sickening (sickening!)!

Shut up!
Don't need it!
Just let it go!

Shut up!
Don't need it!
Just let it go!

Shut up!
Don't need it!
Just let it go!

Shut up!
Don't need it!
Just let it go!

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American Head Charge – Loyalty Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Loyalty – American Head Charge

It's just a reason to deny
All the limits that border
On the thiniest frailties
that makes a sudden change

I'll play my soul into sleep
I'll make up words that I keep
Letting nothing go to anyone at all

Where is your loyalty now
When all the cards have been left on the table?
Where is your loyalty now
When all the cards have been left on the table?

All of them
Bleed at the nerves
That take so long
To wear down

I'll play my soul into sleep
I'll make up words that I keep
Letting nothing go to anyone at all

Where is your loyalty now
When all the cards have been left on the table?
Where is your loyalty now
When all the cards have been left on the table?

This time I have made enough mistakes
For you to bear against me
Endure and break
Our original ideals
That let us down
And betrayed our trust
Like all your promises

I've seen the piece of shit alive in you
Cause I'm there enough to be a truth

This time I have made enough mistakes
For you to bear against me
Endure and break
Our original ideals
That let us down
And betrayed our trust
Like all your promises

Where is your loyalty now
When all the cards have been left on the table?
Where is your loyalty now
When all the cards have been left on the table?

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American Head Charge – Never Get Caught Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Never Get Caught – American Head Charge

follow me now and I will drown you
fill you full of reason
no windows Ill take you
to the dirty place that I love
slipping on messes
you made when I hit you
makes me more exicitable
Ill never get caught [2x]
pull it tight Ill see right through it
Ill never get caught
cradle the difference in front of your fist
force it down to bring it back up
make them listen one more time
wrapping you up in an american flag
I fuck you for the glory
no complaints from my friends
they keep their fucking mouths shut
I couldnt care less
about the way that you see me
soothing I will never be
Ill always get shit [2x]
for acknowledging pervisity
Ill never get caught
cradle the difference in front of your fist
force it down to bring it back up
make them listen one more time
never get caught

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American Head Charge – Nothing Gets Nothing Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Nothing Gets Nothing – American Head Charge

freedom is everything
resolve impossible
you prayed for rain
ignoring the flood
you took me with you
to heaven
back again
bleed to remember
that everything ends
blind and looking forward
I can see the shapes
but cant make out the faces
still they come in close
excuse this ugly shell my
gaping holes drip pride
a systematic shutdown
of diminishing returns
I held you down
on the day of the lord
31 marks like the day
I was born
I called you beautiful
before I knew you
watch me destroy it
set myself free
still so dead and frozen
we all survive it
restraints brought
back for color
the most insulting guilt
such sweet attractive layers
let me remove them all
bring me home
let me down
send me back
collecting the phases
the less I give
its easier
the more we give
its nothing

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American Head Charge – Perfectionist Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Perfectionist – American Head Charge

Misled by the minutes.
Left lacking in every tone.
A distraction from truth.
Hanging above your head.

Misleading every minute.
Distractions from truth.
Stripped off of all the panic.
Leaves me brightly blinded.

I can't!
Throwing it all away!

No chains can change his words.
His good side is flesh.
No masks to protect faces.
So, what's your motivation?

I can't!
Throwing it all away!

It doesn't matter anyway.
These words have fallen on deaf ears.
I don't do it for approval.
I do it so I can stand me.

Outlast the opposition.
Your grand prize is 'silence'.

I can't!
Throwing it all away!

It doesn't matter anyway.
These words have fallen on deaf ears.
I don't do it for approval.
I do it so I can stand me.

It doesn't matter anyway (it doesn't matter).
These words have fallen on deaf ears (fallen away).
I don't do it for approval (you don't like me).
I do it so I can stand me.

Welcome. There's no. Turning. Back now.
There will. Be no. Happy. Ending.

Welcome (welcome). There's no (there's no). Turning (turning) Back now (back now).
There will (there will). Be no (be no). Happy (happy). Ending (ending).
There will (there will). Be no (be no). Happy (happy). Ending (ending).
There will (there will). Be no (be no). Happy. (Ending).

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American Head Charge – Pledge Allegiance Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pledge Allegiance – American Head Charge

We're just the braces amidst
These selfish trials and fits
Not so safe or scared or dumb is the rest
Our unravelling has just
Enough of it here to be
Drown propped up and watching
You stare at us pull you down
You read the news
You take the vows
You blame the costs
We play the chords
Now the only course
That traces an end
To the violence
Has left us without any
Chance to stand our ground

... Stand up and ...

Get back in line and
The time to start is
Don't let yourself play the
There's no way out

Placatingly wound we search
Without purpose the game ends
Promise me today
So tomorrow's a new surprise
All these sores lingering
Shutdown and loving it
The greedy hands will lie
But we stand ready to strike
Yours' is the blood
Theirs' the first
The speed the greed
The machines and the paper dolls
We didn't want this
We didn't need this
We couldn't see it coming
But we're to blame for it

... Stand up and ...

Get back in line and
The time to start is
Don't let yourself play the
There's no way out

Watch us coming
While you drop away
Bow your fucking heads
And pray for us
Cause it's my time
And it's our side
You can't stop us any longer

Bow your head
Pray for us
It's our time
It's our side

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American Head Charge – Pretty Face Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pretty Face – American Head Charge

Play your games with my limp joints
Idolize it's wet paper skin
Listen to the cast preach your life
And infest you with disease
Dress me up with a three piece tourniquet
Fuck and get under the scabs
Never trust what you cannot kill
And pretend that she respects you
Pursuit of liberty
Drags you all across this country
This cunt bleeding
Delivered me
The cord it stretches
Taught and only so far
Before it snaps back
Giving us relief
It's just a matter of time
It's just a matter of time
Before you fall down
And hurt yourself
Far from home
With no one's help
We will be waiting
But his eyes can't see the madness
So she can keep the rule
Formulate what will be that thing that makes me laugh
Your next manipulation
Of the all too friendless
Always seen and never noticed
Dipping my feet in pools of you
Make my face only how you like it
Why can't you smell it hide
Wreck her pussy with your fist
She'll be your minister
Violate my stiff limp body
Only to taste my glass bloodline
Shove it all behind my back
Cauterize my open wound
I never needed to leave
To find out what makes me tick
I arrived by default
My arms three grand long
But not elastic enough
To care for insects
Just beyond my reach
It's just a matter of time
It's just a matter of time
Before I pick you up
And dust you off
Kiss the eyes
That make me rough
I will be waiting
I walked beside myself
But nothing ever changed
And now I walk away
So you can take the blame
Clinical distortion
Affects the bachelor
I still can't find

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American Head Charge – Prolific Catastrophe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Prolific Catastrophe – American Head Charge

Won’t you be my skin and bones
Now that everything has soured
And obscured down underneath
Everyone deserves the spoils
But you’ve waited way too long
Now there's no apologies

A plasticized store bought antiquated whore
Thirteen feet buried under the box you left me in
I’ve taken you for sport a deafening report
The flowers are all dead but I continue to win

I don’t wanna be you
You’ve always sucked for free
I don’t wanna see you
Prolific catastrophe

With baited breath on pins and needles
The mountain starts to move
To cut the ocean right in half
We’re tightening the screws

A plasticized store bought antiquated whore
Thirteen feet buried under the box you left me in
I’ve taken you for sport a deafening report
The flowers are all dead but I continue to win

I don’t wanna be you
You’ve always sucked for free
I don’t wanna see you
Prolific catastrophe

You’re a damaged ingrate much like the rest of us
There’s no coincidence it’s exactly what you thought it was
I'm accepting thank yous for the offering of you
It worked out well
Just exactly what you thought it was

I don’t wanna be you
You’ve always sucked for free
I don’t wanna see you
Prolific catastrophe

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American Head Charge – Pushing The Envelope Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Pushing The Envelope – American Head Charge

an overwhelming understanding
of chaos brings you to your knees
impurities make me the way that I am
the dirt in my veins
the games on my thoughts
the stains on your face
they break it apart
pushing the envelope
life sets me off
pushing the envelope
hate gets me off
pushing the envelope
gets me off
pushing the envelope
your face it sets me off
Im curled up inside myself so
I wont imagine the pictures
If I had prosthetic eyes I still
think that Id see the same
satisfy retribution inside
subsequent afternoons turning out seared
bothered by fallacies everyones scared

pushing the envelope
life sets me off
pushing the envelope
hate gets me off
pushing the envelope
gets me off
pushing the envelope
your face it sets me off [2x]

killing myself like a tool in wrong
disquieting changes in direction
just keep on pushing

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American Head Charge – Reach And Touch Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Reach And Touch – American Head Charge

Ive seen it turn from white to red
Ive heard you talk about how
you bleed and it doesnt mean shit
until I see some action a hint of
rose and a mountain of garbage
leaves me for dead and nothing drags me from
breaking myself
breaking myself to try to keep everyone
from walking over me
smell the burning wreckage of even you
all of your perfection lets get inside
the bag turn it 180 degrees
forget we even met cause it all comes
down to this the good ones always
leave in the end
breaking myself
breaking myself to try to keep everyone
from walking over me
I see the world and it all looks blue
I kiss the world and it all tastes true
The blurry eyes make me appealing
In a normal fashion another 2 or 3
you will become very friendly
your liquidation is a siren song
you swim I follow Im feeling my head sink
so as to reach and touch what hurts me
still I try to reach and touch what hurts me

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American Head Charge – Ridicule Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ridicule – American Head Charge

Ridicule my own
So precious alone
These faces of everyone
Remind me of home
You're plotting riddled sin
All my needs giving in
Blow me a kiss and leave me to the dogs

So, you think you got it
You think you know me
You wanna bring me down
I am in my finest hour
Ridicule my own
So precious alone
These faces of everyone
Remind me of home
You're watching me dying
How am I looking?
Why don't you take a picture
You're plotting riddled sin
All my needs giving in
Blow me a kiss
And leave me to the dogs

My fear, traps me waiting for it
My past is glowing red and yellow, again

Run, back where you came from
Not that it matters
I'll never see you again
My fists strain to sift mercy
Ridicule my own
So precious alone
These faces of everyone
Remind me of home
You're plotting riddled sin
All my needs giving in
Blow me a kiss and leave me to the dogs

My fear, traps me waiting for it
My past is glowing red and yellow, again
My fate will show me where to follow

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American Head Charge – Rock N Roll Nigger Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Rock N Roll Nigger – American Head Charge

Baby was a black sheep baby was a whore.
Baby got big and baby get bigger.
Baby get something baby get more.
Baby was a rock-and-roll nigger.
Look around you, all around you riding on a copper wave.
Do you like the world around you are you ready to behave?
Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.
Outside of society, that's where I want to be.

Baby was a black sheep. Baby was a whore.
You know she got big. Well, she's gonna get bigger.
Baby got a hand; got a finger on the trigger.
Baby, baby, baby is a rock-and-roll nigger.
Outside of society, that's where I want to be.
Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.

Those who have suffered, understand suffering and thereby extend their hand the storm that brings harm also makes fertile
Blessed is the grass and herb and the true thorn and light

I was lost in a valley of pleasure I was lost in the infinite sea.
I was lost, and measure for measure love spewed from the heart of me.
I was lost, and the cost and the cost didn't matter to me.
I was lost, and the cost was to be outside society.
Jimi Hendrix was a nigger. Jesus Christ and Grandma, too.
Jackson Pollock was a nigger.
Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger nigger, nigger, nigger.
Outside of society, they're waiting for me.
Outside of society, if you're looking that's where you'll find me.
Outside of society, they're waiting for me outside of society

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American Head Charge – Sacred Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sacred – American Head Charge

Selling my soul
Every day for a taste
Fixing all my feelings
With a spoon full of black
Is there nothing sacred anymore
Complete the purchase
Protect the product
Pursuit of pleasure
A pinpoint puncture
The decisions easy
In spite of the toll
When you’re the one who’s beneath
The one without a soul
Dream us away
Dream us away
Is there nothing sacred anymore
Is there nothing sacred anymore
Nothing sacred

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American Head Charge – Sand Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sand – American Head Charge

In the waters
Of your own making
Building waves of apathy
Cause I still dream of it
Back in my hands
Just look at you all
So ripe and at your best
(I want it)

How can you breathe with a mouth full of sand
And how will you live up to all they demand

I can see the panic in your eyes
The manifested fear in every form
So grit your teeth
And await the coming storm
Wave goodbye to reason
Let silence speak for itself
(Shut the fuck up)

How can you breathe with a mouth full of sand
And how will you live up to all they demand

They're coming for us, they're everywhere, we're all surrounded, the end is near
There's no escaping, they smell the fear, our fates been written, the end is here

You suffocate me like I was never there, I got lost again, in the hunt far from here
Cause I got these dreams that parade, in my head nothings right, so you can run
And fucking hide, from it all, cause their blood kept pouring for no life til their own broke down

How can you breathe with a mouth full of sand
How will you live up to all they demand

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American Head Charge – Sand Testo della canzone

In the waters
Of your own making
Building waves of apathy
Cause I still dream of it
Back in my hands
Just look at you all
So ripe and at your best
(I want it)

How can you breathe with a mouth full of sand
And how will you live up to all they demand

I can see the panic in your eyes
The manifested fear in every form
So grit your teeth
And await the coming storm
Wave goodbye to reason
Let silence speak for itself
(Shut the fuck up)

How can you breathe with a mouth full of sand
And how will you live up to all they demand

They’re coming for us, they’re everywhere, we’re all surrounded, the end is near
There’s no escaping, they smell the fear, our fates been written, the end is here

You suffocate me like I was never there, I got lost again, in the hunt far from here
Cause I got these dreams that parade, in my head nothings right, so you can run
And fucking hide, from it all, cause their blood kept pouring for no life til their own broke down

How can you breathe with a mouth full of sand
How will you live up to all they demand


American Head Charge – Seamless Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Seamless – American Head Charge

stink filled spasms
deep in a colostomy bag
I like being trapped inside
the plastics wearing out
red and perfect her legs
spread out in front of me
theyre so open they make me sweat
its my lubrication
recent findings say
circumcise the abstinent
make it hard for them to breathe
I like to make you lie
dropped and so ill
steeped in my mysogeny
my shaking hands are in the skin
Ive gone too far too soon
you look so seamless now
she stared at me
thinking I was sweet to it
her legs tied apart for me
it feels so good inside
now Im thinking
whos this that lies under me
needs a piece of my respect
you make me so sick Im
crawling broken my face is
cringing to see
figures drawn inside of me
succumb [3x]
sickness fittings
procured this fascist medium
but know Im laughing in your face
you lie [3x]
you look so seamless now
take me
take my life

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American Head Charge – Self Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Self – American Head Charge

No sense of self
To balance it off
Preconceived notions of something
Everyones gone
Will I show up
With all that I have to give
Would you consider it a gift
But that
Doesnt matter anyway
Liar youre such a
On your hands and knees
Picking up the broken pieces
Liar youre such a
On your hands and knees
Afraid to turn my head
For fear of whats behind me
Only one resource left
So don't fret on my surprise
Is this all you have
Is that all you know
I swear I've seen you before
But that
Doesnt matter anyway
Liar youre such a
On your hands and knees
Picking up the broken pieces
Liar youre such a
On your hands and knees
Falling apart
Youve left with more of the same
I cant win

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American Head Charge – Set Yourself On Fire Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Set Yourself On Fire – American Head Charge

My insanity is the very thing tempting you
Grown up without only to be kept inside
Almost and still never causing you trauma
Broken and sore from all the suckers you invite

Set yourself on fire again
Set yourself up for another disaster
No one gives a shit about you
They all wanna see you fail

Now your vanity is the very thing keeping you
Hating yourself only to be masked as pride
Always the thrill in the search for some drama
Callused and torn from all the violence you fight

Set yourself on fire again
Set yourself up for another disaster
No one gives a shit about you
They all wanna see you fail

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American Head Charge – Shutdown Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Shutdown – American Head Charge

the trait that is still
left on the killing floor for you
that smile as he still
itches for killing more of you
the taste as he still
catches me lasting to it
the recoil they still
dream of that lasting spit
are you
shutdown in it
shut my eyes only once
brought me back up for nothing
yet it always seems like
I live in the shit
I make it bleed
I wont ever quit
I cause the need
lying in my bed
telling me your scared
of me when Im god
of me when Im dead
the temptation still
passses me lying for it only
false reminders still
drown myself trying for it only
reaching upwards still
squashes me under it
its only god still
seizing my final breath
are you
shutdown in it
shut my eyes only once
brought me back up for nothing
yet it always seems like
Im drawn into it
I cant belong
such a perfect fit
I wont be wrong
holding on in vein
telling me your scared
of me when Im god
of me when Im dead
I live in the shit
I make it bleed
I wont ever quit
I cause the need
lying in my bed
telling me your scared
of me when Im god
of me when Im dead
love me when Im god
love me when Im dead
I dont want to be shutdown

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American Head Charge – Song For The Suspect Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Song For The Suspect – American Head Charge

I can still watch those eyes
crawling over her dress until
I could show you everything
but I dont have to hear the words
cause I already feel your thoughts
so it comes as no surprise
that all the intent is real
all the suspects are right
if we stop
it all falls down
cover my eyes
obey my ignorance
to purify you
Ill only watch you rot
without malicious intent
your doubt resembles someone else
stick the needles in me
stick the needles in [3x]
if we watch
it all come down
breathe and let it go
dropped and winding
fuck your confession
fuck your confusion
dissolve my insides
make it hide
crawling on diginity
that which you do to me
hold on forever
the fair day we

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American Head Charge – Stature Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Stature – American Head Charge

Beautiful disease
Trying to stop those fleas
Resist complacences
For what you seize
Sinister laughing in back corners of my mind
Provides my sustinence
A no handed attempt
A rude man at the front
The right bowed to but dead
Accomplished undertone
Shoveling to the def
Out of your other lips
But making me happy
Three in the front room
Are fucking on top of my bed
Uplifting opening
Old scars thought of as healed
Say your prayers for your hate
A nympho to yourself
And now my face it breathes my lies
And my lies, they make me drown

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American Head Charge – Suffer Elegantly Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Suffer Elegantly – American Head Charge

You criticize my descent and analyze my intent
Your vantage point shows all the angles as obvious
You might as well take your shot whether I like it or not
You have the answers without hearing the questions
You think you’re winning but you’re killing yourself
You’re just beginning but you’re running through hell
The frictions dragging but you refuse to help
The water’s rising and it’s filling the well

This is our great divide
Our only time to shine
Armed to the fucking teeth
With nothing else but time

I just keep watching how they all cower
Not like the itch that comes from having to know
I just keep thinking the nonsense sold for it
The all too willing voice so ready to yield
You think you’re winning but you’re killing yourself
You’re just beginning but you’re running through hell
The frictions dragging but you refuse to help
The water’s rising and it’s filling the well

This is our great divide
Our only time to shine
Armed to the fucking teeth
With nothing else but time

There’s so much more to this because there has to be
I can’t just continue to let this all go
So keep on pressing down and keep on testing me
To see at what point I will give up and fail
You suffer so elegantly
You suffer so elegantly
It’s all going down
Just jump in and drown
Without regret without a sound
You think you’re winning but you’re killing yourself
You’re just beginning but you’re running through hell
The frictions dragging but you refuse to help
The water’s rising and it’s filling the well

This is our great divide
Our only time to shine
Armed to the fucking teeth
With nothing else but time

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American Head Charge – Sugars Of Someday Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Sugars Of Someday – American Head Charge

I've lived with the pain I'm feeling
Sat out in the morning rain
You're betting the chase is ending
But there's something in the way

We all will swim forever
We all will swim forever

Swim in the sugars of someday maybe
Swim in the sugars of someday maybe

She keeps her dreams locked up tight
In a tiny matchbook house
There's no way to mend it
So just let it go

We all will swim forever
We all will swim forever

Swim in the sugars of someday maybe
Swim in the sugars of someday maybe
In the sugars of someday

This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you
This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you
This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you
This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you
This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you
This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you
This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you
This is the way to survive all of the lies they tell you

I'm gonna dance with the devil hand in hand,
We're gonna paint this whole motherfucker red
I got all the time in the world,
So let's just dive right in and just

Swim in the sugars of someday maybe
Swim in the sugars of someday maybe
Swim in the sugars of someday

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American Head Charge – Take What I’ve Taken Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Take What I've Taken – American Head Charge

This most unwitting occurrence
Is indeed about you
So take it
Or chalk it up
All the others before me
Can give what I doubt

Take what I've taken

The three of threes
Professes you to me
Challenging and the favour will be
Paid in full
Pounds of flesh
In perfect dress

Take what I've taken

This most unwitting occurrence
Is indeed about you
So take it
Or chalk it up
All these others before me
Can't doubt
What's killing you
Wells from inside
Atonement for the waste
Pleasure in one more accolade
Prehensive doubt prehensive ...

One day I know when I see you
Far from these days that beat us
Far from my habits perfect prison

One day, I know when I see you
Far from these days that beat us
Far from my habits perfect prison

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American Head Charge – To Be Me Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
To Be Me – American Head Charge

Have you any idea
What it's like to be me
Watching you succeed and move forward
All my wasted time, tensing in anticipation
My thought process
Full grown and worthless

Safe when nobody is in your heart now
Take everything you can get your hands on
Save me save me from this yearning yet again

I have become what I always knew
I have become what I always knew
Every salvageable breath choked off in fear
I am the last thing I'll ever expect from me

Safe when nobody is in your heart now
Take everything you can get your hands on
Save me save me from this yearning yet again

Have you any idea
What its like to be me

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American Head Charge – To Taste Acid Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
To Taste Acid – American Head Charge

The crowd did move
Was it live
The course it took
Was it right
The crown I wore
Was it mine
The lips that lie
Is it true
The lace that tears
Is it skin
The line that binds
Is it real
The face that smiles
Is it yours
The fall that kills
Is it dead
To control the mannequin
Your wrists will shake
Without circulation
Your face will twitch
Do you feel
Better than me
Do you taste
Better than me
The prey that hunts
Was it found
The people die
Is it right
The place is lost
Will it turn
The guilt that hurts
Will it change
The guess that shames
Will it smile
The game that plays
Does it hurt
The fail that's right
Does it taste
The fuck that hates
Do you care
Did you get
What you wanted
To taste acid
To taste guilt
To taste shame
To taste hate
To taste death
To taste black
To taste acid
To taste red
To taste hell
To taste me
For you to swell
To taste god
To taste acid

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American Head Charge – Walk Away Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Walk Away – American Head Charge

Money is hate
So love me now
While I'm still unimportant enough to be
I will prove myself
And absence a shadow
I will never be what you don't deserve

Cause it's better to walk away
It's better to walk away
It's better to walk away
It's better

Follow me and you'll find
Your reflection is not even close to yours' anymore
Images patterned on dreams on your secrets
Poisoning connections as you slide away from gone

Cause it's better to walk away
It's better to walk away
It's better to walk away
It's better to walk away

From you

We're dirty and hungry and bitter and tired and broke and
bruised and battered so happy

I've been here way too long

Money is hate
So love me now
While I'm still unimportant enough to be
I will prove myself
And absence a shadow
I will never be what you don't deserve

Cause it's better to walk away
It's better to walk away
It's better to walk away
It's better

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American Head Charge – We Believe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
We Believe – American Head Charge

I know this much
I cant stand me
when I become him
I know this much
I dont feel free
when Im repentant
tell him this much
you dont want him
due to extra skin
tell him this much
you forsake him
due to pretension
now we have everything we need
to come up to where youre pristine
we believe
tell him this much
you cant withstand
taking it upright
tell him this much
you felt dirty
because it was tight
I know this much
that old feeling
Im done hanging on
I know this much
stop pretending
what was had is gone
now we have everything we need
to come up to where you are seen
we believe

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American Head Charge – What Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
What – American Head Charge

Your mom didn't tell you
You'd have nothing to say
Shut the fuck up bitch
In a poisoned state
While the rapist behind you
Is whispering your name
My lies foreshadow me
They make a scab of me
I can't crawl through this
You can't shut me up
You can't shut me up
Make it rough
Difficulty breathing makes you drip
Swallowing on first dates entertains
I scream mistakenly
I'm trying to make you see
What makes him resent you
That's right I lie
Solid filth til I die
But it makes me smile
Lord of the elite
Is prince of the cowards
Try not to choke on it
You can't shut me up
You can't shut me up
Make it rough
Difficulty breathing makes you drip
Swallowing on first dates entertains
Misogynist attracted to you
Wallowing in pity's comfortable
Get up

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American Head Charge – When I Failed Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
When I Failed – American Head Charge

Decide everything for me
Subject yourself to it
Make believe it's only your fault
Stifle my own
It's been so long since I failed
Nothing alienates this
Anything reminds me
Relieving it only helps
Suffer to make your own gains
It's been so long since I failed
And now my senses fail me
And still my training fails me
And now everything fails me
And still everyone fails me
And still the only thing I have fails me

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American Head Charge – When The Time Is Never Right Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
When The Time Is Never Right – American Head Charge

I don’t expect you to ever understand
What it is that moves inside of me
Always expected to bear the worst of it
Expectations to be first

It is just something to shake your fragile little tree
I'm ripping all your fruit away
That you grip so tightly
So no one can taste it
Because I know you hate it
When the time is never right

I'm luring in the guilt
Perfection torments me
To see them all through your eyes from above
Soaked in all the sweat and all the blood
Doomed within without
Soaked in the sweat and all the blood
Doomed within

It is just something to shake your fragile little tree
I'm ripping all your fruit away
That you grip so tightly
So no one can taste it
Because I know you hate it
When the time is never right

This lasting impression when I close my eyes
Is haunting me and wishing me well
This lasting impression when I close my eyes
Is haunting me and wishing me well
It’s haunting me

It is just something to shake your fragile little tree
I’m ripping all your fruit away
That you grip so tightly
So no one can taste it
Because I know you hate it
When the time is never right
When the time is never
When the time is never right

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American Head Charge – Writhe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Writhe – American Head Charge

You're a parasitic thief
A demon's diamond facet
I'm driven straight into the reef
Your malevolence in passing

Must I dance to the price on my head
As you seek out to prey on the weak

They all know
They all know
They all know

Sleep tight now
Knowing that your life has ended

Must I dance to the price on my head
As you seek out to prey on the weak

You're just another notch on the barrel of my gun I keep pointing at my head
Another writhe, that much closer to the me
You're just another notch on the barrel of my gun I keep pointing at my head
Another writhe, that much closer to the end

They go
They go

They all know
They all know

You're just another notch on the barrel of my gun I keep pointing at my head
Another writhe, that much closer to the me
You're just another fucking notch on the barrel of my gun I keep pointing at my head
Another writhe, that much closer to the end

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American Heartbreak – Augustana Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
American Heartbreak – Augustana

Well I've been down to the valley
Yes, I've looked up to the sky
And I've been lost in the heartland
I've been down the wind high

Across the Ohio River, chased the trains to Santa Fe
Seen the fields of Virginia across the great northern plains
But I wish there was a southbound highway headed straight for LA
Oh the miles keep tearing me away
And my love for you will never ever change
I heard another American heartbreak

Well I've met all kinds of people
From the northeast to the west
Man I've looked for some kind of meaning
That I've tried hard to forget

Across the Ohio River, took the train to Santa Fe
Seen the fields of Virginia across Chesapeake Bay
Man I wish there was a southbound highway headed straight for LA
Oh the miles keep tearing me away
And my love for you will never ever change
I heard another American heartbreak

Across the Ohio River, seen the trains in Santa Fe
Seen the fields of Virginia across the great northern plains
But I wish there was a southbound highway headed straight for LA
Oh the miles keep tearing me away
And my love for you will never ever change
I heard another American heartbreak

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American Hi-Fi – A Bigger Mood Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A Bigger Mood – American Hi-Fi

i need a bigger mood
to block out the sun
i don't wanna see what i've become
and you could fight your way
give back what you really want
it's nothing special anyway

yeah you're always in my way
i'm falling faster everyday
yeah you're always in my way
i gotta spit you out
you bring me down
everthing just crashes to the ground
cause you were always in my way

i can feel a brake
a bruise from another day
it's hard to say just what i feel
it all seems broken now
when i'm stuck on the in between
staring at something out of reach

[repeat chorus]


yeah you're always in my way
yeah you're always in my way
you bring me down
everthing just crashes to the ground
cause you were always in my way
cause you were always in my way
cause you were always in my way

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American Hi-Fi – A Taste For Crime Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
A Taste For Crime – American Hi-Fi

As the tides hit the road
I can never gate the burning snow,
On a Phanhm wave
we glide until we melt and flow
frozen you have chosen to be here...

So as the misery takes fold
shallow, drink it down..
Doesn't seem to hurt as much
til you hit the ground,
follow me we'll hide behind the sun...

The sky is breaking through
the universe will fight to shine
beneath the dying moon
we learn we own a taste for crime
broken we have spoken come on blue....


But nobody seems to know, its simple enough
with the way of pitch black hours
his confidence, silence and sound
his confidence, silence and..sound


Follow me we'll hide behind the sun
follow me we'll hide....

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American Hi-Fi – Acetate Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Acetate – American Hi-Fi

I remember how you radiate
Chemicals react on acetate
The camera never lies and stole my fate
Now I can't find my way

A lullaby
Race the tide killed his history
We deconstruct the simple lies
And don't know what it means
Signals crossed, meanings lost
Imaginations run
It's black on white, or white on black
We get the damage done

I remember how you radiate
Chemicals react on acetate
The camera never lies and stole my fate
Now I can't find my way
Now I can't find my way

Paper cuts
And darling birds
Debutants debut
We cannot clean, the soft machine
I always thought you knew
If you believe, the worst of me
I'll do the same for you
I'll crush your dreams, if you crush my dreams
It's the least I can do

I remember how you radiate
Chemicals react on acetate
The camera never lies and stole my fate
Now I can't find my way
Now I can't find my way

I won't surrender, but I'll keep on falling
Star crossed we got your alibis
Lay your weapons down and keep on dreaming
Sure shots come with fireflies

I remember how you radiate
Chemicals react on acetate
The camera never lies and stole my fate
I remember how you radiate
Chemicals react on acetate
The camera never lies and stole my fate
Now I can't find my way
Now I can't find my way
Now I can't find my way
Now I can't find my way

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American Hi-Fi – Allison Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Allison – American Hi-Fi

It's a bitter wind that blows
All these souls for sale
Shadows fall, the river froze
Too many bridges burned
I guess you lost your way
Another bloody lesson learned

There's somethin' in the way this desire radiates
Let me make my own mistakes, one by one
I've been awake for days
Another line upon my face
Now I know I watched you break

This place you call your home
Full of empty promises
Desires burned out long ago
You are an easy target
All alone with your memories
Bite back the curse of the broken hearted

There's somethin' in the way this desire radiates
Let me make my own mistakes, one by one
I've been awake for days
Another line upon my face
Now I know I watched you break

Everywhere you go, it'll follow you
Closer to the end
I know it will never change

Everywhere you go, it'll follow you (just a face in the crowd)
It'll follow you (when the lights go out)
It'll follow you (it's a long way home)
It'll follow you (and nobody knows)
There's somethin' in the way this desire radiates
Let me make my own mistakes, one by one
I've been awake for days
Another line upon my face
Now I know I watched you break

There's somethin' in the way this desire radiates
Let me make my own mistakes, one by one
I've been awake for days
Another line upon my face
Now I know I watched you break

There's somethin' in the way (Allison)
This desire radiates (Allison)
There's somethin' in the way (Allison)
This desire radiates

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American Hi-Fi – Amnesia Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Amnesia – American Hi-Fi

It disappeared before your eyes
I know it eats you up inside to know I'm right
Worlds collide between the bars
I'm getting further from the truth of what we are

Tell me what your waiting for
I don't wanna hear you say it's not my problem
Can't you figure out what I want?
Pull the trigger I'm a loaded gun, it's almost over, I'm not over

Erase the memory
Sleeping with the enemy

You couldn't disconnect the thrill
My conscience sang the blues while you moved in for the kill

Tell me what your waiting for
I don't wanna hear you say it's not my problem
Can't you figure out what I want?
Pull the trigger I'm a loaded gun, it's almost over, I'm not over

Time to turn around, oh
Time to turn around, oh

Tell me what your waiting for
I don't wanna hear you say it's not my problem
Can't you figure out what I want?
Pull the trigger I'm a loaded gun, it's almost over, I'm not over
It's almost over, I'm not over

Erase the memory
Sleeping with the enemy
Erase the memory
Sleeping with the enemy
Erase the memory!
Sleeping with the enemy!

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American Hi-Fi – Another Perfect Day Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Another Perfect Day – American Hi-Fi

i'm holding on waiting for your call
it's simple but i can't explain this
i'm sinking down i feel like i could die
i'm falling off i don't know why

i still believe it when you say
it's another perfect day
another perfect day
i still believe it when you say
it's another perfect day
another perfect day

so i might try to leave it all behind
i know tommorow's not so bright now
i'll say goodbye cause nothing good can last
(you wear and figured no where fast)
and today i don't know how too keep it all inside
but i guess i'll let it slide

[repeat chorus]

today i don't know why
i thought that it was real
but i guess it's no big deal

[repeat chorus]

i don't know how
i don't know how
to let it slide

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American Hi-Fi – Armageddon Days Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Armageddon Days – American Hi-Fi

Brace yourself before the wave
​Of blood and lemonade
​Of mother's milk
​The rushing blaze
​And the beds we never made

​Brace yourself
​Before the fall
​Take a shot at something real

​All we want is to be around
​When it all goes down

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don't
Armageddon days

Save yourself if you can
Exhausted in your faith
There is no us
There never was
Just fear that medicates

Save your tears
Cause no one cares
The world is in your head

All we want is to find a way
When tomorrow breaks

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don't

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don't
Armageddon days

I don't owe you another life
I don't care I'm not on your side
I don't owe you another life
I don't care I'm not on your side

Hold onto the sky
Hold onto the night
I can't change the things I've done

Hold onto the flame
Hold onto the fire
And tonight it's all I've got

Tonight it's all I've got

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don't

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don't
Armageddon days

I don't owe you another life (what do you want?)
I don't care I'm not on your side (what do you want?)
I don't owe you another life (what do you want?)
I don't care I'm not on your side

Brace yourself before the wave
Of blood and lemonade

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American Hi-Fi – Armageddon Days Testo della canzone

Brace yourself before the wave
​Of blood and lemonade
​Of mother’s milk
​The rushing blaze
​And the beds we never made

​Brace yourself
​Before the fall
​Take a shot at something real

​All we want is to be around
​When it all goes down

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Armageddon days

Save yourself if you can
Exhausted in your faith
There is no us
There never was
Just fear that medicates

Save your tears
Cause no one cares
The world is in your head

All we want is to find a way
When tomorrow breaks

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Armageddon days

I don’t owe you another life
I don’t care I’m not on your side
I don’t owe you another life
I don’t care I’m not on your side

Hold onto the sky
Hold onto the night
I can’t change the things I’ve done

Hold onto the flame
Hold onto the fire
And tonight it’s all I’ve got

Tonight it’s all I’ve got

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Armageddon days

I don’t owe you another life (what do you want?)
I don’t care I’m not on your side (what do you want?)
I don’t owe you another life (what do you want?)
I don’t care I’m not on your side

Brace yourself before the wave
Of blood and lemonade


American Hi-Fi – Armageddon Days Testo della canzone

Brace yourself before the wave
​Of blood and lemonade
​Of mother’s milk
​The rushing blaze
​And the beds we never made

​Brace yourself
​Before the fall
​Take a shot at something real

​All we want is to be around
​When it all goes down

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Armageddon days

Save yourself if you can
Exhausted in your faith
There is no us
There never was
Just fear that medicates

Save your tears
Cause no one cares
The world is in your head

All we want is to find a way
When tomorrow breaks

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Armageddon days

I don’t owe you another life
I don’t care I’m not on your side
I don’t owe you another life
I don’t care I’m not on your side

Hold onto the sky
Hold onto the night
I can’t change the things I’ve done

Hold onto the flame
Hold onto the fire
And tonight it’s all I’ve got

Tonight it’s all I’ve got

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t

Are we all alone
The lines we cross but nobody knows
Just a prison of skin and bones
Damned if you do damned if you don’t
Armageddon days

I don’t owe you another life (what do you want?)
I don’t care I’m not on your side (what do you want?)
I don’t owe you another life (what do you want?)
I don’t care I’m not on your side

Brace yourself before the wave
Of blood and lemonade


American Hi-Fi – Baby Come Home Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Baby Come Home – American Hi-Fi

I understand your point of view
So what do I say
I've been so underwhelmed before
You've got a lot to prove
Somewhere lines get crossed it's true
It's the nature of things
The longer we can see it through
The more we make believe
Baby likes a blue sky
I don't mind if it's gonna rain on me sometime
Maybe got her mind made up for sure
Baby won't you come back home?

All the people that we love
Disappoint us the most
Makeshift friends and low demands
We're running outta time

My late night call
One way to fall
I miss you still

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American Hi-Fi – Beautiful Disaster Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Beautiful Disaster – American Hi-Fi

I’ll make you a 5 star enemy
I’ve taken a fall would you like to see
Choke it down what a sound run away from me
Keep on laughing girl do you see me

Break it down now
What chu want anyway
Right about now
What chu want anyway
I’ll fuck it up again
What chu want anyway
We keep falling in love
What a beautiful disaster

Connect my skull to the socket burn baby burning like a rocket
Cant sell no tell would you buy it
Thick skin now don’t you wanna try it

Break it down now
What chu want anyway
Right about now
What chu want anyway
I’ll fuck it up again
What chu want anyway
We keep falling in love
What a beautiful disaster

What a beautiful disaster [x3]

Connect my skull to the socket burn baby burning like a rocket
Choke it down what a sound run away from me
Keep on laughing girl do you see me

Break it down now [x2]

Break it down now
What chu want anyway
Right about now
What chu want anyway
I’ll fuck it up again
What chu want anyway
We keep falling in love
We keep falling in love

Break it down now
What chu want anyway
Right about now
What chu want anyway
I’ll fuck it up again
What chu want anyway
We keep falling in love
What a beautiful disaster

What a beautiful disaster [x3]

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American Hi-Fi – Black Satellite Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Black Satellite – American Hi-Fi

Quick silver at lacks
Don't have to ask
Black satellite

And I'm ok but every time you call
I can't hear a sound
So I'll try to stay but when I feel a wave
I'm already gone

Quick silver at lacks
Don't have to ask
Black satellite
Just when I'm starting to crash
Fast forward back
Black Satellite

To where I stand but everything's the same
Now watch me walk away
Something's wrong
Nothing like before
And I'm already gone

I feel the same
I can't explain
No more to say
I can't explain
Back to nowhere

Quick silver at lacks
Don't have to ask
Black satellite
Just when I'm starting to crash
Reach you at last
Black Satellite

I think I'm starting to crash at last
I think I'm starting to crash

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American Hi-Fi – Blue Day Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Blue Day – American Hi-Fi

i wanna get out when everything's alright
can't you see i'm a wreck gonna crash and burn
i wanna get out i've done my time
if you fuck with me i might blow your mind yeah

i'm not qualified to answer anyone
if the world can wait then why can't i
you're not justified in what you do or say
empty heads in a line yeah you're on your way

i'm not asking for much just get outta my way
i'm in the eye of the storm beautiful blue day

[repeat 1st verse]

[repeat chorus 2x]

blue day [3x]

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American Hi-Fi – Built For Speed Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Built For Speed – American Hi-Fi

She’s on fire like a rocket spinning out of control
Try to stop her but you just don’tknow
How to keep it inside
Can you keep on turning out
I’ll wait for my turn
Same old story coz you never learn
Gotta make it in time

She don’t know what she does to me
The girl got soul and rhythm in between
I crash and burn like every other time
She’s my little rock n roll queen
I got a girl like that
My baby’s built for speed

Shoot to kill built to spill
Got a mind take your pills
But your never gonna get to what thrills
All of us inside
Can you put the pedal to the metal this time
You gotta want it like I want it alright
We gotta start tonight

She don’t know what she does to me
The girl got soul and rhythm in between
I crash and burn like every other time
She’s my little rock n roll queen
I got a girl like that
My baby’s built for speed

She’s on fire like a rocket spinning out of control
Try to stop her but you just don’tknow
How to keep it inside

She don’t know what she does to me
The girl got soul and rhythm in between
I crash and burn like every other time
She’s my little rock n roll queen
I got a girl like that
My baby’s built for speed

I got a girl like that
My baby’s built for speed

Yeah my baby’s built for speed [x2]

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American Hi-Fi – Bullet Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bullet – American Hi-Fi

Face to face but the feeling's gone
Blinking, the battle lines are drawn
This is the shape of things to come
Stand in the shadow of the sun

Are you happy now?

Nothing is simple anymore
Fighting a war, don't know what for
This is the sound of the damage done
Stand in the shadow of the sun
Are you happy now?

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I'm calling you out this is a low
How far we fall.

Bury the past inside my head
Now that the rest of me is dead
This is the shape of things to come
Stand in the shadow of the sun
Are you happy now?

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I'm calling you out this is a low
How far we fall.

I'll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall
I'll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall
I'll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I'm calling you out this is a low
How far we fall

I'll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per American Hi-Fi in costante aggiornamento

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American Hi-Fi – Bullet Testo della canzone

Face to face but the feeling’s gone
Blinking, the battle lines are drawn
This is the shape of things to come
Stand in the shadow of the sun

Are you happy now?

Nothing is simple anymore
Fighting a war, don’t know what for
This is the sound of the damage done
Stand in the shadow of the sun
Are you happy now?

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I’m calling you out this is a low
How far we fall.

Bury the past inside my head
Now that the rest of me is dead
This is the shape of things to come
Stand in the shadow of the sun
Are you happy now?

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I’m calling you out this is a low
How far we fall.

I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall
I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall
I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I’m calling you out this is a low
How far we fall

I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall


American Hi-Fi – Bullet Testo della canzone

Face to face but the feeling’s gone
Blinking, the battle lines are drawn
This is the shape of things to come
Stand in the shadow of the sun

Are you happy now?

Nothing is simple anymore
Fighting a war, don’t know what for
This is the sound of the damage done
Stand in the shadow of the sun
Are you happy now?

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I’m calling you out this is a low
How far we fall.

Bury the past inside my head
Now that the rest of me is dead
This is the shape of things to come
Stand in the shadow of the sun
Are you happy now?

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I’m calling you out this is a low
How far we fall.

I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall
I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall
I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall

We carry the weight of a million stars.
With every revolution a little something dies
I lost my faith when you let it go
I’m calling you out this is a low
How far we fall

I’ll put on your pretty noose
This is a low tell me where do we fall


American Hi-Fi – Carry The Sorrow Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Carry The Sorrow – American Hi-Fi

This time I'm on to you
You should know this time it's personal
I'm not immune to your disease and you found, a thousand ways to make me bleed
And so I start again, and think of me however you like
You brought me to my knees, it's alright
I need a reason to believe

Until then I'll carry the sorrow
We've been living here on borrowed time never knowing if it's our last mistake
Draw the battle lines and wait 'til you break
You'll always be a part of me

If I can't find a way
If I can't change the locks in your heart
There's nothing more to say it's all gone
I need a reason to believe

Until then I'll carry the sorrow
And I'll make it a part of myself
We've been living here on borrowed time never knowing if it's our last mistake
Draw the battle lines and wait 'til you break
You'll always be a part of me

There was a way you could've changed my mind
That was yesterday and yesterday's gone
Where does love go when it's all gone wrong?
You'll always be a part of me

What you say and what you do
I don't believe
Cut me open watch me bleed
What you say and what you do
I don't believe
Caught you lying through your teeth

This time I'm on to you
You should know this time it's personal

We've been living here on borrowed time never knowing if it's our last mistake
Draw the battle lines and wait 'til you break
You'll always be a part of me

There was a way you could've changed my mind
That was yesterday and yesterday's gone
Where does love go when it's all gone wrong?
You'll always be a part of me

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American Hi-Fi – Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home) Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home) – American Hi-Fi

This Christmas, baby please come home

The snow's coming down
I'm watching it fall
Lots of people around
Baby please come home
The church bells in town
All ringing in song
Full of happy sounds
Baby please come home

They're singing "Deck The Halls"
But it's not like Christmas at all
I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year

Pretty lights on the tree
I'm watching them shine
You should be here with me
Baby please come home

They're singing "Deck The Halls"
But it's not like Christmas at all
I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year

If there was a way
I'd hold back these tears
But it's Christmas day
Oh comin' home
Oh babe
You know I need you
Oh comin' home

I gotta have you
You know I need you
(Love, love, love, love)

I gotta have you
I said nanananana...
It's Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas... yeah

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per American Hi-Fi in costante aggiornamento

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American Hi-Fi – Coma Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Coma – American Hi-Fi

I'll finish the master you started
Just likely a vow brokenhearted
My heart got a nervous kind of feeling
Black, white, but my heart still beating

I'm living a morning ever after
Keep begging an anything's better
Time's ticking and ticking like a time bomb
You're already gone but I want it more

Operator tell me is gonna end
Hey ho!
How the hell you've been?
You got me in a coma, but I'm alright about it

I'm living the life that you started
Just likely a vow brokenhearted
You think I'm sleeping at the dream
It's all about to get real
So shut up and don't you ride crashing
It's all about anything can happen now

Operator tell me is gonna end
Hey ho!
How the hell you've been?
You got me in a coma, but I'm alright about it

A bow straight to my heart
A bow straight to my heart
A bow straight to my heart

The lights go out on you
There's everything to lose
The lights go out on you
There's everything to lose
The lights go out on you!
There's everything to lose!
The lights go out on you

Operator tell me is gonna end
Hey ho!
How the hell you've been?
You got me in a coma

Operator tell me is gonna end
Hey ho!
How the hell you've been?
You got me in a coma, but I'm alright about it

I'll finish the master you started

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American Hi-Fi – Dead On The Inside Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Dead On The Inside – American Hi-Fi

One more night slides
Another slow drift
Dream this dream the city blinking
Holding on to keep from sinking
From my window
Watch the light glow
Strangers meets on highways
Lonely souls are hold inside him

What ever you do
It's come back to you
I'm on a lose and seek again
I'm crushing a cloud
I lost and I found
I feel so dead on the inside

Dead on the inside

One more free fall
Another last call
Talk is cheap
So keep on listening
Stick around
It's just beginning


I guess you couldn't see
What happen to me
I've got my done in every way
Falling away
What ever you say
I feel so dead on the inside
Dead on the inside

What you say
What you do
I just don't believe
Look on the soul and make her leave


I guess you couldn't see
What happen to me
I've got my done in every way
Falling away
What ever you say
I feel so dead on the inside
Dead on the inside

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per American Hi-Fi in costante aggiornamento

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American Hi-Fi – Don’t Wait For The Sun Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Don't Wait For The Sun – American Hi-Fi

i don't need to know why
cause tommorow i'll be fine
i should learn to be still
if i close my eye i'll realize what you meant

don't wait for the sun
it could turn black any day
i lost my hat in the clouds
when will the haze go away
i never wanted this

now it's all i've got
someone else is keeping time
i think i'm falling apart
if you were me would you do it like i do

[repeat chorus 2x]

so don't wait for the sun
don't wait for the sun
don't wait for the sun
it could turn black any day
you're all that i wanted

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American Hi-Fi – Fight The Frequency Testo della canzone

Pirate satellite transmission
A truth is power if you listen (so listen)
With radiation low
This ghost becomes my skin and bones
Our future lies in sound and visions, collision

This is our time to shine
I feel us breaking free.
Start static on a chain reaction
We can’t fight the frequency.
This is a new day rising
I feel it coming on
Detonate, detonate the signal
Transmission turn me on.

Silence, silver constellations
Feel the night above the nations, we’re waiting
Surrender to the sky
A flick of flame before we die
Future fire never burn out, don’t burn out.

This is our time to shine
I feel us breaking free.
Start static on a chain reaction
We can’t fight the frequency.
This is a new day rising
I feel it coming on
Detonate, detonate the signal
Transmission turn me on.

Hold on to, this sunrise
We all want, a better life

This is our time to shine
I feel it breaking free


American Hi-Fi – Fight The Frequency Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Fight The Frequency – American Hi-Fi

Pirate satellite transmission
A truth is power if you listen (so listen)
With radiation low
This ghost becomes my skin and bones
Our future lies in sound and visions, collision

This is our time to shine
I feel us breaking free.
Start static on a chain reaction
We can't fight the frequency.
This is a new day rising
I feel it coming on
Detonate, detonate the signal
Transmission turn me on.

Silence, silver constellations
Feel the night above the nations, we're waiting
Surrender to the sky
A flick of flame before we die
Future fire never burn out, don't burn out.

This is our time to shine
I feel us breaking free.
Start static on a chain reaction
We can't fight the frequency.
This is a new day rising
I feel it coming on
Detonate, detonate the signal
Transmission turn me on.

Hold on to, this sunrise
We all want, a better life

This is our time to shine
I feel it breaking free

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per American Hi-Fi in costante aggiornamento

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American Hi-Fi – Flavor Of The Weak Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Flavor Of The Weak – American Hi-Fi

She paints her nails and she don't know
He's got her best friend on the phone
She'll wash her hair
His dirty clothes are all he gives to her
And he's got posters on the wall
Of all the girls he wished she was
And he means everything to her

Her boyfriend, he don't know
Anything about her
He's too stoned, Nintendo
I wish that I could make her see
She's just the flavor of the weak

It's Friday night and she's all alone
He's a million a miles away
She's dressed to kill
The TV's on
He's connected to the sound
And he's got pictures on the wall
Of all the girls he's loved before
And she knows all his favorite songs

[Repeat chorus]


Her boyfriend, he don't know
Anything about her
He's too stoned, he's too stoned
He's too stoned, he's too stoned

[Repeat chorus]

Yeah she's the flavor of the weak
She makes me weak

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per American Hi-Fi in costante aggiornamento

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American Hi-Fi – Frat Clump Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Frat Clump – American Hi-Fi

Thats great you look kinda faster,
Kissy Kiss wait for the mister,

How long til I'll be Suffocating?
How long til I'll be....

Don't lie, Wait for the first shot
Midnight the vampire the eyes wide,
digging out for a new kind of low,
staring down on the creatures below...

How long til I'll be Suffocating?
How long til I'll be Suffocating?
How long til I'll be....

Gotta know
Gotta know
Gotta know
Gotta know...


Ecco una serie di risorse utili per American Hi-Fi in costante aggiornamento

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American Hi-Fi – Golden State Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Golden State – American Hi-Fi

I got lost in the delirium
I couldn't read all the chemical signs
You paint a picture of deception
You played the part of the blushing bride
It's just anther sad story
I see your face in a different light

Who are you?
Can you settle it either or
I go back and for?
Who are you?
What am I fighting for?
I just gotta know

Tomorrow is a lonely place
And this is not my crime
Believe in the Golden State
'Cause I'll never change your mind
I don't wanna lie you anymore
I don't wanna feel the way I did before

Bitter words break the silence
Promises get erased in time
A new day on the horizon
It's getting hard to read between the lines

I could never sell you out now
You already feel so justified

Who are you?
Can you settle it either or
I go back and for?
Who are you?
What am I fighting for?
I just gotta know

Tomorrow is a lonely place
And this is not my crime
Believe in the Golden State
'Cause I'll never change your mind
I don't wanna lie you anymore
I don't wanna feel the way I did before

Who are you?
Can you settle it either or
I go back and for?
Who are you?
What am I fighting for?
I just gotta know
I just gotta know

Tomorrow is a lonely place
And this is not my crime
Believe in the Golden State
'Cause I'll never change your mind
I don't wanna lie you anymore
I don't wanna feel the way I did before
I don't wanna feel the way I did before

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American Hi-Fi – Happy Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Happy – American Hi-Fi

I see you in a daydream
Turn it on now make a big scene
You kiss you kiss when you want something
Fake a smile now
You got it all

And that oughta get you nowhere
What you say to me
I know how to stay outta focus

Keep your head down till the bitter end
Make believe that you my best friend
You trade passion for fashion
Nothings cool like when we were cool

And that oughta get you nowhere
What you say to me
I know how to stay outta focus

You fall through to cracks of the city street
You can’t see straight
You can’t see straight

I see you in a daydream
Turn it on now make a big scene
It makes you happy
It makes you happy
It makes you happy
It makes you happy

And that oughta get you nowhere
What you say to me
I know how to stay outta focus

And that oughta get you nowhere
What you say to me
You fall through to cracks of the city street
You can’t see straight
You can’t see straight
You can’t see straight

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American Hi-Fi – Hearts On Parade Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Hearts On Parade – American Hi-Fi

I don't understand
How we drift so far away
I keep on holding on
But your hands are feeling so numb
Nobody told me that there would be days like these
I'm falling baby can't you see
And you're in no hurry to keep me from coming undone
Take a look at what we've become
Where do we go from here?
I don't wanna disappear
Our hearts are on parade
So you can watch them fade

I don't understand how the worst of times
Get stuck in your mind
I'd like to take away
All the stupid things that we say

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