Basin street blues – Nicola Arigliano


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2000 The Italian crooner to the Americans

Testo Della Canzone

Basin street blues – Nicola Arigliano di Nicola Arigliano

(Din dan don tan scio-chi-pi-ti-tàn ghin-tu
Vai, one, two, toh)
(Yeah, go man! )

Basin Street… is the street
Where the elite… always meet
In New Orleans… land of dreams
You’ll never know how nice it seems
Or just how much it really means.
Glad to be, yes-siree,
Where welcomes free, dear to me,
Where I can lose… my Basin Street Blues.
Po-po-po-pò po-pò po-pò… po-pò
(Go man, yeh)
(More… Dario Lapenna, go man, blues… yeah)

Basin Street… is the street
Where the elite… always meet
In New Orleans… land of dreams
You’ll never know how nice it seems
Or just how much it really means.

Glad to be, yes-siree,
Where welcomes free, dear to me,
Where I can lose my Basin Street Blues.
Po-po-po-pò po-pò po-pò… po-ahaaaa
(Blues!… very very very
Grazie, grazie, la banda, la banda).

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