But Not Tonight – Depeche Mode Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
But Not Tonight – Depeche Mode

Oh God it's raining
But I'm not complaining
It's filling me up with new life
The stars in the sky
Bring tears to my eyes
They're lighting my way tonight

And I haven't felt so alive
In years

Just for a day
On a day like today
I'll get away from this constant debauchery
The wind in my hair
Makes me so aware
How good it is to live tonight

And I haven't felt so alive
In years

The moon
Is shining in the sky
Reminding me
Of so many other nights
But they're not like tonight

Oh God it's raining
And I'm not containing
My pleasure at being so wet
Here on my own
All on my own
How good it feels to be alone tonight

And I haven't felt so alive
In years

The moon
Is shining in the sky
Reminding me
Of so many other nights
When my eyes had been so red
I'd been mistaken for dead
But not tonight

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Depeche Mode in costante aggiornamento

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