Continental drift


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1989 Steel wheels
1991 Flashpoint

Testo Della Canzone

Continental drift di Rolling Stones

Love comes at the speed of light
Love comes at the speed of light
Love comes in a strange disguise
Love comes

Open the door and let the light pour over
Open the door don’t you keep me out
Open the door and let the light pour over
Hear me shout
Open the door and let the light pour over
Open the door don’t you keep me out
Open the door and let the light pour over

Love comes at the speed of light
Love comes
It’s a pure as silver
It’s as pure as gold
It’s a rushing river
Let it run all over me
It’s as pure as silver
It’s as pure as gold
Let it run all over me
Love comes
Love comes at the speed of light
Love comes at the speed of light

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