Cowboy’s Delight – John Denver Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Cowboy's Delight – John Denver

Sing songs of the sunrise into the night, the stars as your timepiece, make it all right.
Make friends with the darkness, talk to the moon. When the light lifts, you can let out a tune.

I've been to the mountains, climbed through the sky.
Shouldered their whiteness, watched their gold fly.
Shared in their treasures, shook at their might. Spoke softly of wonders, cowboy's delight.

Sing songs of the sunrise into the night, A song of the mountain, cowboy's delight.
The stars as your timepiece will make it all right, Sing songs of the mountains, cowboy's delight.

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per John Denver in costante aggiornamento

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