Dirt – Depeche Mode Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Dirt – Depeche Mode

Ooh, I've been dirt
And I don't care
Ooh, I've been dirt
And I don't care

'Cause I'm burning inside
'Cause I'm burning inside
I'm the fire of life
Yeah alright

Ooh, I've been hurt
And I don't care
Ooh, I've been hurt
And I don't care

'Cause I'm burning inside
'Cause I'm burning inside

And do you feel it
Said do you feel it when you touch me
I said do you feel it when you touch me

I'm a fire
Well there's a fire
Yeah, alright

It's just a burning inside
It's just a burning inside
Said do you feel it
Said do you feel it when you cut me
Said do you feel it when you cut me

There's a fire
There's a fire
A fire

It was just a dreaming

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