Divine Wind – Blue Oyster Cult Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Divine Wind – Blue Oyster Cult

Blood of bat, tail of newt
Wing of metal, bone of steel
Vial of health, flask of pain
Staff of life or poison rain

If he really thinks we're the devil
Then let's send him to hell

Fast food, fast cars
Fast women, movie stars
Time of trouble, time of trial
Turn to Memphis, pray awhile

If he really thinks we're the devil
Then let's send him to hell

Anxious mothers, bums in the street
Jackals in waistcoats, men in sheets
Purple mountains, waves of grain
Grace of God, thy will be done

If he really thinks we're the devil
Then let's send him to hell

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Blue Oyster Cult in costante aggiornamento

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