Dream Of Mickey Mantle – Bleachers Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Dream Of Mickey Mantle – Bleachers

All the hope I had when I was young
I hope I wasn't wrong
I miss those days so I sing a don't take the money song
That's why I'm up in my room tonight whistling wind out my teeth
'Cause somebody didn't fix them nice
Some things just don't turn out right

Kim's video closed and a war goes on and on
All the hope I had when I was young I hope I wasn't wrong
That's why I'm out in the street tonight whistling wind out my teeth
'Cause somebody didn't fix them nice
You know some things just don't turn out right

Rolling thunder
Had cursed my bedroom
Heard from your mother
She don't recognise you
Mickey Mantle
Left on a Sunday
And all the neighborhood
Rushes home to pray

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Bleachers in costante aggiornamento

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