Fill my eyes


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1970 Mona bone jakon

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Testo Della Canzone

Fill my eyes di Cat Stevens

And in the morning when you fill my eyes
I knew that day I couldn’t do,
Ahh, no wrong, I couldn’t do.

And so my mind begins to memorize
‘Cause time will never seem the same,
Ahh, no more, never again.

I’m just a coaster but my wheels won’t go,
My legs are weak my heels are low.
I’m just a coaster but my wheels won’t roll.
Can’t make no headway on this road.

There’s an empty space inside me now,
A wasteland deep beneath the snow,
So cold, nothing’ll grow.

I’m just a coaster but my wheels won’t go,
My legs are weak my heels are low.
I’m just a coaster but my wheels won’t roll.
Can’t make no headway on this road. What road?

And in the morning when you fill my eyes
I knew that day I couldn’t do,
Ahh, no wrong, I couldn’t do.

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