First Love – Chris Tomlin Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
First Love – Chris Tomlin

You are still my first love
And all I am is Yours
You are still my anchor
Forever I'm secure
You are still my first love
You're my guiding light
You're with me in the fire
And You lead me through the night

You have my heart
You've won my heart

Oh how I love You, Je-sus
You are my greatest joy
How I adore You, Je-sus
Oh, my soul rejoice

You are still my first love
And all I'm longing for
You'll always be the fortress
My shelter in the storm

You have my heart
You've won my heart

Oh how I love You, Je-sus
You are my greatest joy
How I adore You, Je-sus
Oh, my soul rejoice

Oh how I love You, Je-sus
You are my greatest joy
How I adore You, Je-sus
Oh, my soul rejoice
Oh, my soul rejoice

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