Fresh air


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2010 Ivy

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Testo Della Canzone

Fresh air di Elisa

Fresh Air Some fresh air, to breathe in

Take a chance, have a dream
a safe ground to lay down
and count on what you’ve found

You tell me what is this
is it an earthquake?
You tell me what is this
is it an earthquake?

Does everything come back to you?
Is everything cyclical?
I only meant to be true
I only meant to be true

Some fresh air, to breathe in
take a chance, have a dream
a safe ground where
I can lay down and just count on what
I’ve found

You tell me what is this
is it an earthquake?
You tell me what is this
is it an earthquake?

Does everything come back to you?
Is everything cyclical?
I only meant to be true
I only meant to be true.

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