Galaxy paradise


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Testo Della Canzone

Galaxy paradise di Stevie Wonder

You are so unpredictable
When I am not
You are so irresistible
That I can’t stop
You say my name
And start walking on heaven

What flying saucer did you come here on
What extraterrestrial planet are you from
You’re much more than life
You are from galaxy paradise
What flying saucer did you come here on
What will they say when they find that you’re gone
Say you’ll stay in my life
Queen from galaxy paradise

You are so unforgettable
When I will not
Our love’s far more than sensual
And twice as hot
You touch my hand
And I know that we’ll love forever

What flying saucer did you come here on
What extraterrestrial planet are you from
You’re much more than life
You are from galaxy paradise
What flying saucer did you come here on
What will they say when they find that you’re gone
Say you’ll stay in my life
Queen from galaxy paradise

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