Harvester Of Eyes – Blue Oyster Cult Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Harvester Of Eyes – Blue Oyster Cult

Harvester of eyes, that's me
And I see all there is to see
When I look inside your head
Right up front to the back of your skull

Well that's my sign that you are dead
And my list for you checks off as null
I'm the harvester of eyes

I'm the eyeman of TV
With my ocular TB
I need all the peepers I can find
Inside the barn where you find the hay

Well just last week I took a ride
So high on eyes, I almost lost my way
I'm the harvester of eyes

Harvester of eyes, that's me....harvester of eyes
And I see all there is to see...harvester of eyes
When I look inside your head....harvester of eyes
Right up front to the back of your skull....harvester of eyes

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Blue Oyster Cult in costante aggiornamento

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