à contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 Supposed former infatuation junkie
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Testo Della Canzone
Heart of the house di Alanis Morissette
You are the original template.
You are the original exemplary. How seen were you, actually? How revered were you (honestly) at the time? Why pleased with your low maintenance? Oh, mother, who’s your buddy? You were ‘good ‘ol’ Oh, mother, who’s your sister? We left the men and we went for a walk in the gatineaus I got it from you, I got it from you. Do you see yourself in my gypsy garage sale ways?
Il testo contenuto in questa pagina Ú di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti Ú un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.