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Testo Della Canzone
Help is round the corner di Coldplay
Stuck here, in the middle of nowhere,
With a head ache, and a heavy heart, Well nothing was going quite right here, And I’m tired, I can’t play no part. Oh come on, come on, Oh what a state I’m in, Oh come on, come on, Why won’t it just stay here? Help is just around the corner, for us. Oh my head won’t stop aching, And I’m sat here, licking my wounds, I’m shattered, But it really doesn’t matter, ‘Cause my rescue is going to be here soon. Oh come on, come on What a state, I’m in, Oh come on, come on, Why won’t it just sink in? Help is just around the corner, for us, Help is just around the corner, for us, Help is just around the corner, for us
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