How does it feel


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2004 Under my skin

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Testo Della Canzone

How does it feel di Avril Lavigne

I’m not afraid of anything
I just need to know that I can breath
And I don’t need much of anything
But suddenly suddenly

I am small and the world is big
All around me is fast moving
Surrounded by so many things
Suddenly suddenly

How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel

I am young
And I am free
But I get tired and I get weak
I get lost and I can’t sleep
But suddenly suddenly

How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel

Would you comfort me
Would you cry with me

I am small
And the world is big
But I’m not afraid of anything

How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel

How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel

Oh oh oh
How does it feel
How does it feel
You’re different from me
How does it feel
How does it feel
You’re different from me

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina Ú di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti Ú un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


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