Hungry daze


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1984 Perfect strangers

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Testo Della Canzone

Hungry daze di Deep Purple

In a dark and sweaty room in ’69 tables turning
Dancing girls, silly girls, all kinds of girls and it was loud
Tuning up to madness in the back room candles burning
Present the Stinking Hippy and throw the naked thunder to the crowd
In the Hungry Daze

The long and lonely highway drags along it’s going nowhere
Sickness and disease and mad corruption something’s going wrong
The mountain’s getting cold and lonely the trees are bare
We all came out to Montreux but that’s another song
You’ve heard it all before
In hungry daze

Along the Mountain Road to do some drinking
and now we’re mobile again
Different girls, laughing girls, forever girls and it’s so loud
The crew have lost again they are beaten men
The winning team united living for the crowd
These are the hungry daze

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