I Can’t Help Myself – Eddie Rabbitt Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Can't Help Myself – Eddie Rabbitt

Thought I was over you thought I could start anew
I got a new job, new friends on the other side of town
But here you are again just like a long lost friend
And when I touched your hand it started all over again

I can't help myself here comes that feeling
Just like a raging river rushing over me
No I can't help myself here I go falling
Head over heels falling for you again

Why does this heart of mine go crazy every time
When I know down deep inside you don't love me
But when you're standing there, wind blowing thru your hair
Well I'm starting to make the same old mistake again

I can't help myself here comes that feeling
Just like a raging river rushing over me
No I can't help myself here I go falling
Head over heels falling for you again
Head over heels falling for you again

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Eddie Rabbitt in costante aggiornamento

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