I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today – Neil Diamond Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Think It's Gonna Rain Today – Neil Diamond

Broken windows
In empty hallways
A pale dead moon
In a sky streaked with gray
Human kindness is overflowing
And I think it's gonna rain today

Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles
With frozen smiles to chase love away
Human kindness is overflowing
And I think it's gonna to rain today

Lonely, lonely

Tin can at my feet
Kick it down the street
And that's the way to treat a friend

Right before me
The signs implore me
Help the needy
And show them the way
Human kindness, is overflowing
And I think it's gonna to rain today

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Neil Diamond in costante aggiornamento

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