I was the child


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1970 Cucumber castle

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Testo Della Canzone

I was the child di Bee Gees

When I was young
we walked to school
and I carried your books
‘cause even then I was a fool.

But you grew up
and said goodbye.
I still remember the things
that made me cry.

For all too soon
my story ends.
I found a love,
now not even friends.

Why, loving you,
loving me,
like you used to do.
I was the child.

I held your hand
and I told you things.
And I made you believe,
believe in fairy tales
and diamond rings.

Then all too soon
my story ends.
I found a love,
now not even friends.

Tell me why,
loving you,
loving me
like you used to do.
I was the child.

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