In the rapids


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1974 The lamb lies down on Broadway
1998 Genesis archive: 1967-1975 (live/collection-disco 2)

Testo Della Canzone

In the rapids di Genesis

Moving down the water
John is drifting out of sight,
It’s only at the turning point
That you find out how to fight.

In the cold, feel the cold
all around
And the rush of crashing water
Surround me with its sound.

Striking out to reach you,
I can’t get through to the other side.
When you’re racing in the rapids
There’s only one way, that’s to ride.

Taken down, taken down
by the undertow
And I’m spiralled down the river bed,
My fire is burning low.

Catching hold of a rock that’s firm,
I’m waiting for John to be carried past.
We hold together and shoot the rapids fast.

And when the waters slow down
The dark and the deep
have no-one left to keep.
Hang on John! We’re out of this at last.
Something’s changed, that’s not your face.
It’s mine!

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