

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1994 Woodstock
1999 Live at Woodstock

Testo Della Canzone

Introduction di Jimi Hendrix

“Lady’s and gentlemen, the jimi hendrix experience.”

“I see that we meet again hmmm. yeah well, well, well. dig
Dig, I’d like to get something strait, we ummm we got tired
Of the experience, and every once in a while we’re blowing
Our minds too much, so we decided to change everything around
And a call it ‘gypsy sons and rianbows’ for short nothin’ but
A band of gypsies. we have billy cox playin’ bass, and um from
Nashville tennessee we have lary lee playin’ guitar over there
We got juma playin’ congos over there, juma, and we have granny
Goose, oh I’m sorry mitch mitchell on drums over there, and we
Got jerry velez on congos too. you got yours truly on pete whistle
What me worry? gives us about a minute and a half to tune up ok
Like we only had about two rehearsals so a we’ll only do a primary
Rhythm thing. (someone in the background) I have mine thank you
I have mine thank you, baby.”

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