Jungletime – Neil Diamond Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Jungletime – Neil Diamond

Jungle time,
Time for the fight and it's time for the fury
Jungle time
Settin' it right and then takin' the glory
Jungle time, rumble time
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby

Strut your stuff
Lay it all out
Like you don't care who knows it
Strut your stuff,
You keep your cool
While the other guy blows it
Strut your stuff, hangin' tough
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Jungle time, rumble time, tumble time

Hey, I'm walkin' proud
Me and the boys
Got a date with the angels
Walkin' proud
We and them boys
Ain't exactly like strangers
Walkin' proud, talkin' proud
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Jungle time, rumble time, tumble time

Hey, I'm checkin' out
This ain't my style
And it it ain't my persuasion
Checkin' out,
Guess I ain't built for this kind of occasion
Checkin' out, steppin' out
Mama, mama, mama, mama,
Mama, mama, mama, mama
Jungle time rough, tough, tumble time
Jungle time rough, tough, tumble time
Jungle time rough, tough, tumble time

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