Let me be – Gen Verde

Testo Della Canzone

Let me be – Gen Verde di Gen Verde

I lift my head and look up to the sun once more
I know, I know that I will never be
as I was before.
There’s something new within me
throbbing loud in my brain,
your pain has pierced my soul
and you’ve made it whole.

Lord, let me be
some who’ll bring your endless love.
Lord, let me be
a breath of warmth that comes from above
and be your outstretched arms
to hold all the pain of the world
embrace its loneliness and you’ll make it whole.

I feel the pain of those who cry out,
of those who suffer and need someone to care.
I see tears silently falling
of those alone as their life drains away.

Let me be some who’ll…

Let me take your pain
and all of your sorrow
let me take your pain
and your fears.

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