Lies – Rolling Stones


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1978 Some girls

Testo Della Canzone

Lies – Rolling Stones di Rolling Stones

Lies, dripping off your mouth like dirt
Lies, lies in every step you walk
Lies, whispered sweetly in my ear
Lies, how do I get out of here?
Why, why you have to be so cruel?
Lies, lies, lies I ain’t such a fool!

Lies, lies in my papa’s looks
Lies, lies in my history books
Lies, lies like they teach in class
Lies, lies, lies I catch on way too fast
Fire, fire upon your wicked tongue
Lies, lies, lies you’re trying to spoil my fun

Lies, lies you dirty jezebel
Why, why, why, why don’t you go to hell?
Why, why you think me such a fool?
Lies, lies, lies honey that’s ya rules!
Lies, lies, lies, lies, oh my lies, …

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