Made to be played

Testo Della Canzone

Made to be played di Gen Verde

This music screams a secret
hidden in its soul
The driving power of love that
no one can control

It beats like hammered steel
on my guitar
and as the burning notes
turn in my hand
I know the will go for

Music made to be played
Music made to be played
Music made to be played
and I’ll play it with my life

These notes will never break
they will only bend
they dance in dizzy rhythm
spinning without end

They will electrify my every move
and as the current flows inside me
I know love will give the groove

Music made to be played…


It beats like hammered steel
on my guitar
and as the burning notes
turn in my hand
I know the will go for

Music made to be played
Music made to be played
Music. Music.
Oh! Oh!

Burning, tuning
not breaking but bending
moving and grooving
made to be played!


Music made to be played…

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