Numbers – FKA Twigs Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Numbers – FKA Twigs

Was I just a...

Was I just a number to you?
Was I just a lonely girl to fly?
Tonight, I've got a question for you
Tonight, do you want to live or die?

Was I just a number to you?
Was I just a lonely girl to fly?
Tonight, I've got a question for you
Tonight, do you want to live or die?

Was I just a...
Was I just a...
Was I just a...
Was I just a...

Why you gotta go and hurt me, babe?
Why you gotta go and make me cry?
I just wanted to see you
And I've got to clean the mess you've made
I left your heart slow beating on the side

Was I just a number to you?
Was I just a lonely girl to fly?
Tonight, I've got a question for you
Tonight, do you want to live or die?

Was I just a.... number to you?
Was I just a.... number to you?
Was I just a.... Number?

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