One Time – FKA Twigs Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
One Time – FKA Twigs

Love you a thousand ways, a thousand times
A thousand feelings every time I see your body
Give me an end to sigh, an end is kind of me
And so I know you're always thinking of me

Love you a thousand ways, a thousand times
A thousand feelings every time I see your body
Give me an end to sigh, an end is kind of me
And so I know you're always thinking of me
Touch you a thousand ways, I'll count as days
And hope that everything we are is leading to the one time

One time
One time
One time
One time

Love you a thousand ways, a thousand times
A thousand feelings every time you're in my body
Give me an end to sigh, an end is kind of me
And so I know you're always thinking of me
Touch you a thousand ways, I'll count as days
And hope that everything we are is leading to the one time

One time
One time
One time
One time

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