Our Love – Donna Summer Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Our Love – Donna Summer

Dropping you this line to give you peace,
And to set your weary mind at ease
I know that it's rough when you're so far away
Listen to the words I have to say

Sometimes when you're gone, I don't know why
I find the simple need to sit and cry
It's not that I'm lonely or, that I'm blue
It's just that I need to be with you

Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever

When I know our love is going strong
And I have all I need to carry on
And my mind and body seem to understand
That for me you are the perfect man

Our love, our love, our love
Will last forever
Our love will last forever

Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever
Our love will last forever

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Donna Summer in costante aggiornamento

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