È contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1967 Are you experienced?
- 1967 Are you experienced? (Uk release)
- 1993 The ultimate experience
- 1994 Blues
- 1994 Woodstock
- 1999 Live at Woodstock
- 2010 Valleys of Neptune
Testo Della Canzone
Red house di Jimi Hendrix
Ah yeah!
There’s a red house over yonder, That’s where my baby stays Lord, there’s a red house over yonder Lord, there’s where my baby stays I ain’t been home to see my baby In ninty nine and one half days Wait a minute, something’s wrong here Well, I might as well go back over yonder, ************************************ There’s a Red House over yonder Now wait a minute That’s her loss, that’s my gain I’m gonna head out back yonder, I think Over the hill
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