Ring-a-ding ding


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 1

Testo Della Canzone

Ring-a-ding ding di Frank Sinatra

Life is dull, it’s nothing but one big lull,
then presto you do a skull
And find that you’re reeling,
she sighs and you’re feeling like a toy on a string
And your heart goes:
“Ring-a-ding ding, ring-a-ding ding, ring-a-ding ding”
How could that funny face that seemed to be common place
Project you right in to space.
without any warning
Don’t know if its morning, night-time, winter or spring
What’s the difference:
Ring-a-ding ding, ring-a-ding ding, ring-a-ding ding
She takes (grabs) your hand
– this captivating creature and like its planned –
you’re in the phone book looking (hunting)
for the nearest preacher
Life is swell, you’re off to that small hotel,
and somewhere a village bell
Will sound in the steeple, announcing to people,
Love’s the loveliest thing
And the bell goes:
“Ring-a-ding ding, ring-a-ding ding, ring-a-ding ding”

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