Say hello


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 19

Testo Della Canzone

Say hello di Frank Sinatra

Just say hello to a brand new world, the world outside your door,
Say hello to a singing bird, like no bird you heard before,
It’s all there, go and grab your share, life is a great big show,
So go and introduce yourself, say hello, say hello.
Say howdy do to a brand new man who’s just begun to live.
Howdy do to a brand new man with lots of love to give.
Shake my hand, watch my chest expand,
You, you wanna see me close and simply introduce yourself,
Say hello, say hello.
Let me repeat, from a front row seat, your eyes can see it all,
Yea I repeat, there’s lots of hight to beat, and as a slice a very small,
Life, I mean, can be seen seeking you, you are in charge, you know,
So introduce yourself to life, say hello, just just say hello.

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