È contenuto nei seguenti album:
Testo Della Canzone
September morn di Neil Diamond
– Gilbert Becaud
– Frank Sinatra * Andrea Bocelli – 2006 Under the desert sky Stay for just a while September morn
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F D# Cm C Gm Stay Stay for for just just a a while, while, let let me Fm me lo look ok aat t you you Been Been so so long long I I hard hard ly Gm G#m ly knew knew you you stan standing ding in in the the dark dark A#m Stay Stay with with me me a a while, while, I I ononly ly wan wanna B na talk talk to to you you We've We've been been halfhalfway way round D#m9 round the the world world totogegetherther To To find find Gm D# ourourselves selves aagain gain Sep Septemtember ber morn morn We A#m We laughed laughed ununtil til the the night night bebecame came a a Cm G#m brand brand new new dayday Two Two lovlovers ers play playing ing D#9 scenes scenes from from some some ro roman mantic tic play play SepSeptemtember ber mornmorning ing still still can can make make me me D# Fm7 feel feel that that wayway Look Look at at what what you've D# you've donedone Why Why you've you've bebecome come a a grown grown up Fm up girlgirl I I still still can can hear hear you you crying crying D# G#m from from the the corcorner ner of of your your room room Look D#m Look how how far farwewe've 've come come So So far far from from G#m where where we we used used to to bebe But But not not so so far far A# that that we've we've forforgotgottenten How How it it was was be be Gm D# A#m orefore Sep Septemtember ber morn morn We We laughed laughed ununtil til the the night night bebecame came a a brand brand new new Cm G#m dayday Two Two lolovers vers playplaying ing scenes scenes from D# A# from some some roromanmantic tic playplay Sep Septemtember ber morn morning ing still still can can make make me me feel feel that that D# G#m F# G#m7 A# C9 F wayway Sep Septemtember ber morn morn We We A#9 laughed laughed ununtil til the the night night bebecame came a a Dm A#m brand brand new new dayday Two Two lov lovers ers play playing F9 ing scenes scenes from from some some ro roman mantic tic play play C6 Sep Septemtember ber morn morning ing still still can can make make me F me feel feel that that wayway SepSeptemtember ber mornmorn We We Cm9 laughed laughed ununtil til the the night night bebecame came a a A#M7 C#9 brand brand new new dayday Two Two lo lovers vers play playing F ing scenes scenes from from some some ro roman mantic tic play play Sep C7 Septemtember ber morn morning ing still still can can make make me me F Dm F A#6 feel feel that that way way Sep Septemtember ber mor nmorning D#9 ing still still can can make make me me feel feel that that way way A#m Am7 F |