The Buggy Boogie Woogie Captain Beefheart Feat The Magic Band – Testo della canzone

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The Buggy Boogie Woogie – Captain Beefheart Feat The Magic Band

Oh that buggy boogie woogie sweeps me off my feet
What this world needs is a good retreat
What this world needs is a good two dollar room 'n a good two dollar broom
What this world needs is a good two dollar room 'n a good two dollar broom
One day I was sweepin' down by the wall
I bumped a mama spider 'n the babies begin' to fall off o' my broom
Now I gotta keep on sweepin' 'n sweepin'
'Fore they fill the room
Now that buggy boogie woogie sweeps me off my feet
I gotta keep on sweepin' 'n sweepin'
Seems like I could keep on sweepin' 'n sweepin'
'N there's still too many feet
What this world needs is a good two dollar room 'n a good two dollar broom
What this world needs is a good two dollar room 'n a good two dollar broom
Seems like I could keep on sweepin' 'n sweepin'
'N there's still too many feet
Well the way I must be sweepin', must be with too many feet
Ah, 'n I'll still keep on sweeping 'n sweepin'
'N there's still too many feet

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Captain Beefheart e The Magic Band in costante aggiornamento

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