The Lovin’ Kind – B.J. Thomas Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
The Lovin' Kind – B.J. Thomas

Somewhere I heard these words one time
Love is like a clinging vine
Wrap me 'round your heart
And 'round your mind

I've never had to cling to you
'Cause I have no fear of losin' you
Our love is not a clinging vine
It's the lovin' kind

Somewhere I let read these words one time
Love is like a glass of wine
Aging made it sweeter and so fine

It's no better now than before
'Cause we've got the best and there's nothin' more
Our love is not a glass of wine
It's the lovin' kind

Let them write their fancy words
For people who have never heard or tasted
A love like yours and mine
Ours is not a clinging vine
And its certainly not a glass of wine
It's love
And our love is the lovin' kind

Our love is not a clinging vine
And its certainly not a glass of wine
It's love
And our love is the lovin' kind

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