forse era quasi novembre e proprio dietro quella curva Ho visto una cosa che potevo ricordare fino all'ultima fine i ragazzi e le ragazze erano senza parole - i miei fratelli e le mie sorelle erano sbalorditi Perché eravamo tutti in piedi per assistere al naufragio di un arcobaleno che giaceva nella foschia nessuno ci crederebbe, nessuno ci darebbe fastidio perché eravamo solo bambini in una cit
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the wreck of a rainbow – BEERCOCK
maybe it was nearly November and right behind that bend
I saw a thing I could remember until the very last end
the boys and the girls were speechless - my brothers and sisters amazed
'cause we were all standing to witness the wreck of a rainbow that lay in the haze
none would believe, - none would bother us ‘cause we were just kids in a town
and I was ready to swear on my mother
it fell from the clouds when it rained upside-down
scholars - professors from all of the land examine and analyze but can't understand
how can a rainbow now solidly fall and how can it scatter like bricks from a wall
the kids say the truth - they were there - must tell the ministers - the poets - they care
such things can happen in stories like this - get out of our poems and give it a miss
stop trying to give sense to it - we're only taking the piss
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